General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Sian in Belgium

    Making hurdles from coppiced hazel

    silly me, I never thought about googling! I've just watched a few u-tube clips, and I think I'll give it a go. Just got to wait for the latest lot of snow to clear!!!
    silly me, I never thought about googling! I've just watched a few u-tube clips, and I think I'll give it a go. Just got to wait for the latest lot of snow to clear!!!
    silly me, I never thought about googling! I've just watched a few u-tube clips, and I think I'll give it a go. Just got to wait for the latest lot of snow to clear!!!
    silly me, I never thought about googling! I've just watched a few u-tube clips, and I think I'll give it a go. Just got to wait for the latest lot of snow to clear!!!
  2. begoodian

    Rhododendron won't flower

    Ha ha! I'm surprised it took so long for someone to make a MIL gag!
    Ha ha! I'm surprised it took so long for someone to make a MIL gag!
    Ha ha! I'm surprised it took so long for someone to make a MIL gag!
    Ha ha! I'm surprised it took so long for someone to make a MIL gag!
  3. Chiaroscuro

    Stubborn Begonia Corm

    Yes, they are all started - whether I am successful or not remains to be seen. If nothing else, at least I had a go. :)
    Yes, they are all started - whether I am successful or not remains to be seen. If nothing else, at least I had a go. :)
    Yes, they are all started - whether I am successful or not remains to be seen. If nothing else, at least I had a go. :)
    Yes, they are all started - whether I am successful or not remains to be seen. If nothing else, at least I had a go. :)
  4. watko001

    Lupin seedling development

    I'll be keeping them indoors by the look of it today, they seem happy enough at the moment. :)
    I'll be keeping them indoors by the look of it today, they seem happy enough at the moment. :)
    I'll be keeping them indoors by the look of it today, they seem happy enough at the moment. :)
    I'll be keeping them indoors by the look of it today, they seem happy enough at the moment. :)
  5. Craig1987

    planting spring bulbs in a lawn

    My bulbs start coming up from now until end of May and then come the Alliums. Each type of bulb, was planted in each area with the thoughts of when they would appear, the height, and their area...
    My bulbs start coming up from now until end of May and then come the Alliums. Each type of bulb, was planted in each area with the thoughts of when they would appear, the height, and their area relative to what is around them, sun/shade, other plants. So you can have a mixture of bulbs in...
    My bulbs start coming up from now until end of May and then come the Alliums. Each type of bulb, was planted in each area with the thoughts of when they would appear, the height, and their area relative to what is around them, sun/shade, other...
    My bulbs start coming up from now until end of May and then come the Alliums. Each type of bulb, was planted in each area with the thoughts of when they would appear, the height, and their area...
  6. wiseowl

    A to Z of Gardening

    Yes and there even a few moments of Geoff a few weeks ago too. Just Percy to go now - come on beeb!
    Yes and there even a few moments of Geoff a few weeks ago too. Just Percy to go now - come on beeb!
    Yes and there even a few moments of Geoff a few weeks ago too. Just Percy to go now - come on beeb!
    Yes and there even a few moments of Geoff a few weeks ago too. Just Percy to go now - come on beeb!
  7. Fat Controller

    Delosperma ?

    I thought this was a Derlosperma?
    I thought this was a Derlosperma?
    I thought this was a Derlosperma?
    I thought this was a Derlosperma?
  8. HarryS

    Spare Windowsill Anyone ?

    I turned the page in a GW mag the other day & thought it was you iin the tea advert:snork:
    I turned the page in a GW mag the other day & thought it was you iin the tea advert:snork:
    I turned the page in a GW mag the other day & thought it was you iin the tea advert:snork:
    I turned the page in a GW mag the other day & thought it was you iin the tea advert:snork:
  9. Aesculus

    How long will made-up Liquid Fertiliser keep?

