General Gardening Discussion

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  1. gofoit2

    Is it too late to reseed?

    Thank you very much both, I will try the fleece, but as to the drainage, I think I'll wait until all the work is finished and the grass has grown to see what is happening, my son-in-law is sure...
    Thank you very much both, I will try the fleece, but as to the drainage, I think I'll wait until all the work is finished and the grass has grown to see what is happening, my son-in-law is sure that it will take away my flooding problems and as he will be doing all the work, to be fair to him, I...
    Thank you very much both, I will try the fleece, but as to the drainage, I think I'll wait until all the work is finished and the grass has grown to see what is happening, my son-in-law is sure that it will take away my flooding problems and as...
    Thank you very much both, I will try the fleece, but as to the drainage, I think I'll wait until all the work is finished and the grass has grown to see what is happening, my son-in-law is sure...
  2. Welly Woman


    Yep,probably seed pods.:)
    Yep,probably seed pods.:)
    Yep,probably seed pods.:)
    Yep,probably seed pods.:)
  3. WetFloor


    I don`t know that it won`t survive the winter abyway. Mine is in the soil and I haven`t ever brought it in-it does fine and flourishes. Your winters in London are milder anyway.
    I don`t know that it won`t survive the winter abyway. Mine is in the soil and I haven`t ever brought it in-it does fine and flourishes. Your winters in London are milder anyway.
    I don`t know that it won`t survive the winter abyway. Mine is in the soil and I haven`t ever brought it in-it does fine and flourishes. Your winters in London are milder anyway.
    I don`t know that it won`t survive the winter abyway. Mine is in the soil and I haven`t ever brought it in-it does fine and flourishes. Your winters in London are milder anyway.
  4. Vince

    Now I'm totally confused.... :(

    The ideal way of doing it Vince, is to treat the ground now. Leave for a month, then turn the ground over again and re-treat.:thumb:
    The ideal way of doing it Vince, is to treat the ground now. Leave for a month, then turn the ground over again and re-treat.:thumb:
    The ideal way of doing it Vince, is to treat the ground now. Leave for a month, then turn the ground over again and re-treat.:thumb:
    The ideal way of doing it Vince, is to treat the ground now. Leave for a month, then turn the ground over again and re-treat.:thumb:
  5. lollipop

    Question about protecting ferns.

    After last night I admit that`s a relief
    After last night I admit that`s a relief
    After last night I admit that`s a relief
    After last night I admit that`s a relief
  6. Vince

    Did you know?

    Most of the plots grew Sunflowers this year only because of the competition for the tallest Sunflower tree, this was for the children and not for the adults. Some of the flowers were as big as...
    Most of the plots grew Sunflowers this year only because of the competition for the tallest Sunflower tree, this was for the children and not for the adults. Some of the flowers were as big as dinner plates but it was fun.
    Most of the plots grew Sunflowers this year only because of the competition for the tallest Sunflower tree, this was for the children and not for the adults. Some of the flowers were as big as dinner plates but it was fun.
    Most of the plots grew Sunflowers this year only because of the competition for the tallest Sunflower tree, this was for the children and not for the adults. Some of the flowers were as big as...
  7. crofthouse

    Our latest project

    Yes a Montana would do well. We've already got lots of honeysuckles, so probably steer clear of that. I had a feeling the hop might not do too well, but virginia creeper might be ideal - love the...
    Yes a Montana would do well. We've already got lots of honeysuckles, so probably steer clear of that. I had a feeling the hop might not do too well, but virginia creeper might be ideal - love the autumn colour. Sorry but Russian Vine is one of my phobias, having battled with one for years at a...
    Yes a Montana would do well. We've already got lots of honeysuckles, so probably steer clear of that. I had a feeling the hop might not do too well, but virginia creeper might be ideal - love the autumn colour. Sorry but Russian Vine is one of my...
    Yes a Montana would do well. We've already got lots of honeysuckles, so probably steer clear of that. I had a feeling the hop might not do too well, but virginia creeper might be ideal - love the...
  8. capney

    Root to destruction

    You are right to be concerned. Many years ago I had one in my front lawn, and for years I was shaving the very shallow roots with the mower. It had to go before it got to big because it appeared...
    You are right to be concerned. Many years ago I had one in my front lawn, and for years I was shaving the very shallow roots with the mower. It had to go before it got to big because it appeared one of the roots was heading for the house. This proved to be the case when I got around to removing...
    You are right to be concerned. Many years ago I had one in my front lawn, and for years I was shaving the very shallow roots with the mower. It had to go before it got to big because it appeared one of the roots was heading for the house. This...
    You are right to be concerned. Many years ago I had one in my front lawn, and for years I was shaving the very shallow roots with the mower. It had to go before it got to big because it appeared...
  9. Sussexgardener


