General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Rosiemongrel

    Planting bulbs - guidelines?

    Got my bulb shipment in, guess what I'll be doing this weekend?
    Got my bulb shipment in, guess what I'll be doing this weekend?
    Got my bulb shipment in, guess what I'll be doing this weekend?
    Got my bulb shipment in, guess what I'll be doing this weekend?
  2. The Nut


    The only way I'm prepared to keep hostas is in a container. I have had enough of the slugs making a meal of them. I love hostas and keep planning to increase the number I have but that will...
    The only way I'm prepared to keep hostas is in a container. I have had enough of the slugs making a meal of them. I love hostas and keep planning to increase the number I have but that will mean I need to buy more pots.
    The only way I'm prepared to keep hostas is in a container. I have had enough of the slugs making a meal of them. I love hostas and keep planning to increase the number I have but that will mean I need to buy more pots.
    The only way I'm prepared to keep hostas is in a container. I have had enough of the slugs making a meal of them. I love hostas and keep planning to increase the number I have but that will...
  3. Sussexgardener

    Not started yet but....

    I have it already and yes, it grows like a weed. But I love it and I've found that if you cut it back HARD after flowering you can keep it under control, just!
    I have it already and yes, it grows like a weed. But I love it and I've found that if you cut it back HARD after flowering you can keep it under control, just!
    I have it already and yes, it grows like a weed. But I love it and I've found that if you cut it back HARD after flowering you can keep it under control, just!
    I have it already and yes, it grows like a weed. But I love it and I've found that if you cut it back HARD after flowering you can keep it under control, just!
  4. Aesculus

    Plants that fower in there first growing season?

    Thanks kalmia - yes Cleome is nice and it was quite a good year for them this year as opposed to last year which was a disaster. I took Christopher Lloyd's advice and didn't sow them till 1st May....
    Thanks kalmia - yes Cleome is nice and it was quite a good year for them this year as opposed to last year which was a disaster. I took Christopher Lloyd's advice and didn't sow them till 1st May. What he said was that they are tender and if you sow them too early and they get knocked back by...
    Thanks kalmia - yes Cleome is nice and it was quite a good year for them this year as opposed to last year which was a disaster. I took Christopher Lloyd's advice and didn't sow them till 1st May. What he said was that they are tender and if you...
    Thanks kalmia - yes Cleome is nice and it was quite a good year for them this year as opposed to last year which was a disaster. I took Christopher Lloyd's advice and didn't sow them till 1st May....
  5. Loofah

    Sow seeds now

    Loofah - as UJH says its always worth experimenting. I really don't know what the answer will be. I only ever sow about half a packet of seed at a time - so I have some seed left over if things...
    Loofah - as UJH says its always worth experimenting. I really don't know what the answer will be. I only ever sow about half a packet of seed at a time - so I have some seed left over if things don't go right.
    Loofah - as UJH says its always worth experimenting. I really don't know what the answer will be. I only ever sow about half a packet of seed at a time - so I have some seed left over if things don't go right.
    Loofah - as UJH says its always worth experimenting. I really don't know what the answer will be. I only ever sow about half a packet of seed at a time - so I have some seed left over if things...
  6. wilroda

    Any takers?

    I am looking for white Kaffir Lily I have the deep pink they are so beautiful .
    I am looking for white Kaffir Lily I have the deep pink they are so beautiful .
    I am looking for white Kaffir Lily I have the deep pink they are so beautiful .
    I am looking for white Kaffir Lily I have the deep pink they are so beautiful .
  7. roders

    Autumn baskets 2008

    Perfect for this time of the year nice and cheery instead of all this doom in gloom on news.
    Perfect for this time of the year nice and cheery instead of all this doom in gloom on news.
    Perfect for this time of the year nice and cheery instead of all this doom in gloom on news.
    Perfect for this time of the year nice and cheery instead of all this doom in gloom on news.
  8. Flinty

    Unfair to bergamot?

    Tell me about it! I did the same yesterday to an oregano plant that was in the "wrong place":D. The roots went on for ever..... Now, just need to find a spot to build a new herb garden!
    Tell me about it! I did the same yesterday to an oregano plant that was in the "wrong place":D. The roots went on for ever..... Now, just need to find a spot to build a new herb garden!
    Tell me about it! I did the same yesterday to an oregano plant that was in the "wrong place":D. The roots went on for ever..... Now, just need to find a spot to build a new herb garden!
    Tell me about it! I did the same yesterday to an oregano plant that was in the "wrong place":D. The roots went on for ever..... Now, just need to find a spot to build a new herb garden!
  9. roders

    Three Cycleman and a pot.

    How Beautiful Roders thanks
    How Beautiful Roders thanks
    How Beautiful Roders thanks
    How Beautiful Roders thanks
  10. Sussexgardener

    Madame Alfred Carriere

    Will do, when I figure out how I'll do it!!
    Will do, when I figure out how I'll do it!!
    Will do, when I figure out how I'll do it!!
    Will do, when I figure out how I'll do it!!
  11. Winnie

    Winter Care - Help Please!!