    If you track the ph, you`ll notice something is taking advantage of the free banquet :) It`ll keep better if its sealed, kept cool and out of the light. The easiest option is to use 1ml of...
    If you track the ph, you`ll notice something is taking advantage of the free banquet :) It`ll keep better if its sealed, kept cool and out of the light. The easiest option is to use 1ml of fertilizer per 266ml of water, using a 10ml syringe from the chemist
    If you track the ph, you`ll notice something is taking advantage of the free banquet :) It`ll keep better if its sealed, kept cool and out of the light. The easiest option is to use 1ml of fertilizer per 266ml of water, using a 10ml syringe from...
    If you track the ph, you`ll notice something is taking advantage of the free banquet :) It`ll keep better if its sealed, kept cool and out of the light. The easiest option is to use 1ml of...
  10. Fat Controller
    Like x 4

    My petunias are germinating!

    Mine are struggling , the purple Wave have all germinated but nothing from the others yet after 11 days on the prop . I am growing Wave and Avalanche Petunias, not sure why as they are very...
    Mine are struggling , the purple Wave have all germinated but nothing from the others yet after 11 days on the prop . I am growing Wave and Avalanche Petunias, not sure why as they are very frustrating to grow.:gaah:
    Mine are struggling , the purple Wave have all germinated but nothing from the others yet after 11 days on the prop . I am growing Wave and Avalanche Petunias, not sure why as they are very frustrating to grow.:gaah:
    Mine are struggling , the purple Wave have all germinated but nothing from the others yet after 11 days on the prop . I am growing Wave and Avalanche Petunias, not sure why as they are very...
  11. Loofah

    Multi purpose feeds with killers

    That's what I was thinking! Ta. I'm not sure what's in the shed at the moment so if its got a weed killer in it I'll use another one.
    That's what I was thinking! Ta. I'm not sure what's in the shed at the moment so if its got a weed killer in it I'll use another one.
    That's what I was thinking! Ta. I'm not sure what's in the shed at the moment so if its got a weed killer in it I'll use another one.
    That's what I was thinking! Ta. I'm not sure what's in the shed at the moment so if its got a weed killer in it I'll use another one.
  12. BastLoki

    Suggestions for a west facing wall?

    Grow it in a pot and keep frost free. It will actually take a little frost, but mine looks finished by this last cold snap - it had been struggling through up to then. On the plus side it's easy...
    Grow it in a pot and keep frost free. It will actually take a little frost, but mine looks finished by this last cold snap - it had been struggling through up to then. On the plus side it's easy from seed. Buy them from Plant World Seeds, not the large seed suppliers that you see in GC's (they...
    Grow it in a pot and keep frost free. It will actually take a little frost, but mine looks finished by this last cold snap - it had been struggling through up to then. On the plus side it's easy from seed. Buy them from Plant World Seeds, not the...
    Grow it in a pot and keep frost free. It will actually take a little frost, but mine looks finished by this last cold snap - it had been struggling through up to then. On the plus side it's easy...
  13. Dan Dollin

    Why is it...

    Try mixing a dry mix of cement on your brand new patio, dressed for summer, then the heavens open. I've never swept so fast in my life. My dry mix was rapidly becoming wet mix, and threatening to...
    Try mixing a dry mix of cement on your brand new patio, dressed for summer, then the heavens open. I've never swept so fast in my life. My dry mix was rapidly becoming wet mix, and threatening to ruin my new patio that I'd just made and hadn't even fully finished yet.
    Try mixing a dry mix of cement on your brand new patio, dressed for summer, then the heavens open. I've never swept so fast in my life. My dry mix was rapidly becoming wet mix, and threatening to ruin my new patio that I'd just made and hadn't...
    Try mixing a dry mix of cement on your brand new patio, dressed for summer, then the heavens open. I've never swept so fast in my life. My dry mix was rapidly becoming wet mix, and threatening to...
  14. raebhoop

    Growbag Trays

    Thanks for the headsup raebhoop :dbgrtmb:
    Thanks for the headsup raebhoop :dbgrtmb:
    Thanks for the headsup raebhoop :dbgrtmb:
    Thanks for the headsup raebhoop :dbgrtmb:
  15. dandanuk
    Like x 6

    the garden is almost ready.

