General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Charlie_Rabbit01

    my small border is stressing me out...

    Thanks all, out of no where a lonely Iris came out over the weekend. I shall make a start with the advice at the weekend.
    Thanks all, out of no where a lonely Iris came out over the weekend. I shall make a start with the advice at the weekend.
    Thanks all, out of no where a lonely Iris came out over the weekend. I shall make a start with the advice at the weekend.
    Thanks all, out of no where a lonely Iris came out over the weekend. I shall make a start with the advice at the weekend.
  2. Crassus

    Aqua globes?

    Thread from last Spring:
    Thread from last Spring:
    Thread from last Spring:
    Thread from last Spring:
  3. stephenprudence
    Like x 5

    FAO Victoria/Lorea/anyone - A few photos of Mediterranean plants growing wild/in cultivation here...

    Thanks Stephen! I think these past few days the UK has been getting more mediterranean weather than we have, so those plants probably feel more at home there right now! Even the broom, which is...
    Thanks Stephen! I think these past few days the UK has been getting more mediterranean weather than we have, so those plants probably feel more at home there right now! Even the broom, which is everywhere just behind our house, is dragging it's feet this year, and I can't say I blame it!
    Thanks Stephen! I think these past few days the UK has been getting more mediterranean weather than we have, so those plants probably feel more at home there right now! Even the broom, which is everywhere just behind our house, is dragging it's...
    Thanks Stephen! I think these past few days the UK has been getting more mediterranean weather than we have, so those plants probably feel more at home there right now! Even the broom, which is...
  4. nFrost

    Hedge Trimming

    The Elder, Holly and Bramble are probably there due to the birds. I suspect it may be that part of the privet has died off. I've had this with mine and some of the established branches will just...
    The Elder, Holly and Bramble are probably there due to the birds. I suspect it may be that part of the privet has died off. I've had this with mine and some of the established branches will just snap off quite easily, even though there is growth at the top. It's part of the rejuvenation of the...
    The Elder, Holly and Bramble are probably there due to the birds. I suspect it may be that part of the privet has died off. I've had this with mine and some of the established branches will just snap off quite easily, even though there is growth...
    The Elder, Holly and Bramble are probably there due to the birds. I suspect it may be that part of the privet has died off. I've had this with mine and some of the established branches will just...
  5. Bilbo675
    Like x 8

    First Harvest Of The Year

    Jooohn....i've been furtling.....tried one of my Arron Pilots but only half a dozen pea sized Potatoes:frown:...... did notice by the soil i need to water would have got a picture but i'm...
    Jooohn....i've been furtling.....tried one of my Arron Pilots but only half a dozen pea sized Potatoes:frown:...... did notice by the soil i need to water would have got a picture but i'm not showing my self up:biggrin:
    Jooohn....i've been furtling.....tried one of my Arron Pilots but only half a dozen pea sized Potatoes:frown:...... did notice by the soil i need to water would have got a picture but i'm not showing my self up:biggrin:
    Jooohn....i've been furtling.....tried one of my Arron Pilots but only half a dozen pea sized Potatoes:frown:...... did notice by the soil i need to water would have got a picture but i'm...
  6. Phil A

    Oh no, not another Tree & Boundary thread

    Zigs, the conifer should be removed, I dread to think what the roots are doing to your foundations. If you remember I've been down this road with a conifer hedge and drain damage twice, the hedge...
    Zigs, the conifer should be removed, I dread to think what the roots are doing to your foundations. If you remember I've been down this road with a conifer hedge and drain damage twice, the hedge was removed. Contact you house insurance people and tell them the situation, you will probably...
    Zigs, the conifer should be removed, I dread to think what the roots are doing to your foundations. If you remember I've been down this road with a conifer hedge and drain damage twice, the hedge was removed. Contact you house insurance people...
    Zigs, the conifer should be removed, I dread to think what the roots are doing to your foundations. If you remember I've been down this road with a conifer hedge and drain damage twice, the hedge...
  7. HsuH
    Like x 12

    HsuH's Garden

    Totally gorgeous. It looks very romantic too. :wub2:
    Totally gorgeous. It looks very romantic too. :wub2:
    Totally gorgeous. It looks very romantic too. :wub2:
    Totally gorgeous. It looks very romantic too. :wub2:
  8. tuttut.bisous

    June - what seeds to plant?

