General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Scotkat
    Like x 3

    Some of my Rhodendrons in Bloom

    My Goldflimmer is just opening, it's the only Rhodo I have.
    My Goldflimmer is just opening, it's the only Rhodo I have.
    My Goldflimmer is just opening, it's the only Rhodo I have.
    My Goldflimmer is just opening, it's the only Rhodo I have.
  2. Jenny namaste
    Like x 14

    Plants that we bought from Shineyland

    Our groundsman Alan comes every Thursday and mows it one way one week and the opposite the next. It's part of our service charges. He's a dab hand at shaping all the shrubs and bushes around the...
    Our groundsman Alan comes every Thursday and mows it one way one week and the opposite the next. It's part of our service charges. He's a dab hand at shaping all the shrubs and bushes around the site too. He whips round our front postage stamp for £1 a week -not worth owning a mower.
    Our groundsman Alan comes every Thursday and mows it one way one week and the opposite the next. It's part of our service charges. He's a dab hand at shaping all the shrubs and bushes around the site too. He whips round our front postage stamp...
    Our groundsman Alan comes every Thursday and mows it one way one week and the opposite the next. It's part of our service charges. He's a dab hand at shaping all the shrubs and bushes around the...
  3. Chiaroscuro

    Dahlia tubers

    I have one poking above the soil now, after being left in the ground over winter so now it seems is the correct time :dbgrtmb: Mine's in the shade though!
    I have one poking above the soil now, after being left in the ground over winter so now it seems is the correct time :dbgrtmb: Mine's in the shade though!
    I have one poking above the soil now, after being left in the ground over winter so now it seems is the correct time :dbgrtmb: Mine's in the shade though!
    I have one poking above the soil now, after being left in the ground over winter so now it seems is the correct time :dbgrtmb: Mine's in the shade though!
  4. Scorpio1968

    Eucalyptus Nicholii help please

    I find it amazing the way it has coped! Hopefully it will be fine right through into adulthood.
    I find it amazing the way it has coped! Hopefully it will be fine right through into adulthood.
    I find it amazing the way it has coped! Hopefully it will be fine right through into adulthood.
    I find it amazing the way it has coped! Hopefully it will be fine right through into adulthood.
  5. lazydog

    BF&Bone + Pieris

    I would never tell you off mate and thanks for the advice,at the moment we have a very slight flood again about 2" of water but it will have gone by tomorrow if the sunshines! :)
    I would never tell you off mate and thanks for the advice,at the moment we have a very slight flood again about 2" of water but it will have gone by tomorrow if the sunshines! :)
    I would never tell you off mate and thanks for the advice,at the moment we have a very slight flood again about 2" of water but it will have gone by tomorrow if the sunshines! :)
    I would never tell you off mate and thanks for the advice,at the moment we have a very slight flood again about 2" of water but it will have gone by tomorrow if the sunshines! :)
  6. Fat Controller

    Quick fix - sound OK?

    Its not quite grass - it has been a flower bed at some point, and as it sits below the kitchen window and to the side of the front door, it is very much part of the 'face' of the house - - if it...
    Its not quite grass - it has been a flower bed at some point, and as it sits below the kitchen window and to the side of the front door, it is very much part of the 'face' of the house - - if it were mine, I'd have flowering shrubs, honeysuckles and maybe a mallow or three in it; Its only a...
    Its not quite grass - it has been a flower bed at some point, and as it sits below the kitchen window and to the side of the front door, it is very much part of the 'face' of the house - - if it were mine, I'd have flowering shrubs, honeysuckles...
    Its not quite grass - it has been a flower bed at some point, and as it sits below the kitchen window and to the side of the front door, it is very much part of the 'face' of the house - - if it...
  7. keithhampson

    Growing edges from cuttings?

