General Gardening Discussion

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  1. sheelaghm


    Sheelagh, if you can`t find the info you want, then just ask.:thumb:
    Sheelagh, if you can`t find the info you want, then just ask.:thumb:
    Sheelagh, if you can`t find the info you want, then just ask.:thumb:
    Sheelagh, if you can`t find the info you want, then just ask.:thumb:
  2. hoody

    Trailing Bamboo Hanging Basket

    Hi Hoody, If it makes you feel any better, I too don`t do hanging baskets.
    Hi Hoody, If it makes you feel any better, I too don`t do hanging baskets.
    Hi Hoody, If it makes you feel any better, I too don`t do hanging baskets.
    Hi Hoody, If it makes you feel any better, I too don`t do hanging baskets.
  3. Scotkat

    Anyone for tea

    Thankyou Borrowers I bought these from local coop garden centre .I always like to have a theme going.Now doing this with my crochet beannie hats inmiddle of making.
    Thankyou Borrowers I bought these from local coop garden centre .I always like to have a theme going.Now doing this with my crochet beannie hats inmiddle of making.
    Thankyou Borrowers I bought these from local coop garden centre .I always like to have a theme going.Now doing this with my crochet beannie hats inmiddle of making.
    Thankyou Borrowers I bought these from local coop garden centre .I always like to have a theme going.Now doing this with my crochet beannie hats inmiddle of making.
  4. sammyveggiesbmth


    Give your fuchsia a haircut to tidy .I personally dont like take wood cuttings much prefer fresh tip cuttings and you coudl take as many tip cuttings form your out of control bush and plant tips...
    Give your fuchsia a haircut to tidy .I personally dont like take wood cuttings much prefer fresh tip cuttings and you coudl take as many tip cuttings form your out of control bush and plant tips in a pot give good water forget about it and in3-4wks youwill have rooted cuttingsGood luck let...
    Give your fuchsia a haircut to tidy .I personally dont like take wood cuttings much prefer fresh tip cuttings and you coudl take as many tip cuttings form your out of control bush and plant tips in a pot give good water forget about it and...
    Give your fuchsia a haircut to tidy .I personally dont like take wood cuttings much prefer fresh tip cuttings and you coudl take as many tip cuttings form your out of control bush and plant tips...
  5. Sunelectric

    Holly hedge - suitable to border a public footpath?

    Thanks very much for the helpful replies people! :thumb:
    Thanks very much for the helpful replies people! :thumb:
    Thanks very much for the helpful replies people! :thumb:
    Thanks very much for the helpful replies people! :thumb:
  6. Loofah

    When to plant out pinks plugs?

    Coolio, on 2-1 i shall pot up and over winter. Unless I get really impatient (which I'm prone to doing...) and will plant in shelter;)
    Coolio, on 2-1 i shall pot up and over winter. Unless I get really impatient (which I'm prone to doing...) and will plant in shelter;)
    Coolio, on 2-1 i shall pot up and over winter. Unless I get really impatient (which I'm prone to doing...) and will plant in shelter;)
    Coolio, on 2-1 i shall pot up and over winter. Unless I get really impatient (which I'm prone to doing...) and will plant in shelter;)
  7. sweetpeas

    cutting back a clematis

    Cheers Dave, for both things.:thumb:
    Cheers Dave, for both things.:thumb:
    Cheers Dave, for both things.:thumb:
    Cheers Dave, for both things.:thumb:
  8. Loofah

    Pyracantha roots

    Completely agree with David. Done it myself and never had any problems:thumb:
    Completely agree with David. Done it myself and never had any problems:thumb:
    Completely agree with David. Done it myself and never had any problems:thumb:
    Completely agree with David. Done it myself and never had any problems:thumb:
  9. Korné

    My Echiums died.

    Hi Korne I'll certainly keep a close eye on mine. Must say they are doing well, this one was taken 8 weeks apart.
    Hi Korne I'll certainly keep a close eye on mine. Must say they are doing well, this one was taken 8 weeks apart.
    Hi Korne I'll certainly keep a close eye on mine. Must say they are doing well, this one was taken 8 weeks apart.
    Hi Korne I'll certainly keep a close eye on mine. Must say they are doing well, this one was taken 8 weeks apart.
  10. Steve R

    Gardeners world Friday 26th

    It just ain`t the same without Geoff. I miss that man.
    It just ain`t the same without Geoff. I miss that man.
    It just ain`t the same without Geoff. I miss that man.
    It just ain`t the same without Geoff. I miss that man.
  11. beecee

    Which plant to choose - not bamboo?

    Many thanks for the suggestion. I'll go and track it down, and see what my partner thinks.
    Many thanks for the suggestion. I'll go and track it down, and see what my partner thinks.
    Many thanks for the suggestion. I'll go and track it down, and see what my partner thinks.
    Many thanks for the suggestion. I'll go and track it down, and see what my partner thinks.
  12. Adam Moran

    Making Chillie and Basil Oil ??

