General Gardening Discussion

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  1. redstar

    It must be August

    I use cheap beer in a very shallow bowel or platter. Good beer for me.
    I use cheap beer in a very shallow bowel or platter. Good beer for me.
    I use cheap beer in a very shallow bowel or platter. Good beer for me.
    I use cheap beer in a very shallow bowel or platter. Good beer for me.
  2. PeterS

    My seedlings have matured

    Can I just say...just in case you are wondering...I don't think that I am in any way related to Robin Middleton ;)
    Can I just say...just in case you are wondering...I don't think that I am in any way related to Robin Middleton ;)
    Can I just say...just in case you are wondering...I don't think that I am in any way related to Robin Middleton ;)
    Can I just say...just in case you are wondering...I don't think that I am in any way related to Robin Middleton ;)
  3. greenmouli

    Ready to transplant?

    MouliI admire your determination!Google says that in India,Thermocole is synonomous with EPS (expanded polystyrene) so I'm assuming that you're thinking of making a big seedlings tray? Or...
    MouliI admire your determination!Google says that in India,Thermocole is synonomous with EPS (expanded polystyrene) so I'm assuming that you're thinking of making a big seedlings tray? Or are you intending a more permanent structure like a raised bed made of EPS?When they're...
    MouliI admire your determination!Google says that in India,Thermocole is synonomous with EPS (expanded polystyrene) so I'm assuming that you're thinking of making a big seedlings tray? Or are you intending a more permanent structure like...
    MouliI admire your determination!Google says that in India,Thermocole is synonomous with EPS (expanded polystyrene) so I'm assuming that you're thinking of making a big seedlings tray? Or...
  4. Little Miss Road Rage

    Bloomin Pampas grass

    Lol I had a sleeveless top and shorts on with sandals only had a couple of spikey things get me.
    Lol I had a sleeveless top and shorts on with sandals only had a couple of spikey things get me.
    Lol I had a sleeveless top and shorts on with sandals only had a couple of spikey things get me.
    Lol I had a sleeveless top and shorts on with sandals only had a couple of spikey things get me.
  5. landlubber

    Petunias that thrive in the rain?

    Thanks for that Cajary, will have a go! Yeah you are right about growing from scratch, lotta work and sometimes little reward, all comes down to time methinks. I am not a purist by any stretch of...
    Thanks for that Cajary, will have a go! Yeah you are right about growing from scratch, lotta work and sometimes little reward, all comes down to time methinks. I am not a purist by any stretch of the imagination, I am very lucky, it all seems to grow even when I just 'chuck it in' Ta ,Jan
    Thanks for that Cajary, will have a go! Yeah you are right about growing from scratch, lotta work and sometimes little reward, all comes down to time methinks. I am not a purist by any stretch of the imagination, I am very lucky, it all seems to...
    Thanks for that Cajary, will have a go! Yeah you are right about growing from scratch, lotta work and sometimes little reward, all comes down to time methinks. I am not a purist by any stretch of...
  6. Leadbelly

    Snorkel & Flippers

    right at the moment, it does not look good for anyone. I have almost given up hope with my little vegetable patch. will try tp dig up the potatoes as soon as I can.
    right at the moment, it does not look good for anyone. I have almost given up hope with my little vegetable patch. will try tp dig up the potatoes as soon as I can.
    right at the moment, it does not look good for anyone. I have almost given up hope with my little vegetable patch. will try tp dig up the potatoes as soon as I can.
    right at the moment, it does not look good for anyone. I have almost given up hope with my little vegetable patch. will try tp dig up the potatoes as soon as I can.
  7. SpringsHere

    Begonias-Fiberous - advice please?

    Harry, thanks for your reply. I know now I CERTAINLY planted mine up far too late - I think it was 2nd half of May - I'm in Lincolnshire! They are however looking quite lovely now, albeit not...
    Harry, thanks for your reply. I know now I CERTAINLY planted mine up far too late - I think it was 2nd half of May - I'm in Lincolnshire! They are however looking quite lovely now, albeit not quite as lovely as yours!I think I'll lift them rather than leave in-situ - I don't have a large...
    Harry, thanks for your reply. I know now I CERTAINLY planted mine up far too late - I think it was 2nd half of May - I'm in Lincolnshire! They are however looking quite lovely now, albeit not quite as lovely as yours!I think I'll lift...
    Harry, thanks for your reply. I know now I CERTAINLY planted mine up far too late - I think it was 2nd half of May - I'm in Lincolnshire! They are however looking quite lovely now, albeit not...
  8. martandmichelle

    Aloe Vera Help Needed

    Try this link,
    Try this link,
    Try this link,
    Try this link,
  9. Kandy

    Capsicum Annum In Flower Arrangement

    Tweaky I will pass on your message to my twin sister next timeI hear from her.That should give her a laugh:p:D:thumb:
    Tweaky I will pass on your message to my twin sister next timeI hear from her.That should give her a laugh:p:D:thumb:
    Tweaky I will pass on your message to my twin sister next timeI hear from her.That should give her a laugh:p:D:thumb:
    Tweaky I will pass on your message to my twin sister next timeI hear from her.That should give her a laugh:p:D:thumb:
  10. garden_fiend

    heated propagation bed

    Thanks Shiney...:thumb:
    Thanks Shiney...:thumb:
    Thanks Shiney...:thumb:
    Thanks Shiney...:thumb:
  11. capney

    Now I remember!

