General Gardening Discussion

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  1. HarryS

    Jetwash Patio cleaners ?

    Will certainly look at the washers with flying saucer attachments next time washer dies. Just wondering though does the saucer sort of ride on a cushion of water like the flymo grass cutters do? I...
    Will certainly look at the washers with flying saucer attachments next time washer dies. Just wondering though does the saucer sort of ride on a cushion of water like the flymo grass cutters do? I only ask as some of my slabs and not level with each other and wondering if the saucer would catch...
    Will certainly look at the washers with flying saucer attachments next time washer dies. Just wondering though does the saucer sort of ride on a cushion of water like the flymo grass cutters do? I only ask as some of my slabs and not level with...
    Will certainly look at the washers with flying saucer attachments next time washer dies. Just wondering though does the saucer sort of ride on a cushion of water like the flymo grass cutters do? I...
  2. Amanensia

    What's in my garden...

    There is the spindle tree which is apparently was a native of scotland and made it through the ice age as well.. obviously with a warming of the climate after the ice age this tough tree colonized...
    There is the spindle tree which is apparently was a native of scotland and made it through the ice age as well.. obviously with a warming of the climate after the ice age this tough tree colonized further south.. I believe it's only found in parts of the southeast now? Yes if you define native...
    There is the spindle tree which is apparently was a native of scotland and made it through the ice age as well.. obviously with a warming of the climate after the ice age this tough tree colonized further south.. I believe it's only found in...
    There is the spindle tree which is apparently was a native of scotland and made it through the ice age as well.. obviously with a warming of the climate after the ice age this tough tree colonized...
  3. Dicemanc

    Will Hedera Colchica grow in full shade?

    Thanks everyone - it looks like a climbing Hydrangea will be the best bet. Just one more question if I may - from the photos I have seen it looks quite weighty, and the fence it will be climbing...
    Thanks everyone - it looks like a climbing Hydrangea will be the best bet. Just one more question if I may - from the photos I have seen it looks quite weighty, and the fence it will be climbing is the wooden panel type stuck between two concrete posts (with trellis attached). It's not too...
    Thanks everyone - it looks like a climbing Hydrangea will be the best bet. Just one more question if I may - from the photos I have seen it looks quite weighty, and the fence it will be climbing is the wooden panel type stuck between two...
    Thanks everyone - it looks like a climbing Hydrangea will be the best bet. Just one more question if I may - from the photos I have seen it looks quite weighty, and the fence it will be climbing...
  4. dandanuk

    New plants

    Oh dear I'm sorry for your loss, it's good to hear you've managed to keep something that reminds you of him, I just wondered if they would manage a pot as well as a bamboo would, we'll I'm laying...
    Oh dear I'm sorry for your loss, it's good to hear you've managed to keep something that reminds you of him, I just wondered if they would manage a pot as well as a bamboo would, we'll I'm laying down pebbles and gravel in the garden with a surrounding bedding area where I intend to lay plants...
    Oh dear I'm sorry for your loss, it's good to hear you've managed to keep something that reminds you of him, I just wondered if they would manage a pot as well as a bamboo would, we'll I'm laying down pebbles and gravel in the garden with a...
    Oh dear I'm sorry for your loss, it's good to hear you've managed to keep something that reminds you of him, I just wondered if they would manage a pot as well as a bamboo would, we'll I'm laying...
  5. longk
    Like x 5

    And the winner of the earliest bloom of the year is................

    Well it's a winter flowerer so it's a little surprising, but i guess it's playing catch up like everything else!
    Well it's a winter flowerer so it's a little surprising, but i guess it's playing catch up like everything else!
    Well it's a winter flowerer so it's a little surprising, but i guess it's playing catch up like everything else!
    Well it's a winter flowerer so it's a little surprising, but i guess it's playing catch up like everything else!
  6. Paladin

    Metal Shed

    I overcame, unwittingly, the possible problem of damp on the paving by having it raised. This was done because the ground was sloping so it needed to be levelled. I'd recommend it in order to...
    I overcame, unwittingly, the possible problem of damp on the paving by having it raised. This was done because the ground was sloping so it needed to be levelled. I'd recommend it in order to get round any damp problem. I also have shelving but, as it's not easy to fix to the walls, I bought...
    I overcame, unwittingly, the possible problem of damp on the paving by having it raised. This was done because the ground was sloping so it needed to be levelled. I'd recommend it in order to get round any damp problem. I also have shelving...
    I overcame, unwittingly, the possible problem of damp on the paving by having it raised. This was done because the ground was sloping so it needed to be levelled. I'd recommend it in order to...
  7. Amanensia

    Plants in a shaded border?

