General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Dave W
    Like x 5

    Dog Poop - Community Art?

    The owners of the property where I work have a couple of dogs which are 'free range' around the gardens. It can make hand weeding and tidying the beds a somewhat hazardous experience at times. ...
    The owners of the property where I work have a couple of dogs which are 'free range' around the gardens. It can make hand weeding and tidying the beds a somewhat hazardous experience at times. Nothing quite beats grabbing hold of what you think is a small pile of leaves or a bit of dead...
    The owners of the property where I work have a couple of dogs which are 'free range' around the gardens. It can make hand weeding and tidying the beds a somewhat hazardous experience at times. Nothing quite beats grabbing hold of what you...
    The owners of the property where I work have a couple of dogs which are 'free range' around the gardens. It can make hand weeding and tidying the beds a somewhat hazardous experience at times. ...
  2. Fat Controller

    Pansy Padparadja

    For such a small word, wee has a few different uses and meanings - Wee = small Wee = urinate Wee Pee = urinate only a little bit Weeeeeeeee! = the noise one makes when sliding down a big slide...
    For such a small word, wee has a few different uses and meanings - Wee = small Wee = urinate Wee Pee = urinate only a little bit Weeeeeeeee! = the noise one makes when sliding down a big slide etc. Wee wa' = small wall Dinnae tak that wee wa' awa wi ye - don't take that little wall away with...
    For such a small word, wee has a few different uses and meanings - Wee = small Wee = urinate Wee Pee = urinate only a little bit Weeeeeeeee! = the noise one makes when sliding down a big slide etc. Wee wa' = small wall Dinnae tak that wee wa'...
    For such a small word, wee has a few different uses and meanings - Wee = small Wee = urinate Wee Pee = urinate only a little bit Weeeeeeeee! = the noise one makes when sliding down a big slide...
  3. yorkshire lass

    Indoor cyclamen seed pods

    Thank you Kristen I shall do that
    Thank you Kristen I shall do that
    Thank you Kristen I shall do that
    Thank you Kristen I shall do that
  4. music

    When Will It Change ?.

    Nice and sunny this morning :SUNsmile: Pity the forecast is for it cloud over during the day. At least if the sun shone all day, it might improve my mood. :spinning:
    Nice and sunny this morning :SUNsmile: Pity the forecast is for it cloud over during the day. At least if the sun shone all day, it might improve my mood. :spinning:
    Nice and sunny this morning :SUNsmile: Pity the forecast is for it cloud over during the day. At least if the sun shone all day, it might improve my mood. :spinning:
    Nice and sunny this morning :SUNsmile: Pity the forecast is for it cloud over during the day. At least if the sun shone all day, it might improve my mood. :spinning:
  5. Fern4

    I can't get my head around my electric propagator!

    Yes, the seedlings should be removed as soon as they germinate or they will grow leggy very quickly. :)
    Yes, the seedlings should be removed as soon as they germinate or they will grow leggy very quickly. :)
    Yes, the seedlings should be removed as soon as they germinate or they will grow leggy very quickly. :)
    Yes, the seedlings should be removed as soon as they germinate or they will grow leggy very quickly. :)
  6. AndyKiz

    Plants for nature

    well in our own garden i think the five most popular with the birds, butterflys/bee's ect would have to be...... 1) Holly (little insipid looking flowers but last year in particular we had loads...
    well in our own garden i think the five most popular with the birds, butterflys/bee's ect would have to be...... 1) Holly (little insipid looking flowers but last year in particular we had loads of those very aptly named 'Holly Blue Butterfly's') visiting it. plus berries for the birds) 2)...
    well in our own garden i think the five most popular with the birds, butterflys/bee's ect would have to be...... 1) Holly (little insipid looking flowers but last year in particular we had loads of those very aptly named 'Holly Blue Butterfly's')...
    well in our own garden i think the five most popular with the birds, butterflys/bee's ect would have to be...... 1) Holly (little insipid looking flowers but last year in particular we had loads...
  7. Greecko

    Every Lidl Helps

    I bought two packs of three, so have 2 canes in each pot. Size of them? About 12" in diameter, and 14" deep? I will get them into the ground, along with the fruit trees in the garage, as soon as...
    I bought two packs of three, so have 2 canes in each pot. Size of them? About 12" in diameter, and 14" deep? I will get them into the ground, along with the fruit trees in the garage, as soon as the ground thaws out. Hopefully this weekend!
    I bought two packs of three, so have 2 canes in each pot. Size of them? About 12" in diameter, and 14" deep? I will get them into the ground, along with the fruit trees in the garage, as soon as the ground thaws out. Hopefully this weekend!
    I bought two packs of three, so have 2 canes in each pot. Size of them? About 12" in diameter, and 14" deep? I will get them into the ground, along with the fruit trees in the garage, as soon as...
  8. fumanchu

    Couple of questions ..

