General Gardening Discussion

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  1. compost maker

    Stipa 'Pony tails ' tennuisima

    JeanHow old are your stipa plants? Maybe they're still a bit young. They do take a few years to spread unless there's something about their location which is holding them back. Have they got...
    JeanHow old are your stipa plants? Maybe they're still a bit young. They do take a few years to spread unless there's something about their location which is holding them back. Have they got plenty of sun and good drainage?If you really, really want a grass that spreads whatever the...
    JeanHow old are your stipa plants? Maybe they're still a bit young. They do take a few years to spread unless there's something about their location which is holding them back. Have they got plenty of sun and good drainage?If you really,...
    JeanHow old are your stipa plants? Maybe they're still a bit young. They do take a few years to spread unless there's something about their location which is holding them back. Have they got...
  2. PeterS

    Perennial division in August

    Brilliant answer Peter, thank you very much!If I have time I'll do it now otherwise it will have to be April!Thanks x
    Brilliant answer Peter, thank you very much!If I have time I'll do it now otherwise it will have to be April!Thanks x
    Brilliant answer Peter, thank you very much!If I have time I'll do it now otherwise it will have to be April!Thanks x
    Brilliant answer Peter, thank you very much!If I have time I'll do it now otherwise it will have to be April!Thanks x
  3. janet81

    can you give out-door plants too much water?

    It also depend on the plant. Like my hydrangeas, even in the shade they get droopy when they need water, where as a plant next to them is all perky. It is a matter of a gut feeling as you walk...
    It also depend on the plant. Like my hydrangeas, even in the shade they get droopy when they need water, where as a plant next to them is all perky. It is a matter of a gut feeling as you walk your garden. Sorry, thats all I have.
    It also depend on the plant. Like my hydrangeas, even in the shade they get droopy when they need water, where as a plant next to them is all perky. It is a matter of a gut feeling as you walk your garden. Sorry, thats all I have.
    It also depend on the plant. Like my hydrangeas, even in the shade they get droopy when they need water, where as a plant next to them is all perky. It is a matter of a gut feeling as you walk...
  4. The Nut


    Cheers Lollipop. Ill be there this weekend :)
    Cheers Lollipop. Ill be there this weekend :)
    Cheers Lollipop. Ill be there this weekend :)
    Cheers Lollipop. Ill be there this weekend :)
  5. Slinky

    Tip; Sunflowers

    Aw that's a shame. At least you'll remember for next time :)
    Aw that's a shame. At least you'll remember for next time :)
    Aw that's a shame. At least you'll remember for next time :)
    Aw that's a shame. At least you'll remember for next time :)
  6. Alasdair

    Was I expecting too much?

    What a shame they didn't have anyone there for it. Maybe someone should get over there! :D
    What a shame they didn't have anyone there for it. Maybe someone should get over there! :D
    What a shame they didn't have anyone there for it. Maybe someone should get over there! :D
    What a shame they didn't have anyone there for it. Maybe someone should get over there! :D
  7. Rhyleysgranny

    A Little Tip

    I reckon my slugs are learning to fly, I saw one up on the roof the other day, maybe he had a death wish because there ain't nothing but birds up there!
    I reckon my slugs are learning to fly, I saw one up on the roof the other day, maybe he had a death wish because there ain't nothing but birds up there!
    I reckon my slugs are learning to fly, I saw one up on the roof the other day, maybe he had a death wish because there ain't nothing but birds up there!
    I reckon my slugs are learning to fly, I saw one up on the roof the other day, maybe he had a death wish because there ain't nothing but birds up there!
  8. landlubber


    Thanks all, now I know what to do, shall get on with it without chemicals, really grateful, Jan
    Thanks all, now I know what to do, shall get on with it without chemicals, really grateful, Jan
    Thanks all, now I know what to do, shall get on with it without chemicals, really grateful, Jan
    Thanks all, now I know what to do, shall get on with it without chemicals, really grateful, Jan
  9. Leadbelly

