General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Bilbo675

    *** FREE *** Hellebore 'New Zealand' Hybrid Seed

    For anyone that fancies a crack at growing some Hellebore 'New Zealand' Hybrids I have a limited amount of fresh seed collected two days ago. I have only about 18-20 seed so if they can go as two...
    For anyone that fancies a crack at growing some Hellebore 'New Zealand' Hybrids I have a limited amount of fresh seed collected two days ago. I have only about 18-20 seed so if they can go as two lots if there's lots of interest or one if not :) I've got about 20 young plants growing on from...
    For anyone that fancies a crack at growing some Hellebore 'New Zealand' Hybrids I have a limited amount of fresh seed collected two days ago. I have only about 18-20 seed so if they can go as two lots if there's lots of interest or one if not :) ...
    For anyone that fancies a crack at growing some Hellebore 'New Zealand' Hybrids I have a limited amount of fresh seed collected two days ago. I have only about 18-20 seed so if they can go as two...
  2. pamsdish

    Autumn Seed Swap

    Thanks for that Pam....added my name with an asterisk on the thread below :)
    Thanks for that Pam....added my name with an asterisk on the thread below :)
    Thanks for that Pam....added my name with an asterisk on the thread below :)
    Thanks for that Pam....added my name with an asterisk on the thread below :)
  3. fumanchu

    London Pride?

    You could probably pull a few pieces off with lots of stem and get it to root as a cutting. So you'd have new plants to relocate then you could dig up the old one once it's finished flowering.
    You could probably pull a few pieces off with lots of stem and get it to root as a cutting. So you'd have new plants to relocate then you could dig up the old one once it's finished flowering.
    You could probably pull a few pieces off with lots of stem and get it to root as a cutting. So you'd have new plants to relocate then you could dig up the old one once it's finished flowering.
    You could probably pull a few pieces off with lots of stem and get it to root as a cutting. So you'd have new plants to relocate then you could dig up the old one once it's finished flowering.
  4. honeybunny

    growing clematis montana up a tree

    i likes your thinkin' ;)
    i likes your thinkin' ;)
    i likes your thinkin' ;)
    i likes your thinkin' ;)
  5. Fat Controller

    Nasturtiums - feed or not?

    i'm going to try a little potash with mine to see how it works. regards nijinski
    i'm going to try a little potash with mine to see how it works. regards nijinski
    i'm going to try a little potash with mine to see how it works. regards nijinski
    i'm going to try a little potash with mine to see how it works. regards nijinski
  6. Sydney Carton

    Raking woody weed stems

    You need to let them regrow first. A Contact Weedkiller, such as one that is Glyphosate based, will only work well on actively growing plant material. Spring-tine rake or a Hay rake would be my...
    You need to let them regrow first. A Contact Weedkiller, such as one that is Glyphosate based, will only work well on actively growing plant material. Spring-tine rake or a Hay rake would be my choice. I would be inclined to put them lot through a shredder, and then onto the compost heap,...
    You need to let them regrow first. A Contact Weedkiller, such as one that is Glyphosate based, will only work well on actively growing plant material. Spring-tine rake or a Hay rake would be my choice. I would be inclined to put them lot...
    You need to let them regrow first. A Contact Weedkiller, such as one that is Glyphosate based, will only work well on actively growing plant material. Spring-tine rake or a Hay rake would be my...
  7. justracing


    Slugs ate my Cleome seedlings this year, and are always hungry for the N sylvestris. The N sylvestris grow large leaves, so I pot them on into 9cm pots "young" so that I can move them apart a bit...
    Slugs ate my Cleome seedlings this year, and are always hungry for the N sylvestris. The N sylvestris grow large leaves, so I pot them on into 9cm pots "young" so that I can move them apart a bit easily, and they have enough compost to bulk up. Plus the leaves are very brittle, and I reckon...
    Slugs ate my Cleome seedlings this year, and are always hungry for the N sylvestris. The N sylvestris grow large leaves, so I pot them on into 9cm pots "young" so that I can move them apart a bit easily, and they have enough compost to bulk up. ...
    Slugs ate my Cleome seedlings this year, and are always hungry for the N sylvestris. The N sylvestris grow large leaves, so I pot them on into 9cm pots "young" so that I can move them apart a bit...
  8. Doug Harding
  9. Ellen

