General Gardening Discussion

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  1. wee tattie

    Potting soil

    I think every one does the same with this question WT I always put mine under the shrubs down the border and the same in the front
    I think every one does the same with this question WT I always put mine under the shrubs down the border and the same in the front
    I think every one does the same with this question WT I always put mine under the shrubs down the border and the same in the front
    I think every one does the same with this question WT I always put mine under the shrubs down the border and the same in the front
  2. Sussexgardener

    Recommend me a climber

    Hi Sussex, i would recommend planting clematis Where the area to be covered is large (a house or garage wall or large fence ), it is best to use a strong growing clematis like Clematis montana....
    Hi Sussex, i would recommend planting clematis Where the area to be covered is large (a house or garage wall or large fence ), it is best to use a strong growing clematis like Clematis montana. They are low on maintenance with maximum coverage, then you can add other clematis to the wall so...
    Hi Sussex, i would recommend planting clematis Where the area to be covered is large (a house or garage wall or large fence ), it is best to use a strong growing clematis like Clematis montana. They are low on maintenance with maximum coverage,...
    Hi Sussex, i would recommend planting clematis Where the area to be covered is large (a house or garage wall or large fence ), it is best to use a strong growing clematis like Clematis montana....
  3. Old Dan

    Arum Lillies

    With the mild wet weather we're having you could divide now. Give them plenty of muck. Mine grow like weeds once established and seem pretty tough! They might just put on leaf next year but you'll...
    With the mild wet weather we're having you could divide now. Give them plenty of muck. Mine grow like weeds once established and seem pretty tough! They might just put on leaf next year but you'll get a good show the next.
    With the mild wet weather we're having you could divide now. Give them plenty of muck. Mine grow like weeds once established and seem pretty tough! They might just put on leaf next year but you'll get a good show the next.
    With the mild wet weather we're having you could divide now. Give them plenty of muck. Mine grow like weeds once established and seem pretty tough! They might just put on leaf next year but you'll...
  4. peacelily

    Lady Bird Houses

    The food is in a small packet and looks like sand. It says on the packet that it will last up to four months and should be mixed with a small amount of water in a saucer, smear on feed area or...
    The food is in a small packet and looks like sand. It says on the packet that it will last up to four months and should be mixed with a small amount of water in a saucer, smear on feed area or onto box feed hole or surfaces. Replacement food can be bought from good garden centres. Haven't a...
    The food is in a small packet and looks like sand. It says on the packet that it will last up to four months and should be mixed with a small amount of water in a saucer, smear on feed area or onto box feed hole or surfaces. Replacement food can...
    The food is in a small packet and looks like sand. It says on the packet that it will last up to four months and should be mixed with a small amount of water in a saucer, smear on feed area or...
  5. daisybelle

    Help with my sweetpeas please!

    My autumn sown sweetpeas always seem to look weedy while they are waiting to be put out into the garden. I don't fuss over them nor give them any special heat treatment, normally I just set the...
    My autumn sown sweetpeas always seem to look weedy while they are waiting to be put out into the garden. I don't fuss over them nor give them any special heat treatment, normally I just set the seed (after a good soak) into trays on a window cill. Once the seedlings appear they go outside in...
    My autumn sown sweetpeas always seem to look weedy while they are waiting to be put out into the garden. I don't fuss over them nor give them any special heat treatment, normally I just set the seed (after a good soak) into trays on a window...
    My autumn sown sweetpeas always seem to look weedy while they are waiting to be put out into the garden. I don't fuss over them nor give them any special heat treatment, normally I just set the...
  6. walnut


  7. Rhyleysgranny

    Acer Rubrum 'Flame'

    Thank you all for your advice. I have left it more because I hated the idea of cutting off the lovely leaves on the branches. Oh by the way I got the name wrong. It's Acer Rubrum 'Red King'
    Thank you all for your advice. I have left it more because I hated the idea of cutting off the lovely leaves on the branches. Oh by the way I got the name wrong. It's Acer Rubrum 'Red King'
    Thank you all for your advice. I have left it more because I hated the idea of cutting off the lovely leaves on the branches. Oh by the way I got the name wrong. It's Acer Rubrum 'Red King'
    Thank you all for your advice. I have left it more because I hated the idea of cutting off the lovely leaves on the branches. Oh by the way I got the name wrong. It's Acer Rubrum 'Red King'
  8. Snappers

    Bricks or growbag

    Cheers guys for the nice comments. The bed provides plenty of space for root growth, its impossible to waterlog and oxygen is available from every direction. It works very well standing on...
    Cheers guys for the nice comments. The bed provides plenty of space for root growth, its impossible to waterlog and oxygen is available from every direction. It works very well standing on concrete as the water runoff drains directly into a container rather than all over the place.
    Cheers guys for the nice comments. The bed provides plenty of space for root growth, its impossible to waterlog and oxygen is available from every direction. It works very well standing on concrete as the water runoff drains directly into a...
    Cheers guys for the nice comments. The bed provides plenty of space for root growth, its impossible to waterlog and oxygen is available from every direction. It works very well standing on...
  9. pip

    Hydrangea pruning.