    I have nearly 1,000 Box plants taken from cuttings "relieved" from some parent plants near here ... A greenhouse would help if you want a decent quantity ... and with Box Blight then Box may not...
    I have nearly 1,000 Box plants taken from cuttings "relieved" from some parent plants near here ... A greenhouse would help if you want a decent quantity ... and with Box Blight then Box may not be the best choice. Cuttings is a slow process. Year 1 take the cutting, Year 2 grow it on. ...
    I have nearly 1,000 Box plants taken from cuttings "relieved" from some parent plants near here ... A greenhouse would help if you want a decent quantity ... and with Box Blight then Box may not be the best choice. Cuttings is a slow process....
    I have nearly 1,000 Box plants taken from cuttings "relieved" from some parent plants near here ... A greenhouse would help if you want a decent quantity ... and with Box Blight then Box may not...
  8. Autumn

    Best place to put a raised bed?

    Hahaha ... don't bank on that! The saying here is "Ask two gardeners and get three opinions" :) Personal preference I think. I have grass around mine, its squelchy in winter ... I try to...
    Hahaha ... don't bank on that! The saying here is "Ask two gardeners and get three opinions" :) Personal preference I think. I have grass around mine, its squelchy in winter ... I try to remember not to go out there in my best Brogues in winter! paving would be better, but can be slippery....
    Hahaha ... don't bank on that! The saying here is "Ask two gardeners and get three opinions" :) Personal preference I think. I have grass around mine, its squelchy in winter ... I try to remember not to go out there in my best Brogues in...
    Hahaha ... don't bank on that! The saying here is "Ask two gardeners and get three opinions" :) Personal preference I think. I have grass around mine, its squelchy in winter ... I try to...
  9. whis4ey
    Like x 4

    Pics from today

    A beautiful garden Sam, I'm jealous! :)
    A beautiful garden Sam, I'm jealous! :)
    A beautiful garden Sam, I'm jealous! :)
    A beautiful garden Sam, I'm jealous! :)
  10. JWK
    Like x 4

    Frost Warning Tonight (Sat 5th May)

    Wilkos had 2kw fan heaters reduced to £3 last time I looked in there.
    Wilkos had 2kw fan heaters reduced to £3 last time I looked in there.
    Wilkos had 2kw fan heaters reduced to £3 last time I looked in there.
    Wilkos had 2kw fan heaters reduced to £3 last time I looked in there.
  11. al n
    Like x 12

    How my garden is looking today

    Awww, thanks val! :wub2:
    Awww, thanks val! :wub2:
    Awww, thanks val! :wub2:
    Awww, thanks val! :wub2:
  12. Spruce

    Rope Wet or dry ?

    I've got natural rope as a barrier around a terrace, it shrinks a considerable amount when wet so I guess that's the idea of soaking it first. I reckon if there's not enough slack it could easily...
    I've got natural rope as a barrier around a terrace, it shrinks a considerable amount when wet so I guess that's the idea of soaking it first. I reckon if there's not enough slack it could easily bend the stakes.
    I've got natural rope as a barrier around a terrace, it shrinks a considerable amount when wet so I guess that's the idea of soaking it first. I reckon if there's not enough slack it could easily bend the stakes.
    I've got natural rope as a barrier around a terrace, it shrinks a considerable amount when wet so I guess that's the idea of soaking it first. I reckon if there's not enough slack it could easily...
  13. Palustris

    Shed frustration!

    That is exactly what I mean. Still it is all down now, only need to find somewhere to put the iron sheeting until we can organise a Scrap Dealer visit. The wood will be cut up and keep us warm...
    That is exactly what I mean. Still it is all down now, only need to find somewhere to put the iron sheeting until we can organise a Scrap Dealer visit. The wood will be cut up and keep us warm over winter ( and blow the Doxins).
    That is exactly what I mean. Still it is all down now, only need to find somewhere to put the iron sheeting until we can organise a Scrap Dealer visit. The wood will be cut up and keep us warm over winter ( and blow the Doxins).
    That is exactly what I mean. Still it is all down now, only need to find somewhere to put the iron sheeting until we can organise a Scrap Dealer visit. The wood will be cut up and keep us warm...
  14. merleworld

