General Gardening Discussion

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  1. men8ifr

    Mail Order Pansies?

    I have to agree totally with you Nathan I am growing trial plants for Jersey Plants be a good test with our cold climate.
    I have to agree totally with you Nathan I am growing trial plants for Jersey Plants be a good test with our cold climate.
    I have to agree totally with you Nathan I am growing trial plants for Jersey Plants be a good test with our cold climate.
    I have to agree totally with you Nathan I am growing trial plants for Jersey Plants be a good test with our cold climate.
  2. men8ifr
  3. sweetpeas

    Chicks and this weekend weather

    Because we were a large family my mother kept about 3 dozen chickens in Sri-Lanka. We used to love watching the little chicks hatch out and hide under their mother's wings. We used to fight to...
    Because we were a large family my mother kept about 3 dozen chickens in Sri-Lanka. We used to love watching the little chicks hatch out and hide under their mother's wings. We used to fight to collect the eggs. They were all penned in becauses of the foxes at night. Dreadful rogues they were.
    Because we were a large family my mother kept about 3 dozen chickens in Sri-Lanka. We used to love watching the little chicks hatch out and hide under their mother's wings. We used to fight to collect the eggs. They were all penned in becauses of...
    Because we were a large family my mother kept about 3 dozen chickens in Sri-Lanka. We used to love watching the little chicks hatch out and hide under their mother's wings. We used to fight to...
  4. Freddy


    Okey dokey pete :thumb:
    Okey dokey pete :thumb:
    Okey dokey pete :thumb:
    Okey dokey pete :thumb:
  5. roders

    Fungi/Moss or Lichen?

    They are Pixie Cup Lichen, roders. (Cladonia fimbriata) We have them in the garden too.
    They are Pixie Cup Lichen, roders. (Cladonia fimbriata) We have them in the garden too.
    They are Pixie Cup Lichen, roders. (Cladonia fimbriata) We have them in the garden too.
    They are Pixie Cup Lichen, roders. (Cladonia fimbriata) We have them in the garden too.
  6. gardenlearner

    some advice needed

    Prune the hydrangea mid Feb.Cut off old flower heads to two or three buds below and take out 1/3 of the old woody stems at base level, Same thing each year. Don't try anything harsher or...
    Prune the hydrangea mid Feb.Cut off old flower heads to two or three buds below and take out 1/3 of the old woody stems at base level, Same thing each year. Don't try anything harsher or you wont get any flowers.As for the Hebe, this is how they naturally grow! If you dislike it dig...
    Prune the hydrangea mid Feb.Cut off old flower heads to two or three buds below and take out 1/3 of the old woody stems at base level, Same thing each year. Don't try anything harsher or you wont get any flowers.As for the Hebe, this...
    Prune the hydrangea mid Feb.Cut off old flower heads to two or three buds below and take out 1/3 of the old woody stems at base level, Same thing each year. Don't try anything harsher or...
  7. jilbo

    Bare root tricyrtis (toad lily)

    Many thanks for your reply redstar. I'll plant then tomorrow, I have a nice semi shaded spot for them
    Many thanks for your reply redstar. I'll plant then tomorrow, I have a nice semi shaded spot for them
    Many thanks for your reply redstar. I'll plant then tomorrow, I have a nice semi shaded spot for them
    Many thanks for your reply redstar. I'll plant then tomorrow, I have a nice semi shaded spot for them
  8. Synthhead

    Sowing Winter seeds?

    Hi Dave, the brassicas are hardy and should be fine outdoors. I have beet spinach oputside as well. The garlic needs to be outside in the ground as the frost will make the bulb split into...
    Hi Dave, the brassicas are hardy and should be fine outdoors. I have beet spinach oputside as well. The garlic needs to be outside in the ground as the frost will make the bulb split into separate cloves, if they are too warm you tend to just get 1 big clove. Leeks are also fine outside, the...
    Hi Dave, the brassicas are hardy and should be fine outdoors. I have beet spinach oputside as well. The garlic needs to be outside in the ground as the frost will make the bulb split into separate cloves, if they are too warm you tend to just...
    Hi Dave, the brassicas are hardy and should be fine outdoors. I have beet spinach oputside as well. The garlic needs to be outside in the ground as the frost will make the bulb split into...
  9. peacelily

    Winter Pansies and Geraniums

    Thanks everyone, much appreciated.
    Thanks everyone, much appreciated.
    Thanks everyone, much appreciated.
    Thanks everyone, much appreciated.
  10. Sussexgardener


    Agreed! I've always found that honeysuckles are one of those plants that you can put in the ground and forget about:gnthb:
    Agreed! I've always found that honeysuckles are one of those plants that you can put in the ground and forget about:gnthb:
    Agreed! I've always found that honeysuckles are one of those plants that you can put in the ground and forget about:gnthb:
    Agreed! I've always found that honeysuckles are one of those plants that you can put in the ground and forget about:gnthb:
  11. Kristen

    Topiary Advice Please

    I fancied a cone with 3-4 flat sides , sort of pyramid shape, and i saw a demo of this somewhere, Plant your box or whatever shrub it is ,in your pot then push 3-4 canes down the pot sides ,...
    I fancied a cone with 3-4 flat sides , sort of pyramid shape, and i saw a demo of this somewhere, Plant your box or whatever shrub it is ,in your pot then push 3-4 canes down the pot sides , secore the tops together to make your wigwam shape, and anything that protrudes is what needs...
    I fancied a cone with 3-4 flat sides , sort of pyramid shape, and i saw a demo of this somewhere, Plant your box or whatever shrub it is ,in your pot then push 3-4 canes down the pot sides , secore the tops together to make your wigwam shape, and...
    I fancied a cone with 3-4 flat sides , sort of pyramid shape, and i saw a demo of this somewhere, Plant your box or whatever shrub it is ,in your pot then push 3-4 canes down the pot sides ,...
  12. men8ifr

    I'm green fingered me...

