General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Bilbo675

    Eddo (Elephants Ears, Colocasia ?)

    those are few variety I`ve tryed this year , all from the local asian shop , but bought in different months from November onward .
    those are few variety I`ve tryed this year , all from the local asian shop , but bought in different months from November onward .
    those are few variety I`ve tryed this year , all from the local asian shop , but bought in different months from November onward .
    those are few variety I`ve tryed this year , all from the local asian shop , but bought in different months from November onward .
  2. al n
    Like x 9

    It's coming along the nooo

    Excellent :dbgrtmb:
    Excellent :dbgrtmb:
    Excellent :dbgrtmb:
    Excellent :dbgrtmb:
  3. Kristen
    Informative x 3

    Pricking out to Small Modules and Potting On

    Yes, good point. That's the same thing, just on a bit bigger scale. I think that's not necessarily so obviously proven. Staggered rows of round pots will snuggle tightly such that the density...
    Yes, good point. That's the same thing, just on a bit bigger scale. I think that's not necessarily so obviously proven. Staggered rows of round pots will snuggle tightly such that the density of pots-per-unit-area is much the same; down to personal preference thereafter. There was a thread...
    Yes, good point. That's the same thing, just on a bit bigger scale. I think that's not necessarily so obviously proven. Staggered rows of round pots will snuggle tightly such that the density of pots-per-unit-area is much the same; down to...
    Yes, good point. That's the same thing, just on a bit bigger scale. I think that's not necessarily so obviously proven. Staggered rows of round pots will snuggle tightly such that the density...
  4. HarryS

    Chilly This weekend ?

    :snork: Maybe thats something we can arrange with Peel Holdings :biggrin: Gates fully open in future!
    :snork: Maybe thats something we can arrange with Peel Holdings :biggrin: Gates fully open in future!
    :snork: Maybe thats something we can arrange with Peel Holdings :biggrin: Gates fully open in future!
    :snork: Maybe thats something we can arrange with Peel Holdings :biggrin: Gates fully open in future!
  5. HarryS

    Tulips Anyone

    I planted equal yellow and red tulips in October and only the yellow have come up so far and are starting to flower. So with all the daffs at the moment my garden is looking a bit yellow. I also...
    I planted equal yellow and red tulips in October and only the yellow have come up so far and are starting to flower. So with all the daffs at the moment my garden is looking a bit yellow. I also planted white and black tulips together and they are budding, but no signs of them opening.Rusty
    I planted equal yellow and red tulips in October and only the yellow have come up so far and are starting to flower. So with all the daffs at the moment my garden is looking a bit yellow. I also planted white and black tulips together and they...
    I planted equal yellow and red tulips in October and only the yellow have come up so far and are starting to flower. So with all the daffs at the moment my garden is looking a bit yellow. I also...
  6. fuchsialady

    What has happened here?

    Ok I hasn't really thought of frost damage as it's been around for a while. I have only moved it once. It was near a large tree and in front of a leylandii hedge. It hardly grew at all, but it...
    Ok I hasn't really thought of frost damage as it's been around for a while. I have only moved it once. It was near a large tree and in front of a leylandii hedge. It hardly grew at all, but it hasn't exactly gone mad in its new place. Maybe it's slower growing than I expected. Bit disappointed...
    Ok I hasn't really thought of frost damage as it's been around for a while. I have only moved it once. It was near a large tree and in front of a leylandii hedge. It hardly grew at all, but it hasn't exactly gone mad in its new place. Maybe it's...
    Ok I hasn't really thought of frost damage as it's been around for a while. I have only moved it once. It was near a large tree and in front of a leylandii hedge. It hardly grew at all, but it...
  7. longk
    Like x 9

    OBG Today

    Interesting, you'll have to keep us posted on that!!:snork:
    Interesting, you'll have to keep us posted on that!!:snork:
    Interesting, you'll have to keep us posted on that!!:snork:
    Interesting, you'll have to keep us posted on that!!:snork:
  8. Lorea

    Bearded Irises bent stalks

    All it has to do is walk through them...
    All it has to do is walk through them...
    All it has to do is walk through them...
    All it has to do is walk through them...
  9. LindsayH

    Heeeeeelp! Sweet pea seedling disaster!