    It's still snowing and we've still got 8" on the ground. I think I need a "Gardening in Iceland" forum... :biggrin:
    It's still snowing and we've still got 8" on the ground. I think I need a "Gardening in Iceland" forum... :biggrin:
    It's still snowing and we've still got 8" on the ground. I think I need a "Gardening in Iceland" forum... :biggrin:
    It's still snowing and we've still got 8" on the ground. I think I need a "Gardening in Iceland" forum... :biggrin:
  9. landimad
    Like x 4

    I heard this and am begining to wonder.....

    A place that the UK has seemed to have passed it by.:whistle:
    A place that the UK has seemed to have passed it by.:whistle:
    A place that the UK has seemed to have passed it by.:whistle:
    A place that the UK has seemed to have passed it by.:whistle:
  10. Phil A

    Ok, so we can't do much in the Garden with the Weather

    Nice one Stephen:) Not many folk can see that section, its like its got a perception filter over it:ouch1:
    Nice one Stephen:) Not many folk can see that section, its like its got a perception filter over it:ouch1:
    Nice one Stephen:) Not many folk can see that section, its like its got a perception filter over it:ouch1:
    Nice one Stephen:) Not many folk can see that section, its like its got a perception filter over it:ouch1:
  11. SimonZ

    Can under-watering cause exaggerated spurts of growth?

    Not sure I follow that Simon, if you fail to water seedlings they just keel over and wither and mature plants will drop their leaves before keeling over.
    Not sure I follow that Simon, if you fail to water seedlings they just keel over and wither and mature plants will drop their leaves before keeling over.
    Not sure I follow that Simon, if you fail to water seedlings they just keel over and wither and mature plants will drop their leaves before keeling over.
    Not sure I follow that Simon, if you fail to water seedlings they just keel over and wither and mature plants will drop their leaves before keeling over.
  12. dandanuk

    Adverse weather jobs.

    I built a retaining wall just before the snow so hopefully the frost wont have got to the mortar and weakened it! Tomorrow the soil will be moved up against it so I'll know then! lol All being...
    I built a retaining wall just before the snow so hopefully the frost wont have got to the mortar and weakened it! Tomorrow the soil will be moved up against it so I'll know then! lol All being well I'll level the soil ready for turfing next month.
    I built a retaining wall just before the snow so hopefully the frost wont have got to the mortar and weakened it! Tomorrow the soil will be moved up against it so I'll know then! lol All being well I'll level the soil ready for turfing next month.
    I built a retaining wall just before the snow so hopefully the frost wont have got to the mortar and weakened it! Tomorrow the soil will be moved up against it so I'll know then! lol All being...
  13. Sheal

    Nursery check please

    I'm looking to buy a shrub from either Coblands or Jacksons Nurseries online. Has anyone bought from them? I'd like your feedback please. :)
    I'm looking to buy a shrub from either Coblands or Jacksons Nurseries online. Has anyone bought from them? I'd like your feedback please. :)
    I'm looking to buy a shrub from either Coblands or Jacksons Nurseries online. Has anyone bought from them? I'd like your feedback please. :)
    I'm looking to buy a shrub from either Coblands or Jacksons Nurseries online. Has anyone bought from them? I'd like your feedback please. :)
  14. Bilbo675
    Like x 8

    My Latest Freecycle "Bargain"....

