General Gardening Discussion

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  1. goosegog5555
    Like x 3

    New beginings

    Thanks :ThankYou:
    Thanks :ThankYou:
    Thanks :ThankYou:
    Thanks :ThankYou:
  2. lakeside

    Cleaning Pots

    I like clean teracotta - a blast with the jet wash cleans all . Lining your pots with old compost bags slows the moss down............
    I like clean teracotta - a blast with the jet wash cleans all . Lining your pots with old compost bags slows the moss down............
    I like clean teracotta - a blast with the jet wash cleans all . Lining your pots with old compost bags slows the moss down............
    I like clean teracotta - a blast with the jet wash cleans all . Lining your pots with old compost bags slows the moss down............
  3. MichaelJohn

    Gardeners world tonight

    Ooo, wild flowers, nice one
    Ooo, wild flowers, nice one
    Ooo, wild flowers, nice one
    Ooo, wild flowers, nice one
  4. Loofah

    T&M free p&p weekend

    Oh great! Could have done with that earlier in the week when I ordered some begonias :gaah:
    Oh great! Could have done with that earlier in the week when I ordered some begonias :gaah:
    Oh great! Could have done with that earlier in the week when I ordered some begonias :gaah:
    Oh great! Could have done with that earlier in the week when I ordered some begonias :gaah:
  5. al n

    When to start feeding?

    Two thoughts: Advice for sowing seeds for vegetables is to incorporate some "Growmore" a couple of weeks before sowing. I wonder if "a bit before needed" applies here as well? I feed my young...
    Two thoughts: Advice for sowing seeds for vegetables is to incorporate some "Growmore" a couple of weeks before sowing. I wonder if "a bit before needed" applies here as well? I feed my young hedges with pure Nitrogen just before the buds break [i.e. when the buds "fatten"], and I reckon...
    Two thoughts: Advice for sowing seeds for vegetables is to incorporate some "Growmore" a couple of weeks before sowing. I wonder if "a bit before needed" applies here as well? I feed my young hedges with pure Nitrogen just before the buds...
    Two thoughts: Advice for sowing seeds for vegetables is to incorporate some "Growmore" a couple of weeks before sowing. I wonder if "a bit before needed" applies here as well? I feed my young...
  6. pamsdish

    Egg Shells

    Got no chickens, so it must be the slugs :eeew:
    Got no chickens, so it must be the slugs :eeew:
    Got no chickens, so it must be the slugs :eeew:
    Got no chickens, so it must be the slugs :eeew:
  7. captainhastings

    The weather

    Thanks for the replies so general opinion is the seeds are just dormant waiting for the weather then they will be like jack and bean stalk :)
    Thanks for the replies so general opinion is the seeds are just dormant waiting for the weather then they will be like jack and bean stalk :)
    Thanks for the replies so general opinion is the seeds are just dormant waiting for the weather then they will be like jack and bean stalk :)
    Thanks for the replies so general opinion is the seeds are just dormant waiting for the weather then they will be like jack and bean stalk :)
  8. goosegog5555

    I would like some dark red / Black plants ?

    You can also get petunia 'black velvet' :) Val
    You can also get petunia 'black velvet' :) Val
    You can also get petunia 'black velvet' :) Val
    You can also get petunia 'black velvet' :) Val
  9. dandanuk

    ideas for my garden.

    Agree with Sheal re the gravel - too harsh on furry paws.New pics would be great
    Agree with Sheal re the gravel - too harsh on furry paws.New pics would be great
    Agree with Sheal re the gravel - too harsh on furry paws.New pics would be great
    Agree with Sheal re the gravel - too harsh on furry paws.New pics would be great
  10. longk

    Passiflora Chat

    Never met him, although I intend to visit Roseland Hse this summer (see previous post).One of my favourites, although they are said to be slow to get going. Certainly slow to germinate, and...
    Never met him, although I intend to visit Roseland Hse this summer (see previous post).One of my favourites, although they are said to be slow to get going. Certainly slow to germinate, and very slow as seedlings.Certainly my no.1, although it's a bit more than a conservatory plant
    Never met him, although I intend to visit Roseland Hse this summer (see previous post).One of my favourites, although they are said to be slow to get going. Certainly slow to germinate, and very slow as seedlings.Certainly my no.1,...
    Never met him, although I intend to visit Roseland Hse this summer (see previous post).One of my favourites, although they are said to be slow to get going. Certainly slow to germinate, and...
  11. Kristen

    Plectranthus barbatus / Coleus forskohlii Germination

    Interested to see how this does for you. I'm looking for Plectranthus "Mona Lavender".......... Grows very well outdoors in pots at OBG. Another one they grow is P.saccatus..............
    Interested to see how this does for you. I'm looking for Plectranthus "Mona Lavender".......... Grows very well outdoors in pots at OBG. Another one they grow is P.saccatus........... It's a South African native and is grown under glass at OBG.
    Interested to see how this does for you. I'm looking for Plectranthus "Mona Lavender".......... Grows very well outdoors in pots at OBG. Another one they grow is P.saccatus........... It's a South African native and is grown under...
    Interested to see how this does for you. I'm looking for Plectranthus "Mona Lavender".......... Grows very well outdoors in pots at OBG. Another one they grow is P.saccatus..............
  12. Bilbo675
    Like x 5

    Wilkos Clematis Bargain

    It's really frustrating seeing all the bargains you are picking up at Wilko's, they don't sell plants here. :gaah:
    It's really frustrating seeing all the bargains you are picking up at Wilko's, they don't sell plants here. :gaah:
    It's really frustrating seeing all the bargains you are picking up at Wilko's, they don't sell plants here. :gaah:
    It's really frustrating seeing all the bargains you are picking up at Wilko's, they don't sell plants here. :gaah:
  13. sal73

    Colocasia runner

    He told me the asian name , really can`t remember , what I remember is that he told me to take off the skin as the skin is poisonous ..... I`ve just filled a try with them and still have loads...
    He told me the asian name , really can`t remember , what I remember is that he told me to take off the skin as the skin is poisonous ..... I`ve just filled a try with them and still have loads left over ..... really curious
    He told me the asian name , really can`t remember , what I remember is that he told me to take off the skin as the skin is poisonous ..... I`ve just filled a try with them and still have loads left over ..... really curious
    He told me the asian name , really can`t remember , what I remember is that he told me to take off the skin as the skin is poisonous ..... I`ve just filled a try with them and still have loads...
  14. goosegog5555

    What can i put out ??