    My money is on slugs / snails. Sprinkle some slug pellets on the top of the tray - I have slug pellets all over the trays of young plants I am growing as otherwise it is guaranteed that the little...
    My money is on slugs / snails. Sprinkle some slug pellets on the top of the tray - I have slug pellets all over the trays of young plants I am growing as otherwise it is guaranteed that the little seedlings will be "mowed" by the blighters. My understanding is there is something about the...
    My money is on slugs / snails. Sprinkle some slug pellets on the top of the tray - I have slug pellets all over the trays of young plants I am growing as otherwise it is guaranteed that the little seedlings will be "mowed" by the blighters. My...
    My money is on slugs / snails. Sprinkle some slug pellets on the top of the tray - I have slug pellets all over the trays of young plants I am growing as otherwise it is guaranteed that the little...
  10. the garden gnome

    soil/compost ratio

    We have a lot of veg experts on GC, some of who use raised, hopefully, some on them will give you advice on that......but 50/50 sounds reasonable to me, but then I'm a flower man!!:snork:
    We have a lot of veg experts on GC, some of who use raised, hopefully, some on them will give you advice on that......but 50/50 sounds reasonable to me, but then I'm a flower man!!:snork:
    We have a lot of veg experts on GC, some of who use raised, hopefully, some on them will give you advice on that......but 50/50 sounds reasonable to me, but then I'm a flower man!!:snork:
    We have a lot of veg experts on GC, some of who use raised, hopefully, some on them will give you advice on that......but 50/50 sounds reasonable to me, but then I'm a flower man!!:snork:
  11. exlabman

    Unrully Climbers

    wow what a difference well done u! how about a little Uncle Toms Rose Tonic just to give them a little pick me up.
    wow what a difference well done u! how about a little Uncle Toms Rose Tonic just to give them a little pick me up.
    wow what a difference well done u! how about a little Uncle Toms Rose Tonic just to give them a little pick me up.
    wow what a difference well done u! how about a little Uncle Toms Rose Tonic just to give them a little pick me up.
  12. Jiffy

    Skimmia Japonica Rubella

    Thank you Loofah I've got one flowering now and the bee's are going mad around it, so it's on the list to make more of, but was'nt sure if you could take cutting :dbgrtmb:
    Thank you Loofah I've got one flowering now and the bee's are going mad around it, so it's on the list to make more of, but was'nt sure if you could take cutting :dbgrtmb:
    Thank you Loofah I've got one flowering now and the bee's are going mad around it, so it's on the list to make more of, but was'nt sure if you could take cutting :dbgrtmb:
    Thank you Loofah I've got one flowering now and the bee's are going mad around it, so it's on the list to make more of, but was'nt sure if you could take cutting :dbgrtmb:
  13. stephenprudence
    Like x 3

    Garden Escapees

    As a freshwater angler, FC, I can assure you that the Signal Crayfish is upsetting the natural balance in our rivers and lakes. They are not just "thriving, breeding and slowly out-competing the...
    As a freshwater angler, FC, I can assure you that the Signal Crayfish is upsetting the natural balance in our rivers and lakes. They are not just "thriving, breeding and slowly out-competing the smaller, native, crayfish which is in dwindling numbers" they have exploded in population all over...
    As a freshwater angler, FC, I can assure you that the Signal Crayfish is upsetting the natural balance in our rivers and lakes. They are not just "thriving, breeding and slowly out-competing the smaller, native, crayfish which is in dwindling...
    As a freshwater angler, FC, I can assure you that the Signal Crayfish is upsetting the natural balance in our rivers and lakes. They are not just "thriving, breeding and slowly out-competing the...
  14. SamB

    Soil level in border above lawn.... What to do!

