General Gardening Discussion

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  1. trogre


    They're a bit susceptible aren't they? I ended up dismantling mine when gales were forecast, moved all the big pots that were overwintering, wrapped up the plants and then re-assembled it...
    They're a bit susceptible aren't they? I ended up dismantling mine when gales were forecast, moved all the big pots that were overwintering, wrapped up the plants and then re-assembled it afterwards:gaah: Even with heavy planks and concrete blocks holding down the edges, they don't resist wind. ...
    They're a bit susceptible aren't they? I ended up dismantling mine when gales were forecast, moved all the big pots that were overwintering, wrapped up the plants and then re-assembled it afterwards:gaah: Even with heavy planks and concrete blocks...
    They're a bit susceptible aren't they? I ended up dismantling mine when gales were forecast, moved all the big pots that were overwintering, wrapped up the plants and then re-assembled it...
  2. al n
    Like x 3

    Fao sal

    The monkey tree, fab! Slow grower as you know, but very healthy.
    The monkey tree, fab! Slow grower as you know, but very healthy.
    The monkey tree, fab! Slow grower as you know, but very healthy.
    The monkey tree, fab! Slow grower as you know, but very healthy.
  3. SvenLittkowski

    QUESTION: Interesting Ground Cover?

    Could you order them & get them shipped to a friend in USA & then he resends them to you..? Or your friend orders them for you & you send him the the money..? I would be quite happy to do the...
    Could you order them & get them shipped to a friend in USA & then he resends them to you..? Or your friend orders them for you & you send him the the money..? I would be quite happy to do the latter for you, but I am in UK & not travelling to Jam' land any more.. :cry3: Our seeds are not always the...
    Could you order them & get them shipped to a friend in USA & then he resends them to you..? Or your friend orders them for you & you send him the the money..? I would be quite happy to do the latter for you, but I am in UK & not travelling to...
    Could you order them & get them shipped to a friend in USA & then he resends them to you..? Or your friend orders them for you & you send him the the money..? I would be quite happy to do the...
  4. polypody

    Bark Chippings

    I have acid soil and have used bark chip on occasions over the years with no ill effects that I'm aware of. Unless you put down bark really thickly it doesn't work that well as a suppressant but...
    I have acid soil and have used bark chip on occasions over the years with no ill effects that I'm aware of. Unless you put down bark really thickly it doesn't work that well as a suppressant but does work reasonably well for a while at least if you lay about 3 sheets thick of newspaper down and...
    I have acid soil and have used bark chip on occasions over the years with no ill effects that I'm aware of. Unless you put down bark really thickly it doesn't work that well as a suppressant but does work reasonably well for a while at least if...
    I have acid soil and have used bark chip on occasions over the years with no ill effects that I'm aware of. Unless you put down bark really thickly it doesn't work that well as a suppressant but...
  5. silu

    Advice re evergreen Daphne please

    I've got the same problem with moroccan mint growing through my Daphne cneorum. I just yank it out as soon as it'll give up before I do!
    I've got the same problem with moroccan mint growing through my Daphne cneorum. I just yank it out as soon as it'll give up before I do!
    I've got the same problem with moroccan mint growing through my Daphne cneorum. I just yank it out as soon as it'll give up before I do!
    I've got the same problem with moroccan mint growing through my Daphne cneorum. I just yank it out as soon as it'll give up before I do!
  6. Caveman

    Dangling sweet peas ....

    it could be a hanging basket variety of sweet pea
    it could be a hanging basket variety of sweet pea
    it could be a hanging basket variety of sweet pea
    it could be a hanging basket variety of sweet pea
  7. clueless1


    Ours did that as well :sad:. So I tied the top of the framework to a drainpipe - then some of the local cats started to sit on the shelves if there were no plants on them!!!
    Ours did that as well :sad:. So I tied the top of the framework to a drainpipe - then some of the local cats started to sit on the shelves if there were no plants on them!!!
    Ours did that as well :sad:. So I tied the top of the framework to a drainpipe - then some of the local cats started to sit on the shelves if there were no plants on them!!!
    Ours did that as well :sad:. So I tied the top of the framework to a drainpipe - then some of the local cats started to sit on the shelves if there were no plants on them!!!
  8. Sheal
    Like x 8

    For Jenny Namaste

    Beautiful, your avatar looks a bit like it.
    Beautiful, your avatar looks a bit like it.
    Beautiful, your avatar looks a bit like it.
    Beautiful, your avatar looks a bit like it.
  9. Val..

