General Gardening Discussion

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  1. 1eyedjack

    Plant food composition

    Thanks for that. Definitely bookmarked that thread
    Thanks for that. Definitely bookmarked that thread
    Thanks for that. Definitely bookmarked that thread
    Thanks for that. Definitely bookmarked that thread
  2. Ivory


    The steps look great and not having to crawl around on your hands and knees must be adding to your enjoyment of the garden! :)
    The steps look great and not having to crawl around on your hands and knees must be adding to your enjoyment of the garden! :)
    The steps look great and not having to crawl around on your hands and knees must be adding to your enjoyment of the garden! :)
    The steps look great and not having to crawl around on your hands and knees must be adding to your enjoyment of the garden! :)
  3. rach

    Can anyone help?

    It should get itself a lettings agent! Sorry-carp at jokes. The romans brought it with them didn`t they-or am i thinking of something else. Eeeeh-yer a treasure trove of bits of...
    It should get itself a lettings agent! Sorry-carp at jokes. The romans brought it with them didn`t they-or am i thinking of something else. Eeeeh-yer a treasure trove of bits of information, will you be in my pub quiz team if we are ever up your end?:thumb:
    It should get itself a lettings agent! Sorry-carp at jokes. The romans brought it with them didn`t they-or am i thinking of something else. Eeeeh-yer a treasure trove of bits of information, will you be in my pub quiz team if we are...
    It should get itself a lettings agent! Sorry-carp at jokes. The romans brought it with them didn`t they-or am i thinking of something else. Eeeeh-yer a treasure trove of bits of...
  4. nelly

    Planting a river bank any suggestions?

    Thanks all much to think about there :)
    Thanks all much to think about there :)
    Thanks all much to think about there :)
    Thanks all much to think about there :)
  5. Helofadigger

    Hel's heaven once again GSOH required!

    Now Ste you know I'm not one to gossip but 'cat woman' is still living the life of luxury no rent or council tax to pay and wouldn't dream of getting a job I mean I don't think she knows what a...
    Now Ste you know I'm not one to gossip but 'cat woman' is still living the life of luxury no rent or council tax to pay and wouldn't dream of getting a job I mean I don't think she knows what a job is! Regarding her new boyfriend don't laugh although I find it really funny but she's been...
    Now Ste you know I'm not one to gossip but 'cat woman' is still living the life of luxury no rent or council tax to pay and wouldn't dream of getting a job I mean I don't think she knows what a job is! Regarding her new boyfriend don't laugh...
    Now Ste you know I'm not one to gossip but 'cat woman' is still living the life of luxury no rent or council tax to pay and wouldn't dream of getting a job I mean I don't think she knows what a...
  6. Whiley

    Whiley proof hanging baskets - ideas?

    I have an old water butt that the lid doesn't fit too good on, if it is dry, once a week, usually weekends, I 'dunk' the whole basket into the water butt and hold it there till the bubbles stop,...
    I have an old water butt that the lid doesn't fit too good on, if it is dry, once a week, usually weekends, I 'dunk' the whole basket into the water butt and hold it there till the bubbles stop, that way I know the roots are soaked and if I am less than perfect with the daily watering, they...
    I have an old water butt that the lid doesn't fit too good on, if it is dry, once a week, usually weekends, I 'dunk' the whole basket into the water butt and hold it there till the bubbles stop, that way I know the roots are soaked and if I am...
    I have an old water butt that the lid doesn't fit too good on, if it is dry, once a week, usually weekends, I 'dunk' the whole basket into the water butt and hold it there till the bubbles stop,...
  7. borrowers

    This is now!

    Borrowers - this site may help you on your seed searching. This guy really knows a thing or two about seeds.....:thumb:And whats all this talk about summer being over - it officially finishes...
    Borrowers - this site may help you on your seed searching. This guy really knows a thing or two about seeds.....:thumb:And whats all this talk about summer being over - it officially finishes on September the 21st , a good six weeks away :) . I keep my BBQ going until the middle of October -...
    Borrowers - this site may help you on your seed searching. This guy really knows a thing or two about seeds.....:thumb:And whats all this talk about summer being over - it officially finishes on September the 21st , a good six weeks away :) . I...
    Borrowers - this site may help you on your seed searching. This guy really knows a thing or two about seeds.....:thumb:And whats all this talk about summer being over - it officially finishes...
  8. Brind

