General Gardening Discussion

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  1. lhawk

    What to grow over tree roots?

    You could hire a stump grinder (less work than an axe) to tackle the stump and any visible roots that aren't buried too deep.
    You could hire a stump grinder (less work than an axe) to tackle the stump and any visible roots that aren't buried too deep.
    You could hire a stump grinder (less work than an axe) to tackle the stump and any visible roots that aren't buried too deep.
    You could hire a stump grinder (less work than an axe) to tackle the stump and any visible roots that aren't buried too deep.
  2. stumorphmac

    Orchid show

    I forgot about this. Did you go? I was away on business. Wish I could have gone.
    I forgot about this. Did you go? I was away on business. Wish I could have gone.
    I forgot about this. Did you go? I was away on business. Wish I could have gone.
    I forgot about this. Did you go? I was away on business. Wish I could have gone.
  3. adamsh

    Callistemon citrinus

    I bought them in B&Q about 3 weeks ago so fairly recent, I have been trying to find out how long it flowers for in the UK, according to the labels that came with the plant it said Feb to June. ...
    I bought them in B&Q about 3 weeks ago so fairly recent, I have been trying to find out how long it flowers for in the UK, according to the labels that came with the plant it said Feb to June. If that's incorrect and they flower much later then that makes me happy, I have been deadheading the...
    I bought them in B&Q about 3 weeks ago so fairly recent, I have been trying to find out how long it flowers for in the UK, according to the labels that came with the plant it said Feb to June. If that's incorrect and they flower much later...
    I bought them in B&Q about 3 weeks ago so fairly recent, I have been trying to find out how long it flowers for in the UK, according to the labels that came with the plant it said Feb to June. ...
  4. JDweeler

    Thoughts n ideas on my garden

    Everything's bigger now
    Everything's bigger now
    Everything's bigger now
    Everything's bigger now
  5. merleworld

    Clematis as ground cover

    The smaller-flowered ones like viticellas and texensis are good, but large-flowered ones tend to get ruined by slugs and snails. I think John Treasure used to use them over low-growing shrubs and...
    The smaller-flowered ones like viticellas and texensis are good, but large-flowered ones tend to get ruined by slugs and snails. I think John Treasure used to use them over low-growing shrubs and heathers at Burford House..might be worth Googling to see if there are any pictures kicking around?
    The smaller-flowered ones like viticellas and texensis are good, but large-flowered ones tend to get ruined by slugs and snails. I think John Treasure used to use them over low-growing shrubs and heathers at Burford House..might be worth...
    The smaller-flowered ones like viticellas and texensis are good, but large-flowered ones tend to get ruined by slugs and snails. I think John Treasure used to use them over low-growing shrubs and...
  6. ChrisTomlinson

    Raised Beds

    Chris - I was reading a blog I found just now and immediately thought of your thread. If you are feeling adventurous (and thirsty ;)) check out their bed borders made of wine bottles!
    Chris - I was reading a blog I found just now and immediately thought of your thread. If you are feeling adventurous (and thirsty ;)) check out their bed borders made of wine bottles!
    Chris - I was reading a blog I found just now and immediately thought of your thread. If you are feeling adventurous (and thirsty ;)) check out their bed borders made of wine bottles!
    Chris - I was reading a blog I found just now and immediately thought of your thread. If you are feeling adventurous (and thirsty ;)) check out their bed borders made of wine bottles!
  7. Fern4

    Lavatera Trimestris.

    Thanks FC .....I don't know why I thought you'd sown some direct and some indoors last year! I really must pay attention. I think it's my age! :snork: They really do look beautiful Sheal.
    Thanks FC .....I don't know why I thought you'd sown some direct and some indoors last year! I really must pay attention. I think it's my age! :snork: They really do look beautiful Sheal.
    Thanks FC .....I don't know why I thought you'd sown some direct and some indoors last year! I really must pay attention. I think it's my age! :snork: They really do look beautiful Sheal.
    Thanks FC .....I don't know why I thought you'd sown some direct and some indoors last year! I really must pay attention. I think it's my age! :snork: They really do look beautiful Sheal.
  8. Val..