    Anyone order plants from here?

    Really? Oh, it would be good if it did! I only planted it last year, and am yet to see a flower from it.
    Really? Oh, it would be good if it did! I only planted it last year, and am yet to see a flower from it.
    Really? Oh, it would be good if it did! I only planted it last year, and am yet to see a flower from it.
    Really? Oh, it would be good if it did! I only planted it last year, and am yet to see a flower from it.
  10. Barbara.K


    Thanks so much, that's very reassuring. There's no obvious ash tree now but, as I say, we only moved here in December so there may well have been until recently. We'll ask around.
    Thanks so much, that's very reassuring. There's no obvious ash tree now but, as I say, we only moved here in December so there may well have been until recently. We'll ask around.
    Thanks so much, that's very reassuring. There's no obvious ash tree now but, as I say, we only moved here in December so there may well have been until recently. We'll ask around.
    Thanks so much, that's very reassuring. There's no obvious ash tree now but, as I say, we only moved here in December so there may well have been until recently. We'll ask around.
  11. Sirius
    Like x 3

    Dicksonia antarctica

    al n - I would plant mine in a pot so I can bring it in in winter, but I think they do much better in the ground. pete - mine has gone into a shady relatively damp spot. So hopefully it will...
    al n - I would plant mine in a pot so I can bring it in in winter, but I think they do much better in the ground. pete - mine has gone into a shady relatively damp spot. So hopefully it will feel a bit more at home. Oxfordnick - there were also some really small ones. But I decided that the...
    al n - I would plant mine in a pot so I can bring it in in winter, but I think they do much better in the ground. pete - mine has gone into a shady relatively damp spot. So hopefully it will feel a bit more at home. Oxfordnick - there were...
    al n - I would plant mine in a pot so I can bring it in in winter, but I think they do much better in the ground. pete - mine has gone into a shady relatively damp spot. So hopefully it will...
  12. MichaelJohn


    You need to dig them up. May well get more frosts, and that will kill them. Even if not with the cold soil at this time of the year they will be slow to sprout and come out of dormancy, and...
    You need to dig them up. May well get more frosts, and that will kill them. Even if not with the cold soil at this time of the year they will be slow to sprout and come out of dormancy, and unless it stays dry any prolonged wet, before they have sprouted, will cause them to rot. Fill a pot...
    You need to dig them up. May well get more frosts, and that will kill them. Even if not with the cold soil at this time of the year they will be slow to sprout and come out of dormancy, and unless it stays dry any prolonged wet, before they have...
    You need to dig them up. May well get more frosts, and that will kill them. Even if not with the cold soil at this time of the year they will be slow to sprout and come out of dormancy, and...
  13. harry123

    Buying bulbs online...

    Often, yes. What sort of bulbs are you after? have some more interesting things, prices tend to be good, and bulb size is "generous" - sometimes "huge" IME! A number of...
    Often, yes. What sort of bulbs are you after? have some more interesting things, prices tend to be good, and bulb size is "generous" - sometimes "huge" IME! A number of folk on here bought from them last year and gave good reports. Lilies? H W Hyde and Sons...
    Often, yes. What sort of bulbs are you after? have some more interesting things, prices tend to be good, and bulb size is "generous" - sometimes "huge" IME! A number of folk on here bought from them last year and gave good...
    Often, yes. What sort of bulbs are you after? have some more interesting things, prices tend to be good, and bulb size is "generous" - sometimes "huge" IME! A number of...
  14. Garyc

    Privet or box?