    I'd say it depends on what you want to use the oil for.If it's for frying then just use regular olive oil, but if it's for making salad dressings with then extra virgin is what you need. :)
    I'd say it depends on what you want to use the oil for.If it's for frying then just use regular olive oil, but if it's for making salad dressings with then extra virgin is what you need. :)
    I'd say it depends on what you want to use the oil for.If it's for frying then just use regular olive oil, but if it's for making salad dressings with then extra virgin is what you need. :)
    I'd say it depends on what you want to use the oil for.If it's for frying then just use regular olive oil, but if it's for making salad dressings with then extra virgin is what you need. :)
  13. Laurie

    Miracle-Gro Plant Food

    I watched a trial on UKTV gardens ( which by the way is playing funny beggars on my sky-anyone else having the same issue? I could do with assistance), and it more or less stated that liquid...
    I watched a trial on UKTV gardens ( which by the way is playing funny beggars on my sky-anyone else having the same issue? I could do with assistance), and it more or less stated that liquid tomato fertilizer was the best plant food on all types of plants-herbaceous perennials, annuals, tomatoes...
    I watched a trial on UKTV gardens ( which by the way is playing funny beggars on my sky-anyone else having the same issue? I could do with assistance), and it more or less stated that liquid tomato fertilizer was the best plant food on all types...
    I watched a trial on UKTV gardens ( which by the way is playing funny beggars on my sky-anyone else having the same issue? I could do with assistance), and it more or less stated that liquid...
  14. riverside

    seriously hard work, is there a better way?

    Lol I never used to be good at photos but i'm getting into it now and they're not too bad
    Lol I never used to be good at photos but i'm getting into it now and they're not too bad
    Lol I never used to be good at photos but i'm getting into it now and they're not too bad
    Lol I never used to be good at photos but i'm getting into it now and they're not too bad
  15. Aesculus

    The New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening?

    Well on a separate note my copy of 'The RHS A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants' arrived today so Ive been pouring over it all this morning (Haven't been very I didn't manage to make it to...
    Well on a separate note my copy of 'The RHS A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants' arrived today so Ive been pouring over it all this morning (Haven't been very I didn't manage to make it to college :() the new edition is definitely a vast improvement over my old 1996 edition much more...
    Well on a separate note my copy of 'The RHS A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants' arrived today so Ive been pouring over it all this morning (Haven't been very I didn't manage to make it to college :() the new edition is definitely a vast...
    Well on a separate note my copy of 'The RHS A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants' arrived today so Ive been pouring over it all this morning (Haven't been very I didn't manage to make it to...
  16. Banana Man

    Pruning Consequences....

    If shes not going to be their then yes get it in writing, it saves alot of headache:D
    If shes not going to be their then yes get it in writing, it saves alot of headache:D
    If shes not going to be their then yes get it in writing, it saves alot of headache:D
    If shes not going to be their then yes get it in writing, it saves alot of headache:D
  17. Steve R

    Seed collecting - Cosmos

    Steve I think it will be pot luck. You can get packets of single colours of Cosmos and other plants, but they have to come from pure bred lines and kept away from other plants when they are...
    Steve I think it will be pot luck. You can get packets of single colours of Cosmos and other plants, but they have to come from pure bred lines and kept away from other plants when they are germinated.
    Steve I think it will be pot luck. You can get packets of single colours of Cosmos and other plants, but they have to come from pure bred lines and kept away from other plants when they are germinated.
    Steve I think it will be pot luck. You can get packets of single colours of Cosmos and other plants, but they have to come from pure bred lines and kept away from other plants when they are...
  18. Greg Baylis-Hall

    Red Robin Prune Query

    Ivory, it`s what secateurs are for.:thumb::D
    Ivory, it`s what secateurs are for.:thumb::D
    Ivory, it`s what secateurs are for.:thumb::D
    Ivory, it`s what secateurs are for.:thumb::D
  19. nathan7

    for-get -me -not

    :) Hi Nathan........... If you have large plants already,just split them now into the damp soil and they will thrive in sun or shade and you will have them forever.
    :) Hi Nathan........... If you have large plants already,just split them now into the damp soil and they will thrive in sun or shade and you will have them forever.
    :) Hi Nathan........... If you have large plants already,just split them now into the damp soil and they will thrive in sun or shade and you will have them forever.
    :) Hi Nathan........... If you have large plants already,just split them now into the damp soil and they will thrive in sun or shade and you will have them forever.
  20. littleorme


    Well, it depends with bought plants to be honest. Garden centres can manipulate flowering times so as to stretch the saleability of a plant. It`s a balance really. It is important to keep the...
    Well, it depends with bought plants to be honest. Garden centres can manipulate flowering times so as to stretch the saleability of a plant. It`s a balance really. It is important to keep the shape of a standard lavender-you paid more for it to be that way after all, so take a chance and...
    Well, it depends with bought plants to be honest. Garden centres can manipulate flowering times so as to stretch the saleability of a plant. It`s a balance really. It is important to keep the shape of a standard lavender-you paid more for it...
    Well, it depends with bought plants to be honest. Garden centres can manipulate flowering times so as to stretch the saleability of a plant. It`s a balance really. It is important to keep the...

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