    Thanks for the advice, I was thinking about it as I was digging the beds over, maybe it will be best to start with just a few varieties and then I won't be disheartened. On a more positive note,...
    Thanks for the advice, I was thinking about it as I was digging the beds over, maybe it will be best to start with just a few varieties and then I won't be disheartened. On a more positive note, I checked my fruit garden and I have nearly a 100 strawberries coming through, some are even a...
    Thanks for the advice, I was thinking about it as I was digging the beds over, maybe it will be best to start with just a few varieties and then I won't be disheartened. On a more positive note, I checked my fruit garden and I have nearly a 100...
    Thanks for the advice, I was thinking about it as I was digging the beds over, maybe it will be best to start with just a few varieties and then I won't be disheartened. On a more positive note,...
  9. silu

    Fruhlingsgold problem

    sorry i was trying to see on an anderoid phone:doh: I will look it up in my rose book later. its worth a look
    sorry i was trying to see on an anderoid phone:doh: I will look it up in my rose book later. its worth a look
    sorry i was trying to see on an anderoid phone:doh: I will look it up in my rose book later. its worth a look
    sorry i was trying to see on an anderoid phone:doh: I will look it up in my rose book later. its worth a look
  10. redstar
    Like x 7


    OK here I am in front of my wee calendar in the kitchen. the May month shows a Pea Cock in front of a structure under the picture the title reads " Temple of Acolus, Kew, London." June is a...
    OK here I am in front of my wee calendar in the kitchen. the May month shows a Pea Cock in front of a structure under the picture the title reads " Temple of Acolus, Kew, London." June is a pretty pic of another structure castle like with gardens, under that pic it reads " The Abbey House,...
    OK here I am in front of my wee calendar in the kitchen. the May month shows a Pea Cock in front of a structure under the picture the title reads " Temple of Acolus, Kew, London." June is a pretty pic of another structure castle like with...
    OK here I am in front of my wee calendar in the kitchen. the May month shows a Pea Cock in front of a structure under the picture the title reads " Temple of Acolus, Kew, London." June is a...
  11. Raye

    Clearing Garden, Advice Needed...

    It makes me tired just looking at the amount of work you put into cutting that lot down with shears!:phew: Is it the camera angle or do I detect what could be quite a steep(ish) slope? I'm thinking...
    It makes me tired just looking at the amount of work you put into cutting that lot down with shears!:phew: Is it the camera angle or do I detect what could be quite a steep(ish) slope? I'm thinking 'patio area + slope = levelling'. From the pictures, to me at least, your garden screams...
    It makes me tired just looking at the amount of work you put into cutting that lot down with shears!:phew: Is it the camera angle or do I detect what could be quite a steep(ish) slope? I'm thinking 'patio area + slope = levelling'. From the...
    It makes me tired just looking at the amount of work you put into cutting that lot down with shears!:phew: Is it the camera angle or do I detect what could be quite a steep(ish) slope? I'm thinking...
  12. trogre


    Yesterday Trogre. :biggrin: Night temps are up to around 10°c now , and remember they are very short nights. I planted mine out last weekend , don't have any container cannas this year.
    Yesterday Trogre. :biggrin: Night temps are up to around 10°c now , and remember they are very short nights. I planted mine out last weekend , don't have any container cannas this year.
    Yesterday Trogre. :biggrin: Night temps are up to around 10°c now , and remember they are very short nights. I planted mine out last weekend , don't have any container cannas this year.
    Yesterday Trogre. :biggrin: Night temps are up to around 10°c now , and remember they are very short nights. I planted mine out last weekend , don't have any container cannas this year.
  13. silu

    Frulings Gold problem.