    "I don't supose they do it to give the plant extra vigour":D
    "I don't supose they do it to give the plant extra vigour":D
    "I don't supose they do it to give the plant extra vigour":D
    "I don't supose they do it to give the plant extra vigour":D
  10. Kathy3


    thanks all, whee what a job,its now all s****ed clean not a bit in sight ,have used loads of salt,the weather has been great will see what happens when it rains,today we have snow :(
    thanks all, whee what a job,its now all s****ed clean not a bit in sight ,have used loads of salt,the weather has been great will see what happens when it rains,today we have snow :(
    thanks all, whee what a job,its now all s****ed clean not a bit in sight ,have used loads of salt,the weather has been great will see what happens when it rains,today we have snow :(
    thanks all, whee what a job,its now all s****ed clean not a bit in sight ,have used loads of salt,the weather has been great will see what happens when it rains,today we have snow :(
  11. Micky V


    That's great folks - thanks for your help.
    That's great folks - thanks for your help.
    That's great folks - thanks for your help.
    That's great folks - thanks for your help.
  12. jjordie

    African Violet

    jjordie,Mrs Pal says ....Just leave them alone...don't water them ,but keep them warm....She puts them in the spare room where the temp is constant and out of direct sun light.
    jjordie,Mrs Pal says ....Just leave them alone...don't water them ,but keep them warm....She puts them in the spare room where the temp is constant and out of direct sun light.
    jjordie,Mrs Pal says ....Just leave them alone...don't water them ,but keep them warm....She puts them in the spare room where the temp is constant and out of direct sun light.
    jjordie,Mrs Pal says ....Just leave them alone...don't water them ,but keep them warm....She puts them in the spare room where the temp is constant and out of direct sun light.
  13. daisybelle

    Planting sweet peas now

    Good point. I'd prefer the pots had "bottoms", but its not that important.
    Good point. I'd prefer the pots had "bottoms", but its not that important.
    Good point. I'd prefer the pots had "bottoms", but its not that important.
    Good point. I'd prefer the pots had "bottoms", but its not that important.
  14. Agaveman

    Agave Strelitzia Juncea

    Thanks Steve I was wondering with the seasons changing if the flowering time had altered they would have to be at their warmest to flower so would need to be inside at the coldest time of the year...
    Thanks Steve I was wondering with the seasons changing if the flowering time had altered they would have to be at their warmest to flower so would need to be inside at the coldest time of the year something I could not do with my s.nicolai,looks like it will have to enjoyed for its foliage in...
    Thanks Steve I was wondering with the seasons changing if the flowering time had altered they would have to be at their warmest to flower so would need to be inside at the coldest time of the year something I could not do with my s.nicolai,looks...
    Thanks Steve I was wondering with the seasons changing if the flowering time had altered they would have to be at their warmest to flower so would need to be inside at the coldest time of the year...
  15. Little Miss Road Rage

    Garden Updates

  16. pards

    Sweet pea and winter sun question

    Unless its a sunny, warm, day I doubt you will need to water them more than twice a week at present, probably only once a week in December / January.Pick up the pot and see if it feels "light"...
    Unless its a sunny, warm, day I doubt you will need to water them more than twice a week at present, probably only once a week in December / January.Pick up the pot and see if it feels "light" and if so it needs watering.I avoid watering in the evening so they don't have cold, wet, feet...
    Unless its a sunny, warm, day I doubt you will need to water them more than twice a week at present, probably only once a week in December / January.Pick up the pot and see if it feels "light" and if so it needs watering.I avoid watering in...
    Unless its a sunny, warm, day I doubt you will need to water them more than twice a week at present, probably only once a week in December / January.Pick up the pot and see if it feels "light"...
  17. Loofah

    New front garden

    Looks great, really bright, neat and cheerful :thumb:
    Looks great, really bright, neat and cheerful :thumb:
    Looks great, really bright, neat and cheerful :thumb:
    Looks great, really bright, neat and cheerful :thumb:
  18. has bean counter


    thanks PG
    thanks PG
    thanks PG
    thanks PG
  19. takemore02withit

    What are you into at the mo?

    That's a beaut Marley don't forget some seeds next time you go,here is a website you will probably like, look at the choices on here
    That's a beaut Marley don't forget some seeds next time you go,here is a website you will probably like, look at the choices on here
    That's a beaut Marley don't forget some seeds next time you go,here is a website you will probably like, look at the choices on here
    That's a beaut Marley don't forget some seeds next time you go,here is a website you will probably like, look at the choices on here
  20. Victoria

    Passion Flower through a Tree

    Thank you for responding FANCY, pete and strong but I have now resolved the above problem by purchasing another Gloriosa today .... :thumb::D .... now the problem is where to plant the...
    Thank you for responding FANCY, pete and strong but I have now resolved the above problem by purchasing another Gloriosa today .... :thumb::D .... now the problem is where to plant the Passiflora. :dh: All I can say about the Passion Flower pete is that is has taken over a conifer, along...
    Thank you for responding FANCY, pete and strong but I have now resolved the above problem by purchasing another Gloriosa today .... :thumb::D .... now the problem is where to plant the Passiflora. :dh: All I can say about the Passion Flower...
    Thank you for responding FANCY, pete and strong but I have now resolved the above problem by purchasing another Gloriosa today .... :thumb::D .... now the problem is where to plant the...

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