General Gardening Discussion

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  1. al n

    FAO Mowgley

    Massive garden and I love your seating area ;)
    Massive garden and I love your seating area ;)
    Massive garden and I love your seating area ;)
    Massive garden and I love your seating area ;)
  2. merleworld

    Replanting my borders...

    I am redoing my borders, both the top raised one and the north facing one but I can't for the life of me decide which order to put the plants in so I keep changing my mind :doh: The top border is...
    I am redoing my borders, both the top raised one and the north facing one but I can't for the life of me decide which order to put the plants in so I keep changing my mind :doh: The top border is west facing and is sunnier on the left than the right where it joins the north facing border. Currently...
    I am redoing my borders, both the top raised one and the north facing one but I can't for the life of me decide which order to put the plants in so I keep changing my mind :doh: The top border is west facing and is sunnier on the left than the right...
    I am redoing my borders, both the top raised one and the north facing one but I can't for the life of me decide which order to put the plants in so I keep changing my mind :doh: The top border is...
  3. Fat Controller

    Homebase - 20% off this weekend

    How kind of the sky to water your garden for you ready for those nasturtium and grass seeds :dbgrtmb: Sounds like you got some bargains, FC!
    How kind of the sky to water your garden for you ready for those nasturtium and grass seeds :dbgrtmb: Sounds like you got some bargains, FC!
    How kind of the sky to water your garden for you ready for those nasturtium and grass seeds :dbgrtmb: Sounds like you got some bargains, FC!
    How kind of the sky to water your garden for you ready for those nasturtium and grass seeds :dbgrtmb: Sounds like you got some bargains, FC!
  4. Folly Mon
    Like x 4

    My Garden at the Moment

    Thanks for All the Lovely Comments Ive had a Water Wheel Made for the side of the Folly just got to fit it and another pool for it top run in to But Must Remaine Focused on this here Arbour :phew:...
    Thanks for All the Lovely Comments Ive had a Water Wheel Made for the side of the Folly just got to fit it and another pool for it top run in to But Must Remaine Focused on this here Arbour :phew: None Stop with this Bit of :SUNsmile:
    Thanks for All the Lovely Comments Ive had a Water Wheel Made for the side of the Folly just got to fit it and another pool for it top run in to But Must Remaine Focused on this here Arbour :phew: None Stop with this Bit of :SUNsmile:
    Thanks for All the Lovely Comments Ive had a Water Wheel Made for the side of the Folly just got to fit it and another pool for it top run in to But Must Remaine Focused on this here Arbour :phew:...
  5. wiseowl

    Buddleia Pruning

    Different pruning characteristics to the Big 'Uns then? Presumably still cut back, but its not going to need the Big Loppers in a few years time I guess :)
    Different pruning characteristics to the Big 'Uns then? Presumably still cut back, but its not going to need the Big Loppers in a few years time I guess :)
    Different pruning characteristics to the Big 'Uns then? Presumably still cut back, but its not going to need the Big Loppers in a few years time I guess :)
    Different pruning characteristics to the Big 'Uns then? Presumably still cut back, but its not going to need the Big Loppers in a few years time I guess :)
  6. Roscoepeko1

    Plant Sharing

    Snap :) This is a common theme with gardeners, I find. Again, apart from the carriage cost, a Plant Swap site could have a "Charity donation" option, so sender is not out of pocket for...
    Snap :) This is a common theme with gardeners, I find. Again, apart from the carriage cost, a Plant Swap site could have a "Charity donation" option, so sender is not out of pocket for carriage, but whatever "charge" is made of the buyer goes to charity. eBay has similar, I suppose, where...
    Snap :) This is a common theme with gardeners, I find. Again, apart from the carriage cost, a Plant Swap site could have a "Charity donation" option, so sender is not out of pocket for carriage, but whatever "charge" is made of the buyer...
    Snap :) This is a common theme with gardeners, I find. Again, apart from the carriage cost, a Plant Swap site could have a "Charity donation" option, so sender is not out of pocket for...
  7. trogre


    I've got a reptile mat in a plastic "oddments tidy box". Seeds (Banana and the like) in sphagnum moss get too hot if they are in contact with it (running it on a thermostat) ... so I have now put...
    I've got a reptile mat in a plastic "oddments tidy box". Seeds (Banana and the like) in sphagnum moss get too hot if they are in contact with it (running it on a thermostat) ... so I have now put a mesh cake stand between reptile mat and bags of moss/seeds. But I think a better solution might...
    I've got a reptile mat in a plastic "oddments tidy box". Seeds (Banana and the like) in sphagnum moss get too hot if they are in contact with it (running it on a thermostat) ... so I have now put a mesh cake stand between reptile mat and bags of...
    I've got a reptile mat in a plastic "oddments tidy box". Seeds (Banana and the like) in sphagnum moss get too hot if they are in contact with it (running it on a thermostat) ... so I have now put...
  8. silu

    Furious , anybody any advice other than a stiff drink?

