General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Sheal

    Aubretia/ Aubrieta

    Thanks Loli and Silu. :dbgrtmb: I'm glad they grow as individual plants, because the seeds I bought are mixed colours and didn't fancy multi coloured clumps in the garden. Thanks for the colour and size...
    Thanks Loli and Silu. :dbgrtmb: I'm glad they grow as individual plants, because the seeds I bought are mixed colours and didn't fancy multi coloured clumps in the garden. Thanks for the colour and size tip Silu. Guess what I'll be doing at the weekend? I've also got my young grandson here for the...
    Thanks Loli and Silu. :dbgrtmb: I'm glad they grow as individual plants, because the seeds I bought are mixed colours and didn't fancy multi coloured clumps in the garden. Thanks for the colour and size tip Silu. Guess what I'll be doing at the...
    Thanks Loli and Silu. :dbgrtmb: I'm glad they grow as individual plants, because the seeds I bought are mixed colours and didn't fancy multi coloured clumps in the garden. Thanks for the colour and size...
  2. The Gardening Banker

    Garden Waste Tax

    Just remembered :doh: - on top of us getting green waste collected, free, weekly a waste compacter lorry visits the village (and other villages around) every Sunday from April to November. It stays in...
    Just remembered :doh: - on top of us getting green waste collected, free, weekly a waste compacter lorry visits the village (and other villages around) every Sunday from April to November. It stays in one spot in each village for an hour and everyone takes their surplus garden waste there. There are...
    Just remembered :doh: - on top of us getting green waste collected, free, weekly a waste compacter lorry visits the village (and other villages around) every Sunday from April to November. It stays in one spot in each village for an hour and everyone...
    Just remembered :doh: - on top of us getting green waste collected, free, weekly a waste compacter lorry visits the village (and other villages around) every Sunday from April to November. It stays in...
  3. davetherave


    Fair comment; well presented :)
    Fair comment; well presented :)
    Fair comment; well presented :)
    Fair comment; well presented :)
  4. Elizabeth13

    Flowers coming out

    Some of my tulips are now flowering
    Some of my tulips are now flowering
    Some of my tulips are now flowering
    Some of my tulips are now flowering
    image.jpg P1000919 (640x480) (2).jpg
  5. Marley Farley

    Camellia recomendations anyone.?

    Camellia sasanqua and possibly Camellia reticulata?? With some Smilacina racemosa interplanted for good measure:) silu, try hanging bars of cheap soap from the's a trick that seems to...
    Camellia sasanqua and possibly Camellia reticulata?? With some Smilacina racemosa interplanted for good measure:) silu, try hanging bars of cheap soap from the's a trick that seems to work here!
    Camellia sasanqua and possibly Camellia reticulata?? With some Smilacina racemosa interplanted for good measure:) silu, try hanging bars of cheap soap from the's a trick that seems to work here!
    Camellia sasanqua and possibly Camellia reticulata?? With some Smilacina racemosa interplanted for good measure:) silu, try hanging bars of cheap soap from the's a trick that seems to...
  6. Coolsox

    Aristolochia elegant

    There was a Plant hunters fair near where I live. Didn't get the name of the stall though, sorry.Of course, the first thing I did when I got it home was to chop it to bits :-p if you would like...
    There was a Plant hunters fair near where I live. Didn't get the name of the stall though, sorry.Of course, the first thing I did when I got it home was to chop it to bits :-p if you would like a cutting once rooted I will be more than happy to send one your way!
    There was a Plant hunters fair near where I live. Didn't get the name of the stall though, sorry.Of course, the first thing I did when I got it home was to chop it to bits :-p if you would like a cutting once rooted I will be more than happy to...
    There was a Plant hunters fair near where I live. Didn't get the name of the stall though, sorry.Of course, the first thing I did when I got it home was to chop it to bits :-p if you would like...
  7. Richard360

