General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Rouxbee

    What to do?.....

    Thanks for all the suggestions, i'll have to go and have a good old mooch round the G.C. this weekend, i'll keep you posted with what i get. :thmb:
    Thanks for all the suggestions, i'll have to go and have a good old mooch round the G.C. this weekend, i'll keep you posted with what i get. :thmb:
    Thanks for all the suggestions, i'll have to go and have a good old mooch round the G.C. this weekend, i'll keep you posted with what i get. :thmb:
    Thanks for all the suggestions, i'll have to go and have a good old mooch round the G.C. this weekend, i'll keep you posted with what i get. :thmb:
  2. sweetpeas

    sweet pea seeds??

    If the seeds are spourting I don't see no problem about potting them on now I mean I would normally sow my seeds next month so you will only be a few weeks earlier than normal. All you have to...
    If the seeds are spourting I don't see no problem about potting them on now I mean I would normally sow my seeds next month so you will only be a few weeks earlier than normal. All you have to remember is that they need to be undercover i.e. in a greenhouse, cold frame or even a lowly window...
    If the seeds are spourting I don't see no problem about potting them on now I mean I would normally sow my seeds next month so you will only be a few weeks earlier than normal. All you have to remember is that they need to be undercover i.e. in...
    If the seeds are spourting I don't see no problem about potting them on now I mean I would normally sow my seeds next month so you will only be a few weeks earlier than normal. All you have to...
  3. mztrouble

    What's everyone been up to today?

    Walking in the neighboring woods and fields and picking mushrooms ( the ones I can recognize). Cooking mushroom omelette and soup on our fire box (camping style, in the garden). No better way to...
    Walking in the neighboring woods and fields and picking mushrooms ( the ones I can recognize). Cooking mushroom omelette and soup on our fire box (camping style, in the garden). No better way to eat mushrooms, me thinks, smoky croutons, toasted on wood fire, plenty of fresh thyme, and a bottle...
    Walking in the neighboring woods and fields and picking mushrooms ( the ones I can recognize). Cooking mushroom omelette and soup on our fire box (camping style, in the garden). No better way to eat mushrooms, me thinks, smoky croutons, toasted...
    Walking in the neighboring woods and fields and picking mushrooms ( the ones I can recognize). Cooking mushroom omelette and soup on our fire box (camping style, in the garden). No better way to...
  4. tcmesq

    8ft tall it worth much

    I thought Yoder were a type of dwarf Chrysanthemum.:lollol:
    I thought Yoder were a type of dwarf Chrysanthemum.:lollol:
    I thought Yoder were a type of dwarf Chrysanthemum.:lollol:
    I thought Yoder were a type of dwarf Chrysanthemum.:lollol:
  5. shapai1603

    What should I do?

    Cool. Thank you
    Cool. Thank you
    Cool. Thank you
    Cool. Thank you
  6. Hec

    redundant hedge removal?

    We pulled out 5 trees with a monster truck fitted with a v8 that was the easy way lol
    We pulled out 5 trees with a monster truck fitted with a v8 that was the easy way lol
    We pulled out 5 trees with a monster truck fitted with a v8 that was the easy way lol
    We pulled out 5 trees with a monster truck fitted with a v8 that was the easy way lol
  7. riverside

    fast growing bushy plant

    Use the soluble concentrate and brush it on that way you can target what you want,don't use the spray gun one.
    Use the soluble concentrate and brush it on that way you can target what you want,don't use the spray gun one.
    Use the soluble concentrate and brush it on that way you can target what you want,don't use the spray gun one.
    Use the soluble concentrate and brush it on that way you can target what you want,don't use the spray gun one.
  8. The Nut

    Cordyline Problem

  9. Sunelectric

    Male to female distance - proximity for effective pollination?

    Also a lot of plants are self pollinating (self fertile) they possess both male and female organs (stigma & anthers) the stigma is a little slower growing within the flower and has to push its way...
    Also a lot of plants are self pollinating (self fertile) they possess both male and female organs (stigma & anthers) the stigma is a little slower growing within the flower and has to push its way through the anthers(pollen carriers) picking up the pollen often the flower is fertilized before it...
    Also a lot of plants are self pollinating (self fertile) they possess both male and female organs (stigma & anthers) the stigma is a little slower growing within the flower and has to push its way through the anthers(pollen carriers) picking up...
    Also a lot of plants are self pollinating (self fertile) they possess both male and female organs (stigma & anthers) the stigma is a little slower growing within the flower and has to push its way...
  10. Bob flemming

    Connifer removal

    Dont try pulling it with a vehicle, youll only break something mechanical...... Stump grinder or just cut it off a few inches below ground level and forget.
    Dont try pulling it with a vehicle, youll only break something mechanical...... Stump grinder or just cut it off a few inches below ground level and forget.
    Dont try pulling it with a vehicle, youll only break something mechanical...... Stump grinder or just cut it off a few inches below ground level and forget.
    Dont try pulling it with a vehicle, youll only break something mechanical...... Stump grinder or just cut it off a few inches below ground level and forget.
  11. Captain Jon

    Dog Fouling

    :rotfl: inter..
    :rotfl: inter..
    :rotfl: inter..
    :rotfl: inter..
  12. Katherna

    Starting to tackle the garden.