    I'm not sure about this one, sorry. Try posting it in the Roses forum it might get more response there. WiseOwl is our rose expert so he may be able to id the problem for you. :)
    I'm not sure about this one, sorry. Try posting it in the Roses forum it might get more response there. WiseOwl is our rose expert so he may be able to id the problem for you. :)
    I'm not sure about this one, sorry. Try posting it in the Roses forum it might get more response there. WiseOwl is our rose expert so he may be able to id the problem for you. :)
    I'm not sure about this one, sorry. Try posting it in the Roses forum it might get more response there. WiseOwl is our rose expert so he may be able to id the problem for you. :)
  14. pamsdish

    Lovely yellow Plant

    I used to grow M.cardinalis at my old house................ It was tolerant of wet or dry, and would self seed freely....................
    I used to grow M.cardinalis at my old house................ It was tolerant of wet or dry, and would self seed freely....................
    I used to grow M.cardinalis at my old house................ It was tolerant of wet or dry, and would self seed freely....................
    I used to grow M.cardinalis at my old house................ It was tolerant of wet or dry, and would self seed freely....................
  15. Scotkat

    Strolling in my garden today with my camera

    Great pics
    Great pics
    Great pics
    Great pics
  16. silu

    I was wrong both my Iris Sibirica do flower!

    That's a shame Silu, I didn't think slugs touched Irises, they haven't been anywhere near mine.
    That's a shame Silu, I didn't think slugs touched Irises, they haven't been anywhere near mine.
    That's a shame Silu, I didn't think slugs touched Irises, they haven't been anywhere near mine.
    That's a shame Silu, I didn't think slugs touched Irises, they haven't been anywhere near mine.
  17. Vince

    I hope my plants will be okay

    Delighted you were able to give your plants your usual TLC, Vince :dbgrtmb: I get the same thing with Ozzy, soft as soap, but there are people who will cross the road to avoid him. It's handy too,...
    Delighted you were able to give your plants your usual TLC, Vince :dbgrtmb: I get the same thing with Ozzy, soft as soap, but there are people who will cross the road to avoid him. It's handy too, sometimes, isn't it!? :heehee: Good luck with your weekend planting :ccheers:
    Delighted you were able to give your plants your usual TLC, Vince :dbgrtmb: I get the same thing with Ozzy, soft as soap, but there are people who will cross the road to avoid him. It's handy too, sometimes, isn't it!? :heehee: Good luck with your weekend...
    Delighted you were able to give your plants your usual TLC, Vince :dbgrtmb: I get the same thing with Ozzy, soft as soap, but there are people who will cross the road to avoid him. It's handy too,...
  18. Siamanto

    Mulberry Tree leaves in Nottingham

    Thats a lovely picture. Thanks for sharing with us. I also did locate a tree and you were quite right in that they had just started to develop leaves. All the best.
    Thats a lovely picture. Thanks for sharing with us. I also did locate a tree and you were quite right in that they had just started to develop leaves. All the best.
    Thats a lovely picture. Thanks for sharing with us. I also did locate a tree and you were quite right in that they had just started to develop leaves. All the best.
    Thats a lovely picture. Thanks for sharing with us. I also did locate a tree and you were quite right in that they had just started to develop leaves. All the best.
  19. adamsh

    Callistemon Help

    ah location would help :P I'm located in the UK, Kent. Closer inspection earlier I found a bud that must have been dropped by the bud thief, it had landed in between 2 leaves. Someone...
    ah location would help :P I'm located in the UK, Kent. Closer inspection earlier I found a bud that must have been dropped by the bud thief, it had landed in between 2 leaves. Someone suggested it could be birds, but I have only ever seen magpies around here.
    ah location would help :P I'm located in the UK, Kent. Closer inspection earlier I found a bud that must have been dropped by the bud thief, it had landed in between 2 leaves. Someone suggested it could be birds, but I have only ever seen...
    ah location would help :P I'm located in the UK, Kent. Closer inspection earlier I found a bud that must have been dropped by the bud thief, it had landed in between 2 leaves. Someone...
  20. scooby-mas

    Hedge & Border

    Lovely looking hedge scooby, unfortunately it will be taking all the moisture and nutrients from the soil, so you might struggle to establish anything perennial. Thinking as it gets so much sun,...
    Lovely looking hedge scooby, unfortunately it will be taking all the moisture and nutrients from the soil, so you might struggle to establish anything perennial. Thinking as it gets so much sun, would shallow rooted plants manage, things that like their crowns on soil level or above, peonies or...
    Lovely looking hedge scooby, unfortunately it will be taking all the moisture and nutrients from the soil, so you might struggle to establish anything perennial. Thinking as it gets so much sun, would shallow rooted plants manage, things that...
    Lovely looking hedge scooby, unfortunately it will be taking all the moisture and nutrients from the soil, so you might struggle to establish anything perennial. Thinking as it gets so much sun,...

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