General Gardening Discussion

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  1. roders

    Muck muck glorious muck...

    I can hear horses from my own windows (paradise) so I have the stuff close at hand... and good stuff since my tomatoes are 2 m tall, emerald green and so heavy that they are pulling down their...
    I can hear horses from my own windows (paradise) so I have the stuff close at hand... and good stuff since my tomatoes are 2 m tall, emerald green and so heavy that they are pulling down their stakes... but hell, that mountain still looks like a gardener paradise. I hope it's as good as it...
    I can hear horses from my own windows (paradise) so I have the stuff close at hand... and good stuff since my tomatoes are 2 m tall, emerald green and so heavy that they are pulling down their stakes... but hell, that mountain still looks like a...
    I can hear horses from my own windows (paradise) so I have the stuff close at hand... and good stuff since my tomatoes are 2 m tall, emerald green and so heavy that they are pulling down their...
  2. landlubber

    Landlubbers sickly Laurel-update

    Thanks Beechleaf, I will let you and everyone know how things go. Jan
    Thanks Beechleaf, I will let you and everyone know how things go. Jan
    Thanks Beechleaf, I will let you and everyone know how things go. Jan
    Thanks Beechleaf, I will let you and everyone know how things go. Jan
  3. Wedd

    Laurel Problem

    WeddWelcome to the forum. Here's the thread that Landlubber has referred to above:You need to scroll down a bit to see Landlubber's photos and then you can compare symptoms.
    WeddWelcome to the forum. Here's the thread that Landlubber has referred to above:You need to scroll down a bit to see Landlubber's photos and then you can compare symptoms.
    WeddWelcome to the forum. Here's the thread that Landlubber has referred to above:You need to scroll down a bit to see Landlubber's photos and then you can compare symptoms.
    WeddWelcome to the forum. Here's the thread that Landlubber has referred to above:You need to scroll down a bit to see Landlubber's photos and then you can compare symptoms.
  4. Littlelegs

    Ivy removal

    When we came to our current abode, all the fences were covered in ivy of every colour possible. We cut back and stripped every fence, and then I set about the roots. Each plant had obviously been...
    When we came to our current abode, all the fences were covered in ivy of every colour possible. We cut back and stripped every fence, and then I set about the roots. Each plant had obviously been in for some years. The trunks were multi stemmed and rooted deep. I mixed a quantity of brushwood...
    When we came to our current abode, all the fences were covered in ivy of every colour possible. We cut back and stripped every fence, and then I set about the roots. Each plant had obviously been in for some years. The trunks were multi stemmed...
    When we came to our current abode, all the fences were covered in ivy of every colour possible. We cut back and stripped every fence, and then I set about the roots. Each plant had obviously been...
  5. lollipop

    The Adventurous Gardener By Christopher Lloyd

    You are great! There are more cuttings here for you, so see that you are well trained in the art of keeping them alive before they come! :)Wether or not to leave the old flowers on through the...
    You are great! There are more cuttings here for you, so see that you are well trained in the art of keeping them alive before they come! :)Wether or not to leave the old flowers on through the winter is a controversial point between hydrangeas maniacs, SOme say yes, some say ne, including...
    You are great! There are more cuttings here for you, so see that you are well trained in the art of keeping them alive before they come! :)Wether or not to leave the old flowers on through the winter is a controversial point between hydrangeas...
    You are great! There are more cuttings here for you, so see that you are well trained in the art of keeping them alive before they come! :)Wether or not to leave the old flowers on through the...
  6. squares

    not sure what to do with this...

    hello and welcome
    hello and welcome
    hello and welcome
    hello and welcome
  7. Freddy


    Ok fellas, looks like I'll just have to go for it. When the time comes, I'll be looking for advice on pruning. BTW, I prefer the white ones myself. Cheers...freddy.
    Ok fellas, looks like I'll just have to go for it. When the time comes, I'll be looking for advice on pruning. BTW, I prefer the white ones myself. Cheers...freddy.
    Ok fellas, looks like I'll just have to go for it. When the time comes, I'll be looking for advice on pruning. BTW, I prefer the white ones myself. Cheers...freddy.
    Ok fellas, looks like I'll just have to go for it. When the time comes, I'll be looking for advice on pruning. BTW, I prefer the white ones myself. Cheers...freddy.
  8. Ivory

    Porch Bench (only for plants, no sitting)

    Hang on to that drill for dear life. :D One hand for you one for the curtains, that's the rule, and easy does it. What else? Good luck I am sure you'll do great!! :)
    Hang on to that drill for dear life. :D One hand for you one for the curtains, that's the rule, and easy does it. What else? Good luck I am sure you'll do great!! :)
    Hang on to that drill for dear life. :D One hand for you one for the curtains, that's the rule, and easy does it. What else? Good luck I am sure you'll do great!! :)
    Hang on to that drill for dear life. :D One hand for you one for the curtains, that's the rule, and easy does it. What else? Good luck I am sure you'll do great!! :)
  9. Sezzle

    my first water lily!