    Ah, thanks a bunch Strongy! Yes the name Bidens rings a bell. I'll wrap them up in voile stuff then and put them in a sheltered spot. Love this site!!
    Ah, thanks a bunch Strongy! Yes the name Bidens rings a bell. I'll wrap them up in voile stuff then and put them in a sheltered spot. Love this site!!
    Ah, thanks a bunch Strongy! Yes the name Bidens rings a bell. I'll wrap them up in voile stuff then and put them in a sheltered spot. Love this site!!
    Ah, thanks a bunch Strongy! Yes the name Bidens rings a bell. I'll wrap them up in voile stuff then and put them in a sheltered spot. Love this site!!
  12. pand692

    Bertholi 'Fire Vine' aka Parrot's Bill.

    Ola again Lady of Leisure, nice to speak with you again, sorry about the seeds not doing anything, lotus hirsutum as I remember. Hi as well pete, and thanks for the advice. I think I will...
    Ola again Lady of Leisure, nice to speak with you again, sorry about the seeds not doing anything, lotus hirsutum as I remember. Hi as well pete, and thanks for the advice. I think I will bring the berti into the cold GH for the winter and have a go at rooting a couple of bits in the prop....
    Ola again Lady of Leisure, nice to speak with you again, sorry about the seeds not doing anything, lotus hirsutum as I remember. Hi as well pete, and thanks for the advice. I think I will bring the berti into the cold GH for the winter and...
    Ola again Lady of Leisure, nice to speak with you again, sorry about the seeds not doing anything, lotus hirsutum as I remember. Hi as well pete, and thanks for the advice. I think I will...
  13. Kipwad


    I've found that "Antwerp Mixed" is resistant to rust.
    I've found that "Antwerp Mixed" is resistant to rust.
    I've found that "Antwerp Mixed" is resistant to rust.
    I've found that "Antwerp Mixed" is resistant to rust.
  14. Freddy

    When to cut ?

    PG,Quite right
    PG,Quite right
    PG,Quite right
    PG,Quite right
  15. brian8451

    coffee grounds

    Hmmmmm....I'm going to start saving the coffee grounds from work from now on. I don't drink the stuff myself, it gives me the shakes but they go thru a couple of sachets at work so that will be...
    Hmmmmm....I'm going to start saving the coffee grounds from work from now on. I don't drink the stuff myself, it gives me the shakes but they go thru a couple of sachets at work so that will be sufficient for my garden and be a good ant deterrent.
    Hmmmmm....I'm going to start saving the coffee grounds from work from now on. I don't drink the stuff myself, it gives me the shakes but they go thru a couple of sachets at work so that will be sufficient for my garden and be a good ant deterrent.
    Hmmmmm....I'm going to start saving the coffee grounds from work from now on. I don't drink the stuff myself, it gives me the shakes but they go thru a couple of sachets at work so that will be...
  16. djrock


    Real capers are flower buds and they only grow in the hottest south ;)
    Real capers are flower buds and they only grow in the hottest south ;)
    Real capers are flower buds and they only grow in the hottest south ;)
    Real capers are flower buds and they only grow in the hottest south ;)
  17. lollipop

    Another Christopher Lloyd purchase

    Is that what your wife does'e David :D
    Is that what your wife does'e David :D
    Is that what your wife does'e David :D
    Is that what your wife does'e David :D
  18. Winnie

    Pheasant Berry Pruning??

    Winnie, if it`s causing you problems, then cut it down now. Trust me, you wont kill it.:thumb::D
    Winnie, if it`s causing you problems, then cut it down now. Trust me, you wont kill it.:thumb::D
    Winnie, if it`s causing you problems, then cut it down now. Trust me, you wont kill it.:thumb::D
    Winnie, if it`s causing you problems, then cut it down now. Trust me, you wont kill it.:thumb::D
  19. Harmony Arb

    Cold and wet garden

    Daffodils, snowdrops, and bluebells might do alright there.
    Daffodils, snowdrops, and bluebells might do alright there.
    Daffodils, snowdrops, and bluebells might do alright there.
    Daffodils, snowdrops, and bluebells might do alright there.
  20. Small flower

    Advice - how to winterise my plants?

    :) Hello will grow on here :D WELCOME. As a general guidline.........Reduce the roses by a third to stop windrock over winter then prune properly in February. Buddleja tidy...
    :) Hello will grow on here :D WELCOME. As a general guidline.........Reduce the roses by a third to stop windrock over winter then prune properly in February. Buddleja tidy up after flowering then prune hard in March. Lavender prune after flowering to about 1" above old...
    :) Hello will grow on here :D WELCOME. As a general guidline.........Reduce the roses by a third to stop windrock over winter then prune properly in February. Buddleja tidy up after flowering then prune hard in...
    :) Hello will grow on here :D WELCOME. As a general guidline.........Reduce the roses by a third to stop windrock over winter then prune properly in February. Buddleja tidy...

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