General Gardening Discussion

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  1. returnmack


    That's very kind of you, PuffyWillow. Can I PM you my address?And welcome, by the way. With such generosity I'm sure you will always be welcome here!Alis
    That's very kind of you, PuffyWillow. Can I PM you my address?And welcome, by the way. With such generosity I'm sure you will always be welcome here!Alis
    That's very kind of you, PuffyWillow. Can I PM you my address?And welcome, by the way. With such generosity I'm sure you will always be welcome here!Alis
    That's very kind of you, PuffyWillow. Can I PM you my address?And welcome, by the way. With such generosity I'm sure you will always be welcome here!Alis
  2. The Lost Antheus

    none flowering flowers

    My hanging baskets and tubs have been so disappointing this year TLA. I know it's through lack of sunlight, dosn't make me feel any better though.:( 02
    My hanging baskets and tubs have been so disappointing this year TLA. I know it's through lack of sunlight, dosn't make me feel any better though.:( 02
    My hanging baskets and tubs have been so disappointing this year TLA. I know it's through lack of sunlight, dosn't make me feel any better though.:( 02
    My hanging baskets and tubs have been so disappointing this year TLA. I know it's through lack of sunlight, dosn't make me feel any better though.:( 02
  3. Sparlings

    Removing oak tannin stains from patio?

    creosote will need household amonia to shift it, a generouse slug in boiling water with fairy liquid, scrub it.
    creosote will need household amonia to shift it, a generouse slug in boiling water with fairy liquid, scrub it.
    creosote will need household amonia to shift it, a generouse slug in boiling water with fairy liquid, scrub it.
    creosote will need household amonia to shift it, a generouse slug in boiling water with fairy liquid, scrub it.
  4. Layla 2

    The Star of Bethlehem.

    Thank you very much:thumb:
    Thank you very much:thumb:
    Thank you very much:thumb:
    Thank you very much:thumb:
  5. Harmony Arb

    Anyone got Clematis 'Fireworks'?

    omg they are huge bet it looks fab in the flesh
    omg they are huge bet it looks fab in the flesh
    omg they are huge bet it looks fab in the flesh
    omg they are huge bet it looks fab in the flesh
  6. lindyco

    Why are my seeds not sprouting?

    It sometimes happens lindyco, no matter how well you've started off your seed they dont always germinate. especially this year as the lack of sun and light conditions has had a detrimental effect...
    It sometimes happens lindyco, no matter how well you've started off your seed they dont always germinate. especially this year as the lack of sun and light conditions has had a detrimental effect on a lot of plant growing this year. But dont give up, as Pete said it isn't the most ideal time of...
    It sometimes happens lindyco, no matter how well you've started off your seed they dont always germinate. especially this year as the lack of sun and light conditions has had a detrimental effect on a lot of plant growing this year. But dont...
    It sometimes happens lindyco, no matter how well you've started off your seed they dont always germinate. especially this year as the lack of sun and light conditions has had a detrimental effect...
  7. Beatrice

    Real-time rain information

    The BBC website gives weather radar ( google 'weather radar') which forecasts up to 48hrs accurately (especially useful for density of rainfall) and then a general outlook. I've found this vey...
    The BBC website gives weather radar ( google 'weather radar') which forecasts up to 48hrs accurately (especially useful for density of rainfall) and then a general outlook. I've found this vey useful - we live in an area prone to flooded roads - helpful to know what's coming.
    The BBC website gives weather radar ( google 'weather radar') which forecasts up to 48hrs accurately (especially useful for density of rainfall) and then a general outlook. I've found this vey useful - we live in an area prone to flooded roads -...
    The BBC website gives weather radar ( google 'weather radar') which forecasts up to 48hrs accurately (especially useful for density of rainfall) and then a general outlook. I've found this vey...
  8. avz10

    Planning a small garden

    Hi avz10. I too am wondering why you changed it, looked good to me also.
    Hi avz10. I too am wondering why you changed it, looked good to me also.
    Hi avz10. I too am wondering why you changed it, looked good to me also.
    Hi avz10. I too am wondering why you changed it, looked good to me also.
  9. nelly

    Anti theft protection for some laurels???