    Garden overhaul

    Most of this was either bare soil, or dry dead stalks that I cut down to the ground. All this has come up this spring/summer, apart from the rose and the buddleia!
    Most of this was either bare soil, or dry dead stalks that I cut down to the ground. All this has come up this spring/summer, apart from the rose and the buddleia!
    Most of this was either bare soil, or dry dead stalks that I cut down to the ground. All this has come up this spring/summer, apart from the rose and the buddleia!
    Most of this was either bare soil, or dry dead stalks that I cut down to the ground. All this has come up this spring/summer, apart from the rose and the buddleia!
  10. Pratik Buhecha

    I dont know where to start

    Welcome :) I'll keep an eye on this thread, as I'm thinking of a border overhaul as well ;)
    Welcome :) I'll keep an eye on this thread, as I'm thinking of a border overhaul as well ;)
    Welcome :) I'll keep an eye on this thread, as I'm thinking of a border overhaul as well ;)
    Welcome :) I'll keep an eye on this thread, as I'm thinking of a border overhaul as well ;)
  11. Salgor

    Please help my azaleas

    Thanks Doug.:ThankYou: Merleworld, sorry I raced outside to follow Doug's advice and took the leaves off so they are now in the rubbish bin :oopss: (not compost bin) so no photos.
    Thanks Doug.:ThankYou: Merleworld, sorry I raced outside to follow Doug's advice and took the leaves off so they are now in the rubbish bin :oopss: (not compost bin) so no photos.
    Thanks Doug.:ThankYou: Merleworld, sorry I raced outside to follow Doug's advice and took the leaves off so they are now in the rubbish bin :oopss: (not compost bin) so no photos.
    Thanks Doug.:ThankYou: Merleworld, sorry I raced outside to follow Doug's advice and took the leaves off so they are now in the rubbish bin :oopss: (not compost bin) so no photos.
  12. wiseowl

    Advice needed

    Yep you can grow literally anything you want ...... Drainage is the key
    Yep you can grow literally anything you want ...... Drainage is the key
    Yep you can grow literally anything you want ...... Drainage is the key
    Yep you can grow literally anything you want ...... Drainage is the key
  13. Kristen
    Informative x 3

    New, safer, formulation of Roundup / Glyphosate

    Thanks :) Only applies to anyone who wants to use Herbicides of course. Conspiracy theories that Monsanto "bought" the no-Hazard-symbol certification are on the airwaves ...
    Thanks :) Only applies to anyone who wants to use Herbicides of course. Conspiracy theories that Monsanto "bought" the no-Hazard-symbol certification are on the airwaves ...
    Thanks :) Only applies to anyone who wants to use Herbicides of course. Conspiracy theories that Monsanto "bought" the no-Hazard-symbol certification are on the airwaves ...
    Thanks :) Only applies to anyone who wants to use Herbicides of course. Conspiracy theories that Monsanto "bought" the no-Hazard-symbol certification are on the airwaves ...
  14. lesley1978

    2 large conifers gone, what can i plant now?

    I've got a Honeysuckle (Lonicera Halliana) which is evergreen, as is Clematis Armandii :) I would paint the concrete fence first and then attach the trellis, but that's cos I hate the look of...
    I've got a Honeysuckle (Lonicera Halliana) which is evergreen, as is Clematis Armandii :) I would paint the concrete fence first and then attach the trellis, but that's cos I hate the look of concrete - I have painted my concrete fence posts as well as the fence.
    I've got a Honeysuckle (Lonicera Halliana) which is evergreen, as is Clematis Armandii :) I would paint the concrete fence first and then attach the trellis, but that's cos I hate the look of concrete - I have painted my concrete fence posts as...
    I've got a Honeysuckle (Lonicera Halliana) which is evergreen, as is Clematis Armandii :) I would paint the concrete fence first and then attach the trellis, but that's cos I hate the look of...
  15. louicopp

    Thinking ahead...