    Indeed, leaf looks smaller I think? But after your posts I think Euonymous would make a suitable "buttress", only faster :) its something I hadn't considered before, as I'd only considered Box and...
    Indeed, leaf looks smaller I think? But after your posts I think Euonymous would make a suitable "buttress", only faster :) its something I hadn't considered before, as I'd only considered Box and thought "Too slow for me"! That's very kind, thanks.
    Indeed, leaf looks smaller I think? But after your posts I think Euonymous would make a suitable "buttress", only faster :) its something I hadn't considered before, as I'd only considered Box and thought "Too slow for me"! That's very kind,...
    Indeed, leaf looks smaller I think? But after your posts I think Euonymous would make a suitable "buttress", only faster :) its something I hadn't considered before, as I'd only considered Box and...
  15. Grannie Annie
    Like x 7

    Spalding Tulip Parade

    I was born and bred in Spalding and still here although I did escape for 5 years in the 60s to live in Bristol. Sadly these days it is not the lovely quite Market Town that it was when I was...
    I was born and bred in Spalding and still here although I did escape for 5 years in the 60s to live in Bristol. Sadly these days it is not the lovely quite Market Town that it was when I was growing up in the - dare I say it in the 40s. But then I suppose that goes for a lot of places today.
    I was born and bred in Spalding and still here although I did escape for 5 years in the 60s to live in Bristol. Sadly these days it is not the lovely quite Market Town that it was when I was growing up in the - dare I say it in the 40s. But then...
    I was born and bred in Spalding and still here although I did escape for 5 years in the 60s to live in Bristol. Sadly these days it is not the lovely quite Market Town that it was when I was...
  16. waiting for the weather

    Care for a lawn underplanted with bulbs?

    How about trying the new Roundup Gel. :)
    How about trying the new Roundup Gel. :)
    How about trying the new Roundup Gel. :)
    How about trying the new Roundup Gel. :)
  17. davetherave
    Like x 5

    How well are your tulips doing?

    I have "Queen of the Night" in my tubs above, they are open now,for some reason I cannot be without that variety, :ccheers:
    I have "Queen of the Night" in my tubs above, they are open now,for some reason I cannot be without that variety, :ccheers:
    I have "Queen of the Night" in my tubs above, they are open now,for some reason I cannot be without that variety, :ccheers:
    I have "Queen of the Night" in my tubs above, they are open now,for some reason I cannot be without that variety, :ccheers:
  18. HarryS

    Wilko's Grass Seed

    Pictures of the back lawn before and after . Scarifying , spiking (hard work ! ) ,patches reseeded and top dressed with a mix of top soil , sharp sand and MPC ( all sieved - hard work again !...
    Pictures of the back lawn before and after . Scarifying , spiking (hard work ! ) ,patches reseeded and top dressed with a mix of top soil , sharp sand and MPC ( all sieved - hard work again ! ) The new seed is just starting to show after 2 weeks . I am using the sprinkler but hopefully we will...
    Pictures of the back lawn before and after . Scarifying , spiking (hard work ! ) ,patches reseeded and top dressed with a mix of top soil , sharp sand and MPC ( all sieved - hard work again ! ) The new seed is just starting to show after 2 weeks...
    Pictures of the back lawn before and after . Scarifying , spiking (hard work ! ) ,patches reseeded and top dressed with a mix of top soil , sharp sand and MPC ( all sieved - hard work again !...
  19. pamsdish

    "Lost/Forgotten purchases.

    You can't remember the 50s Pam !:biggrin: You had to stab the jam lid to release it . Salad was a slice of ham , a sliced boiled egg , two leaves of lettuce and a tomato ! Radish and spring onions if you...
    You can't remember the 50s Pam !:biggrin: You had to stab the jam lid to release it . Salad was a slice of ham , a sliced boiled egg , two leaves of lettuce and a tomato ! Radish and spring onions if you were lucky ........Sunday tea was very boring !
    You can't remember the 50s Pam !:biggrin: You had to stab the jam lid to release it . Salad was a slice of ham , a sliced boiled egg , two leaves of lettuce and a tomato ! Radish and spring onions if you were lucky ........Sunday tea was very boring !
    You can't remember the 50s Pam !:biggrin: You had to stab the jam lid to release it . Salad was a slice of ham , a sliced boiled egg , two leaves of lettuce and a tomato ! Radish and spring onions if you...
  20. trogre

    Too Good To Look Real

    Looks like a Gerbera...lovely flower:thumbsup:
    Looks like a Gerbera...lovely flower:thumbsup:
    Looks like a Gerbera...lovely flower:thumbsup:
    Looks like a Gerbera...lovely flower:thumbsup:

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