    Cheap flowers to attract bees

    I would have thought it best to avoid anything that self seeds freely (Foxgloves, Forget me Nots, many of the wildflowers) on an allotment. That said, I would consider Nasturtiums ok - the seeds...
    I would have thought it best to avoid anything that self seeds freely (Foxgloves, Forget me Nots, many of the wildflowers) on an allotment. That said, I would consider Nasturtiums ok - the seeds are large (as previously pointed out) so will not spread too far, and they are great next to broad...
    I would have thought it best to avoid anything that self seeds freely (Foxgloves, Forget me Nots, many of the wildflowers) on an allotment. That said, I would consider Nasturtiums ok - the seeds are large (as previously pointed out) so will not...
    I would have thought it best to avoid anything that self seeds freely (Foxgloves, Forget me Nots, many of the wildflowers) on an allotment. That said, I would consider Nasturtiums ok - the seeds...
  8. Loofah

    We had SUNSHINE!

    sunday was lovely here too but not a patch on today, it was just glorious here, lovely & sunny with a scrumptiously warm breeze...ahhh bliss :hapydancsmil: i don't think i left the garden for more than 5...
    sunday was lovely here too but not a patch on today, it was just glorious here, lovely & sunny with a scrumptiously warm breeze...ahhh bliss :hapydancsmil: i don't think i left the garden for more than 5 mins...only to nip inside for a quick sandwich then back dinner for'd be wasting...
    sunday was lovely here too but not a patch on today, it was just glorious here, lovely & sunny with a scrumptiously warm breeze...ahhh bliss :hapydancsmil: i don't think i left the garden for more than 5 mins...only to nip inside for a quick sandwich then...
    sunday was lovely here too but not a patch on today, it was just glorious here, lovely & sunny with a scrumptiously warm breeze...ahhh bliss :hapydancsmil: i don't think i left the garden for more than 5...
  9. intel

    Pinching Out Surfinia

    I pinch out most everything including surfinias. Plants are much bushier, stronger and more floriferous.....and they flower better!
    I pinch out most everything including surfinias. Plants are much bushier, stronger and more floriferous.....and they flower better!
    I pinch out most everything including surfinias. Plants are much bushier, stronger and more floriferous.....and they flower better!
    I pinch out most everything including surfinias. Plants are much bushier, stronger and more floriferous.....and they flower better!
  10. sal73

    Manihot esculenta variegata

    Tropical stuff is full of weird critters. I used to buy trinkets and souvenirs made from local wood when I lived abroad, sometimes they just ate themselves from the inside out. I remember having a...
    Tropical stuff is full of weird critters. I used to buy trinkets and souvenirs made from local wood when I lived abroad, sometimes they just ate themselves from the inside out. I remember having a little wooden musical instrument that shed sawdust as it sat on the shelf. Maybe we're better off...
    Tropical stuff is full of weird critters. I used to buy trinkets and souvenirs made from local wood when I lived abroad, sometimes they just ate themselves from the inside out. I remember having a little wooden musical instrument that shed...
    Tropical stuff is full of weird critters. I used to buy trinkets and souvenirs made from local wood when I lived abroad, sometimes they just ate themselves from the inside out. I remember having a...
  11. landimad

    To Much To Soon

    With you both :loll: every time I sat down I could see lots of other things that need doing ... and the ' fatal' good idea's ...:oops:
    With you both :loll: every time I sat down I could see lots of other things that need doing ... and the ' fatal' good idea's ...:oops:
    With you both :loll: every time I sat down I could see lots of other things that need doing ... and the ' fatal' good idea's ...:oops:
    With you both :loll: every time I sat down I could see lots of other things that need doing ... and the ' fatal' good idea's ...:oops:
  12. nFrost
    Like x 13

    THANK YOU Lolimac

    Eeee by gum, I'll neeed phraize boook.:biggrin:
    Eeee by gum, I'll neeed phraize boook.:biggrin:
    Eeee by gum, I'll neeed phraize boook.:biggrin:
    Eeee by gum, I'll neeed phraize boook.:biggrin:
  13. Annemieke

    Prediction wanted please: what will we eat in May? (June etc.)

    Hi-i don't envy you having to write about vegetables nowadays amid this changing weather !
    Hi-i don't envy you having to write about vegetables nowadays amid this changing weather !
    Hi-i don't envy you having to write about vegetables nowadays amid this changing weather !
    Hi-i don't envy you having to write about vegetables nowadays amid this changing weather !
  14. "M"

    Who's *their* weather forecaster?

