General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Freddy


    hmm must be women logic, why just buy the shoes when you can have the matching handbag as well :)
    hmm must be women logic, why just buy the shoes when you can have the matching handbag as well :)
    hmm must be women logic, why just buy the shoes when you can have the matching handbag as well :)
    hmm must be women logic, why just buy the shoes when you can have the matching handbag as well :)
  2. tweaky


    I normally look in a diary or I've got a converter on my phone
    I normally look in a diary or I've got a converter on my phone
    I normally look in a diary or I've got a converter on my phone
    I normally look in a diary or I've got a converter on my phone
  3. ismeval

    New home needed for Bamboo (for free ! )

    Hi Helen .... it could wait a while - we could tidy up the borders around it ! We are only 20 minutes away from Newcastle .... Val
    Hi Helen .... it could wait a while - we could tidy up the borders around it ! We are only 20 minutes away from Newcastle .... Val
    Hi Helen .... it could wait a while - we could tidy up the borders around it ! We are only 20 minutes away from Newcastle .... Val
    Hi Helen .... it could wait a while - we could tidy up the borders around it ! We are only 20 minutes away from Newcastle .... Val
  4. Adam Moran

    Saving seeds for next year...

    Excellent, thank you
    Excellent, thank you
    Excellent, thank you
    Excellent, thank you
  5. AndyK

    Next Year

    My spring onions and carrots did well but my toms and lettuce have been eaten by the caterpillars
    My spring onions and carrots did well but my toms and lettuce have been eaten by the caterpillars
    My spring onions and carrots did well but my toms and lettuce have been eaten by the caterpillars
    My spring onions and carrots did well but my toms and lettuce have been eaten by the caterpillars
  6. lindyco

    ?Plant named after a town?

    Evening Lindy I'm pleased my guess away from 'chester' to 'borough' was correct. :thumb: There's a history to it which I've put up somewhere here but you can find on the net .... It's truly a...
    Evening Lindy I'm pleased my guess away from 'chester' to 'borough' was correct. :thumb: There's a history to it which I've put up somewhere here but you can find on the net .... It's truly a delightful plant which, as I said, I've had for around 30 years .... (think I bought the original...
    Evening Lindy I'm pleased my guess away from 'chester' to 'borough' was correct. :thumb: There's a history to it which I've put up somewhere here but you can find on the net .... It's truly a delightful plant which, as I said, I've had for...
    Evening Lindy I'm pleased my guess away from 'chester' to 'borough' was correct. :thumb: There's a history to it which I've put up somewhere here but you can find on the net .... It's truly a...
  7. Lyn

    I've already filled my bin

    Ours used to get full real quick too, and very smelly!
    Ours used to get full real quick too, and very smelly!
    Ours used to get full real quick too, and very smelly!
    Ours used to get full real quick too, and very smelly!
  8. leonora

    My tangerine sage

    Will try, soon as I figure out how to use the grafix facility!!!
    Will try, soon as I figure out how to use the grafix facility!!!
    Will try, soon as I figure out how to use the grafix facility!!!
    Will try, soon as I figure out how to use the grafix facility!!!
  9. forget-me-not

    Garden wall/fence/beds?

    Wouldnt it take a long time to create a full hedge so the dog couldnt get through? Or were you suggesting maybe putting up a temporary fence type structure and then planting the hedge, once the...
    Wouldnt it take a long time to create a full hedge so the dog couldnt get through? Or were you suggesting maybe putting up a temporary fence type structure and then planting the hedge, once the hedge has grown, do away with the fence?
    Wouldnt it take a long time to create a full hedge so the dog couldnt get through? Or were you suggesting maybe putting up a temporary fence type structure and then planting the hedge, once the hedge has grown, do away with the fence?
    Wouldnt it take a long time to create a full hedge so the dog couldnt get through? Or were you suggesting maybe putting up a temporary fence type structure and then planting the hedge, once the...
  10. Jonnygardener

    Blue Hydrangea

    I had a good read of that web site, and it seems fairly clear now, since i've got them in pots i'll just add a little aluminium sulphate 1-or-2 times a year and hope for the...
    I had a good read of that web site, and it seems fairly clear now, since i've got them in pots i'll just add a little aluminium sulphate 1-or-2 times a year and hope for the best.
    I had a good read of that web site, and it seems fairly clear now, since i've got them in pots i'll just add a little aluminium sulphate 1-or-2 times a year and hope for the best.
    I had a good read of that web site, and it seems fairly clear now, since i've got them in pots i'll just add a little aluminium sulphate 1-or-2 times a year and hope for the...
  11. rogers

    Upcoming news on gardening seminars

    Gardening has been a great pass time for people since old days. And if you love gardening then attending gardening seminars will only enhance your knowledge of gardening and you will be benefited...
    Gardening has been a great pass time for people since old days. And if you love gardening then attending gardening seminars will only enhance your knowledge of gardening and you will be benefited with some important aspects and information related to gardening, which will enhance you gardening...
    Gardening has been a great pass time for people since old days. And if you love gardening then attending gardening seminars will only enhance your knowledge of gardening and you will be benefited with some important aspects and information...
    Gardening has been a great pass time for people since old days. And if you love gardening then attending gardening seminars will only enhance your knowledge of gardening and you will be benefited...
  12. lollipop