    Raised beds

    Good job Stony.:thumb:
    Good job Stony.:thumb:
    Good job Stony.:thumb:
    Good job Stony.:thumb:
  10. davemachin


    Hi DaveIs it expertise you're after or just as many hands as you can muster? If it is the latter I will help if I can. I know my profile says I'm on the North East coast (that's the location of...
    Hi DaveIs it expertise you're after or just as many hands as you can muster? If it is the latter I will help if I can. I know my profile says I'm on the North East coast (that's the location of my little plot of land) but I spend much of my time in Sheffield, so only about 20 or so miles from...
    Hi DaveIs it expertise you're after or just as many hands as you can muster? If it is the latter I will help if I can. I know my profile says I'm on the North East coast (that's the location of my little plot of land) but I spend much of my...
    Hi DaveIs it expertise you're after or just as many hands as you can muster? If it is the latter I will help if I can. I know my profile says I'm on the North East coast (that's the location of...
  11. Maharg

    Skin reaction to Choysia

    No, they do cause skin irritation. Ive had exactly the same thing and my little gardening book just confirmed it :)
    No, they do cause skin irritation. Ive had exactly the same thing and my little gardening book just confirmed it :)
    No, they do cause skin irritation. Ive had exactly the same thing and my little gardening book just confirmed it :)
    No, they do cause skin irritation. Ive had exactly the same thing and my little gardening book just confirmed it :)
  12. lewinsm

    Leycesteria formosa - Himalayan Honeysuckle

    Cheers for the tips guys. Went out for a closer look yesterday and noticed lots of little ones popping up all over the place. I'm planning on moving them over to a barron corner, once they look...
    Cheers for the tips guys. Went out for a closer look yesterday and noticed lots of little ones popping up all over the place. I'm planning on moving them over to a barron corner, once they look big enough to move.Any ideas how i can find out if the berries are edible? Is it safe for me to just...
    Cheers for the tips guys. Went out for a closer look yesterday and noticed lots of little ones popping up all over the place. I'm planning on moving them over to a barron corner, once they look big enough to move.Any ideas how i can find out if...
    Cheers for the tips guys. Went out for a closer look yesterday and noticed lots of little ones popping up all over the place. I'm planning on moving them over to a barron corner, once they look...
  13. youngdaisydee

    Oh What A Grey Day

    Inter, He's up the ladder as i Type, ive spent the last 3 days watching Plaster Dry, :) And SHOPPING.. Been to woolie's The Gas BBQs are £12. I bought 2 haha, and ive already got one.. Electric...
    Inter, He's up the ladder as i Type, ive spent the last 3 days watching Plaster Dry, :) And SHOPPING.. Been to woolie's The Gas BBQs are £12. I bought 2 haha, and ive already got one.. Electric outdoor heaters £15. slug pellets £1.50 and miracle grow slow release feed tablets £1.00 for next...
    Inter, He's up the ladder as i Type, ive spent the last 3 days watching Plaster Dry, :) And SHOPPING.. Been to woolie's The Gas BBQs are £12. I bought 2 haha, and ive already got one.. Electric outdoor heaters £15. slug pellets £1.50 and...
    Inter, He's up the ladder as i Type, ive spent the last 3 days watching Plaster Dry, :) And SHOPPING.. Been to woolie's The Gas BBQs are £12. I bought 2 haha, and ive already got one.. Electric...
  14. carolla1

    hydrangea help

    Oddly enough, my hydrangea hasn't flowered this year either. I assume it's just taking a breather, it looks healthy enough. Maybe the weather has got it confused.
    Oddly enough, my hydrangea hasn't flowered this year either. I assume it's just taking a breather, it looks healthy enough. Maybe the weather has got it confused.
    Oddly enough, my hydrangea hasn't flowered this year either. I assume it's just taking a breather, it looks healthy enough. Maybe the weather has got it confused.
    Oddly enough, my hydrangea hasn't flowered this year either. I assume it's just taking a breather, it looks healthy enough. Maybe the weather has got it confused.
  15. capney

    Plant/seed catalogs

    There's one called Crocus whom I have heard on good authority are really good.:thumb:
    There's one called Crocus whom I have heard on good authority are really good.:thumb:
    There's one called Crocus whom I have heard on good authority are really good.:thumb:
    There's one called Crocus whom I have heard on good authority are really good.:thumb:
  16. clueless1

    Shall I blitz my garden and start again from scratch?