    "What can I put out??" personally I'd put out a large warning sign to anybody that has bought bedding plants etc that have been raised under cover to keep their purchase inside until things warm...
    "What can I put out??" personally I'd put out a large warning sign to anybody that has bought bedding plants etc that have been raised under cover to keep their purchase inside until things warm up CONSIDERABLY! I used to live very close to numerous garden centres. Each early Spring there would...
    "What can I put out??" personally I'd put out a large warning sign to anybody that has bought bedding plants etc that have been raised under cover to keep their purchase inside until things warm up CONSIDERABLY! I used to live very close to...
    "What can I put out??" personally I'd put out a large warning sign to anybody that has bought bedding plants etc that have been raised under cover to keep their purchase inside until things warm...
  15. Craig1987

    Fern advice

    Don`t forget a lot of ferns disappear through the winter , so you will need other interest so not just a bare patch of ground, mine are only just poking through now.
    Don`t forget a lot of ferns disappear through the winter , so you will need other interest so not just a bare patch of ground, mine are only just poking through now.
    Don`t forget a lot of ferns disappear through the winter , so you will need other interest so not just a bare patch of ground, mine are only just poking through now.
    Don`t forget a lot of ferns disappear through the winter , so you will need other interest so not just a bare patch of ground, mine are only just poking through now.
  16. silu

    Transplanting Vitis Coignetiae

    Oh good, thanks Madahhlia. I had already peeled it off the wall, but can just see the workmen getting tangled up in it and them not being too impressed. I'll attack it tomorrow and prune it right...
    Oh good, thanks Madahhlia. I had already peeled it off the wall, but can just see the workmen getting tangled up in it and them not being too impressed. I'll attack it tomorrow and prune it right down, then perhaps put something over the top with a "keep off" sign on it! I'll have to do the same...
    Oh good, thanks Madahhlia. I had already peeled it off the wall, but can just see the workmen getting tangled up in it and them not being too impressed. I'll attack it tomorrow and prune it right down, then perhaps put something over the top with...
    Oh good, thanks Madahhlia. I had already peeled it off the wall, but can just see the workmen getting tangled up in it and them not being too impressed. I'll attack it tomorrow and prune it right...
  17. clueless1

    Poppy seeds - free for P&P

    You can have some if I still have any. I'll have a look tomorrow. If not, then you can have some when the next lot are ready. I tend not to keep any for myself (unless I collect more than other...
    You can have some if I still have any. I'll have a look tomorrow. If not, then you can have some when the next lot are ready. I tend not to keep any for myself (unless I collect more than other people wanted) because they always come back anyway so I don't need to sow any. I'll have a look...
    You can have some if I still have any. I'll have a look tomorrow. If not, then you can have some when the next lot are ready. I tend not to keep any for myself (unless I collect more than other people wanted) because they always come back anyway...
    You can have some if I still have any. I'll have a look tomorrow. If not, then you can have some when the next lot are ready. I tend not to keep any for myself (unless I collect more than other...
  18. simon1967

    Shallow rooted plants/shrubs

    Can you maybe pop a photo on of the space?how wide is the border and where does the concrete end? is the front border you mention somewhere else? Questions sorry :)
    Can you maybe pop a photo on of the space?how wide is the border and where does the concrete end? is the front border you mention somewhere else? Questions sorry :)
    Can you maybe pop a photo on of the space?how wide is the border and where does the concrete end? is the front border you mention somewhere else? Questions sorry :)
    Can you maybe pop a photo on of the space?how wide is the border and where does the concrete end? is the front border you mention somewhere else? Questions sorry :)
  19. nFrost

    Good weather forecast sites?

    Worth keeping an eye on this: it was on special offer until 19-Mar at £60, and they have done that quite often in the past. Screen backlight is not very good, and software with it is a bit...
    Worth keeping an eye on this: it was on special offer until 19-Mar at £60, and they have done that quite often in the past. Screen backlight is not very good, and software with it is a bit rubbish, but the (free) Cumulus does a much better job, and will upload to Wunderground, and when it is...
    Worth keeping an eye on this: it was on special offer until 19-Mar at £60, and they have done that quite often in the past. Screen backlight is not very good, and software with it is a bit rubbish, but the (free) Cumulus does a much better...
    Worth keeping an eye on this: it was on special offer until 19-Mar at £60, and they have done that quite often in the past. Screen backlight is not very good, and software with it is a bit...
  20. prettypolly

    Hardy Fushias

    Signs are still not good, so best to be preparing for the worst, and be ready to mollycoddle them, whilst hoping for the best :)
    Signs are still not good, so best to be preparing for the worst, and be ready to mollycoddle them, whilst hoping for the best :)
    Signs are still not good, so best to be preparing for the worst, and be ready to mollycoddle them, whilst hoping for the best :)
    Signs are still not good, so best to be preparing for the worst, and be ready to mollycoddle them, whilst hoping for the best :)

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