General Gardening Discussion

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  1. **Yvonne**
    Like x 7

    You will probably think i'm daft but..

    Hope you cleaned em out properly or you could die of death :yikes:
    Hope you cleaned em out properly or you could die of death :yikes:
    Hope you cleaned em out properly or you could die of death :yikes:
    Hope you cleaned em out properly or you could die of death :yikes:
  2. Triffid
    Funny x 5

    So I said...

    be interesting to see if it grows back
    be interesting to see if it grows back
    be interesting to see if it grows back
    be interesting to see if it grows back
  3. NIKKI D

    Mistletoe advice

    We popped over to our lottie last evening and while we were there i remembered to check on my mistletoe berries that i have smeared on to our apples and plum trees and have now found at least...
    We popped over to our lottie last evening and while we were there i remembered to check on my mistletoe berries that i have smeared on to our apples and plum trees and have now found at least three berries that have started to put down the little green legs {Hypocotyl}that will hopefully start...
    We popped over to our lottie last evening and while we were there i remembered to check on my mistletoe berries that i have smeared on to our apples and plum trees and have now found at least three berries that have started to put down the little...
    We popped over to our lottie last evening and while we were there i remembered to check on my mistletoe berries that i have smeared on to our apples and plum trees and have now found at least...
  4. barryman

    Long wild grasses around edges

    Can anyone help with my problem about grasses. I have a lot of wild grasses growing all around my garden in particular right along all lines of fencing. It is long grass with tough stems and the...
    Can anyone help with my problem about grasses. I have a lot of wild grasses growing all around my garden in particular right along all lines of fencing. It is long grass with tough stems and the tops are kind of like a ryegrass. They grow wherever fencing meets a border. My question is how do...
    Can anyone help with my problem about grasses. I have a lot of wild grasses growing all around my garden in particular right along all lines of fencing. It is long grass with tough stems and the tops are kind of like a ryegrass. They grow...
    Can anyone help with my problem about grasses. I have a lot of wild grasses growing all around my garden in particular right along all lines of fencing. It is long grass with tough stems and the...
  5. Snowbaby

    Fencing help please

    Try PVC mesh instead. It's plastic but quite sturdy :) You can get different heights with smaller or larger holes. You can attach them using netting staples.
    Try PVC mesh instead. It's plastic but quite sturdy :) You can get different heights with smaller or larger holes. You can attach them using netting staples.
    Try PVC mesh instead. It's plastic but quite sturdy :) You can get different heights with smaller or larger holes. You can attach them using netting staples.
    Try PVC mesh instead. It's plastic but quite sturdy :) You can get different heights with smaller or larger holes. You can attach them using netting staples.
  6. mowgley
    Like x 9

    Treated myself @ amulree!

    Well the order came yesterday :snork:Don't know whether to sink the pot into the ground or take it out of the pot and plant it in the ground. The others Musa red tiger Cautleya spicata...
    Well the order came yesterday :snork:Don't know whether to sink the pot into the ground or take it out of the pot and plant it in the ground. The others Musa red tiger Cautleya spicata robusta Hedychuim spicatum
    Well the order came yesterday :snork:Don't know whether to sink the pot into the ground or take it out of the pot and plant it in the ground. The others Musa red tiger Cautleya spicata robusta Hedychuim spicatum
    Well the order came yesterday :snork:Don't know whether to sink the pot into the ground or take it out of the pot and plant it in the ground. The others Musa red tiger Cautleya spicata...
    image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg
  7. Scrungee

    Rubbish Summers forecast for next 5 - 10 years

    Then they have a chat, think about organising a committee, plan when to plan their planning meeting to plan how to plan the response. Generally drag their heels until someone else comes along and...
    Then they have a chat, think about organising a committee, plan when to plan their planning meeting to plan how to plan the response. Generally drag their heels until someone else comes along and sorts it all out for them, then pat themselves on the back and say how brilliant they've been.
    Then they have a chat, think about organising a committee, plan when to plan their planning meeting to plan how to plan the response. Generally drag their heels until someone else comes along and sorts it all out for them, then pat themselves on...
    Then they have a chat, think about organising a committee, plan when to plan their planning meeting to plan how to plan the response. Generally drag their heels until someone else comes along and...
  8. Phil A
    Like x 9

    Not Deer after all

    Even better than string - Sheep Eating Plant
    Even better than string - Sheep Eating Plant
    Even better than string - Sheep Eating Plant
    Even better than string - Sheep Eating Plant
  9. johnynoi

    Housing estate garden project.

    A trip to your recycling centre might also be useful. They generally sell your garden waste back to you in the form of 'compost'. This is soil conditioner and not potting compost and is just what...
    A trip to your recycling centre might also be useful. They generally sell your garden waste back to you in the form of 'compost'. This is soil conditioner and not potting compost and is just what you need for your borders. It will smother any remaining weeds if you throw a 3 or 4 inch layer on...
    A trip to your recycling centre might also be useful. They generally sell your garden waste back to you in the form of 'compost'. This is soil conditioner and not potting compost and is just what you need for your borders. It will smother any...
    A trip to your recycling centre might also be useful. They generally sell your garden waste back to you in the form of 'compost'. This is soil conditioner and not potting compost and is just what...
  10. al n
    Like x 5

    My first Lilly bloomed this morning, but can't remember variety?!

