General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Paladin


    Thank you Ivory, you are indeed correct, I have never known which oxalis it was. See here:
    Thank you Ivory, you are indeed correct, I have never known which oxalis it was. See here:
    Thank you Ivory, you are indeed correct, I have never known which oxalis it was. See here:
    Thank you Ivory, you are indeed correct, I have never known which oxalis it was. See here:
  2. Michaelkerr

    Gardening TV Show

    Look around the net for some silk one' can't tell the difference on camera.:thumb:
    Look around the net for some silk one' can't tell the difference on camera.:thumb:
    Look around the net for some silk one' can't tell the difference on camera.:thumb:
    Look around the net for some silk one' can't tell the difference on camera.:thumb:
  3. may

    A surprise

    Hi, thanks for the reply, my plant seems to be a double but it is all the same colour with no dark centre at all, it is a very heavy flower and seems to be flowering well even in its first...
    Hi, thanks for the reply, my plant seems to be a double but it is all the same colour with no dark centre at all, it is a very heavy flower and seems to be flowering well even in its first year . the pic of yours has a dark stamen ,which mine does not seem to have . the flower is almost a...
    Hi, thanks for the reply, my plant seems to be a double but it is all the same colour with no dark centre at all, it is a very heavy flower and seems to be flowering well even in its first year . the pic of yours has a dark stamen ,which...
    Hi, thanks for the reply, my plant seems to be a double but it is all the same colour with no dark centre at all, it is a very heavy flower and seems to be flowering well even in its first...
  4. Pro Gard


    Yep, heard similar stories. They (the owners arent particularly well liked around the villadge) Never worked there though.
    Yep, heard similar stories. They (the owners arent particularly well liked around the villadge) Never worked there though.
    Yep, heard similar stories. They (the owners arent particularly well liked around the villadge) Never worked there though.
    Yep, heard similar stories. They (the owners arent particularly well liked around the villadge) Never worked there though.
  5. chinquest

    Ivy Mound photos

    Thanks, I'll visit the garden centre before I attack the garden tomorrow :)
    Thanks, I'll visit the garden centre before I attack the garden tomorrow :)
    Thanks, I'll visit the garden centre before I attack the garden tomorrow :)
    Thanks, I'll visit the garden centre before I attack the garden tomorrow :)
  6. Aesculus

    Your Plant of the Moment?

    I've got one coming soon so I'll stake it up or put it near the wall lol
    I've got one coming soon so I'll stake it up or put it near the wall lol
    I've got one coming soon so I'll stake it up or put it near the wall lol
    I've got one coming soon so I'll stake it up or put it near the wall lol
  7. The Nut

    Bamboo advice plz

    DaiI used to get sooty mould on my sweetcorn plants. How easily it came off depended on how long I'd left it there. Check out this link; you need to scroll down a bit:Sooty mould is...
    DaiI used to get sooty mould on my sweetcorn plants. How easily it came off depended on how long I'd left it there. Check out this link; you need to scroll down a bit:Sooty mould is the most common ailment of bamboo according to these people who are specialist suppliers.
    DaiI used to get sooty mould on my sweetcorn plants. How easily it came off depended on how long I'd left it there. Check out this link; you need to scroll down a bit:Sooty mould is the most common ailment of bamboo according to...
    DaiI used to get sooty mould on my sweetcorn plants. How easily it came off depended on how long I'd left it there. Check out this link; you need to scroll down a bit:Sooty mould is...
  8. naomib83

    There Goes my Decking!!!

    Just to let u know that Wickes have got their decking board reduced to £3.99 and there are 20% vouchers in papers. I got my voucher from yesterdays sun. We went and got some wood and some decking...
    Just to let u know that Wickes have got their decking board reduced to £3.99 and there are 20% vouchers in papers. I got my voucher from yesterdays sun. We went and got some wood and some decking board and we saved £19.90!
    Just to let u know that Wickes have got their decking board reduced to £3.99 and there are 20% vouchers in papers. I got my voucher from yesterdays sun. We went and got some wood and some decking board and we saved £19.90!
    Just to let u know that Wickes have got their decking board reduced to £3.99 and there are 20% vouchers in papers. I got my voucher from yesterdays sun. We went and got some wood and some decking...
  9. andyh2

    What to do with empty beds

    I put black plastic down on my veggie patch till I was ready to plant it. You could cover it with a tarpaulin then put some pots on it to make it look better??
    I put black plastic down on my veggie patch till I was ready to plant it. You could cover it with a tarpaulin then put some pots on it to make it look better??
    I put black plastic down on my veggie patch till I was ready to plant it. You could cover it with a tarpaulin then put some pots on it to make it look better??
    I put black plastic down on my veggie patch till I was ready to plant it. You could cover it with a tarpaulin then put some pots on it to make it look better??
  10. spudbristol

    Whats the most anoying thing someones left in your way?

