General Gardening Discussion

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  1. **Yvonne**

    Do I live in a micro climate?

    Unfortunately for the wedding (but good for our garden) we had a monsoon mid afternoon. I hope their marquee withstood the onslaught.
    Unfortunately for the wedding (but good for our garden) we had a monsoon mid afternoon. I hope their marquee withstood the onslaught.
    Unfortunately for the wedding (but good for our garden) we had a monsoon mid afternoon. I hope their marquee withstood the onslaught.
    Unfortunately for the wedding (but good for our garden) we had a monsoon mid afternoon. I hope their marquee withstood the onslaught.
  2. honeybunny
    Like x 15

    Look What My Dad Made!!

    thanks guys, i'll be sure to tell him all the lovely compliments he got :dbgrtmb: i think i'll also bring it in for the winter or possibly hang it on the inside of the shed door for the winter months,...
    thanks guys, i'll be sure to tell him all the lovely compliments he got :dbgrtmb: i think i'll also bring it in for the winter or possibly hang it on the inside of the shed door for the winter months, safely in out of the elements :) i don't think your wrong there :imphrt:
    thanks guys, i'll be sure to tell him all the lovely compliments he got :dbgrtmb: i think i'll also bring it in for the winter or possibly hang it on the inside of the shed door for the winter months, safely in out of the elements :) i don't think...
    thanks guys, i'll be sure to tell him all the lovely compliments he got :dbgrtmb: i think i'll also bring it in for the winter or possibly hang it on the inside of the shed door for the winter months,...
  3. stumorphmac
    Like x 6


    A picture of my disa opend 2 days ago
    A picture of my disa opend 2 days ago
    A picture of my disa opend 2 days ago
    A picture of my disa opend 2 days ago
    orchid 012.jpg
  4. merleworld

    Hose end feeders

    Well I've tried both today. The one which you use with soluble feed was a nightmare - as soon as I put it on there was water squirting out of several different places and I got drenched. It also...
    Well I've tried both today. The one which you use with soluble feed was a nightmare - as soon as I put it on there was water squirting out of several different places and I got drenched. It also slowed the water down too much. So that's going back to B&Q :gaah: The Liquafeed was better to use in...
    Well I've tried both today. The one which you use with soluble feed was a nightmare - as soon as I put it on there was water squirting out of several different places and I got drenched. It also slowed the water down too much. So that's going...
    Well I've tried both today. The one which you use with soluble feed was a nightmare - as soon as I put it on there was water squirting out of several different places and I got drenched. It also...
  5. rustyroots

    Any suggestions for plants to go here?

    Hostas prefer moist conditions (Just look at them in the Lake District) but will grow in drier soil, just not as lush. My ferns seem to put up with dry soil under trees.
    Hostas prefer moist conditions (Just look at them in the Lake District) but will grow in drier soil, just not as lush. My ferns seem to put up with dry soil under trees.
    Hostas prefer moist conditions (Just look at them in the Lake District) but will grow in drier soil, just not as lush. My ferns seem to put up with dry soil under trees.
    Hostas prefer moist conditions (Just look at them in the Lake District) but will grow in drier soil, just not as lush. My ferns seem to put up with dry soil under trees.
  6. Lolimac
    Informative x 6

    Warning to Southerners......

    He doesn't pick it up it's still lying down from last time!
    He doesn't pick it up it's still lying down from last time!
    He doesn't pick it up it's still lying down from last time!
    He doesn't pick it up it's still lying down from last time!
  7. Andy frost83

    Silly me

    Behave yourself Mr. Moderator! :biggrin:
    Behave yourself Mr. Moderator! :biggrin:
    Behave yourself Mr. Moderator! :biggrin:
    Behave yourself Mr. Moderator! :biggrin:
  8. Madahhlia

    Struggling Lilies

    No, a foot tall would be normal for a dwarf lily I reckon. Ignore me :) earlier thinking looks to be irrelevant. Stem roots would be normal on some types - but I've never dug one up to know how...
    No, a foot tall would be normal for a dwarf lily I reckon. Ignore me :) earlier thinking looks to be irrelevant. Stem roots would be normal on some types - but I've never dug one up to know how much root they should also have out of the bottom of the bulb.
    No, a foot tall would be normal for a dwarf lily I reckon. Ignore me :) earlier thinking looks to be irrelevant. Stem roots would be normal on some types - but I've never dug one up to know how much root they should also have out of the bottom...
    No, a foot tall would be normal for a dwarf lily I reckon. Ignore me :) earlier thinking looks to be irrelevant. Stem roots would be normal on some types - but I've never dug one up to know how...
  9. jsmyth1969

    help - hedge dying and I dont even know what it is...