    Well, I've started the blitz on my garden. I have cleared my herb patch (which had become more of a creeping buttercup and bindweed patch), pulled out a load of rosebay willowherb, dug up some of...
    Well, I've started the blitz on my garden. I have cleared my herb patch (which had become more of a creeping buttercup and bindweed patch), pulled out a load of rosebay willowherb, dug up some of my shrubs and put them in containers and generally tidied up a bit.I have found a new best friend...
    Well, I've started the blitz on my garden. I have cleared my herb patch (which had become more of a creeping buttercup and bindweed patch), pulled out a load of rosebay willowherb, dug up some of my shrubs and put them in containers and generally...
    Well, I've started the blitz on my garden. I have cleared my herb patch (which had become more of a creeping buttercup and bindweed patch), pulled out a load of rosebay willowherb, dug up some of...
  17. intermiplants

    another wet hot summer

    Its been a right pain. Ive got a lot of turf spraying on hold at the moment not to mention a very large area of paving to grind out and reepoint (400m2).As for general work I just get wet and...
    Its been a right pain. Ive got a lot of turf spraying on hold at the moment not to mention a very large area of paving to grind out and reepoint (400m2).As for general work I just get wet and carry on regardless but even so things are growing twice as fast with the wet.
    Its been a right pain. Ive got a lot of turf spraying on hold at the moment not to mention a very large area of paving to grind out and reepoint (400m2).As for general work I just get wet and carry on regardless but even so things are...
    Its been a right pain. Ive got a lot of turf spraying on hold at the moment not to mention a very large area of paving to grind out and reepoint (400m2).As for general work I just get wet and...
  18. The Nut

    Hamamelis intermedia Diane

    Hi Guys and Girls I have just purchased the above which I intend to keep in a pot for at least one season. Whens the best time to repot it to give ot the best chance. I also noticed, when I got...
    Hi Guys and Girls I have just purchased the above which I intend to keep in a pot for at least one season. Whens the best time to repot it to give ot the best chance. I also noticed, when I got home, :o that it was for the experienced grower :o which I am NOT. It says do not prune on it. So is...
    Hi Guys and Girls I have just purchased the above which I intend to keep in a pot for at least one season. Whens the best time to repot it to give ot the best chance. I also noticed, when I got home, :o that it was for the experienced grower :o...
    Hi Guys and Girls I have just purchased the above which I intend to keep in a pot for at least one season. Whens the best time to repot it to give ot the best chance. I also noticed, when I got...
  19. wilroda

    Dicentra dividing now?

    Thanks Ivory. And thanks for the welcome. I wasn't sure where to go for the answer to my question but found this place. I'm sure it is going to be of great help to me.
    Thanks Ivory. And thanks for the welcome. I wasn't sure where to go for the answer to my question but found this place. I'm sure it is going to be of great help to me.
    Thanks Ivory. And thanks for the welcome. I wasn't sure where to go for the answer to my question but found this place. I'm sure it is going to be of great help to me.
    Thanks Ivory. And thanks for the welcome. I wasn't sure where to go for the answer to my question but found this place. I'm sure it is going to be of great help to me.
  20. accidentalgardener

    Penstemon on the move

    Brilliant question and thanks for the link Hel - I was going to move mine but will do some cuttings this weekend instead! xx
    Brilliant question and thanks for the link Hel - I was going to move mine but will do some cuttings this weekend instead! xx
    Brilliant question and thanks for the link Hel - I was going to move mine but will do some cuttings this weekend instead! xx
    Brilliant question and thanks for the link Hel - I was going to move mine but will do some cuttings this weekend instead! xx

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