    Well, I've learnt something to, thank you. :dbgrtmb: I didn't realise it said that on the packaging, however I'll still wait for them to brown just to be sure. :)
    Well, I've learnt something to, thank you. :dbgrtmb: I didn't realise it said that on the packaging, however I'll still wait for them to brown just to be sure. :)
    Well, I've learnt something to, thank you. :dbgrtmb: I didn't realise it said that on the packaging, however I'll still wait for them to brown just to be sure. :)
    Well, I've learnt something to, thank you. :dbgrtmb: I didn't realise it said that on the packaging, however I'll still wait for them to brown just to be sure. :)
  8. HowardM

    Cleaning up an acre

    Hello and welcome to the forum. If barley could defeat dock leaves and other weeds, I don't think there'd be much of a herbicide industry because it wouldn't be commercially viable for companies...
    Hello and welcome to the forum. If barley could defeat dock leaves and other weeds, I don't think there'd be much of a herbicide industry because it wouldn't be commercially viable for companies like Monsanto to just develop for the casual home gardener. If you want to grow a competitive...
    Hello and welcome to the forum. If barley could defeat dock leaves and other weeds, I don't think there'd be much of a herbicide industry because it wouldn't be commercially viable for companies like Monsanto to just develop for the casual home...
    Hello and welcome to the forum. If barley could defeat dock leaves and other weeds, I don't think there'd be much of a herbicide industry because it wouldn't be commercially viable for companies...
  9. HsuH

    Fence repair

    Well after a long delay due to a) the cold weather and b) a severe dose of man flu :sick0026:, and c) the windy weather, we finally got it done. :partytime:We eventually went for the digging out the old post (hard...
    Well after a long delay due to a) the cold weather and b) a severe dose of man flu :sick0026:, and c) the windy weather, we finally got it done. :partytime:We eventually went for the digging out the old post (hard work but got there eventually), dropping the new post in, and filling with postcrete, method. ...
    Well after a long delay due to a) the cold weather and b) a severe dose of man flu :sick0026:, and c) the windy weather, we finally got it done. :partytime:We eventually went for the digging out the old post (hard work but got there eventually), dropping the new...
    Well after a long delay due to a) the cold weather and b) a severe dose of man flu :sick0026:, and c) the windy weather, we finally got it done. :partytime:We eventually went for the digging out the old post (hard...
  10. Victoria

    Obelisk gardening ...

    Mad, I also meant to say that there is a Bougainvillea to the left of the left obelisk, a common purple one planted in the ground and there is also a red one out back there. When I said they do...
    Mad, I also meant to say that there is a Bougainvillea to the left of the left obelisk, a common purple one planted in the ground and there is also a red one out back there. When I said they do better without watering here, I meant when they are in the ground, so that may have been a bit...
    Mad, I also meant to say that there is a Bougainvillea to the left of the left obelisk, a common purple one planted in the ground and there is also a red one out back there. When I said they do better without watering here, I meant when they are...
    Mad, I also meant to say that there is a Bougainvillea to the left of the left obelisk, a common purple one planted in the ground and there is also a red one out back there. When I said they do...
  11. alex-adam
    Like x 7

    Vintage Tools - Just to look at !!

    Looks good a-a :) I'm a bit of a sucker for some old fashion traditional tools though. The old birch sieves have some reinforcing rods under the netting, which helps support the weight of the...
    Looks good a-a :) I'm a bit of a sucker for some old fashion traditional tools though. The old birch sieves have some reinforcing rods under the netting, which helps support the weight of the material in the sieve, which I think would help.
    Looks good a-a :) I'm a bit of a sucker for some old fashion traditional tools though. The old birch sieves have some reinforcing rods under the netting, which helps support the weight of the material in the sieve, which I think would help.
    Looks good a-a :) I'm a bit of a sucker for some old fashion traditional tools though. The old birch sieves have some reinforcing rods under the netting, which helps support the weight of the...
  12. Hannah's Rose Garden