    My cover finally blew off after the last bout of strong wind. Probably did me a favour because it had become very 'brittle'.
    My cover finally blew off after the last bout of strong wind. Probably did me a favour because it had become very 'brittle'.
    My cover finally blew off after the last bout of strong wind. Probably did me a favour because it had become very 'brittle'.
    My cover finally blew off after the last bout of strong wind. Probably did me a favour because it had become very 'brittle'.
  16. Sirius
    Like x 9


    unlucky mate, I find the best way to be with ebay is to set a budget & not to bid one single penny higher than your budget allows, its easy to get caught up in it all.
    unlucky mate, I find the best way to be with ebay is to set a budget & not to bid one single penny higher than your budget allows, its easy to get caught up in it all.
    unlucky mate, I find the best way to be with ebay is to set a budget & not to bid one single penny higher than your budget allows, its easy to get caught up in it all.
    unlucky mate, I find the best way to be with ebay is to set a budget & not to bid one single penny higher than your budget allows, its easy to get caught up in it all.
  17. "M"

    Mum's Mystery Border

    Looks like you may have some "Rosa Rugosa" in there somewhere. Cheers, Tony.
    Looks like you may have some "Rosa Rugosa" in there somewhere. Cheers, Tony.
    Looks like you may have some "Rosa Rugosa" in there somewhere. Cheers, Tony.
    Looks like you may have some "Rosa Rugosa" in there somewhere. Cheers, Tony.
  18. Sian in Belgium

    Planting in late winter/early spring : to prune or not to prune?

    Sorry, thought you had Ribes sanguineum, flowering currant. I would not prune red currant until it fruits. The dogwood is nice set against cotinus royal purple from mid summer, I think. Deutzias...
    Sorry, thought you had Ribes sanguineum, flowering currant. I would not prune red currant until it fruits. The dogwood is nice set against cotinus royal purple from mid summer, I think. Deutzias respond brilliantly to correct pruning. Mine flowers well above emerging foliage in long sprays. ...
    Sorry, thought you had Ribes sanguineum, flowering currant. I would not prune red currant until it fruits. The dogwood is nice set against cotinus royal purple from mid summer, I think. Deutzias respond brilliantly to correct pruning. Mine...
    Sorry, thought you had Ribes sanguineum, flowering currant. I would not prune red currant until it fruits. The dogwood is nice set against cotinus royal purple from mid summer, I think. Deutzias...
  19. nFrost

    Good and small plant for bathroom?

    African violets as posted above seem a good suggestion... if you do get African violets, put small stones in a tray and sit the plants upon them, whilst keeping the tray filled with water.. it...
    African violets as posted above seem a good suggestion... if you do get African violets, put small stones in a tray and sit the plants upon them, whilst keeping the tray filled with water.. it keeps the African violet looking in excellent condition
    African violets as posted above seem a good suggestion... if you do get African violets, put small stones in a tray and sit the plants upon them, whilst keeping the tray filled with water.. it keeps the African violet looking in excellent condition
    African violets as posted above seem a good suggestion... if you do get African violets, put small stones in a tray and sit the plants upon them, whilst keeping the tray filled with water.. it...
  20. Caveman


    Hmmmm looks like liquid is better. But i would use granular fertiliser as a main feed early spring and late spring , then through the season just have a whizz round with liquid feed in the...
    Hmmmm looks like liquid is better. But i would use granular fertiliser as a main feed early spring and late spring , then through the season just have a whizz round with liquid feed in the watering can every now and then , I use Tomato feed from mid July.
    Hmmmm looks like liquid is better. But i would use granular fertiliser as a main feed early spring and late spring , then through the season just have a whizz round with liquid feed in the watering can every now and then , I use Tomato feed from...
    Hmmmm looks like liquid is better. But i would use granular fertiliser as a main feed early spring and late spring , then through the season just have a whizz round with liquid feed in the...

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