General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Little Miss Road Rage

    Which Passion Flower is which?

    lol thanks everyone that's what I thought. It was gonna matter where I put them but I'll just take a wild guess and see what happens
    lol thanks everyone that's what I thought. It was gonna matter where I put them but I'll just take a wild guess and see what happens
    lol thanks everyone that's what I thought. It was gonna matter where I put them but I'll just take a wild guess and see what happens
    lol thanks everyone that's what I thought. It was gonna matter where I put them but I'll just take a wild guess and see what happens
  2. misterroy

    polythene plan- less weeding?

    No doubt at all that hoeing between rows works - though no so well during wet summers, but hoeing between closely space veg such as carrots, leeks or beetroot isn't so easy. I've been using...
    No doubt at all that hoeing between rows works - though no so well during wet summers, but hoeing between closely space veg such as carrots, leeks or beetroot isn't so easy. I've been using membrane for several years and have had no apparent increase in slug damage. In fact since I replanted my...
    No doubt at all that hoeing between rows works - though no so well during wet summers, but hoeing between closely space veg such as carrots, leeks or beetroot isn't so easy. I've been using membrane for several years and have had no apparent...
    No doubt at all that hoeing between rows works - though no so well during wet summers, but hoeing between closely space veg such as carrots, leeks or beetroot isn't so easy. I've been using...
  3. flowerpotty


    i find that they're never as good the second year, best to get new vigourous ones in the spring, or get your own going from seed
    i find that they're never as good the second year, best to get new vigourous ones in the spring, or get your own going from seed
    i find that they're never as good the second year, best to get new vigourous ones in the spring, or get your own going from seed
    i find that they're never as good the second year, best to get new vigourous ones in the spring, or get your own going from seed
  4. Pro Gard

    Gardeners world... A joke

    I was quite outraged at that compost in the barrow, i have a new one which i had to have for moving all the stone i bought, but if he had offered me the one he made compost in, i would have been...
    I was quite outraged at that compost in the barrow, i have a new one which i had to have for moving all the stone i bought, but if he had offered me the one he made compost in, i would have been more than happy for what i need a barrow for :rolleyes: i doubt i will get much more use from mine.
    I was quite outraged at that compost in the barrow, i have a new one which i had to have for moving all the stone i bought, but if he had offered me the one he made compost in, i would have been more than happy for what i need a barrow for ...
    I was quite outraged at that compost in the barrow, i have a new one which i had to have for moving all the stone i bought, but if he had offered me the one he made compost in, i would have been...
  5. Paladin

    What a Waste!

    I lived in Austria years ago, before councils here did doorstep recycling collections. We had to separate our (washed and crushed) recycling into SEVEN catagories, only two of which - the 'Rest'...
    I lived in Austria years ago, before councils here did doorstep recycling collections. We had to separate our (washed and crushed) recycling into SEVEN catagories, only two of which - the 'Rest' and the 'Bio' - were collected alternate weeks from 2 small wheelie bins shared between several...
    I lived in Austria years ago, before councils here did doorstep recycling collections. We had to separate our (washed and crushed) recycling into SEVEN catagories, only two of which - the 'Rest' and the 'Bio' - were collected alternate weeks...
    I lived in Austria years ago, before councils here did doorstep recycling collections. We had to separate our (washed and crushed) recycling into SEVEN catagories, only two of which - the 'Rest'...
  6. Four Forks

    Bare Root Plants

    I've never heard of bare rooted perennials, only roses and shrubs. Makes sense though.
    I've never heard of bare rooted perennials, only roses and shrubs. Makes sense though.
    I've never heard of bare rooted perennials, only roses and shrubs. Makes sense though.
    I've never heard of bare rooted perennials, only roses and shrubs. Makes sense though.
  7. Rhyleysgranny


    Hi All It has been a glorious day and i got itchy fingers . I had to get out into the garden,i potted up the fuchsias i had left out ,which turned out to be 5, I also moved a clematis it is the...
    Hi All It has been a glorious day and i got itchy fingers . I had to get out into the garden,i potted up the fuchsias i had left out ,which turned out to be 5, I also moved a clematis it is the Viticellas type which dies down in the winter,so i moved it while the ground is still warm to get off...
    Hi All It has been a glorious day and i got itchy fingers . I had to get out into the garden,i potted up the fuchsias i had left out ,which turned out to be 5, I also moved a clematis it is the Viticellas type which dies down in the winter,so i...
    Hi All It has been a glorious day and i got itchy fingers . I had to get out into the garden,i potted up the fuchsias i had left out ,which turned out to be 5, I also moved a clematis it is the...
  8. Dianni

    Advice Please

    Thank you for your help. I'll try cuttings and will also trim it back and have a go at nursing it through the winter.Di xx
    Thank you for your help. I'll try cuttings and will also trim it back and have a go at nursing it through the winter.Di xx
    Thank you for your help. I'll try cuttings and will also trim it back and have a go at nursing it through the winter.Di xx
    Thank you for your help. I'll try cuttings and will also trim it back and have a go at nursing it through the winter.Di xx
  9. T Digger


    an excellent idea.
    an excellent idea.
    an excellent idea.
    an excellent idea.
  10. Vince

    Drawn up my seed shopping list.