    Lasts one season only, question

    I think I know what you mean by this and if I'm right, you need to start removing the 'socket' too. This is the bit where the seeds would develop. If you just pull the dead flower from the socket...
    I think I know what you mean by this and if I'm right, you need to start removing the 'socket' too. This is the bit where the seeds would develop. If you just pull the dead flower from the socket that's no more than the flower just dropping off on its own iyswim and the seeds could still form,...
    I think I know what you mean by this and if I'm right, you need to start removing the 'socket' too. This is the bit where the seeds would develop. If you just pull the dead flower from the socket that's no more than the flower just dropping off...
    I think I know what you mean by this and if I'm right, you need to start removing the 'socket' too. This is the bit where the seeds would develop. If you just pull the dead flower from the socket...
  9. Loofah

    low planter creation

    Thats excellent Loo I might nick it for a new water feature :)
    Thats excellent Loo I might nick it for a new water feature :)
    Thats excellent Loo I might nick it for a new water feature :)
    Thats excellent Loo I might nick it for a new water feature :)
  10. accidentalgardener

    Penstemon going crazy

    Only today I took cuttings(easy peasy) of mine because I need to clear apatch for veg!!!and if moving the plant is not successful then I have back up:) I am going to wait until the plant has...
    Only today I took cuttings(easy peasy) of mine because I need to clear apatch for veg!!!and if moving the plant is not successful then I have back up:) I am going to wait until the plant has finished flowering before moving it,but while still in the green. I'm sure someone will jump in tell us...
    Only today I took cuttings(easy peasy) of mine because I need to clear apatch for veg!!!and if moving the plant is not successful then I have back up:) I am going to wait until the plant has finished flowering before moving it,but while still in...
    Only today I took cuttings(easy peasy) of mine because I need to clear apatch for veg!!!and if moving the plant is not successful then I have back up:) I am going to wait until the plant has...
  11. tartangear

    Help choosing plant to use as barrier....

    You have a very nice compact conifer behind the trampoline. Why not get a few more and in the winter you'll have colour and in the warmer months grow some annual climbers up them,Canary...
    You have a very nice compact conifer behind the trampoline. Why not get a few more and in the winter you'll have colour and in the warmer months grow some annual climbers up them,Canary Creeper..Morning Glory etc: for brighter colour;)
    You have a very nice compact conifer behind the trampoline. Why not get a few more and in the winter you'll have colour and in the warmer months grow some annual climbers up them,Canary Creeper..Morning Glory etc: for brighter colour;)
    You have a very nice compact conifer behind the trampoline. Why not get a few more and in the winter you'll have colour and in the warmer months grow some annual climbers up them,Canary...
  12. Kipwad

    What to do about clay

    Lots of good advice given. My two pennyworth is, that if you haven't got a lot of compost available to add, pop along to your nearest LIDL's and get some bags of their general purpose compost....
    Lots of good advice given. My two pennyworth is, that if you haven't got a lot of compost available to add, pop along to your nearest LIDL's and get some bags of their general purpose compost. It's consistency seems to me, to be full of the stuff that's in my own household and garden mix.
    Lots of good advice given. My two pennyworth is, that if you haven't got a lot of compost available to add, pop along to your nearest LIDL's and get some bags of their general purpose compost. It's consistency seems to me, to be full of the stuff...
    Lots of good advice given. My two pennyworth is, that if you haven't got a lot of compost available to add, pop along to your nearest LIDL's and get some bags of their general purpose compost....
  13. pamsdish


    My favourite bulbs for March/April flowering are narcissus tete-a-tete, narcissus Jenny (white), scilla sibirica, various crocuses, iris reticulata (though maybe a bit early) and hyacinths if you...
    My favourite bulbs for March/April flowering are narcissus tete-a-tete, narcissus Jenny (white), scilla sibirica, various crocuses, iris reticulata (though maybe a bit early) and hyacinths if you don't mind a bit of blousiness! I'm hoping to try some tulips soon too.
    My favourite bulbs for March/April flowering are narcissus tete-a-tete, narcissus Jenny (white), scilla sibirica, various crocuses, iris reticulata (though maybe a bit early) and hyacinths if you don't mind a bit of blousiness! I'm hoping to try...
    My favourite bulbs for March/April flowering are narcissus tete-a-tete, narcissus Jenny (white), scilla sibirica, various crocuses, iris reticulata (though maybe a bit early) and hyacinths if you...
  14. Labrador

    Is it really going to be this big?