    Slate chippings

    You're welcome :) If you get any stubborn patches, the best solution I found was to simply direct a strong hose jet at them for a while.
    You're welcome :) If you get any stubborn patches, the best solution I found was to simply direct a strong hose jet at them for a while.
    You're welcome :) If you get any stubborn patches, the best solution I found was to simply direct a strong hose jet at them for a while.
    You're welcome :) If you get any stubborn patches, the best solution I found was to simply direct a strong hose jet at them for a while.
  9. merleworld

    Chelsea Flower Show

    I apologise if you felt I was criticising what you wrote, that wasn't my intention but rather I was seeking to ask the question as to whether it was suitable or not given the lovely even...
    I apologise if you felt I was criticising what you wrote, that wasn't my intention but rather I was seeking to ask the question as to whether it was suitable or not given the lovely even temperature. I agree. As a family we try to eat "low food miles" and I think bringing in Asparagus or...
    I apologise if you felt I was criticising what you wrote, that wasn't my intention but rather I was seeking to ask the question as to whether it was suitable or not given the lovely even temperature. I agree. As a family we try to eat "low...
    I apologise if you felt I was criticising what you wrote, that wasn't my intention but rather I was seeking to ask the question as to whether it was suitable or not given the lovely even...
  10. Val..

    Covering weeds/grass with newspaper!!

    My friend has a huge drive which she wanted to gravel, she laid old carpets begged stolen or borrowed from skips, and it did a fair job, there are weeds now, but easily pulled up as the roots are...
    My friend has a huge drive which she wanted to gravel, she laid old carpets begged stolen or borrowed from skips, and it did a fair job, there are weeds now, but easily pulled up as the roots are not in the ground.
    My friend has a huge drive which she wanted to gravel, she laid old carpets begged stolen or borrowed from skips, and it did a fair job, there are weeds now, but easily pulled up as the roots are not in the ground.
    My friend has a huge drive which she wanted to gravel, she laid old carpets begged stolen or borrowed from skips, and it did a fair job, there are weeds now, but easily pulled up as the roots are...
  11. Snowbaby

    Help! Cat deterrent please

    Oops, feel free to delete this. I want aware of the no cat threads ruleSent from my GT-N7000
    Oops, feel free to delete this. I want aware of the no cat threads ruleSent from my GT-N7000
    Oops, feel free to delete this. I want aware of the no cat threads ruleSent from my GT-N7000
    Oops, feel free to delete this. I want aware of the no cat threads ruleSent from my GT-N7000
  12. davetherave
    Like x 8

    Garden at new house

    A different view. New close board fence and a few Dicentra Spectabilis.
    A different view. New close board fence and a few Dicentra Spectabilis.
    A different view. New close board fence and a few Dicentra Spectabilis.
    A different view. New close board fence and a few Dicentra Spectabilis.
  13. Jack McHammocklashing

    Where do the worms go?

    I find the Brandling worms just sit under mulch sulking if there's no manure to eat.
    I find the Brandling worms just sit under mulch sulking if there's no manure to eat.
    I find the Brandling worms just sit under mulch sulking if there's no manure to eat.
    I find the Brandling worms just sit under mulch sulking if there's no manure to eat.
  14. Selleri

    Please tell me it's too early for Petunias...

    sounds like you need a gun, or a terrier...
    sounds like you need a gun, or a terrier...
    sounds like you need a gun, or a terrier...
    sounds like you need a gun, or a terrier...
  15. Jack McHammocklashing

    Where do the worms go?

