General Gardening Discussion

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  1. whis4ey

    Some autumn colour

    Flippin` eck, You`re a gem too. I most certainly would love you to. Thanks Shobna-I`ll mention your name aswell.
    Flippin` eck, You`re a gem too. I most certainly would love you to. Thanks Shobna-I`ll mention your name aswell.
    Flippin` eck, You`re a gem too. I most certainly would love you to. Thanks Shobna-I`ll mention your name aswell.
    Flippin` eck, You`re a gem too. I most certainly would love you to. Thanks Shobna-I`ll mention your name aswell.
  2. Victoria

    Clusia 'Princess'

    Thanks Marley .... they are all so beautiful. I've been searching again for the Clusia 'Princess' (which has a P following so I guess it's being patented) and still found nothing. Then I had...
    Thanks Marley .... they are all so beautiful. I've been searching again for the Clusia 'Princess' (which has a P following so I guess it's being patented) and still found nothing. Then I had an :idea: and looked up the company selling it .... Here is lists it...
    Thanks Marley .... they are all so beautiful. I've been searching again for the Clusia 'Princess' (which has a P following so I guess it's being patented) and still found nothing. Then I had an :idea: and looked up the company selling it .... ...
    Thanks Marley .... they are all so beautiful. I've been searching again for the Clusia 'Princess' (which has a P following so I guess it's being patented) and still found nothing. Then I had...
  3. lollipop

    creeping jenny question

    Thanks Marley, I`ll do it now then, excellent advice-well done on that "wild" phlox aswell.
    Thanks Marley, I`ll do it now then, excellent advice-well done on that "wild" phlox aswell.
    Thanks Marley, I`ll do it now then, excellent advice-well done on that "wild" phlox aswell.
    Thanks Marley, I`ll do it now then, excellent advice-well done on that "wild" phlox aswell.
  4. clueless1

    Deadly toadstools

    Sound solution. Don't automatically assume kids will put things in their mouth. Educate them first without frightening them.
    Sound solution. Don't automatically assume kids will put things in their mouth. Educate them first without frightening them.
    Sound solution. Don't automatically assume kids will put things in their mouth. Educate them first without frightening them.
    Sound solution. Don't automatically assume kids will put things in their mouth. Educate them first without frightening them.
  5. mztrouble


    You are more than welcome.:thumb::D
    You are more than welcome.:thumb::D
    You are more than welcome.:thumb::D
    You are more than welcome.:thumb::D
  6. Stingo

    Red cordyline baby?!

    :thumb: They seem to respond to root disturbances with offshoots. Some off shoots are pretty well attached too. You may find over time you get more from harvesting that off shoot.:)
    :thumb: They seem to respond to root disturbances with offshoots. Some off shoots are pretty well attached too. You may find over time you get more from harvesting that off shoot.:)
    :thumb: They seem to respond to root disturbances with offshoots. Some off shoots are pretty well attached too. You may find over time you get more from harvesting that off shoot.:)
    :thumb: They seem to respond to root disturbances with offshoots. Some off shoots are pretty well attached too. You may find over time you get more from harvesting that off shoot.:)
  7. youngdaisydee

    Cool or should that be Hot

    This is OUR section folks, not mine. It is for all of you who are successful with or experimenting with Tropical, Sub-tropical and Mediterranean gardening .... and for me who has no option. :D ...
    This is OUR section folks, not mine. It is for all of you who are successful with or experimenting with Tropical, Sub-tropical and Mediterranean gardening .... and for me who has no option. :D I have put up a new thread ofan uncommon tree I have and have moved threads over from other areas,...
    This is OUR section folks, not mine. It is for all of you who are successful with or experimenting with Tropical, Sub-tropical and Mediterranean gardening .... and for me who has no option. :D I have put up a new thread ofan uncommon tree I...
    This is OUR section folks, not mine. It is for all of you who are successful with or experimenting with Tropical, Sub-tropical and Mediterranean gardening .... and for me who has no option. :D ...
  8. pumpkinsoup