    Two of this years seedlings in the p/tunnel will overwinter them in there. Two outside planted close to shrubs so the soil stays dry overwinter see if they survive.
    Two of this years seedlings in the p/tunnel will overwinter them in there. Two outside planted close to shrubs so the soil stays dry overwinter see if they survive.
    Two of this years seedlings in the p/tunnel will overwinter them in there. Two outside planted close to shrubs so the soil stays dry overwinter see if they survive.
    Two of this years seedlings in the p/tunnel will overwinter them in there. Two outside planted close to shrubs so the soil stays dry overwinter see if they survive.
  15. Man Of Leisure MOL

    Always look on the bright side of life

    Hi I should,nt worry to much about the future Weather or come to That the Future appertaining to anything :D,Just take one day at a time and live that one to the full.:thumb::)
    Hi I should,nt worry to much about the future Weather or come to That the Future appertaining to anything :D,Just take one day at a time and live that one to the full.:thumb::)
    Hi I should,nt worry to much about the future Weather or come to That the Future appertaining to anything :D,Just take one day at a time and live that one to the full.:thumb::)
    Hi I should,nt worry to much about the future Weather or come to That the Future appertaining to anything :D,Just take one day at a time and live that one to the full.:thumb::)
  16. biker

    It's raining ... so guess the plant time!

    Here is a quick shot of the 'deformed' one with the 'normal' ones :) Too rainy to go outside to get a closer snap!
    Here is a quick shot of the 'deformed' one with the 'normal' ones :) Too rainy to go outside to get a closer snap!
    Here is a quick shot of the 'deformed' one with the 'normal' ones :) Too rainy to go outside to get a closer snap!
    Here is a quick shot of the 'deformed' one with the 'normal' ones :) Too rainy to go outside to get a closer snap!
  17. janet81

    planting Abutilon 'Nabob' next to Japanese Honesuckle

    Hi! We have recently planted Abutilon 'Nabob' next to our Japanese Honeysuckle (the Honeysuckle has only been planted since June). I have since heard that Japanese Honesuckle are not very...
    Hi! We have recently planted Abutilon 'Nabob' next to our Japanese Honeysuckle (the Honeysuckle has only been planted since June). I have since heard that Japanese Honesuckle are not very friendly to other plants, except maybe Clematis, so can anybody tell me what problems to expect and how...
    Hi! We have recently planted Abutilon 'Nabob' next to our Japanese Honeysuckle (the Honeysuckle has only been planted since June). I have since heard that Japanese Honesuckle are not very friendly to other plants, except maybe Clematis, so...
    Hi! We have recently planted Abutilon 'Nabob' next to our Japanese Honeysuckle (the Honeysuckle has only been planted since June). I have since heard that Japanese Honesuckle are not very...
  18. greenmouli

    Tall and Lanky Impatiens

    Hi All! Sorry for the late update but I did transplant four of them as an experiment and since this is my first time, I might have hurt their roots while transplanting or it was lack of enough...
    Hi All! Sorry for the late update but I did transplant four of them as an experiment and since this is my first time, I might have hurt their roots while transplanting or it was lack of enough water or too much of sun the next day? I don't know. Three of them gave up their fight leaving behind a...
    Hi All! Sorry for the late update but I did transplant four of them as an experiment and since this is my first time, I might have hurt their roots while transplanting or it was lack of enough water or too much of sun the next day? I don't know....
    Hi All! Sorry for the late update but I did transplant four of them as an experiment and since this is my first time, I might have hurt their roots while transplanting or it was lack of enough...
  19. carlwake

    mini corns

    Should be, Carl.:cool:
    Should be, Carl.:cool:
    Should be, Carl.:cool:
    Should be, Carl.:cool:
  20. Paladin

    Bottle Brush

    :thumb:...Share and share alike...they are most welcome to nip a few cuttings from my plot.
    :thumb:...Share and share alike...they are most welcome to nip a few cuttings from my plot.
    :thumb:...Share and share alike...they are most welcome to nip a few cuttings from my plot.
    :thumb:...Share and share alike...they are most welcome to nip a few cuttings from my plot.

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