General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Bilbo675
    Like x 10

    Carboot Sales ~ Something of an Untapped Source of Plants?

    Pleased to say that the one that Pete gave me is looking fantastic this Spring. Fingers-crossed + Knock-on-wood :)
    Pleased to say that the one that Pete gave me is looking fantastic this Spring. Fingers-crossed + Knock-on-wood :)
    Pleased to say that the one that Pete gave me is looking fantastic this Spring. Fingers-crossed + Knock-on-wood :)
    Pleased to say that the one that Pete gave me is looking fantastic this Spring. Fingers-crossed + Knock-on-wood :)
  2. Ladyin_blue

    Haven't a clue what i'm doing

    Thank you. Will keep an eye out. so no lawn feed needed? or watering?
    Thank you. Will keep an eye out. so no lawn feed needed? or watering?
    Thank you. Will keep an eye out. so no lawn feed needed? or watering?
    Thank you. Will keep an eye out. so no lawn feed needed? or watering?
  3. wiseowl
    Like x 3

    Penny Lane Today

    STunning woo :dbgrtmb:
    STunning woo :dbgrtmb:
    STunning woo :dbgrtmb:
    STunning woo :dbgrtmb:
  4. Spruce

    Any one for Caladium

    T'other one is "Carolyn Whorton"
    T'other one is "Carolyn Whorton"
    T'other one is "Carolyn Whorton"
    T'other one is "Carolyn Whorton"
  5. sumbody

    My bald 30+yr old Rhodie

    Yes, will start with the couple of straggly ones at the back for this year - Thanks again :) S
    Yes, will start with the couple of straggly ones at the back for this year - Thanks again :) S
    Yes, will start with the couple of straggly ones at the back for this year - Thanks again :) S
    Yes, will start with the couple of straggly ones at the back for this year - Thanks again :) S
  6. stephenprudence
    Like x 6

    spring/summer flower pictures

    Lovely that mate! :blue thumb:
    Lovely that mate! :blue thumb:
    Lovely that mate! :blue thumb:
    Lovely that mate! :blue thumb:
  7. merleworld

    Looking for a medium sized shrub with purple leaves

    I'm sure there is a Hebe that matches your description. How about a purple phormium like phormium Maori queen as an alterrnative
    I'm sure there is a Hebe that matches your description. How about a purple phormium like phormium Maori queen as an alterrnative
    I'm sure there is a Hebe that matches your description. How about a purple phormium like phormium Maori queen as an alterrnative
    I'm sure there is a Hebe that matches your description. How about a purple phormium like phormium Maori queen as an alterrnative
  8. clueless1

    Invasive ground cover for compacted starved soil?

    If not try sedum, some are evergreen with nice flowers in summer... Erigeron maybe?
    If not try sedum, some are evergreen with nice flowers in summer... Erigeron maybe?
    If not try sedum, some are evergreen with nice flowers in summer... Erigeron maybe?
    If not try sedum, some are evergreen with nice flowers in summer... Erigeron maybe?
  9. Spruce
    Like x 3

    Jurasic Park Hosta

    I cant see it getting any bigger as in leaves , yes it has produced more offsets but the leaves are the same size as last year the two other pots are just the same , by the way I caught the snail...
    I cant see it getting any bigger as in leaves , yes it has produced more offsets but the leaves are the same size as last year the two other pots are just the same , by the way I caught the snail in the act , micropropagated and it could take 6 years !!! who knows , we'll just have to wait and...
    I cant see it getting any bigger as in leaves , yes it has produced more offsets but the leaves are the same size as last year the two other pots are just the same , by the way I caught the snail in the act , micropropagated and it could take 6...
    I cant see it getting any bigger as in leaves , yes it has produced more offsets but the leaves are the same size as last year the two other pots are just the same , by the way I caught the snail...
  10. islayhawk

    Under Hydrangea.

    Hi Islay, well if your Hydrangea is in a sunny position you can could grow most annuals depending on your like of colours and there are so many to choose from.:scratch::snork: I tend to plant bulbs in layers...
    Hi Islay, well if your Hydrangea is in a sunny position you can could grow most annuals depending on your like of colours and there are so many to choose from.:scratch::snork: I tend to plant bulbs in layers around shrubs and then plant Herbaceious Perennials on top with annuals around them so that I have...
    Hi Islay, well if your Hydrangea is in a sunny position you can could grow most annuals depending on your like of colours and there are so many to choose from.:scratch::snork: I tend to plant bulbs in layers around shrubs and then plant Herbaceious Perennials...
    Hi Islay, well if your Hydrangea is in a sunny position you can could grow most annuals depending on your like of colours and there are so many to choose from.:scratch::snork: I tend to plant bulbs in layers...
  11. RoyP

    Bark Screening rolls

    Any part in contact with the soil will rot over a couple of years. It depends on how robust the bark is for the rest of it; I'd put the screening in place as a temporary measure while you grow...
    Any part in contact with the soil will rot over a couple of years. It depends on how robust the bark is for the rest of it; I'd put the screening in place as a temporary measure while you grow something in front of it to replace the screen once it falls apart.
    Any part in contact with the soil will rot over a couple of years. It depends on how robust the bark is for the rest of it; I'd put the screening in place as a temporary measure while you grow something in front of it to replace the screen once...
    Any part in contact with the soil will rot over a couple of years. It depends on how robust the bark is for the rest of it; I'd put the screening in place as a temporary measure while you grow...
  12. Lea
    Like x 3

    Tesco vouchers can be used at T&M.