    OKay, it`s the green light from Ivory then, PM me your address and I will post them tomorrow.
    OKay, it`s the green light from Ivory then, PM me your address and I will post them tomorrow.
    OKay, it`s the green light from Ivory then, PM me your address and I will post them tomorrow.
    OKay, it`s the green light from Ivory then, PM me your address and I will post them tomorrow.
  10. wilroda

    overwintering colocasias

    :thumb: Thanks, I have a Black Magic & was wondering what to do with it..
    :thumb: Thanks, I have a Black Magic & was wondering what to do with it..
    :thumb: Thanks, I have a Black Magic & was wondering what to do with it..
    :thumb: Thanks, I have a Black Magic & was wondering what to do with it..
  11. RYDALL

    Shady and dry

    Thanks David there are some to look at. The head teacher doesn't want any kid to catch themselves with thorns for ear of being litigated against. Health & Safety gone crazy! RYDALL
    Thanks David there are some to look at. The head teacher doesn't want any kid to catch themselves with thorns for ear of being litigated against. Health & Safety gone crazy! RYDALL
    Thanks David there are some to look at. The head teacher doesn't want any kid to catch themselves with thorns for ear of being litigated against. Health & Safety gone crazy! RYDALL
    Thanks David there are some to look at. The head teacher doesn't want any kid to catch themselves with thorns for ear of being litigated against. Health & Safety gone crazy! RYDALL
  12. Vince

    Summer 2008

    Dont wish your life away !Make the most of here and now.
    Dont wish your life away !Make the most of here and now.
    Dont wish your life away !Make the most of here and now.
    Dont wish your life away !Make the most of here and now.
  13. RYDALL

    Hydrangea flowers...where?

    Your quite right-- I was basing that erroneous statement on having moved mine into the sun and it did much better. __________________
    Your quite right-- I was basing that erroneous statement on having moved mine into the sun and it did much better. __________________
    Your quite right-- I was basing that erroneous statement on having moved mine into the sun and it did much better. __________________
    Your quite right-- I was basing that erroneous statement on having moved mine into the sun and it did much better. __________________
  14. hoody

    Shade Loving Shrubs/Plants

    Have a look at this site, Beth Chatto is an expert on shade gardening
    Have a look at this site, Beth Chatto is an expert on shade gardening
    Have a look at this site, Beth Chatto is an expert on shade gardening
    Have a look at this site, Beth Chatto is an expert on shade gardening
  15. FANCY


    When we had our open day many visitors said how lovely and neat our plots looked and the reason for this is our allotment keeper nags at us saying he wants a show piece allotment. All he needs is...
    When we had our open day many visitors said how lovely and neat our plots looked and the reason for this is our allotment keeper nags at us saying he wants a show piece allotment. All he needs is a whip for a xmas prezzi. I do know the women tend to keep their plots tidy.:D
    When we had our open day many visitors said how lovely and neat our plots looked and the reason for this is our allotment keeper nags at us saying he wants a show piece allotment. All he needs is a whip for a xmas prezzi. I do know the women tend...
    When we had our open day many visitors said how lovely and neat our plots looked and the reason for this is our allotment keeper nags at us saying he wants a show piece allotment. All he needs is...
  16. myxiplx

    Advice needed: Clearing an overgrown garden

    Big problem with pigs is they dont understand that your neighbours may not want there gardens clearing too!
    Big problem with pigs is they dont understand that your neighbours may not want there gardens clearing too!
    Big problem with pigs is they dont understand that your neighbours may not want there gardens clearing too!
    Big problem with pigs is they dont understand that your neighbours may not want there gardens clearing too!
  17. GazSuttonUK

    Winter Pansy or Viola?

    Have a look at this article by an RHS judge
    Have a look at this article by an RHS judge
    Have a look at this article by an RHS judge
    Have a look at this article by an RHS judge
  18. JWK

    Taking off the shading

    John, they fix it on the inside the one guys only takes it down to clean the house once a year.I am interested in finding out how in winter you could roll it out over the plants at min height,...
    John, they fix it on the inside the one guys only takes it down to clean the house once a year.I am interested in finding out how in winter you could roll it out over the plants at min height, any ideas or do you know anyone thats done it--do you think there could be an air circulation...
    John, they fix it on the inside the one guys only takes it down to clean the house once a year.I am interested in finding out how in winter you could roll it out over the plants at min height, any ideas or do you know anyone thats done it--do...
    John, they fix it on the inside the one guys only takes it down to clean the house once a year.I am interested in finding out how in winter you could roll it out over the plants at min height,...
  19. Freddy


    Have you considered a line of evergreens fronted by English Native hedging--you get the best of both worlds then. I mean would you plant a border with a single species? So why do it with a hedge?
    Have you considered a line of evergreens fronted by English Native hedging--you get the best of both worlds then. I mean would you plant a border with a single species? So why do it with a hedge?
    Have you considered a line of evergreens fronted by English Native hedging--you get the best of both worlds then. I mean would you plant a border with a single species? So why do it with a hedge?
    Have you considered a line of evergreens fronted by English Native hedging--you get the best of both worlds then. I mean would you plant a border with a single species? So why do it with a hedge?
  20. Real World

    Suggestions for dark patch of garden

    What a great idea lindyco..
    What a great idea lindyco..
    What a great idea lindyco..
    What a great idea lindyco..

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