    Oh pal, dont say that, your scaring me :) Cap, your garden is Fab, Show me more ...Dee..
    Oh pal, dont say that, your scaring me :) Cap, your garden is Fab, Show me more ...Dee..
    Oh pal, dont say that, your scaring me :) Cap, your garden is Fab, Show me more ...Dee..
    Oh pal, dont say that, your scaring me :) Cap, your garden is Fab, Show me more ...Dee..
  12. clueless1

    Opinions please - will this work?

    What a different idea. It sounds like it will be lovely. You'll have to post some pics of it when you've done it
    What a different idea. It sounds like it will be lovely. You'll have to post some pics of it when you've done it
    What a different idea. It sounds like it will be lovely. You'll have to post some pics of it when you've done it
    What a different idea. It sounds like it will be lovely. You'll have to post some pics of it when you've done it
  13. Bob flemming

    Another raised bed question or 2.

    That articles from 2003 and the sleepers are still on sale. Loads of stuff is carcinogenic and things go in and out of fashion each year for being bad for u. I've got cancer running in my family...
    That articles from 2003 and the sleepers are still on sale. Loads of stuff is carcinogenic and things go in and out of fashion each year for being bad for u. I've got cancer running in my family so I'm prob destined to get it anyway. Just my opinion
    That articles from 2003 and the sleepers are still on sale. Loads of stuff is carcinogenic and things go in and out of fashion each year for being bad for u. I've got cancer running in my family so I'm prob destined to get it anyway. Just my opinion
    That articles from 2003 and the sleepers are still on sale. Loads of stuff is carcinogenic and things go in and out of fashion each year for being bad for u. I've got cancer running in my family...
  14. roders

    Pennisetum Vellosum

    :) Thanks Peter for that valuable info,much appreciated. Hi O2.
    :) Thanks Peter for that valuable info,much appreciated. Hi O2.
    :) Thanks Peter for that valuable info,much appreciated. Hi O2.
    :) Thanks Peter for that valuable info,much appreciated. Hi O2.
  15. bfg

    Spanish broom

    I`d wait until the dormant season, bfg, November to January. Unless it`s urgent, in which case I`d take a chance and move it now.
    I`d wait until the dormant season, bfg, November to January. Unless it`s urgent, in which case I`d take a chance and move it now.
    I`d wait until the dormant season, bfg, November to January. Unless it`s urgent, in which case I`d take a chance and move it now.
    I`d wait until the dormant season, bfg, November to January. Unless it`s urgent, in which case I`d take a chance and move it now.
  16. Smiffy

    Leggy Climbers - Any Solution ?

    Thanks once again for your help Paul. :thumb:
    Thanks once again for your help Paul. :thumb:
    Thanks once again for your help Paul. :thumb:
    Thanks once again for your help Paul. :thumb:
  17. shimsham


    Hiya takemore, here's the recipe I use :---4lbs. blackberries 3lbs. sugar ...
    Hiya takemore, here's the recipe I use :---4lbs. blackberries 3lbs. sugar 1 gal. water wine yeast, yeast...
    Hiya takemore, here's the recipe I use :---4lbs. blackberries 3lbs. sugar 1 gal. water ...
    Hiya takemore, here's the recipe I use :---4lbs. blackberries 3lbs. sugar ...
  18. leo99

    Evening Noise spoiling my Garden enjoyment

    Got loads of sympathy over the helicopters TLA. We live near Manchester headquaters. So have to endure helicopters hovering at all hours. Especially over the weekend. 02
    Got loads of sympathy over the helicopters TLA. We live near Manchester headquaters. So have to endure helicopters hovering at all hours. Especially over the weekend. 02
    Got loads of sympathy over the helicopters TLA. We live near Manchester headquaters. So have to endure helicopters hovering at all hours. Especially over the weekend. 02
    Got loads of sympathy over the helicopters TLA. We live near Manchester headquaters. So have to endure helicopters hovering at all hours. Especially over the weekend. 02
  19. dodgie

    Quite a few shrubs and a plant or two... NB LOTS of pics!

    cheers guys, much appreciated!!!Rich
    cheers guys, much appreciated!!!Rich
    cheers guys, much appreciated!!!Rich
    cheers guys, much appreciated!!!Rich
  20. Slinky

    How much will you spend?

    I like to see things to grow from zerro. I wouldn't pay for a plant what you can't shape as you want.http//:
    I like to see things to grow from zerro. I wouldn't pay for a plant what you can't shape as you want.http//:
    I like to see things to grow from zerro. I wouldn't pay for a plant what you can't shape as you want.http//:
    I like to see things to grow from zerro. I wouldn't pay for a plant what you can't shape as you want.http//:

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