    Sourcing cheap plants for my 3 year old

    SHe has been busy planting daisies and making mud pies this aft :)
    SHe has been busy planting daisies and making mud pies this aft :)
    SHe has been busy planting daisies and making mud pies this aft :)
    SHe has been busy planting daisies and making mud pies this aft :)
  13. dandanuk

    Help with plant ideas

    Both Boston Ivy and Virginia Creeper are green spring/summer then turn that gorgeous red in the Autumn. It's easy to manage, it doesn't get out of control.
    Both Boston Ivy and Virginia Creeper are green spring/summer then turn that gorgeous red in the Autumn. It's easy to manage, it doesn't get out of control.
    Both Boston Ivy and Virginia Creeper are green spring/summer then turn that gorgeous red in the Autumn. It's easy to manage, it doesn't get out of control.
    Both Boston Ivy and Virginia Creeper are green spring/summer then turn that gorgeous red in the Autumn. It's easy to manage, it doesn't get out of control.
  14. Amanensia

    Another cold snap - basil?

    Sage, thyme and rosemary will be ok, oregano will need protection if a young plant, otherwise that should be ok too.
    Sage, thyme and rosemary will be ok, oregano will need protection if a young plant, otherwise that should be ok too.
    Sage, thyme and rosemary will be ok, oregano will need protection if a young plant, otherwise that should be ok too.
    Sage, thyme and rosemary will be ok, oregano will need protection if a young plant, otherwise that should be ok too.
  15. trogre


    What look are you going for? thats a good place to start
    What look are you going for? thats a good place to start
    What look are you going for? thats a good place to start
    What look are you going for? thats a good place to start
  16. noisette47
    Like x 5

    The first froggie of the year!

    It's not me! It's Sony:gaah: Their drivers don't work:nonofinger: The frogs don't care, though:dancy:
    It's not me! It's Sony:gaah: Their drivers don't work:nonofinger: The frogs don't care, though:dancy:
    It's not me! It's Sony:gaah: Their drivers don't work:nonofinger: The frogs don't care, though:dancy:
    It's not me! It's Sony:gaah: Their drivers don't work:nonofinger: The frogs don't care, though:dancy:
  17. Fat Controller

    Somebody please tell me I did the right thing?!?!

    Haws has a raft of them - all good IME. There are ones (like the "Fine as Rain #4" in the eBay auction) which have very few holes; they don't knock seedlings over, but take ages to water...
    Haws has a raft of them - all good IME. There are ones (like the "Fine as Rain #4" in the eBay auction) which have very few holes; they don't knock seedlings over, but take ages to water anything. Particularly good for just-emerged seedlings before pricking out, but I bottom-water them because...
    Haws has a raft of them - all good IME. There are ones (like the "Fine as Rain #4" in the eBay auction) which have very few holes; they don't knock seedlings over, but take ages to water anything. Particularly good for just-emerged seedlings...
    Haws has a raft of them - all good IME. There are ones (like the "Fine as Rain #4" in the eBay auction) which have very few holes; they don't knock seedlings over, but take ages to water...
  18. Val..

    My poor little pansies..HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I know the feeling Harry, I'm sitting in the middle of it! :heehee:
    I know the feeling Harry, I'm sitting in the middle of it! :heehee:
    I know the feeling Harry, I'm sitting in the middle of it! :heehee:
    I know the feeling Harry, I'm sitting in the middle of it! :heehee:
  19. SamB

    Pruning advice

    Brilliant thread wiseowl, very clear advice and I finally feel I could have a go without fear of doing more harm than good. Thanks, Sam
    Brilliant thread wiseowl, very clear advice and I finally feel I could have a go without fear of doing more harm than good. Thanks, Sam
    Brilliant thread wiseowl, very clear advice and I finally feel I could have a go without fear of doing more harm than good. Thanks, Sam
    Brilliant thread wiseowl, very clear advice and I finally feel I could have a go without fear of doing more harm than good. Thanks, Sam
  20. LindsayH

    A couple of quick questions...

    Perfect JWK, many thanks!
    Perfect JWK, many thanks!
    Perfect JWK, many thanks!
    Perfect JWK, many thanks!

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