    Yes - fine specimen. Lucky you!
    Yes - fine specimen. Lucky you!
    Yes - fine specimen. Lucky you!
    Yes - fine specimen. Lucky you!
  13. garden_fiend

    musa bajoo

    I made fleece jackets and wrapped 8 musa basjoo trees in late October. One of my trees is 7' Just fold the leaves over and wrap them up with fleece. I dont take them in as they are firmly...
    I made fleece jackets and wrapped 8 musa basjoo trees in late October. One of my trees is 7' Just fold the leaves over and wrap them up with fleece. I dont take them in as they are firmly established in the ground. In Sri-Lanka we have other varieties and with the weather being warm we dont...
    I made fleece jackets and wrapped 8 musa basjoo trees in late October. One of my trees is 7' Just fold the leaves over and wrap them up with fleece. I dont take them in as they are firmly established in the ground. In Sri-Lanka we have other...
    I made fleece jackets and wrapped 8 musa basjoo trees in late October. One of my trees is 7' Just fold the leaves over and wrap them up with fleece. I dont take them in as they are firmly...
  14. wee tattie

    Topsy Turvy seasons

    We have had Snowdrops showing their heads for a couple of weeks now and our Daffodils have had greenery for a bit longer.In the past we have noticed that a lot of the spring stuff starts to show...
    We have had Snowdrops showing their heads for a couple of weeks now and our Daffodils have had greenery for a bit longer.In the past we have noticed that a lot of the spring stuff starts to show growth at this time of the year and then when it gets colder they seem to stop and stay as they are...
    We have had Snowdrops showing their heads for a couple of weeks now and our Daffodils have had greenery for a bit longer.In the past we have noticed that a lot of the spring stuff starts to show growth at this time of the year and then when it...
    We have had Snowdrops showing their heads for a couple of weeks now and our Daffodils have had greenery for a bit longer.In the past we have noticed that a lot of the spring stuff starts to show...
  15. men8ifr

    Broken asphalt drive to plant in?

    Good luck :thumb:
    Good luck :thumb:
    Good luck :thumb:
    Good luck :thumb:
  16. men8ifr

    Help with bulb order please

    I rang them up today to see when the order may arrive and they said the wharehouse was very busy now and could be 2-3 weeks, to be fair it does say can take upto 28 days to deliver but I was...
    I rang them up today to see when the order may arrive and they said the wharehouse was very busy now and could be 2-3 weeks, to be fair it does say can take upto 28 days to deliver but I was expecting it within a few days to a week to be honest and now I'm considering cancelling the order as...
    I rang them up today to see when the order may arrive and they said the wharehouse was very busy now and could be 2-3 weeks, to be fair it does say can take upto 28 days to deliver but I was expecting it within a few days to a week to be honest...
    I rang them up today to see when the order may arrive and they said the wharehouse was very busy now and could be 2-3 weeks, to be fair it does say can take upto 28 days to deliver but I was...
  17. Jonnygardener

    Packing up the garden for the winter, gladioli, ginger lilly and strawberries

    Thanks Pete, Re: Ginger, as I mentioned I have one main stem about 3ft high but with only leaves, and a second late starting shoot in a new location within the pot, the second one is only about...
    Thanks Pete, Re: Ginger, as I mentioned I have one main stem about 3ft high but with only leaves, and a second late starting shoot in a new location within the pot, the second one is only about 12inches high and only has 2 leaves. Taking your advise, i'll take the pot in for the winter, cut...
    Thanks Pete, Re: Ginger, as I mentioned I have one main stem about 3ft high but with only leaves, and a second late starting shoot in a new location within the pot, the second one is only about 12inches high and only has 2 leaves. Taking your...
    Thanks Pete, Re: Ginger, as I mentioned I have one main stem about 3ft high but with only leaves, and a second late starting shoot in a new location within the pot, the second one is only about...
  18. Meiji

    Marigold flowers

    I always grow them in pots - usually as companion plants with tomatoes and/or nastutiums. It's best to plant them in the spring though.
    I always grow them in pots - usually as companion plants with tomatoes and/or nastutiums. It's best to plant them in the spring though.
    I always grow them in pots - usually as companion plants with tomatoes and/or nastutiums. It's best to plant them in the spring though.
    I always grow them in pots - usually as companion plants with tomatoes and/or nastutiums. It's best to plant them in the spring though.
  19. PeterS

    What plants loved and what hated this year?

    There was not a great deal of change for our plants this year but they are all well established. Our wild bee orchids seemed to like the weather as they started earlier and had spread but the...
    There was not a great deal of change for our plants this year but they are all well established. Our wild bee orchids seemed to like the weather as they started earlier and had spread but the cowslips that they grow amongst weren't quite as profuse as normal. Veggies and fruit were a...
    There was not a great deal of change for our plants this year but they are all well established. Our wild bee orchids seemed to like the weather as they started earlier and had spread but the cowslips that they grow amongst weren't quite as...
    There was not a great deal of change for our plants this year but they are all well established. Our wild bee orchids seemed to like the weather as they started earlier and had spread but the...
  20. Bally

    Golden Grove Bamboo

    Will do David, hope I can beat the frosts !
    Will do David, hope I can beat the frosts !
    Will do David, hope I can beat the frosts !
    Will do David, hope I can beat the frosts !

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