    It looks like one commonly sold as "Lollipop".
    It looks like one commonly sold as "Lollipop".
    It looks like one commonly sold as "Lollipop".
    It looks like one commonly sold as "Lollipop".
  11. dandanuk

    The garden

    You can tell that you've put a lot of effort, work, ideas and thought into it,'re the man, Dan!!!:thumbsup::snork:
    You can tell that you've put a lot of effort, work, ideas and thought into it,'re the man, Dan!!!:thumbsup::snork:
    You can tell that you've put a lot of effort, work, ideas and thought into it,'re the man, Dan!!!:thumbsup::snork:
    You can tell that you've put a lot of effort, work, ideas and thought into it,'re the man, Dan!!!:thumbsup::snork:
  12. Lea

    Rebutia Carnival. My new baby!

    Post pics of them? They are so pretty. :)
    Post pics of them? They are so pretty. :)
    Post pics of them? They are so pretty. :)
    Post pics of them? They are so pretty. :)
  13. al n
    Like x 9

    More pics of my garden as of today, and new purchases:-)

    Ah now I can see the leaves I can see it is, beautiful dark purple!!! Val
    Ah now I can see the leaves I can see it is, beautiful dark purple!!! Val
    Ah now I can see the leaves I can see it is, beautiful dark purple!!! Val
    Ah now I can see the leaves I can see it is, beautiful dark purple!!! Val
  14. tirednewdad99
    Like x 3

    Tirednewdad's garden

    Thank so much for your really nice replies. I have to admit the colours were a bit accidental but they seemed to work out ok. I think i just looked at Pete's garden and tried to copy it...
    Thank so much for your really nice replies. I have to admit the colours were a bit accidental but they seemed to work out ok. I think i just looked at Pete's garden and tried to copy it (badly). Trying to upload more photos but the files are too big. Anyone know how i can make the files smaller...
    Thank so much for your really nice replies. I have to admit the colours were a bit accidental but they seemed to work out ok. I think i just looked at Pete's garden and tried to copy it (badly). Trying to upload more photos but the files are too...
    Thank so much for your really nice replies. I have to admit the colours were a bit accidental but they seemed to work out ok. I think i just looked at Pete's garden and tried to copy it...
  15. newtoitall

    Lovely looking plant......

    Definitely Kniphofia, Red Hot Poker .. have them here ...
    Definitely Kniphofia, Red Hot Poker .. have them here ...
    Definitely Kniphofia, Red Hot Poker .. have them here ...
    Definitely Kniphofia, Red Hot Poker .. have them here ...
  16. stumorphmac

    Sarracinea problem

    No, I was just making a point really, sorry if I was missleading. As spruce says they need to be cool, even cold in winter and they come to no harm. Greenfly on the newly emerging shoots are...
    No, I was just making a point really, sorry if I was missleading. As spruce says they need to be cool, even cold in winter and they come to no harm. Greenfly on the newly emerging shoots are one example that can deform them, so that they never form properly.
    No, I was just making a point really, sorry if I was missleading. As spruce says they need to be cool, even cold in winter and they come to no harm. Greenfly on the newly emerging shoots are one example that can deform them, so that they...
    No, I was just making a point really, sorry if I was missleading. As spruce says they need to be cool, even cold in winter and they come to no harm. Greenfly on the newly emerging shoots are...
  17. al n

    Ooh, what d'ye rek?

    I really don't know what to do! One half says yay, it's funky, other half of me says its not. I'm on the fence at the mo, besides, I'm skint so for now, it's no even if I wanted to! :biggrin:
    I really don't know what to do! One half says yay, it's funky, other half of me says its not. I'm on the fence at the mo, besides, I'm skint so for now, it's no even if I wanted to! :biggrin:
    I really don't know what to do! One half says yay, it's funky, other half of me says its not. I'm on the fence at the mo, besides, I'm skint so for now, it's no even if I wanted to! :biggrin:
    I really don't know what to do! One half says yay, it's funky, other half of me says its not. I'm on the fence at the mo, besides, I'm skint so for now, it's no even if I wanted to! :biggrin:
  18. al n
    Like x 8

    Fathers day prezzie :-)

    Cor, got any Fairy Liquid?
    Cor, got any Fairy Liquid?
    Cor, got any Fairy Liquid?
    Cor, got any Fairy Liquid?
  19. Val..

    Bark chippings, opinions please

    Toxins and fungi .... Yes you will probably grow a few mushrooms .......but it's the most natural product you can use. And looks good too
    Toxins and fungi .... Yes you will probably grow a few mushrooms .......but it's the most natural product you can use. And looks good too
    Toxins and fungi .... Yes you will probably grow a few mushrooms .......but it's the most natural product you can use. And looks good too
    Toxins and fungi .... Yes you will probably grow a few mushrooms .......but it's the most natural product you can use. And looks good too
  20. PeterS


    Kristen - I didn't realise that - thank you. It explains where the first leaf will come from - I was expecting to see a single cotylodon leaf, and presumably the spur is the first leaf. :blue thumb: Its...
    Kristen - I didn't realise that - thank you. It explains where the first leaf will come from - I was expecting to see a single cotylodon leaf, and presumably the spur is the first leaf. :blue thumb: Its funny how most monocots are small and you don't pay them much attention. For some reason I thought that...
    Kristen - I didn't realise that - thank you. It explains where the first leaf will come from - I was expecting to see a single cotylodon leaf, and presumably the spur is the first leaf. :blue thumb: Its funny how most monocots are small and you don't pay...
    Kristen - I didn't realise that - thank you. It explains where the first leaf will come from - I was expecting to see a single cotylodon leaf, and presumably the spur is the first leaf. :blue thumb: Its...

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