    Last year, I built a raised bed, only 12" high I dug two spades down on the ground, then filled the 12" bed with ten year old Horse Manure Basically it was black soil, with about 10k worms I got a...
    Last year, I built a raised bed, only 12" high I dug two spades down on the ground, then filled the 12" bed with ten year old Horse Manure Basically it was black soil, with about 10k worms I got a good crop of veg, but I have not seen a worm since ? Just wondered where they have all gone ...
    Last year, I built a raised bed, only 12" high I dug two spades down on the ground, then filled the 12" bed with ten year old Horse Manure Basically it was black soil, with about 10k worms I got a good crop of veg, but I have not seen a worm...
    Last year, I built a raised bed, only 12" high I dug two spades down on the ground, then filled the 12" bed with ten year old Horse Manure Basically it was black soil, with about 10k worms I got a...
  16. redstar

    Dragon's Breath

    What to do with your lavender This is really, really, really, yummy.
    What to do with your lavender This is really, really, really, yummy.
    What to do with your lavender This is really, really, really, yummy.
    What to do with your lavender This is really, really, really, yummy.
  17. trogre

    Sweet Peas

    I make pots from newspaper rolled around an aerosol can (some pictures on my blog). They are surprisingly durable (provided they don't actually sit in water). I make them quite tall - taller than...
    I make pots from newspaper rolled around an aerosol can (some pictures on my blog). They are surprisingly durable (provided they don't actually sit in water). I make them quite tall - taller than the average loo-roll - and I think that is an advantage. I don't see any benefit in sowing them...
    I make pots from newspaper rolled around an aerosol can (some pictures on my blog). They are surprisingly durable (provided they don't actually sit in water). I make them quite tall - taller than the average loo-roll - and I think that is an...
    I make pots from newspaper rolled around an aerosol can (some pictures on my blog). They are surprisingly durable (provided they don't actually sit in water). I make them quite tall - taller than...
  18. trogre

    Lady In Black Fuchsia

    Thanks for your input Jenny. I do not want a standard type look with a bare stem and flowers at the top. Having said that I only wanted to see what L.i.B grew and looked like. Had to purchase 6...
    Thanks for your input Jenny. I do not want a standard type look with a bare stem and flowers at the top. Having said that I only wanted to see what L.i.B grew and looked like. Had to purchase 6 plugs so I could just for sake of seeing what happens train one plug as a standard and see what...
    Thanks for your input Jenny. I do not want a standard type look with a bare stem and flowers at the top. Having said that I only wanted to see what L.i.B grew and looked like. Had to purchase 6 plugs so I could just for sake of seeing what...
    Thanks for your input Jenny. I do not want a standard type look with a bare stem and flowers at the top. Having said that I only wanted to see what L.i.B grew and looked like. Had to purchase 6...
  19. sallybrunt

    Gardening course

    I agree with JWK , look round locally, colleges etc,I really think any garden course has to be "hands on"
    I agree with JWK , look round locally, colleges etc,I really think any garden course has to be "hands on"
    I agree with JWK , look round locally, colleges etc,I really think any garden course has to be "hands on"
    I agree with JWK , look round locally, colleges etc,I really think any garden course has to be "hands on"
  20. sal73
    Agree x 3

    Seeds price going up

    I buy nearly all my Veg seeds from my local garden centre when they have their annual 50p-a-packet sale in September. Before then they have a 50% off sale, which I sometimes use for varieties that...
    I buy nearly all my Veg seeds from my local garden centre when they have their annual 50p-a-packet sale in September. Before then they have a 50% off sale, which I sometimes use for varieties that are getting "low" stock. Some F1 seeds are frighteningly expensive too. Moles Seeds are worth a...
    I buy nearly all my Veg seeds from my local garden centre when they have their annual 50p-a-packet sale in September. Before then they have a 50% off sale, which I sometimes use for varieties that are getting "low" stock. Some F1 seeds are...
    I buy nearly all my Veg seeds from my local garden centre when they have their annual 50p-a-packet sale in September. Before then they have a 50% off sale, which I sometimes use for varieties that...

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