    I do believe cold and frosty days are already upon us T.D. My pond was frozen for 3 days.:scratch::(
    I do believe cold and frosty days are already upon us T.D. My pond was frozen for 3 days.:scratch::(
    I do believe cold and frosty days are already upon us T.D. My pond was frozen for 3 days.:scratch::(
    I do believe cold and frosty days are already upon us T.D. My pond was frozen for 3 days.:scratch::(
  11. plantaholic

    forced hyacynths

    Keep them cool jjordie or they will grow too quick and be over with before christmas otherwise,you only need to bring them into the warmth and light about 2-3 weeks before you want them to...
    Keep them cool jjordie or they will grow too quick and be over with before christmas otherwise,you only need to bring them into the warmth and light about 2-3 weeks before you want them to flower,don't have the compost too wet.
    Keep them cool jjordie or they will grow too quick and be over with before christmas otherwise,you only need to bring them into the warmth and light about 2-3 weeks before you want them to flower,don't have the compost too wet.
    Keep them cool jjordie or they will grow too quick and be over with before christmas otherwise,you only need to bring them into the warmth and light about 2-3 weeks before you want them to...
  12. Brind

    New hedge, what's nice to see?

    Try a bottlebrush hedge,
    Try a bottlebrush hedge,
    Try a bottlebrush hedge,
    Try a bottlebrush hedge,
  13. Little Miss Road Rage

    Might be needing more advice soon

    Thanks. It's behind the old school thats on the corner of Blandford road and Tuckers Lane
    Thanks. It's behind the old school thats on the corner of Blandford road and Tuckers Lane
    Thanks. It's behind the old school thats on the corner of Blandford road and Tuckers Lane
    Thanks. It's behind the old school thats on the corner of Blandford road and Tuckers Lane
  14. Victoria

    Zamicoculcas zamifolia

    Pretty spectacular stuff this, just managed to get this shot before they faded and became uninteresting:lollol:
    Pretty spectacular stuff this, just managed to get this shot before they faded and became uninteresting:lollol:
    Pretty spectacular stuff this, just managed to get this shot before they faded and became uninteresting:lollol:
    Pretty spectacular stuff this, just managed to get this shot before they faded and became uninteresting:lollol:
  15. smp_1972

    Is it worth it?

    Personally id sort it now, spray off the old, with roundup leave 2 weeks for it to work, Hire a cultivator and turn it all over, rake then add your topsoil, leave a fortnight to settle then ree...
    Personally id sort it now, spray off the old, with roundup leave 2 weeks for it to work, Hire a cultivator and turn it all over, rake then add your topsoil, leave a fortnight to settle then ree rake and turf.
    Personally id sort it now, spray off the old, with roundup leave 2 weeks for it to work, Hire a cultivator and turn it all over, rake then add your topsoil, leave a fortnight to settle then ree rake and turf.
    Personally id sort it now, spray off the old, with roundup leave 2 weeks for it to work, Hire a cultivator and turn it all over, rake then add your topsoil, leave a fortnight to settle then ree...
  16. Sussexgardener

    Humulus Aureus/Golden Hops

    They will grow on the sunny side of the hedge!
    They will grow on the sunny side of the hedge!
    They will grow on the sunny side of the hedge!
    They will grow on the sunny side of the hedge!
  17. newdigger

    French Lavendar Papillon - winter protection

    Many thanks for advice and suggestions on caring for French Lavendar. I have been ill myself, so hope to get back to the garden this weekend. I just hope it won't be too late as we have already...
    Many thanks for advice and suggestions on caring for French Lavendar. I have been ill myself, so hope to get back to the garden this weekend. I just hope it won't be too late as we have already suffered from some heavy frosts.
    Many thanks for advice and suggestions on caring for French Lavendar. I have been ill myself, so hope to get back to the garden this weekend. I just hope it won't be too late as we have already suffered from some heavy frosts.
    Many thanks for advice and suggestions on caring for French Lavendar. I have been ill myself, so hope to get back to the garden this weekend. I just hope it won't be too late as we have already...
  18. Lyn


    No, the only thing I take is Thyroxin for my under active thyroid. I have been taking that for years. I think I may have been a bit premature about my cough going it was back again last night...
    No, the only thing I take is Thyroxin for my under active thyroid. I have been taking that for years. I think I may have been a bit premature about my cough going it was back again last night and I'm feeling a bit choked up again this morning. I really don't no what it is . It's been weeks...
    No, the only thing I take is Thyroxin for my under active thyroid. I have been taking that for years. I think I may have been a bit premature about my cough going it was back again last night and I'm feeling a bit choked up again this...
    No, the only thing I take is Thyroxin for my under active thyroid. I have been taking that for years. I think I may have been a bit premature about my cough going it was back again last night...
  19. Mikkel

    A Friends Garden

    Mikkel you are a knight in shining armour to come to the aid of a damsel in distress you are doing a brilliant job and with all your health problems too well done. I'm a doer rather than a...
    Mikkel you are a knight in shining armour to come to the aid of a damsel in distress you are doing a brilliant job and with all your health problems too well done. I'm a doer rather than a watcher and know just how much hard work takes its toll on your body but I also know what a great sense...
    Mikkel you are a knight in shining armour to come to the aid of a damsel in distress you are doing a brilliant job and with all your health problems too well done. I'm a doer rather than a watcher and know just how much hard work takes its toll...
    Mikkel you are a knight in shining armour to come to the aid of a damsel in distress you are doing a brilliant job and with all your health problems too well done. I'm a doer rather than a...
  20. roders

    New me.

    They are usually on sale in most garden centres but because the berries are out at this time of the year they sell very well. Just keep looking in the garden centres :thumb:
    They are usually on sale in most garden centres but because the berries are out at this time of the year they sell very well. Just keep looking in the garden centres :thumb:
    They are usually on sale in most garden centres but because the berries are out at this time of the year they sell very well. Just keep looking in the garden centres :thumb:
    They are usually on sale in most garden centres but because the berries are out at this time of the year they sell very well. Just keep looking in the garden centres :thumb:

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