    Geoff Hamilton-the gardeners gardener

    I've got a book by Geoff Hamilton and its brilliant
    I've got a book by Geoff Hamilton and its brilliant
    I've got a book by Geoff Hamilton and its brilliant
    I've got a book by Geoff Hamilton and its brilliant
  13. whinb_diana_ma

    how to plant lily

    Hi Marley, thanks and it is really a great help.i will be tracking your experience and grow it in container. by the way is there any special requirement for the feeding?
    Hi Marley, thanks and it is really a great help.i will be tracking your experience and grow it in container. by the way is there any special requirement for the feeding?
    Hi Marley, thanks and it is really a great help.i will be tracking your experience and grow it in container. by the way is there any special requirement for the feeding?
    Hi Marley, thanks and it is really a great help.i will be tracking your experience and grow it in container. by the way is there any special requirement for the feeding?
  14. Jonnygardener

    Blooming Agapanthus

    Hi, John. (I LOVE your sheep!!) Last year I bought a giant Agapanthus which produced one flower (a big one!) I took the seeds when they had dried off and planted quite a lot. Only a few...
    Hi, John. (I LOVE your sheep!!) Last year I bought a giant Agapanthus which produced one flower (a big one!) I took the seeds when they had dried off and planted quite a lot. Only a few flourished, and I now have six new plants, doing very well. The original has had two huge flowers this...
    Hi, John. (I LOVE your sheep!!) Last year I bought a giant Agapanthus which produced one flower (a big one!) I took the seeds when they had dried off and planted quite a lot. Only a few flourished, and I now have six new plants, doing very...
    Hi, John. (I LOVE your sheep!!) Last year I bought a giant Agapanthus which produced one flower (a big one!) I took the seeds when they had dried off and planted quite a lot. Only a few...
  15. samisamisami007

    Sunflowers planted late

    I think you'll have to wait and see. Chiltern Seeds say you can plant anything at any time of year as long as the conditions are right in terms of temperature. I have therefore started off some...
    I think you'll have to wait and see. Chiltern Seeds say you can plant anything at any time of year as long as the conditions are right in terms of temperature. I have therefore started off some plants, e.g. rudbekias, campanulas, cheirianthus and clematis integrifolia which are nice little...
    I think you'll have to wait and see. Chiltern Seeds say you can plant anything at any time of year as long as the conditions are right in terms of temperature. I have therefore started off some plants, e.g. rudbekias, campanulas, cheirianthus...
    I think you'll have to wait and see. Chiltern Seeds say you can plant anything at any time of year as long as the conditions are right in terms of temperature. I have therefore started off some...
  16. The Nut

    bulbs quick

    bother Ive just seen that PS shucks!!
    bother Ive just seen that PS shucks!!
    bother Ive just seen that PS shucks!!
    bother Ive just seen that PS shucks!!
  17. Muddy14

    Garden Gate

    It depends if you need a standard sized one. They are quite easy to make from some scrap wood if not.
    It depends if you need a standard sized one. They are quite easy to make from some scrap wood if not.
    It depends if you need a standard sized one. They are quite easy to make from some scrap wood if not.
    It depends if you need a standard sized one. They are quite easy to make from some scrap wood if not.
  18. The Lost Antheus

    Planting under Rhododendron

    I agree Claire, Begonia grandis (Hardy Begonia) would do nicely as an understudy, and mine make lots of babies each year.
    I agree Claire, Begonia grandis (Hardy Begonia) would do nicely as an understudy, and mine make lots of babies each year.
    I agree Claire, Begonia grandis (Hardy Begonia) would do nicely as an understudy, and mine make lots of babies each year.
    I agree Claire, Begonia grandis (Hardy Begonia) would do nicely as an understudy, and mine make lots of babies each year.
  19. forget-me-not

    Ivy, friend or foe?

    Thanks Antheus-confirms what I suspected-bad workmanship not ivy pulls walls down.
    Thanks Antheus-confirms what I suspected-bad workmanship not ivy pulls walls down.
    Thanks Antheus-confirms what I suspected-bad workmanship not ivy pulls walls down.
    Thanks Antheus-confirms what I suspected-bad workmanship not ivy pulls walls down.
  20. sparkly

    Total newbie

    Hiya Sparkly, Nice name and welcome to the forum. Gets some daffs in-they are perfect to be starting with-practically murder proof, and will give a good show in spring.
    Hiya Sparkly, Nice name and welcome to the forum. Gets some daffs in-they are perfect to be starting with-practically murder proof, and will give a good show in spring.
    Hiya Sparkly, Nice name and welcome to the forum. Gets some daffs in-they are perfect to be starting with-practically murder proof, and will give a good show in spring.
    Hiya Sparkly, Nice name and welcome to the forum. Gets some daffs in-they are perfect to be starting with-practically murder proof, and will give a good show in spring.

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