    Managed to mow the grass, lol, but looking at it theres probably more moss now than grass on half of the front. Broke a spade and fork digging round the tree to see where the roots are (it's okay...
    Managed to mow the grass, lol, but looking at it theres probably more moss now than grass on half of the front. Broke a spade and fork digging round the tree to see where the roots are (it's okay they were cheapy cheapy ones so not too much value lost, didn't use my good spade thank goodness)....
    Managed to mow the grass, lol, but looking at it theres probably more moss now than grass on half of the front. Broke a spade and fork digging round the tree to see where the roots are (it's okay they were cheapy cheapy ones so not too much value...
    Managed to mow the grass, lol, but looking at it theres probably more moss now than grass on half of the front. Broke a spade and fork digging round the tree to see where the roots are (it's okay...
  13. sawfish

    Indian Red Peach

    Alas my red peaches have died. I may have overwatered them, I'm not sure. Anyone have any peach growing tips?
    Alas my red peaches have died. I may have overwatered them, I'm not sure. Anyone have any peach growing tips?
    Alas my red peaches have died. I may have overwatered them, I'm not sure. Anyone have any peach growing tips?
    Alas my red peaches have died. I may have overwatered them, I'm not sure. Anyone have any peach growing tips?
  14. mztrouble

    Pruning plants!

    Do you have a cold frame or greenhouse-or a shady and protected corner MzTrouble? Camelia...............................................In spring after it has...
    Do you have a cold frame or greenhouse-or a shady and protected corner MzTrouble? Camelia...............................................In spring after it has flowered. Lavender..............................................Trim back as soon as planted, then after flowering into new...
    Do you have a cold frame or greenhouse-or a shady and protected corner MzTrouble? Camelia...............................................In spring after it has flowered. Lavender..............................................Trim back as soon...
    Do you have a cold frame or greenhouse-or a shady and protected corner MzTrouble? Camelia...............................................In spring after it has...
  15. ballinran

    How do I take cuttings?

    I am amazed, no one has mentioned the original method of using 50/50 loam or compost and sharp sand. Everyone seems to think that only the expensive ways will do the job.My next door neighbour...
    I am amazed, no one has mentioned the original method of using 50/50 loam or compost and sharp sand. Everyone seems to think that only the expensive ways will do the job.My next door neighbour recently expressed a wish to remove his front hedge and replace it with Laurel. As I have several...
    I am amazed, no one has mentioned the original method of using 50/50 loam or compost and sharp sand. Everyone seems to think that only the expensive ways will do the job.My next door neighbour recently expressed a wish to remove his front hedge...
    I am amazed, no one has mentioned the original method of using 50/50 loam or compost and sharp sand. Everyone seems to think that only the expensive ways will do the job.My next door neighbour...
  16. mossym

    My Irish Garden

    i like gadgets too :):)
    i like gadgets too :):)
    i like gadgets too :):)
    i like gadgets too :):)
  17. binchy

    willow fedge roots

    Hi binchy,What the hell's a fedge? Normally with willow the more you cut them the more bushier they become. If you plan on keeping a regular trimming routine then this shouldn't be a problem as...
    Hi binchy,What the hell's a fedge? Normally with willow the more you cut them the more bushier they become. If you plan on keeping a regular trimming routine then this shouldn't be a problem as long as you don't let the limbs too large. The trunk will increase in girth and you'll end up with a...
    Hi binchy,What the hell's a fedge? Normally with willow the more you cut them the more bushier they become. If you plan on keeping a regular trimming routine then this shouldn't be a problem as long as you don't let the limbs too large. The...
    Hi binchy,What the hell's a fedge? Normally with willow the more you cut them the more bushier they become. If you plan on keeping a regular trimming routine then this shouldn't be a problem as...
  18. lindyco

    Making an orchard

    You can just buy an orchard pack. This site sells fruit trees in packs of 6 or 16 as maidens, bushes or half standards where the varieties have all been chosen to make sure you get a long...
    You can just buy an orchard pack. This site sells fruit trees in packs of 6 or 16 as maidens, bushes or half standards where the varieties have all been chosen to make sure you get a long fruiting season and everything that needs a pollinator has one.Good luck
    You can just buy an orchard pack. This site sells fruit trees in packs of 6 or 16 as maidens, bushes or half standards where the varieties have all been chosen to make sure you get a long fruiting season and everything that needs a pollinator...
    You can just buy an orchard pack. This site sells fruit trees in packs of 6 or 16 as maidens, bushes or half standards where the varieties have all been chosen to make sure you get a long...
  19. indigarden


    I believe you, Freddy.:wink:
    I believe you, Freddy.:wink:
    I believe you, Freddy.:wink:
    I believe you, Freddy.:wink:
  20. Freddy


    You are welcome, Freddy. :p
    You are welcome, Freddy. :p
    You are welcome, Freddy. :p
    You are welcome, Freddy. :p

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