    To add to this I purchased home insurance through top cash back in January. Got £50 cash back., transferred the cash back to Tesco (ad opposed to taking the cash) and now have £150 to spend at T&M...
    To add to this I purchased home insurance through top cash back in January. Got £50 cash back., transferred the cash back to Tesco (ad opposed to taking the cash) and now have £150 to spend at T&M absolutely free. One word of warning is the maximum amount of vouchers you can spend on a single...
    To add to this I purchased home insurance through top cash back in January. Got £50 cash back., transferred the cash back to Tesco (ad opposed to taking the cash) and now have £150 to spend at T&M absolutely free. One word of warning is the...
    To add to this I purchased home insurance through top cash back in January. Got £50 cash back., transferred the cash back to Tesco (ad opposed to taking the cash) and now have £150 to spend at T&M...
  13. pamsdish

    Bonsai Fuchsia

    I've 'accidentally' created a bonsia standard fuchsia this year - it was a cutting from last year that didn't overwinter too well, and I now have all the growth atop a stick :dunno: I didn't know that...
    I've 'accidentally' created a bonsia standard fuchsia this year - it was a cutting from last year that didn't overwinter too well, and I now have all the growth atop a stick :dunno: I didn't know that I was actually being fashionable??? :heehee:
    I've 'accidentally' created a bonsia standard fuchsia this year - it was a cutting from last year that didn't overwinter too well, and I now have all the growth atop a stick :dunno: I didn't know that I was actually being fashionable??? :heehee:
    I've 'accidentally' created a bonsia standard fuchsia this year - it was a cutting from last year that didn't overwinter too well, and I now have all the growth atop a stick :dunno: I didn't know that...
  14. b21man

    Where to start? What to plant?

    ooo piccies please?
    ooo piccies please?
    ooo piccies please?
    ooo piccies please?
  15. Hannah's Rose Garden

    RHS plants of the decades and centenary

    Dahlias, all varieties but bishop of llandaff my fave All cannas All callas Peonies GeraniumsIn no particular order, preference nor variety :-)
    Dahlias, all varieties but bishop of llandaff my fave All cannas All callas Peonies GeraniumsIn no particular order, preference nor variety :-)
    Dahlias, all varieties but bishop of llandaff my fave All cannas All callas Peonies GeraniumsIn no particular order, preference nor variety :-)
    Dahlias, all varieties but bishop of llandaff my fave All cannas All callas Peonies GeraniumsIn no particular order, preference nor variety :-)
  16. The Gardening Banker

    New gravel border

    I can`t say for certain either I`m afraid but at a guess, as long as the gravel isn`t trampled down, I`d say they would.
    I can`t say for certain either I`m afraid but at a guess, as long as the gravel isn`t trampled down, I`d say they would.
    I can`t say for certain either I`m afraid but at a guess, as long as the gravel isn`t trampled down, I`d say they would.
    I can`t say for certain either I`m afraid but at a guess, as long as the gravel isn`t trampled down, I`d say they would.
  17. shiney

    Free Seeds

    I'm always wary of these sort of things. Particularly if they're reported in the Mail! :heehee: Some are correct and others don't give you the full picture. If anything catches my eye I always do my...
    I'm always wary of these sort of things. Particularly if they're reported in the Mail! :heehee: Some are correct and others don't give you the full picture. If anything catches my eye I always do my own research. :blue thumb:
    I'm always wary of these sort of things. Particularly if they're reported in the Mail! :heehee: Some are correct and others don't give you the full picture. If anything catches my eye I always do my own research. :blue thumb:
    I'm always wary of these sort of things. Particularly if they're reported in the Mail! :heehee: Some are correct and others don't give you the full picture. If anything catches my eye I always do my...
  18. silu

    Plants that really do earn their keep.

    What a lovely tribute to your esteemed Hellebore Silu. And a very interesting thread too. If it isn't raining tomorrow ( think the forecast looks more promising) I'll have a look round and see if...
    What a lovely tribute to your esteemed Hellebore Silu. And a very interesting thread too. If it isn't raining tomorrow ( think the forecast looks more promising) I'll have a look round and see if there's something that is a good value for money/space specimen in my garden, Jenny
    What a lovely tribute to your esteemed Hellebore Silu. And a very interesting thread too. If it isn't raining tomorrow ( think the forecast looks more promising) I'll have a look round and see if there's something that is a good value for...
    What a lovely tribute to your esteemed Hellebore Silu. And a very interesting thread too. If it isn't raining tomorrow ( think the forecast looks more promising) I'll have a look round and see if...
  19. silu

    Membrane recommendations please

    Thanks all for your great advice and help. Armed with the info I have already purchased some rolls of 2m having taken Kristen's tip as do have a fair few large plants in the area to be covered....
    Thanks all for your great advice and help. Armed with the info I have already purchased some rolls of 2m having taken Kristen's tip as do have a fair few large plants in the area to be covered. Totally agree about the big bark it seems to last longer too. I'm going to a local timber place...
    Thanks all for your great advice and help. Armed with the info I have already purchased some rolls of 2m having taken Kristen's tip as do have a fair few large plants in the area to be covered. Totally agree about the big bark it seems to last...
    Thanks all for your great advice and help. Armed with the info I have already purchased some rolls of 2m having taken Kristen's tip as do have a fair few large plants in the area to be covered....
  20. Scotkat
    Like x 3

    Some of my Rhodendrons in Bloom

    My Goldflimmer is just opening, it's the only Rhodo I have.
    My Goldflimmer is just opening, it's the only Rhodo I have.
    My Goldflimmer is just opening, it's the only Rhodo I have.
    My Goldflimmer is just opening, it's the only Rhodo I have.

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