General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Sheal

    Eight years on......

    No problem Sheal. It's nice to see you are keeping it and know lots more about it now!
    No problem Sheal. It's nice to see you are keeping it and know lots more about it now!
    No problem Sheal. It's nice to see you are keeping it and know lots more about it now!
    No problem Sheal. It's nice to see you are keeping it and know lots more about it now!
  2. Annemieke

    And how to keep them in?

    Well, if you look at my ambles around my garden, Honeybunny, you'll see some of my fences! But I can take some other pics for you if you like.:snork:
    Well, if you look at my ambles around my garden, Honeybunny, you'll see some of my fences! But I can take some other pics for you if you like.:snork:
    Well, if you look at my ambles around my garden, Honeybunny, you'll see some of my fences! But I can take some other pics for you if you like.:snork:
    Well, if you look at my ambles around my garden, Honeybunny, you'll see some of my fences! But I can take some other pics for you if you like.:snork:
  3. clueless1

    Plants do maths

    I know that it's definitely us that serves them - they have us running around watering and feeding them on a daily basis, moving them into new homes when their current home gets too small, and...
    I know that it's definitely us that serves them - they have us running around watering and feeding them on a daily basis, moving them into new homes when their current home gets too small, and don't even get me started on the ones that manage to force us into buying them and transporting them...
    I know that it's definitely us that serves them - they have us running around watering and feeding them on a daily basis, moving them into new homes when their current home gets too small, and don't even get me started on the ones that manage to...
    I know that it's definitely us that serves them - they have us running around watering and feeding them on a daily basis, moving them into new homes when their current home gets too small, and...
  4. Loofah
    Agree x 3


    Might be an idea ;) I do like a good g&t :)
    Might be an idea ;) I do like a good g&t :)
    Might be an idea ;) I do like a good g&t :)
    Might be an idea ;) I do like a good g&t :)
  5. Val..

    Does anyone else plant like this?

    When we have an area that we're trying to clear of weeds it can take a long time to make sure they are gone. So we plant things in pots, buried and left with half an inch of pot protruding (the...
    When we have an area that we're trying to clear of weeds it can take a long time to make sure they are gone. So we plant things in pots, buried and left with half an inch of pot protruding (the plant hides it). Then, when we have time, we lift out the pots, work on the weeds and put the pots...
    When we have an area that we're trying to clear of weeds it can take a long time to make sure they are gone. So we plant things in pots, buried and left with half an inch of pot protruding (the plant hides it). Then, when we have time, we lift...
    When we have an area that we're trying to clear of weeds it can take a long time to make sure they are gone. So we plant things in pots, buried and left with half an inch of pot protruding (the...
  6. Sydney Carton


    If it is all cultivated (e.g. in preparation for seeding a new lawn) then I find that towing a ladder (tie a rope to the rungs at each end) over it will drag the high spots onto the low ones. ...
    If it is all cultivated (e.g. in preparation for seeding a new lawn) then I find that towing a ladder (tie a rope to the rungs at each end) over it will drag the high spots onto the low ones. Dragging it front-to-back and left-to-right a few times will sort it out; if the ladder just skates...
    If it is all cultivated (e.g. in preparation for seeding a new lawn) then I find that towing a ladder (tie a rope to the rungs at each end) over it will drag the high spots onto the low ones. Dragging it front-to-back and left-to-right a few...
    If it is all cultivated (e.g. in preparation for seeding a new lawn) then I find that towing a ladder (tie a rope to the rungs at each end) over it will drag the high spots onto the low ones. ...
  7. Phil A
    Like x 5

    Kristens Flowers

  8. Sirius
    Like x 3


    I have a small piece of extrema that I have purchased recently. Hopefully it will start producing some decent sized leaves soon. I have chatted with Stewart recently on a few issues. He is...
    I have a small piece of extrema that I have purchased recently. Hopefully it will start producing some decent sized leaves soon. I have chatted with Stewart recently on a few issues. He is releasing some good publications soon. Among them a trilogy of Drosera of the World, and also a reprint...
    I have a small piece of extrema that I have purchased recently. Hopefully it will start producing some decent sized leaves soon. I have chatted with Stewart recently on a few issues. He is releasing some good publications soon. Among them a...
    I have a small piece of extrema that I have purchased recently. Hopefully it will start producing some decent sized leaves soon. I have chatted with Stewart recently on a few issues. He is...
  9. landimad

    Is it safe????