    Yeah - that's what I'd have done :)
    Yeah - that's what I'd have done :)
    Yeah - that's what I'd have done :)
    Yeah - that's what I'd have done :)
  11. Ivory

    Plants names and descriptions

    :D:D:DOh talking of humourous description my all time favourite is ALthea Ficifolia, in Chiltern catalogue ( I love this catalogue wholeheartedly):Introduced from Siberia at the end of the...
    :D:D:DOh talking of humourous description my all time favourite is ALthea Ficifolia, in Chiltern catalogue ( I love this catalogue wholeheartedly):Introduced from Siberia at the end of the 16th Century (but how? the writer wonders, no road and 300 years before the railway), this is...
    :D:D:DOh talking of humourous description my all time favourite is ALthea Ficifolia, in Chiltern catalogue ( I love this catalogue wholeheartedly):Introduced from Siberia at the end of the 16th Century (but how? the writer wonders, no...
    :D:D:DOh talking of humourous description my all time favourite is ALthea Ficifolia, in Chiltern catalogue ( I love this catalogue wholeheartedly):Introduced from Siberia at the end of the...
  12. greengiant

    Another garden project

    I wish I'd got a digger in to level mine. Good luck
    I wish I'd got a digger in to level mine. Good luck
    I wish I'd got a digger in to level mine. Good luck
    I wish I'd got a digger in to level mine. Good luck
  13. Labrador


    I remember it Bob:thumb::rolleyes:
    I remember it Bob:thumb::rolleyes:
    I remember it Bob:thumb::rolleyes:
    I remember it Bob:thumb::rolleyes:
  14. Kandy

    Has Anyone Grown These Before

    Well as far as I'm concerned Dave we need a ginger that starts flowering in early July, has a good scent and continues to flower until October. A tall order I think.:D I have tried later...
    Well as far as I'm concerned Dave we need a ginger that starts flowering in early July, has a good scent and continues to flower until October. A tall order I think.:D I have tried later flowering ones but usually found that by early Oct the light levels are not good enough for them to...
    Well as far as I'm concerned Dave we need a ginger that starts flowering in early July, has a good scent and continues to flower until October. A tall order I think.:D I have tried later flowering ones but usually found that by early Oct...
    Well as far as I'm concerned Dave we need a ginger that starts flowering in early July, has a good scent and continues to flower until October. A tall order I think.:D I have tried later...
  15. Little Miss Road Rage

    Seed boxes

    From work i recycle the small containers that house brazing nozzles. They are airtight, and great for the job.Before that, it was just biscuit tins like the rest of us.
    From work i recycle the small containers that house brazing nozzles. They are airtight, and great for the job.Before that, it was just biscuit tins like the rest of us.
    From work i recycle the small containers that house brazing nozzles. They are airtight, and great for the job.Before that, it was just biscuit tins like the rest of us.
    From work i recycle the small containers that house brazing nozzles. They are airtight, and great for the job.Before that, it was just biscuit tins like the rest of us.
  16. Aesculus

    Harassment of gardeners?

    I don't get harrassed, four houses on the East side are recent owners and we have established a very friendly group. The house on the West side just ignore us, won't cut the thorn hedge (now...
    I don't get harrassed, four houses on the East side are recent owners and we have established a very friendly group. The house on the West side just ignore us, won't cut the thorn hedge (now 20-25ft high) and have four noisy b***** dogs, two of them Alsations. I cut my side of the hedge but have...
    I don't get harrassed, four houses on the East side are recent owners and we have established a very friendly group. The house on the West side just ignore us, won't cut the thorn hedge (now 20-25ft high) and have four noisy b***** dogs, two of...
    I don't get harrassed, four houses on the East side are recent owners and we have established a very friendly group. The house on the West side just ignore us, won't cut the thorn hedge (now...
  17. Brilliard

    Busy Lizzies

    This is the first year that I've been impressed by bizzy lizzies:) They are planted in a container in quite a sheletered area and are obviously enjoying it:)
    This is the first year that I've been impressed by bizzy lizzies:) They are planted in a container in quite a sheletered area and are obviously enjoying it:)
    This is the first year that I've been impressed by bizzy lizzies:) They are planted in a container in quite a sheletered area and are obviously enjoying it:)
    This is the first year that I've been impressed by bizzy lizzies:) They are planted in a container in quite a sheletered area and are obviously enjoying it:)
  18. capney

    Coleus colour

    They look good Capney:thumb: I bought some this year and put them in tubs and baskets. They were on sale alongside bedding plants when I went to the nurseries in the Selsey area.
    They look good Capney:thumb: I bought some this year and put them in tubs and baskets. They were on sale alongside bedding plants when I went to the nurseries in the Selsey area.
    They look good Capney:thumb: I bought some this year and put them in tubs and baskets. They were on sale alongside bedding plants when I went to the nurseries in the Selsey area.
    They look good Capney:thumb: I bought some this year and put them in tubs and baskets. They were on sale alongside bedding plants when I went to the nurseries in the Selsey area.
  19. gioia mia

    Ranunculus question

    Hi Gioia, I have had a few gardens/spaces ranging from a large drip tray from a terracotta pot as a kid, to the good sized plot I have now, and the secret is scale not size. I most...
    Hi Gioia, I have had a few gardens/spaces ranging from a large drip tray from a terracotta pot as a kid, to the good sized plot I have now, and the secret is scale not size. I most certainly do like photos-they are the best threads and posts for me. I can help as much as you want, but...
    Hi Gioia, I have had a few gardens/spaces ranging from a large drip tray from a terracotta pot as a kid, to the good sized plot I have now, and the secret is scale not size. I most certainly do like photos-they are the best threads and...
    Hi Gioia, I have had a few gardens/spaces ranging from a large drip tray from a terracotta pot as a kid, to the good sized plot I have now, and the secret is scale not size. I most...
  20. chinquest

    Dealing with weeds between buildings and pavement and Ivy again

    So I looked up Hebe and could it be Hebe Annulata ? If so would I be right in thinking I should pretty much leave alone?
    So I looked up Hebe and could it be Hebe Annulata ? If so would I be right in thinking I should pretty much leave alone?
    So I looked up Hebe and could it be Hebe Annulata ? If so would I be right in thinking I should pretty much leave alone?
    So I looked up Hebe and could it be Hebe Annulata ? If so would I be right in thinking I should pretty much leave alone?

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