    Spring is the best time.Think of it as a two/ three year prune rather than one hit, gradually completely cut out a few old stems each year. Leave the younger stems, aside from lightly tipping...
    Spring is the best time.Think of it as a two/ three year prune rather than one hit, gradually completely cut out a few old stems each year. Leave the younger stems, aside from lightly tipping off the old flowers pruneing a few inches bellow the flower to a bud.
    Spring is the best time.Think of it as a two/ three year prune rather than one hit, gradually completely cut out a few old stems each year. Leave the younger stems, aside from lightly tipping off the old flowers pruneing a few inches bellow...
    Spring is the best time.Think of it as a two/ three year prune rather than one hit, gradually completely cut out a few old stems each year. Leave the younger stems, aside from lightly tipping...
  10. flowerpotty

    Bramble problem

    You cant help yourself lol!!!Be gratefull you arent next door or nothing would get done!!
    You cant help yourself lol!!!Be gratefull you arent next door or nothing would get done!!
    You cant help yourself lol!!!Be gratefull you arent next door or nothing would get done!!
    You cant help yourself lol!!!Be gratefull you arent next door or nothing would get done!!
  11. Sussexgardener

    Passionflower pruning

    No fruit, but I only planted it this summer. Its very luxuriant, so I will probably just tidy it up in Spring.
    No fruit, but I only planted it this summer. Its very luxuriant, so I will probably just tidy it up in Spring.
    No fruit, but I only planted it this summer. Its very luxuriant, so I will probably just tidy it up in Spring.
    No fruit, but I only planted it this summer. Its very luxuriant, so I will probably just tidy it up in Spring.
  12. Banana Man

    FAO Cactus Pete ....

    Oh, I spotted it BM.Strange how it looks nothing like LoLs plantlets:skp::lollol:
    Oh, I spotted it BM.Strange how it looks nothing like LoLs plantlets:skp::lollol:
    Oh, I spotted it BM.Strange how it looks nothing like LoLs plantlets:skp::lollol:
    Oh, I spotted it BM.Strange how it looks nothing like LoLs plantlets:skp::lollol:
  13. JimmyUK

    New business help plz

    Thanks guys for all of your advice, I will take it all on board. Very helpful indeed.
    Thanks guys for all of your advice, I will take it all on board. Very helpful indeed.
    Thanks guys for all of your advice, I will take it all on board. Very helpful indeed.
    Thanks guys for all of your advice, I will take it all on board. Very helpful indeed.
  14. lollipop

    staghorn sumac

    Ailanthus is a similar leaf to sumach and also gets massive leaves if cut to near ground level each year.
    Ailanthus is a similar leaf to sumach and also gets massive leaves if cut to near ground level each year.
    Ailanthus is a similar leaf to sumach and also gets massive leaves if cut to near ground level each year.
    Ailanthus is a similar leaf to sumach and also gets massive leaves if cut to near ground level each year.
  15. wee tattie


    I too was in my greenouse even thought it poured but was cutting back all my fuchsias.yes remember to name have forgot to to do that before.Hopefully all be done overweekend.
    I too was in my greenouse even thought it poured but was cutting back all my fuchsias.yes remember to name have forgot to to do that before.Hopefully all be done overweekend.
    I too was in my greenouse even thought it poured but was cutting back all my fuchsias.yes remember to name have forgot to to do that before.Hopefully all be done overweekend.
    I too was in my greenouse even thought it poured but was cutting back all my fuchsias.yes remember to name have forgot to to do that before.Hopefully all be done overweekend.
  16. Axie-Ali

    Acer question

    Hello Whis4ey.Thank you for your help,advice & reassurance.
    Hello Whis4ey.Thank you for your help,advice & reassurance.
    Hello Whis4ey.Thank you for your help,advice & reassurance.
    Hello Whis4ey.Thank you for your help,advice & reassurance.
  17. lollipop

    Looking for a good supplier

    Thankyou you two. Very helpful as usual.
    Thankyou you two. Very helpful as usual.
    Thankyou you two. Very helpful as usual.
    Thankyou you two. Very helpful as usual.
  18. Little Miss Road Rage

    Pink Quill advice

    Thanks Walnut. It had a pink quill on it before and that bit died so I pulled it off and then the 2 appeared lol. I don't water it much as I forget.
    Thanks Walnut. It had a pink quill on it before and that bit died so I pulled it off and then the 2 appeared lol. I don't water it much as I forget.
    Thanks Walnut. It had a pink quill on it before and that bit died so I pulled it off and then the 2 appeared lol. I don't water it much as I forget.
    Thanks Walnut. It had a pink quill on it before and that bit died so I pulled it off and then the 2 appeared lol. I don't water it much as I forget.
  19. sweetpeas

    The New Girls

    There now 9 weeks old and running out of room but not old enough for the coop just yet.For not there called fatso, fatso and fatso. That's just untill there big enough to put leg rings on...
    There now 9 weeks old and running out of room but not old enough for the coop just yet.For not there called fatso, fatso and fatso. That's just untill there big enough to put leg rings on so we know who's who
    There now 9 weeks old and running out of room but not old enough for the coop just yet.For not there called fatso, fatso and fatso. That's just untill there big enough to put leg rings on so we know who's who
    There now 9 weeks old and running out of room but not old enough for the coop just yet.For not there called fatso, fatso and fatso. That's just untill there big enough to put leg rings on...
  20. nathan7


    Lol Nathan I have just this second ask Walnut for the same kind of help in the Brugs section, I'm sure he will come to our rescue and help us newbies out!:wink:
    Lol Nathan I have just this second ask Walnut for the same kind of help in the Brugs section, I'm sure he will come to our rescue and help us newbies out!:wink:
    Lol Nathan I have just this second ask Walnut for the same kind of help in the Brugs section, I'm sure he will come to our rescue and help us newbies out!:wink:
    Lol Nathan I have just this second ask Walnut for the same kind of help in the Brugs section, I'm sure he will come to our rescue and help us newbies out!:wink:

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