    Wow, looks great!
    Wow, looks great!
    Wow, looks great!
    Wow, looks great!
  10. Little Miss Road Rage

    Poorly Smoke Bush

    :cool: Thanks I'll let her know
    :cool: Thanks I'll let her know
    :cool: Thanks I'll let her know
    :cool: Thanks I'll let her know
  11. greengiant

    Indoor plants

    Can anyone send me the link to a good seed supplier? I can't find any reputable sellers of Spathiphyllum floribundum.
    Can anyone send me the link to a good seed supplier? I can't find any reputable sellers of Spathiphyllum floribundum.
    Can anyone send me the link to a good seed supplier? I can't find any reputable sellers of Spathiphyllum floribundum.
    Can anyone send me the link to a good seed supplier? I can't find any reputable sellers of Spathiphyllum floribundum.
  12. lollipop


    Dont have a fire directly on the ground where your growing as will have negative result (killing worms destroying usefull compounds ) burning straw or hay any quick burning materiels are ok but...
    Dont have a fire directly on the ground where your growing as will have negative result (killing worms destroying usefull compounds ) burning straw or hay any quick burning materiels are ok but prolonged burning isnt.Burn in a incinerator bin then add to compost heap .Potash(ie potasium...
    Dont have a fire directly on the ground where your growing as will have negative result (killing worms destroying usefull compounds ) burning straw or hay any quick burning materiels are ok but prolonged burning isnt.Burn in a incinerator bin...
    Dont have a fire directly on the ground where your growing as will have negative result (killing worms destroying usefull compounds ) burning straw or hay any quick burning materiels are ok but...
  13. Paladin


    Pal, although there are many Tricophylla Fuchsias, there are only three in general production, Thalia, Koralle and Garten Meister Bondstat, it does look like GMB but hopefully Pete will clarify.:)
    Pal, although there are many Tricophylla Fuchsias, there are only three in general production, Thalia, Koralle and Garten Meister Bondstat, it does look like GMB but hopefully Pete will clarify.:)
    Pal, although there are many Tricophylla Fuchsias, there are only three in general production, Thalia, Koralle and Garten Meister Bondstat, it does look like GMB but hopefully Pete will clarify.:)
    Pal, although there are many Tricophylla Fuchsias, there are only three in general production, Thalia, Koralle and Garten Meister Bondstat, it does look like GMB but hopefully Pete will clarify.:)
  14. newdigger

    Growing a clematis through a fir tree

    Many thanks. I can't wait until next year to (hopefully) see some of the beautiful blooms poking through the tree.
    Many thanks. I can't wait until next year to (hopefully) see some of the beautiful blooms poking through the tree.
    Many thanks. I can't wait until next year to (hopefully) see some of the beautiful blooms poking through the tree.
    Many thanks. I can't wait until next year to (hopefully) see some of the beautiful blooms poking through the tree.
  15. Howard


    situation like that id hire/ boorow a jcb 3CX
    situation like that id hire/ boorow a jcb 3CX
    situation like that id hire/ boorow a jcb 3CX
    situation like that id hire/ boorow a jcb 3CX
  16. Aesculus

    Slightly confused about RHS book...

    thats a good idea ivory
    thats a good idea ivory
    thats a good idea ivory
    thats a good idea ivory
  17. Little Miss Road Rage

    What plants???

    I missed the bright red flowers bit, Ill have a think.A trumpet vine (Campsis x tagliabuana Madame Galen) would fit the bill but it is vigouruse!
    I missed the bright red flowers bit, Ill have a think.A trumpet vine (Campsis x tagliabuana Madame Galen) would fit the bill but it is vigouruse!
    I missed the bright red flowers bit, Ill have a think.A trumpet vine (Campsis x tagliabuana Madame Galen) would fit the bill but it is vigouruse!
    I missed the bright red flowers bit, Ill have a think.A trumpet vine (Campsis x tagliabuana Madame Galen) would fit the bill but it is vigouruse!
  18. Miffy3001

    Tansy - Attracting flies?!

    In any case Tansy (and Solidago) both attract flies when they are in flower. If you look closely at them you will find all sorts of kinds though, from bluebottles to hover flies all feeding on the...
    In any case Tansy (and Solidago) both attract flies when they are in flower. If you look closely at them you will find all sorts of kinds though, from bluebottles to hover flies all feeding on the pollen. Better on the plants than in the house I say!
    In any case Tansy (and Solidago) both attract flies when they are in flower. If you look closely at them you will find all sorts of kinds though, from bluebottles to hover flies all feeding on the pollen. Better on the plants than in the house I say!
    In any case Tansy (and Solidago) both attract flies when they are in flower. If you look closely at them you will find all sorts of kinds though, from bluebottles to hover flies all feeding on the...
  19. cmac

    rain bells

    I knew them in an italian catalogue, too, but they don't have them any longer, it seems :(
    I knew them in an italian catalogue, too, but they don't have them any longer, it seems :(
    I knew them in an italian catalogue, too, but they don't have them any longer, it seems :(
    I knew them in an italian catalogue, too, but they don't have them any longer, it seems :(
  20. legoman0

    My garden.... help!!

    Have u got any new pics? Well done on clearing it all
    Have u got any new pics? Well done on clearing it all
    Have u got any new pics? Well done on clearing it all
    Have u got any new pics? Well done on clearing it all

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