General Gardening Discussion

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  1. honeybunny

    seeds that i could sow NOW that should still flower this year?

    Was in my local garden centre today, and they had 50% off seeds ... I would expect, at this time in the season, that you ought to be able to buy current-season seed at a discount :)
    Was in my local garden centre today, and they had 50% off seeds ... I would expect, at this time in the season, that you ought to be able to buy current-season seed at a discount :)
    Was in my local garden centre today, and they had 50% off seeds ... I would expect, at this time in the season, that you ought to be able to buy current-season seed at a discount :)
    Was in my local garden centre today, and they had 50% off seeds ... I would expect, at this time in the season, that you ought to be able to buy current-season seed at a discount :)
  2. Cjt2014

    Phygelius Funfare Yellow

    Cheers for that will stick to a big pot I think :dbgrtmb:
    Cheers for that will stick to a big pot I think :dbgrtmb:
    Cheers for that will stick to a big pot I think :dbgrtmb:
    Cheers for that will stick to a big pot I think :dbgrtmb:
  3. Scotkat

    Hating Levington Compost

    Now, I sort of have to retract some of my sentiments about the J Arthur Bowers stuff - despite being initially unimpressed by the texture because of some of the wood, and the fact that it...
    Now, I sort of have to retract some of my sentiments about the J Arthur Bowers stuff - despite being initially unimpressed by the texture because of some of the wood, and the fact that it generally had the appearance of wood shavings that had rotted a bit, over the past week or so I have noticed...
    Now, I sort of have to retract some of my sentiments about the J Arthur Bowers stuff - despite being initially unimpressed by the texture because of some of the wood, and the fact that it generally had the appearance of wood shavings that had...
    Now, I sort of have to retract some of my sentiments about the J Arthur Bowers stuff - despite being initially unimpressed by the texture because of some of the wood, and the fact that it...
  4. Noe

    What a strange shrub!

    How is the Algarve?lol
    How is the Algarve?lol
    How is the Algarve?lol
    How is the Algarve?lol
  5. al n

    Plant stakes from aldi

    Now THAT isa bargain Victoria!!
    Now THAT isa bargain Victoria!!
    Now THAT isa bargain Victoria!!
    Now THAT isa bargain Victoria!!
  6. Noe

    My Rhododendron is going to prematurely depart?

    In fact I'm afraid I gave it too much water, too. I'll do as you say. Thanks
    In fact I'm afraid I gave it too much water, too. I'll do as you say. Thanks
    In fact I'm afraid I gave it too much water, too. I'll do as you say. Thanks
    In fact I'm afraid I gave it too much water, too. I'll do as you say. Thanks
  7. Jungle Jane

    Suggestions on what plants to use to fill these gaps please?

    Depends how much area you need the lawn?. plants will do a lot better in a wider bed and it would be easier to have more than "one row" of plants with which to disguise the fence - a deeper...
    Depends how much area you need the lawn?. plants will do a lot better in a wider bed and it would be easier to have more than "one row" of plants with which to disguise the fence - a deeper border in essence. No idea if it suits what you want to do though.
    Depends how much area you need the lawn?. plants will do a lot better in a wider bed and it would be easier to have more than "one row" of plants with which to disguise the fence - a deeper border in essence. No idea if it suits what you want...
    Depends how much area you need the lawn?. plants will do a lot better in a wider bed and it would be easier to have more than "one row" of plants with which to disguise the fence - a deeper...
  8. Phil A
    Informative x 3

    Borage as a drought indicator

    It's a Somerset thing.
    It's a Somerset thing.
    It's a Somerset thing.
    It's a Somerset thing.
  9. nFrost

    RHS 'sheep-eating' plant about to bloom in Surrey

    Sheep eating plants! :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
    Sheep eating plants! :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
    Sheep eating plants! :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
    Sheep eating plants! :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
  10. merleworld
    Like x 4

    Lovely idea

    At 6.30am, I went down to my "gifted" bed in the High Street to cut and remove the old Spring plantings , weed and fluff up the bed. It has struggled over the last month with the wind and the cold...
    At 6.30am, I went down to my "gifted" bed in the High Street to cut and remove the old Spring plantings , weed and fluff up the bed. It has struggled over the last month with the wind and the cold ( it's on the north side) but at leasts it's tidy for the Battle in Bloom judging on 18th July, Jenny
    At 6.30am, I went down to my "gifted" bed in the High Street to cut and remove the old Spring plantings , weed and fluff up the bed. It has struggled over the last month with the wind and the cold ( it's on the north side) but at leasts it's tidy...
    At 6.30am, I went down to my "gifted" bed in the High Street to cut and remove the old Spring plantings , weed and fluff up the bed. It has struggled over the last month with the wind and the cold...
    My gifted bed  26 6 2013 003.JPG
  11. Nicola Strand
  12. hydrogardener

    Majidea zangueberica and Reseda ororata

    Thanks. The seed package raved about the scent, but I am not a fish person at all, so if it smells fishy it is going to the compost heap.
    Thanks. The seed package raved about the scent, but I am not a fish person at all, so if it smells fishy it is going to the compost heap.
    Thanks. The seed package raved about the scent, but I am not a fish person at all, so if it smells fishy it is going to the compost heap.
    Thanks. The seed package raved about the scent, but I am not a fish person at all, so if it smells fishy it is going to the compost heap.
    Like x 12