    That's a nifty idea Shiney, less bald patches to look at. Inaven't been brave enough odo it yet, got sidetracked trying to lay some paving slabs. Maybe tomorrow..... :)
    That's a nifty idea Shiney, less bald patches to look at. Inaven't been brave enough odo it yet, got sidetracked trying to lay some paving slabs. Maybe tomorrow..... :)
    That's a nifty idea Shiney, less bald patches to look at. Inaven't been brave enough odo it yet, got sidetracked trying to lay some paving slabs. Maybe tomorrow..... :)
    That's a nifty idea Shiney, less bald patches to look at. Inaven't been brave enough odo it yet, got sidetracked trying to lay some paving slabs. Maybe tomorrow..... :)
  15. hans

    Swallows In Mid Wales

    Yes they do that here as well, I think the first we see are en route.
    Yes they do that here as well, I think the first we see are en route.
    Yes they do that here as well, I think the first we see are en route.
    Yes they do that here as well, I think the first we see are en route.
  16. noisette47

    Gardening in forn parts

    Wow, both Jamaica and SA must have presented totally different conditions to the UK! Here in France, in theory at least, the seasons are the same but everything is that bit more 'extreme'. The...
    Wow, both Jamaica and SA must have presented totally different conditions to the UK! Here in France, in theory at least, the seasons are the same but everything is that bit more 'extreme'. The only advantage to this that I've discovered so far is that long, hot summers help to ripen borderline...
    Wow, both Jamaica and SA must have presented totally different conditions to the UK! Here in France, in theory at least, the seasons are the same but everything is that bit more 'extreme'. The only advantage to this that I've discovered so far...
    Wow, both Jamaica and SA must have presented totally different conditions to the UK! Here in France, in theory at least, the seasons are the same but everything is that bit more 'extreme'. The...
  17. cartsbj


    Thank you for your advice, hopefully I will be successful.
    Thank you for your advice, hopefully I will be successful.
    Thank you for your advice, hopefully I will be successful.
    Thank you for your advice, hopefully I will be successful.
  18. trogre

    Rule Of Thumb

    I do the same specific and accurate planting that Loofah does! :heehee: Works for me. :blue thumb:
    I do the same specific and accurate planting that Loofah does! :heehee: Works for me. :blue thumb:
    I do the same specific and accurate planting that Loofah does! :heehee: Works for me. :blue thumb:
    I do the same specific and accurate planting that Loofah does! :heehee: Works for me. :blue thumb:
  19. whis4ey

    YUKI ... the film

    Neither do I Shiney .... I am just passing on the message :) But ... I have seen the film and it is really very very good. And my garden passes muster very well and looks good throughout. Lovely...
    Neither do I Shiney .... I am just passing on the message :) But ... I have seen the film and it is really very very good. And my garden passes muster very well and looks good throughout. Lovely to see, and just proud that my garden has now been seen on all continents of the world in film...
    Neither do I Shiney .... I am just passing on the message :) But ... I have seen the film and it is really very very good. And my garden passes muster very well and looks good throughout. Lovely to see, and just proud that my garden has now been...
    Neither do I Shiney .... I am just passing on the message :) But ... I have seen the film and it is really very very good. And my garden passes muster very well and looks good throughout. Lovely...
  20. HarryS

    Jetwash Patio cleaners ?

    Will certainly look at the washers with flying saucer attachments next time washer dies. Just wondering though does the saucer sort of ride on a cushion of water like the flymo grass cutters do? I...
    Will certainly look at the washers with flying saucer attachments next time washer dies. Just wondering though does the saucer sort of ride on a cushion of water like the flymo grass cutters do? I only ask as some of my slabs and not level with each other and wondering if the saucer would catch...
    Will certainly look at the washers with flying saucer attachments next time washer dies. Just wondering though does the saucer sort of ride on a cushion of water like the flymo grass cutters do? I only ask as some of my slabs and not level with...
    Will certainly look at the washers with flying saucer attachments next time washer dies. Just wondering though does the saucer sort of ride on a cushion of water like the flymo grass cutters do? I...

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