    conifer stumps and peonies

    Hi Pumpkinsoup The best time to move and divide peonies is September, To move a peony, cut the peony stems near ground level and carefully dig around and under each plant. Try to retain as...
    Hi Pumpkinsoup The best time to move and divide peonies is September, To move a peony, cut the peony stems near ground level and carefully dig around and under each plant. Try to retain as much of the root system as possible. Promptly plant the peony in a sunny, well-drained site.If you...
    Hi Pumpkinsoup The best time to move and divide peonies is September, To move a peony, cut the peony stems near ground level and carefully dig around and under each plant. Try to retain as much of the root system as possible. Promptly plant...
    Hi Pumpkinsoup The best time to move and divide peonies is September, To move a peony, cut the peony stems near ground level and carefully dig around and under each plant. Try to retain as...
  9. Bradshaw_John

    Chrysanthemum Maximum Silver Princess

    John, I don't know anything about Chrysanthemums is particular. But in general, when plants flower late you divide them in spring. Dividing means digging them up, splitting the plant up into 2 or...
    John, I don't know anything about Chrysanthemums is particular. But in general, when plants flower late you divide them in spring. Dividing means digging them up, splitting the plant up into 2 or more bits and then replanting. This is exactly the same as moving a plant but without the splitting...
    John, I don't know anything about Chrysanthemums is particular. But in general, when plants flower late you divide them in spring. Dividing means digging them up, splitting the plant up into 2 or more bits and then replanting. This is exactly the...
    John, I don't know anything about Chrysanthemums is particular. But in general, when plants flower late you divide them in spring. Dividing means digging them up, splitting the plant up into 2 or...
  10. webjunky

    flowers spring berrys in late summer any ideas ?? bird oasis

    Cheers for all the good suggestions I am looking around now but cant find a decent nursery with decent sized plants . I know they grow fairly quick but I am the impatient sort of gardener :-)
    Cheers for all the good suggestions I am looking around now but cant find a decent nursery with decent sized plants . I know they grow fairly quick but I am the impatient sort of gardener :-)
    Cheers for all the good suggestions I am looking around now but cant find a decent nursery with decent sized plants . I know they grow fairly quick but I am the impatient sort of gardener :-)
    Cheers for all the good suggestions I am looking around now but cant find a decent nursery with decent sized plants . I know they grow fairly quick but I am the impatient sort of gardener :-)
  11. derwent

    Planting on Clematis

    You could plant them out now, but personally I prefer to plant clematis in spring. If you can find those long pots which Clems are sold in, then they are the best things to use. In the ground as...
    You could plant them out now, but personally I prefer to plant clematis in spring. If you can find those long pots which Clems are sold in, then they are the best things to use. In the ground as long as it is well drained the winter rain should have no effect on them. If the ground is...
    You could plant them out now, but personally I prefer to plant clematis in spring. If you can find those long pots which Clems are sold in, then they are the best things to use. In the ground as long as it is well drained the winter rain should...
    You could plant them out now, but personally I prefer to plant clematis in spring. If you can find those long pots which Clems are sold in, then they are the best things to use. In the ground as...
  12. janet81

    planting Lavatera from a cutting

    Thanks David! As a beginner I really appreciate all this good advice.Kind Regards Janet
    Thanks David! As a beginner I really appreciate all this good advice.Kind Regards Janet
    Thanks David! As a beginner I really appreciate all this good advice.Kind Regards Janet
    Thanks David! As a beginner I really appreciate all this good advice.Kind Regards Janet
  13. Pro Gard

    i hate ivy!!!

    "Ever used a tirfor for the same job? "Prior to getting the jackall yes, only trouble is getting an anchor point, no probs in woodland but diificult in a small garden even using screw in...
    "Ever used a tirfor for the same job? "Prior to getting the jackall yes, only trouble is getting an anchor point, no probs in woodland but diificult in a small garden even using screw in ground anchors.The only thing worse than ivy is kifsgate rose!!!!
    "Ever used a tirfor for the same job? "Prior to getting the jackall yes, only trouble is getting an anchor point, no probs in woodland but diificult in a small garden even using screw in ground anchors.The only thing worse than ivy is...
    "Ever used a tirfor for the same job? "Prior to getting the jackall yes, only trouble is getting an anchor point, no probs in woodland but diificult in a small garden even using screw in...
  14. Paladin