    :huh: Blimey! Please apologise to him for me, Jenny. When I told them to "go away", I didn't think they'd make it that far; or as quick :redface:
    :huh: Blimey! Please apologise to him for me, Jenny. When I told them to "go away", I didn't think they'd make it that far; or as quick :redface:
    :huh: Blimey! Please apologise to him for me, Jenny. When I told them to "go away", I didn't think they'd make it that far; or as quick :redface:
    :huh: Blimey! Please apologise to him for me, Jenny. When I told them to "go away", I didn't think they'd make it that far; or as quick :redface:
  15. longk
    Like x 11

    The madness has started!

    After such a poor start in my cold greenhouse, I have started again with more seed sowing.African Marigold and Nigella. Beetroot and red onion. Morning Glory and Swan River Daisy.
    After such a poor start in my cold greenhouse, I have started again with more seed sowing.African Marigold and Nigella. Beetroot and red onion. Morning Glory and Swan River Daisy.
    After such a poor start in my cold greenhouse, I have started again with more seed sowing.African Marigold and Nigella. Beetroot and red onion. Morning Glory and Swan River Daisy.
    After such a poor start in my cold greenhouse, I have started again with more seed sowing.African Marigold and Nigella. Beetroot and red onion. Morning Glory and Swan River Daisy.
    DSCF6904.JPG DSCF6902.JPG DSCF6903.JPG
  16. rustyroots

    Water butt.

    That's the one for£11.99 in wickes by me Scrungee.Rusty
    That's the one for£11.99 in wickes by me Scrungee.Rusty
    That's the one for£11.99 in wickes by me Scrungee.Rusty
    That's the one for£11.99 in wickes by me Scrungee.Rusty
  17. intel

    Starting Dahlia Tubers For Cuttings

    Yes. Probably best to stop around beginning of May, maybe a bit later (e.g. for any variety that has been slow to produce the number of cuttings you want), then the mother plants can recover and...
    Yes. Probably best to stop around beginning of May, maybe a bit later (e.g. for any variety that has been slow to produce the number of cuttings you want), then the mother plants can recover and put on a bit of growth, be hardened off, and planted out towards end of May. All that can be earlier...
    Yes. Probably best to stop around beginning of May, maybe a bit later (e.g. for any variety that has been slow to produce the number of cuttings you want), then the mother plants can recover and put on a bit of growth, be hardened off, and...
    Yes. Probably best to stop around beginning of May, maybe a bit later (e.g. for any variety that has been slow to produce the number of cuttings you want), then the mother plants can recover and...
  18. Kayleigh

    Perlite,Vermiculite, Sand or Grit?

    ah sure i always sow far too many seeds that respect i don't see this year being much different :heehee:
    ah sure i always sow far too many seeds that respect i don't see this year being much different :heehee:
    ah sure i always sow far too many seeds that respect i don't see this year being much different :heehee:
    ah sure i always sow far too many seeds that respect i don't see this year being much different :heehee:
    Like x 5


    AHA!!! I will almost be able to call myself a "gardener" at this rate :yes: I bought 3 last year: red, white and blue and I planted those in a group arrangement. They all split seed wonderfully in...
    AHA!!! I will almost be able to call myself a "gardener" at this rate :yes: I bought 3 last year: red, white and blue and I planted those in a group arrangement. They all split seed wonderfully in the Autumn. Checked the copse end earlier today and I can only see one plant emerging. But! I'm...
    AHA!!! I will almost be able to call myself a "gardener" at this rate :yes: I bought 3 last year: red, white and blue and I planted those in a group arrangement. They all split seed wonderfully in the Autumn. Checked the copse end earlier today...
    AHA!!! I will almost be able to call myself a "gardener" at this rate :yes: I bought 3 last year: red, white and blue and I planted those in a group arrangement. They all split seed wonderfully in...
  20. goosegog5555
    Like x 3

    New beginings

    Thanks :ThankYou:
    Thanks :ThankYou:
    Thanks :ThankYou:
    Thanks :ThankYou:

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