    Not that I know of ... varieties is going to be an ongoing battle though - led by Marketing Departments in Seed companies, rather than "need" IMHO. Agree that the Variety Info in Vegetable...
    Not that I know of ... varieties is going to be an ongoing battle though - led by Marketing Departments in Seed companies, rather than "need" IMHO. Agree that the Variety Info in Vegetable Expert needs to be read with consideration that there are newer (and in some cases "better") varieties. ...
    Not that I know of ... varieties is going to be an ongoing battle though - led by Marketing Departments in Seed companies, rather than "need" IMHO. Agree that the Variety Info in Vegetable Expert needs to be read with consideration that there...
    Not that I know of ... varieties is going to be an ongoing battle though - led by Marketing Departments in Seed companies, rather than "need" IMHO. Agree that the Variety Info in Vegetable...
  16. Fat Controller
    Like x 4

    A dedicated gardener

    Ah, but that IS a compliment, whether intended or not. Made my night that has. :)
    Ah, but that IS a compliment, whether intended or not. Made my night that has. :)
    Ah, but that IS a compliment, whether intended or not. Made my night that has. :)
    Ah, but that IS a compliment, whether intended or not. Made my night that has. :)
  17. geriali

    New to composting-fresh manure help!

    I was visiting friends the other day and they keep offering me bags of manure (Mr M wouldn't hump it to the car and I haven't had bags with me when I've visited :doh:) but, it's on my agenda. Now,...
    I was visiting friends the other day and they keep offering me bags of manure (Mr M wouldn't hump it to the car and I haven't had bags with me when I've visited :doh:) but, it's on my agenda. Now, consider this: they are telling me to grab it and add it to my garden (*this* thread has given me...
    I was visiting friends the other day and they keep offering me bags of manure (Mr M wouldn't hump it to the car and I haven't had bags with me when I've visited :doh:) but, it's on my agenda. Now, consider this: they are telling me to grab it and...
    I was visiting friends the other day and they keep offering me bags of manure (Mr M wouldn't hump it to the car and I haven't had bags with me when I've visited :doh:) but, it's on my agenda. Now,...
  18. Ellen

    Pruning clematis

    Trailing it in a new direction might be nice, to add more colour to otherwise bare parts of the wall :) The one in the pic I might leave as is, but the other one could do with some tlc :) Thank you again :)
    Trailing it in a new direction might be nice, to add more colour to otherwise bare parts of the wall :) The one in the pic I might leave as is, but the other one could do with some tlc :) Thank you again :)
    Trailing it in a new direction might be nice, to add more colour to otherwise bare parts of the wall :) The one in the pic I might leave as is, but the other one could do with some tlc :) Thank you again :)
    Trailing it in a new direction might be nice, to add more colour to otherwise bare parts of the wall :) The one in the pic I might leave as is, but the other one could do with some tlc :) Thank you again :)
  19. Loofah

    Finally got the scapes!

  20. 4hcakes

    My Rhododendron needs help! Lanarkshire - Scotland

    Agree things look decidedly dire!. Looks like you do have a bit of a Vine Weevil problem from the evidence of eaten leaves. You could try spraying against the Weevil altho not sure that they would...
    Agree things look decidedly dire!. Looks like you do have a bit of a Vine Weevil problem from the evidence of eaten leaves. You could try spraying against the Weevil altho not sure that they would cause such a sudden die back and don't think they would have so quickly affected the flowers . The...
    Agree things look decidedly dire!. Looks like you do have a bit of a Vine Weevil problem from the evidence of eaten leaves. You could try spraying against the Weevil altho not sure that they would cause such a sudden die back and don't think they...
    Agree things look decidedly dire!. Looks like you do have a bit of a Vine Weevil problem from the evidence of eaten leaves. You could try spraying against the Weevil altho not sure that they would...

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