    Oh dear Waco,that is a shame. You just might be's hoping anyway:). If it's anything like mine you'll be fine,I'm forever having to remove shoots from the bases...must be all of that...
    Oh dear Waco,that is a shame. You just might be's hoping anyway:). If it's anything like mine you'll be fine,I'm forever having to remove shoots from the bases...must be all of that Horse manure I feed them.:wink:
    Oh dear Waco,that is a shame. You just might be's hoping anyway:). If it's anything like mine you'll be fine,I'm forever having to remove shoots from the bases...must be all of that Horse manure I feed them.:wink:
    Oh dear Waco,that is a shame. You just might be's hoping anyway:). If it's anything like mine you'll be fine,I'm forever having to remove shoots from the bases...must be all of that...
  15. Paladin

    Rather Posh

    Its not worth that.Some people like to pose my ex's mum opened her garden for one weekend a year and each year she had to have a new feature. One year was a topiary bear and helicopter, then it...
    Its not worth that.Some people like to pose my ex's mum opened her garden for one weekend a year and each year she had to have a new feature. One year was a topiary bear and helicopter, then it was what she called a birdbath but was huge a bi like this but about 6ft tall:What she really...
    Its not worth that.Some people like to pose my ex's mum opened her garden for one weekend a year and each year she had to have a new feature. One year was a topiary bear and helicopter, then it was what she called a birdbath but was huge a bi...
    Its not worth that.Some people like to pose my ex's mum opened her garden for one weekend a year and each year she had to have a new feature. One year was a topiary bear and helicopter, then it...
  16. sweetpeas

    the finished product

    Thanks guys :)Yes David, I think I have :thumb:
    Thanks guys :)Yes David, I think I have :thumb:
    Thanks guys :)Yes David, I think I have :thumb:
    Thanks guys :)Yes David, I think I have :thumb:
  17. Garden master

    Chainsaw Accident

    Chainsaws have to meet two stop time requirements. 1 second on the rundown brake (trigger) and 0.15 sec for the kickback brake.Kickback is when the tip of the saw contacts something and the...
    Chainsaws have to meet two stop time requirements. 1 second on the rundown brake (trigger) and 0.15 sec for the kickback brake.Kickback is when the tip of the saw contacts something and the action of the moving chain causes the the blade to kick upwards and backwards. Some domestic type...
    Chainsaws have to meet two stop time requirements. 1 second on the rundown brake (trigger) and 0.15 sec for the kickback brake.Kickback is when the tip of the saw contacts something and the action of the moving chain causes the the blade to...
    Chainsaws have to meet two stop time requirements. 1 second on the rundown brake (trigger) and 0.15 sec for the kickback brake.Kickback is when the tip of the saw contacts something and the...
  18. marjoriesseedling

    Treatment for wood for raised beds?

    If timber stays wet for long periods it will rot. If its in contact with the soil, or a piece of plastic, that is in contact with the soil. There is not much difference, its still gonna be...
    If timber stays wet for long periods it will rot. If its in contact with the soil, or a piece of plastic, that is in contact with the soil. There is not much difference, its still gonna be wet.Your best chance, I think, is to use as thicker timber as you can afford, and that way the rot will...
    If timber stays wet for long periods it will rot. If its in contact with the soil, or a piece of plastic, that is in contact with the soil. There is not much difference, its still gonna be wet.Your best chance, I think, is to use as thicker...
    If timber stays wet for long periods it will rot. If its in contact with the soil, or a piece of plastic, that is in contact with the soil. There is not much difference, its still gonna be...
  19. The Nut

    Sweet Peas

    shurrup freddy :p I cant get any seeds anyway all the blummin garden centres r full of xmas stuff :cnfs:
    shurrup freddy :p I cant get any seeds anyway all the blummin garden centres r full of xmas stuff :cnfs:
    shurrup freddy :p I cant get any seeds anyway all the blummin garden centres r full of xmas stuff :cnfs:
    shurrup freddy :p I cant get any seeds anyway all the blummin garden centres r full of xmas stuff :cnfs:
  20. capney

    Agave safety warning


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