    Congratulations on a good outcome. :blue thumb: Your solicitor was right about not pushing it. If it came to court you could be ruled against (if the court thought it was a debateable situation) as you...
    Congratulations on a good outcome. :blue thumb: Your solicitor was right about not pushing it. If it came to court you could be ruled against (if the court thought it was a debateable situation) as you would have turned down a reasonable offer. The courts don't like you being unnecessarily litigious.
    Congratulations on a good outcome. :blue thumb: Your solicitor was right about not pushing it. If it came to court you could be ruled against (if the court thought it was a debateable situation) as you would have turned down a reasonable offer. The...
    Congratulations on a good outcome. :blue thumb: Your solicitor was right about not pushing it. If it came to court you could be ruled against (if the court thought it was a debateable situation) as you...
  9. HJS86

    Gardener Wannabe

    Hi Well the decking has been finished now and the wendy house is coming on Tuesday, can't wait! Have done some more tidying in the garden and there are some interesting things popping up.One...
    Hi Well the decking has been finished now and the wendy house is coming on Tuesday, can't wait! Have done some more tidying in the garden and there are some interesting things popping up.One of the huge plants has just come in bloom and smells gorgeous. Its a red currant tree according to...
    Hi Well the decking has been finished now and the wendy house is coming on Tuesday, can't wait! Have done some more tidying in the garden and there are some interesting things popping up.One of the huge plants has just come in bloom and...
    Hi Well the decking has been finished now and the wendy house is coming on Tuesday, can't wait! Have done some more tidying in the garden and there are some interesting things popping up.One...
    IMG-20130221-01592.jpg IMG-20130221-01593.jpg IMG-20130221-01594.jpg IMG-20130221-01595.jpg IMG-20130223-01610.jpg IMG-20130223-01608.jpg
  10. LindsayH

    Best way to demolish a shed?

    WRT to your electric saw. Make sure you don't let it try to cut where there are any nails / screws. Personally I would never use a chain saw on a shed for the very reason that nails etc. are hard...
    WRT to your electric saw. Make sure you don't let it try to cut where there are any nails / screws. Personally I would never use a chain saw on a shed for the very reason that nails etc. are hard to spot, and they have a dramatic effect on the blade :( and can make the saw kick - with...
    WRT to your electric saw. Make sure you don't let it try to cut where there are any nails / screws. Personally I would never use a chain saw on a shed for the very reason that nails etc. are hard to spot, and they have a dramatic effect on the...
    WRT to your electric saw. Make sure you don't let it try to cut where there are any nails / screws. Personally I would never use a chain saw on a shed for the very reason that nails etc. are hard...
  11. kindredspirit
  12. Phil A

    Been a bit of overnight damage

    All that for a bit of a rabbit!!! :hate-shocked: :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
    All that for a bit of a rabbit!!! :hate-shocked: :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
    All that for a bit of a rabbit!!! :hate-shocked: :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
    All that for a bit of a rabbit!!! :hate-shocked: :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
  13. Folly Mon

    My Garden at the Moment

    LOvely folly mon
    LOvely folly mon
    LOvely folly mon
    LOvely folly mon
  14. HarryS

    Fern Problems ?

    Yep me too Harry my painted fern and ostrich fern are slow this year!
    Yep me too Harry my painted fern and ostrich fern are slow this year!
    Yep me too Harry my painted fern and ostrich fern are slow this year!
    Yep me too Harry my painted fern and ostrich fern are slow this year!
  15. stephenprudence
    Like x 10

    Some Spring photos

    Just lovely!! Val
    Just lovely!! Val
    Just lovely!! Val
    Just lovely!! Val
  16. Loofah

    New maintenance scheme

    Bit organised there K! They get a skull and crossbones ;)
    Bit organised there K! They get a skull and crossbones ;)
    Bit organised there K! They get a skull and crossbones ;)
    Bit organised there K! They get a skull and crossbones ;)
  17. randkell

    camilias/bourganvilla problems

    It will add Calcium to the soil, over time, which will increase the alkalinity. Hence best to use rainwater when you can (I don't see a need to be too obsessive about it, but there again using tap...
    It will add Calcium to the soil, over time, which will increase the alkalinity. Hence best to use rainwater when you can (I don't see a need to be too obsessive about it, but there again using tap water exclusively will cause a build-up of alkaline salts, over time.)
    It will add Calcium to the soil, over time, which will increase the alkalinity. Hence best to use rainwater when you can (I don't see a need to be too obsessive about it, but there again using tap water exclusively will cause a build-up of...
    It will add Calcium to the soil, over time, which will increase the alkalinity. Hence best to use rainwater when you can (I don't see a need to be too obsessive about it, but there again using tap...
  18. tdubya

    Dig now or later ?

    Don't rotavate a bed with couch grass, it will chop up the roots into tiny pieces each of which will grow quickly into a new plant. Spray with glyphosate or try and tease out the roots after watering.
    Don't rotavate a bed with couch grass, it will chop up the roots into tiny pieces each of which will grow quickly into a new plant. Spray with glyphosate or try and tease out the roots after watering.
    Don't rotavate a bed with couch grass, it will chop up the roots into tiny pieces each of which will grow quickly into a new plant. Spray with glyphosate or try and tease out the roots after watering.
    Don't rotavate a bed with couch grass, it will chop up the roots into tiny pieces each of which will grow quickly into a new plant. Spray with glyphosate or try and tease out the roots after watering.
  19. JWK

    Sunflowers - frost hardy?

    I do get my fair share! :) In the first photo, those trees you see behind the fence, belong to the local council and are being taken down due to some sort of disease :cry3: which is so, so sad. ...
    I do get my fair share! :) In the first photo, those trees you see behind the fence, belong to the local council and are being taken down due to some sort of disease :cry3: which is so, so sad. Mind you, they were going to be replaced by Ash - last year brought a rethink on that one :heehee: In the...
    I do get my fair share! :) In the first photo, those trees you see behind the fence, belong to the local council and are being taken down due to some sort of disease :cry3: which is so, so sad. Mind you, they were going to be replaced by Ash -...
    I do get my fair share! :) In the first photo, those trees you see behind the fence, belong to the local council and are being taken down due to some sort of disease :cry3: which is so, so sad. ...
  20. harry123

    Nargis flower?


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