    I have a Sarah Bernhardt and I think it has been quicker to settle and start blooming than the other peonies I've had. It is almost more lovely in the shoot and bud stage than when it flowers as...
    I have a Sarah Bernhardt and I think it has been quicker to settle and start blooming than the other peonies I've had. It is almost more lovely in the shoot and bud stage than when it flowers as they are very top heavy and need support. Great for cutting, though, I have some on the mantelpiece...
    I have a Sarah Bernhardt and I think it has been quicker to settle and start blooming than the other peonies I've had. It is almost more lovely in the shoot and bud stage than when it flowers as they are very top heavy and need support. Great for...
    I have a Sarah Bernhardt and I think it has been quicker to settle and start blooming than the other peonies I've had. It is almost more lovely in the shoot and bud stage than when it flowers as...
  10. Lorea
  11. clueless1

    Plants do quantum physics

    Aren't plants brilliant. it was in the news a while ago that that were suspected of doing some quantum physics, but now it looks closer to being proven. 90% efficiency in energy capture is...
    Aren't plants brilliant. it was in the news a while ago that that were suspected of doing some quantum physics, but now it looks closer to being proven. 90% efficiency in energy capture is amazing. To put it into perspective, the most fuel efficient car engine is less than 10% efficient...
    Aren't plants brilliant. it was in the news a while ago that that were suspected of doing some quantum physics, but now it looks closer to being proven. 90% efficiency in energy capture is amazing. To put it into perspective, the most...
    Aren't plants brilliant. it was in the news a while ago that that were suspected of doing some quantum physics, but now it looks closer to being proven. 90% efficiency in energy capture is...
  12. clueless1

    Keeping nettles out - for non-gardeners

    Something like Pathclear has residual properties;
    Something like Pathclear has residual properties;
    Something like Pathclear has residual properties;
    Something like Pathclear has residual properties;
  13. Bilbo675

    Primula Alpicola

    Just over a couple of years ago I was browsing a seed catalogue and came across this variety of primula and liked it for its delicate look and supposedly amazing scent. I bought the seed and...
    Just over a couple of years ago I was browsing a seed catalogue and came across this variety of primula and liked it for its delicate look and supposedly amazing scent. I bought the seed and sowed them, from 4 original seedlings I was down to one plant that I have grown on for 2 years, it...
    Just over a couple of years ago I was browsing a seed catalogue and came across this variety of primula and liked it for its delicate look and supposedly amazing scent. I bought the seed and sowed them, from 4 original seedlings I was down to...
    Just over a couple of years ago I was browsing a seed catalogue and came across this variety of primula and liked it for its delicate look and supposedly amazing scent. I bought the seed and...
    Plants 165.jpg Plants 166.jpg Plants 167.jpg Plants 168.jpg Plants 169.jpg
  14. Lolimac

    Fretting about Felicia....

    Good evening Loli its a pleasure my friend:)
    Good evening Loli its a pleasure my friend:)
    Good evening Loli its a pleasure my friend:)
    Good evening Loli its a pleasure my friend:)
  15. Auryn

    Website Issues

    As a Radio Ham no longer operational I bet the lift is tremendous at the moment and some incredible contacts are being made. Oh those were the days. I'd rather it not interfere with our...
    As a Radio Ham no longer operational I bet the lift is tremendous at the moment and some incredible contacts are being made. Oh those were the days. I'd rather it not interfere with our computers now. Thank you.
    As a Radio Ham no longer operational I bet the lift is tremendous at the moment and some incredible contacts are being made. Oh those were the days. I'd rather it not interfere with our computers now. Thank you.
    As a Radio Ham no longer operational I bet the lift is tremendous at the moment and some incredible contacts are being made. Oh those were the days. I'd rather it not interfere with our...
  16. Triffid

    Have I planted weeds?

    Definate weed. I pull them out as soon as I see them.
    Definate weed. I pull them out as soon as I see them.
    Definate weed. I pull them out as soon as I see them.
    Definate weed. I pull them out as soon as I see them.
  17. Fat Controller

    Honeysuckle not well :(

    Thanks all - I'll try and get a photo later to confirm the diagnosis. I'd like to keep it in this planter if I can, simply because it grows up the back of the planter and makes it look a bit...
    Thanks all - I'll try and get a photo later to confirm the diagnosis. I'd like to keep it in this planter if I can, simply because it grows up the back of the planter and makes it look a bit more like 'something' if you know what I mean?
    Thanks all - I'll try and get a photo later to confirm the diagnosis. I'd like to keep it in this planter if I can, simply because it grows up the back of the planter and makes it look a bit more like 'something' if you know what I mean?
    Thanks all - I'll try and get a photo later to confirm the diagnosis. I'd like to keep it in this planter if I can, simply because it grows up the back of the planter and makes it look a bit...
  18. BugBear99

    Advice request: August flowers

    pulmonaria dark
    pulmonaria dark
    pulmonaria dark
    pulmonaria dark
  19. JWK
    Informative x 3

    Sheep-eating plant about to bloom in Surrey

    goodness gracious:eeew:
    goodness gracious:eeew:
    goodness gracious:eeew:
    goodness gracious:eeew:
  20. Spruce

    Too late to plant lilies

    That's rubbish isn't it. Advertising Oriental lilies and then either using an any-old-photo or planning to send any-old-mix of bulbs.
    That's rubbish isn't it. Advertising Oriental lilies and then either using an any-old-photo or planning to send any-old-mix of bulbs.
    That's rubbish isn't it. Advertising Oriental lilies and then either using an any-old-photo or planning to send any-old-mix of bulbs.
    That's rubbish isn't it. Advertising Oriental lilies and then either using an any-old-photo or planning to send any-old-mix of bulbs.

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