    Absolutely lovely!! :dbgrtmb: :love30:
    Absolutely lovely!! :dbgrtmb: :love30:
    Absolutely lovely!! :dbgrtmb: :love30:
    Absolutely lovely!! :dbgrtmb: :love30:
  14. mowgley

    Trachycarpus fortunei planting

    Yours are likely to be more hardy grown "hard" from seed (although I left my seedlings outside by mistake last winter and That was That :( ) I think they look nice as a "thicket carpet" when...
    Yours are likely to be more hardy grown "hard" from seed (although I left my seedlings outside by mistake last winter and That was That :( ) I think they look nice as a "thicket carpet" when young ... and then you can select the one(s) you want for a tree from that carpet, perhaps?
    Yours are likely to be more hardy grown "hard" from seed (although I left my seedlings outside by mistake last winter and That was That :( ) I think they look nice as a "thicket carpet" when young ... and then you can select the one(s) you want...
    Yours are likely to be more hardy grown "hard" from seed (although I left my seedlings outside by mistake last winter and That was That :( ) I think they look nice as a "thicket carpet" when...
  15. Scotkat
    Like x 4

    A stroll in my garden after the rain today

    Thankyou Yvonne
    Thankyou Yvonne
    Thankyou Yvonne
    Thankyou Yvonne
    Like x 14


    Actually, Victoria, Poppies love the dry heat and should be at home where you are.........I'll send you all of the varieties seed heads and you can go from there. It'll be interesting to see how...
    Actually, Victoria, Poppies love the dry heat and should be at home where you are.........I'll send you all of the varieties seed heads and you can go from there. It'll be interesting to see how you get one. Once they're established as plants they'll be there for years!!:snork:
    Actually, Victoria, Poppies love the dry heat and should be at home where you are.........I'll send you all of the varieties seed heads and you can go from there. It'll be interesting to see how you get one. Once they're established as plants...
    Actually, Victoria, Poppies love the dry heat and should be at home where you are.........I'll send you all of the varieties seed heads and you can go from there. It'll be interesting to see how...
  17. merleworld
    Like x 3

    Plants in Costco

    If anybody has a Costco card (or knows someone who has one), their plants are well worth a look cos you can pick up some real bargains :blue thumb: The plants are a good size and a lot cheaper than you'd...
    If anybody has a Costco card (or knows someone who has one), their plants are well worth a look cos you can pick up some real bargains :blue thumb: The plants are a good size and a lot cheaper than you'd pay at the likes of B&Q :cool: At the moment they've got good sized Acers in for £15. They are the same...
    If anybody has a Costco card (or knows someone who has one), their plants are well worth a look cos you can pick up some real bargains :blue thumb: The plants are a good size and a lot cheaper than you'd pay at the likes of B&Q :cool: At the moment they've got...
    If anybody has a Costco card (or knows someone who has one), their plants are well worth a look cos you can pick up some real bargains :blue thumb: The plants are a good size and a lot cheaper than you'd...
  18. PeterS
    Like x 10

    What's looking exotic in June 2013

    I made that search and followed that route too ... are we sharing a packet of seed then? :heehee:
    I made that search and followed that route too ... are we sharing a packet of seed then? :heehee:
    I made that search and followed that route too ... are we sharing a packet of seed then? :heehee:
    I made that search and followed that route too ... are we sharing a packet of seed then? :heehee:
  19. Mane

    Best evergreen plant for fencing

    I'd put Trachelospermum on that fence, Clematis armandii will be trying to grow higher and get unruly along the top I reckon. Here's an example of it in flower (scroll down a bit to see the type...
    I'd put Trachelospermum on that fence, Clematis armandii will be trying to grow higher and get unruly along the top I reckon. Here's an example of it in flower (scroll down a bit to see the type of fence its growing on)
    I'd put Trachelospermum on that fence, Clematis armandii will be trying to grow higher and get unruly along the top I reckon. Here's an example of it in flower (scroll down a bit to see the type of fence its growing on)
    I'd put Trachelospermum on that fence, Clematis armandii will be trying to grow higher and get unruly along the top I reckon. Here's an example of it in flower (scroll down a bit to see the type...
  20. Fat Controller

    Hydrangea pot or border?

    I doubt it is neutral, I think for Rhodies to thrive it is more likely to be acid. Having said that there are some Rhodies that will tolerate alkaline. If you were going to put it in a...
    I doubt it is neutral, I think for Rhodies to thrive it is more likely to be acid. Having said that there are some Rhodies that will tolerate alkaline. If you were going to put it in a container, and its a Pink/Blue type variety, then you'd need to use Ericaceous compost if you wanted it to...
    I doubt it is neutral, I think for Rhodies to thrive it is more likely to be acid. Having said that there are some Rhodies that will tolerate alkaline. If you were going to put it in a container, and its a Pink/Blue type variety, then you'd...
    I doubt it is neutral, I think for Rhodies to thrive it is more likely to be acid. Having said that there are some Rhodies that will tolerate alkaline. If you were going to put it in a...

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