    Possibly, but I would have expected them to have destroyed plants before - those Box plants have been there quite a while
    Possibly, but I would have expected them to have destroyed plants before - those Box plants have been there quite a while
    Possibly, but I would have expected them to have destroyed plants before - those Box plants have been there quite a while
    Possibly, but I would have expected them to have destroyed plants before - those Box plants have been there quite a while
  10. Cjt2014
    Like x 3

    Some Garden Pics

    :ThankYou: Noisette I think this is a better show than last year. :biggrin:
    :ThankYou: Noisette I think this is a better show than last year. :biggrin:
    :ThankYou: Noisette I think this is a better show than last year. :biggrin:
    :ThankYou: Noisette I think this is a better show than last year. :biggrin:
  11. Autumn

    Preparation of ground before laying raised bed

    Looks good!
    Looks good!
    Looks good!
    Looks good!
  12. longk
    Like x 5

    What's looking exotic in May 2013

    Many thanks for having a look into that Kristen.
    Many thanks for having a look into that Kristen.
    Many thanks for having a look into that Kristen.
    Many thanks for having a look into that Kristen.
  13. whis4ey
    Like x 11

    A few new pics

    There is a spiked piece of metal inside the letter opening (to prevent anyone from putting their hand in and stealing the mail no doubt) If the birds try to nest it would probably be impossible to...
    There is a spiked piece of metal inside the letter opening (to prevent anyone from putting their hand in and stealing the mail no doubt) If the birds try to nest it would probably be impossible to get out again :( Anyways .. I had two large keys made when I bought the thing (it cost me £100 at...
    There is a spiked piece of metal inside the letter opening (to prevent anyone from putting their hand in and stealing the mail no doubt) If the birds try to nest it would probably be impossible to get out again :( Anyways .. I had two large keys...
    There is a spiked piece of metal inside the letter opening (to prevent anyone from putting their hand in and stealing the mail no doubt) If the birds try to nest it would probably be impossible to...
    027.jpg 026.jpg 001.jpg 001.jpg
  14. Cjt2014

    Posting Pics

    Thanks Zigs
    Thanks Zigs
    Thanks Zigs
    Thanks Zigs
  15. Mr Grinch

    Box Hedge

    Brill photo Loli!
    Brill photo Loli!
    Brill photo Loli!
    Brill photo Loli!
  16. Kristen

    Desirable plants from Dutch Nurseries?

    I didn`t know that some cornus produce edible fruit , seen a cornus florida at Mk show from madrona nursery .... not as nice as Kristens cornus but that was impressive and was just £30 but...
    I didn`t know that some cornus produce edible fruit , seen a cornus florida at Mk show from madrona nursery .... not as nice as Kristens cornus but that was impressive and was just £30 but already sold
    I didn`t know that some cornus produce edible fruit , seen a cornus florida at Mk show from madrona nursery .... not as nice as Kristens cornus but that was impressive and was just £30 but already sold
    I didn`t know that some cornus produce edible fruit , seen a cornus florida at Mk show from madrona nursery .... not as nice as Kristens cornus but that was impressive and was just £30 but...
  17. Sirius


    Yup, that's why I have got hundreds. Literally. About a third of my 16 ft greenhouse is Haworthias.
    Yup, that's why I have got hundreds. Literally. About a third of my 16 ft greenhouse is Haworthias.
    Yup, that's why I have got hundreds. Literally. About a third of my 16 ft greenhouse is Haworthias.
    Yup, that's why I have got hundreds. Literally. About a third of my 16 ft greenhouse is Haworthias.
  18. Scotkat

    Phlox growing in my garden

    Photo blog only.Enjoy the colour
    Photo blog only.Enjoy the colour
    Photo blog only.Enjoy the colour
    Photo blog only.Enjoy the colour
  19. Fat Controller

    Problematic passiflora

    Ah, too much love - so they are a bit like nasturtiums then, and thrive on tough love? I shall duly ignore it for a while and see what happens :blue thumb:
    Ah, too much love - so they are a bit like nasturtiums then, and thrive on tough love? I shall duly ignore it for a while and see what happens :blue thumb:
    Ah, too much love - so they are a bit like nasturtiums then, and thrive on tough love? I shall duly ignore it for a while and see what happens :blue thumb:
    Ah, too much love - so they are a bit like nasturtiums then, and thrive on tough love? I shall duly ignore it for a while and see what happens :blue thumb:
  20. Garyc

    Selective weed killer or no?

    Very nice Gary :dbgrtmb:
    Very nice Gary :dbgrtmb:
    Very nice Gary :dbgrtmb:
    Very nice Gary :dbgrtmb:

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