    Painting a fence

    I decided not to go for the green after all :doh: Just spent an hour and a half in B&Q trying to find exterior paint in a colour which I liked. I failed. Ended up buying fence stain after all. Doh!
    I decided not to go for the green after all :doh: Just spent an hour and a half in B&Q trying to find exterior paint in a colour which I liked. I failed. Ended up buying fence stain after all. Doh!
    I decided not to go for the green after all :doh: Just spent an hour and a half in B&Q trying to find exterior paint in a colour which I liked. I failed. Ended up buying fence stain after all. Doh!
    I decided not to go for the green after all :doh: Just spent an hour and a half in B&Q trying to find exterior paint in a colour which I liked. I failed. Ended up buying fence stain after all. Doh!
  15. davelaneward

    Flat Roof in Dorset. Would like to Grow Something

    Inca berry, (Physalis) would grow very well in a sunny position, but likely to need support. I'd tend to grow just one or two plants in 8in pots, they would need feeding through the summer. ...
    Inca berry, (Physalis) would grow very well in a sunny position, but likely to need support. I'd tend to grow just one or two plants in 8in pots, they would need feeding through the summer. Plants are available in some nurseries now.
    Inca berry, (Physalis) would grow very well in a sunny position, but likely to need support. I'd tend to grow just one or two plants in 8in pots, they would need feeding through the summer. Plants are available in some nurseries now.
    Inca berry, (Physalis) would grow very well in a sunny position, but likely to need support. I'd tend to grow just one or two plants in 8in pots, they would need feeding through the summer. ...
  16. Caveman

    Bamboo looking a bit rough ....

    Bamboo in a pot does tend to struggle. What sort of soil is it in? Can you not try some in the ground? It will be much happier. If not, take this plant out the pot, and take off as much of...
    Bamboo in a pot does tend to struggle. What sort of soil is it in? Can you not try some in the ground? It will be much happier. If not, take this plant out the pot, and take off as much of the existing soil as you can. Then repot in a loam based soil and top dress with an inch or two of...
    Bamboo in a pot does tend to struggle. What sort of soil is it in? Can you not try some in the ground? It will be much happier. If not, take this plant out the pot, and take off as much of the existing soil as you can. Then repot in a loam...
    Bamboo in a pot does tend to struggle. What sort of soil is it in? Can you not try some in the ground? It will be much happier. If not, take this plant out the pot, and take off as much of...
  17. rustyroots

    Lost my wild flower patch, but I have a plan.

    I got a few packs of native wildflower mixes from my local garden centre a few years ago for about 10p each at the end of the season, but never used them. I found them a few weeks ago when had a...
    I got a few packs of native wildflower mixes from my local garden centre a few years ago for about 10p each at the end of the season, but never used them. I found them a few weeks ago when had a clearout. I could have sent them to you but i threw them out as i didn't think they would have been...
    I got a few packs of native wildflower mixes from my local garden centre a few years ago for about 10p each at the end of the season, but never used them. I found them a few weeks ago when had a clearout. I could have sent them to you but i...
    I got a few packs of native wildflower mixes from my local garden centre a few years ago for about 10p each at the end of the season, but never used them. I found them a few weeks ago when had a...
  18. pistolpete

    ideas for border

    Hi GuysWent with box in the end, purchased some small specimens from b&q.Really come on in the past year, I'm planning to trim them into a rectangular shape level with the paving behind...
    Hi GuysWent with box in the end, purchased some small specimens from b&q.Really come on in the past year, I'm planning to trim them into a rectangular shape level with the paving behind although I think that's a couple of years away yet.
    Hi GuysWent with box in the end, purchased some small specimens from b&q.Really come on in the past year, I'm planning to trim them into a rectangular shape level with the paving behind although I think that's a couple of years away yet.
    Hi GuysWent with box in the end, purchased some small specimens from b&q.Really come on in the past year, I'm planning to trim them into a rectangular shape level with the paving behind...
  19. adamsh

    Seedling problem?

    the ones with white stalks showing (seen in the photo) will they be ok? I was worried the white bits were part of its root system
    the ones with white stalks showing (seen in the photo) will they be ok? I was worried the white bits were part of its root system
    the ones with white stalks showing (seen in the photo) will they be ok? I was worried the white bits were part of its root system
    the ones with white stalks showing (seen in the photo) will they be ok? I was worried the white bits were part of its root system
  20. Fern4

    I've given up.

    Thanks Mum.....:)
    Thanks Mum.....:)
    Thanks Mum.....:)
    Thanks Mum.....:)

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