    After reading this thread I found to large cactus on my local , just waiting for the address to collect them .......missed loads of house plants , bamboo and large yuccas .
    After reading this thread I found to large cactus on my local , just waiting for the address to collect them .......missed loads of house plants , bamboo and large yuccas .
    After reading this thread I found to large cactus on my local , just waiting for the address to collect them .......missed loads of house plants , bamboo and large yuccas .
    After reading this thread I found to large cactus on my local , just waiting for the address to collect them .......missed loads of house plants , bamboo and large yuccas .
  15. Spruce

    Heuchera and the winter weather

    Totally agree, child's play to increase numbers (break a bit of new growth off and plant back in the ground, sorted). Had Palace Purple for about 20 years so that has proved to me anyway that it...
    Totally agree, child's play to increase numbers (break a bit of new growth off and plant back in the ground, sorted). Had Palace Purple for about 20 years so that has proved to me anyway that it is a worthy plant for anywhere other than really extremely cold climates. Will NOT be trying any...
    Totally agree, child's play to increase numbers (break a bit of new growth off and plant back in the ground, sorted). Had Palace Purple for about 20 years so that has proved to me anyway that it is a worthy plant for anywhere other than really...
    Totally agree, child's play to increase numbers (break a bit of new growth off and plant back in the ground, sorted). Had Palace Purple for about 20 years so that has proved to me anyway that it...


    Nothing as yet John, thanks for asking. She's applied for plenty, but it seems that age discrimination is alive and well. A bit of a pain in the @rse, as things should have been swinging our way,...
    Nothing as yet John, thanks for asking. She's applied for plenty, but it seems that age discrimination is alive and well. A bit of a pain in the @rse, as things should have been swinging our way, at this time of life...
    Nothing as yet John, thanks for asking. She's applied for plenty, but it seems that age discrimination is alive and well. A bit of a pain in the @rse, as things should have been swinging our way, at this time of life...
    Nothing as yet John, thanks for asking. She's applied for plenty, but it seems that age discrimination is alive and well. A bit of a pain in the @rse, as things should have been swinging our way,...
  17. Scotkat

    Birds had a party in our garden

    yeah they puff their feathers out like that to help conserve heat. you cant help but feel sorry for them in this weather, it amazes me how they survive at all tbh food must surely be scarce? at...
    yeah they puff their feathers out like that to help conserve heat. you cant help but feel sorry for them in this weather, it amazes me how they survive at all tbh food must surely be scarce? at least its not in our garden though...the bird table has never seen so much activity.
    yeah they puff their feathers out like that to help conserve heat. you cant help but feel sorry for them in this weather, it amazes me how they survive at all tbh food must surely be scarce? at least its not in our garden though...the bird table...
    yeah they puff their feathers out like that to help conserve heat. you cant help but feel sorry for them in this weather, it amazes me how they survive at all tbh food must surely be scarce? at...
  18. goosegog5555

    Guess who ?? back at last :)

    Thanks to all , just have to re-charge my batteries and have a go at the photo things :ThankYou:
    Thanks to all , just have to re-charge my batteries and have a go at the photo things :ThankYou:
    Thanks to all , just have to re-charge my batteries and have a go at the photo things :ThankYou:
    Thanks to all , just have to re-charge my batteries and have a go at the photo things :ThankYou:
  19. LoopyLou13

    Plant reccomendations please

    Hello loopyLor13Most perennial plants and shrubs planted in the ground, once established, do not need much watering, unless there is a long hot period. To help newly planted ones to settle, I...
    Hello loopyLor13Most perennial plants and shrubs planted in the ground, once established, do not need much watering, unless there is a long hot period. To help newly planted ones to settle, I would give them a thorough watering as soon as i arrive at the site on Friday and once again just...
    Hello loopyLor13Most perennial plants and shrubs planted in the ground, once established, do not need much watering, unless there is a long hot period. To help newly planted ones to settle, I would give them a thorough watering as soon as i...
    Hello loopyLor13Most perennial plants and shrubs planted in the ground, once established, do not need much watering, unless there is a long hot period. To help newly planted ones to settle, I...
    image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg
  20. Lindsey

    Planting next to hedge - advice please

    I dug a trench along my Leylandii hedge [also not planted by me!!] with a JCB smashing through the roots in order to get things to grow there. I did give the hedge several feet to itself, and...
    I dug a trench along my Leylandii hedge [also not planted by me!!] with a JCB smashing through the roots in order to get things to grow there. I did give the hedge several feet to itself, and there is nothing to hinder its root growth on its far-side. If the hedge is a greedy feeder you could...
    I dug a trench along my Leylandii hedge [also not planted by me!!] with a JCB smashing through the roots in order to get things to grow there. I did give the hedge several feet to itself, and there is nothing to hinder its root growth on its...
    I dug a trench along my Leylandii hedge [also not planted by me!!] with a JCB smashing through the roots in order to get things to grow there. I did give the hedge several feet to itself, and...

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