General Gardening Discussion

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  1. sallyrosalind

    gardening in Italy

    Hi,Many thanks for the very useful tips. It sounds as if there is a lot of hard work ahead. You are right Claire, my Italian daughter-in-law to be speaks excellent English - no accent and...
    Hi,Many thanks for the very useful tips. It sounds as if there is a lot of hard work ahead. You are right Claire, my Italian daughter-in-law to be speaks excellent English - no accent and perfect grammar.
    Hi,Many thanks for the very useful tips. It sounds as if there is a lot of hard work ahead. You are right Claire, my Italian daughter-in-law to be speaks excellent English - no accent and perfect grammar.
    Hi,Many thanks for the very useful tips. It sounds as if there is a lot of hard work ahead. You are right Claire, my Italian daughter-in-law to be speaks excellent English - no accent and...
  2. Labrador

    Tigridia Pavonia

    Managed to sneak home early and catch a Tigridia out in flower, as they only open about 5 or 6 hours.
    Managed to sneak home early and catch a Tigridia out in flower, as they only open about 5 or 6 hours.
    Managed to sneak home early and catch a Tigridia out in flower, as they only open about 5 or 6 hours.
    Managed to sneak home early and catch a Tigridia out in flower, as they only open about 5 or 6 hours.
  3. Rosie99

    Passion Flower

    I like the sound of those chicken pellets. Do you think they'd give clematis a boost too?
    I like the sound of those chicken pellets. Do you think they'd give clematis a boost too?
    I like the sound of those chicken pellets. Do you think they'd give clematis a boost too?
    I like the sound of those chicken pellets. Do you think they'd give clematis a boost too?
  4. Stingo

    Pansy seeds help please?

    Stingo, I was about to say no thank you as I really have just too much of everything at the moment, but then I thought 'thats not what the pioneers would have said'. So yes please I would love...
    Stingo, I was about to say no thank you as I really have just too much of everything at the moment, but then I thought 'thats not what the pioneers would have said'. So yes please I would love some. I will send you an e-mail with my address.I don't have any seeds of either of the Salvias at...
    Stingo, I was about to say no thank you as I really have just too much of everything at the moment, but then I thought 'thats not what the pioneers would have said'. So yes please I would love some. I will send you an e-mail with my address.I...
    Stingo, I was about to say no thank you as I really have just too much of everything at the moment, but then I thought 'thats not what the pioneers would have said'. So yes please I would love...
  5. toomuchrain

    No Grapes this year.

    Hello again,Thanks for all the comments, they all seem to make sense, but still no Grapes LOLThanks Stoney as I understand it the correct spring/summer pruning is to cut back to 2 sets of...
    Hello again,Thanks for all the comments, they all seem to make sense, but still no Grapes LOLThanks Stoney as I understand it the correct spring/summer pruning is to cut back to 2 sets of leaves on fruiting spurs (after the fruit) and 3 on all others, but that's difficult with no fruit...
    Hello again,Thanks for all the comments, they all seem to make sense, but still no Grapes LOLThanks Stoney as I understand it the correct spring/summer pruning is to cut back to 2 sets of leaves on fruiting spurs (after the fruit) and 3...
    Hello again,Thanks for all the comments, they all seem to make sense, but still no Grapes LOLThanks Stoney as I understand it the correct spring/summer pruning is to cut back to 2 sets of...
  6. Lyn

    Help with filter sponges

    An update. These new filter sponges are fantastic. The pond as never been so crystal clear. I can't believe the rubbish they are getting out. :thumb:
    An update. These new filter sponges are fantastic. The pond as never been so crystal clear. I can't believe the rubbish they are getting out. :thumb:
    An update. These new filter sponges are fantastic. The pond as never been so crystal clear. I can't believe the rubbish they are getting out. :thumb:
    An update. These new filter sponges are fantastic. The pond as never been so crystal clear. I can't believe the rubbish they are getting out. :thumb:
  7. lindyco

    How do I divide a Yucca?

    I transplanted a Y.filamentosa a few years ago I now get a constant crop of young Yuccas off the bits of root that were left in this particular type is no problem to divide in fact it's difficult...
    I transplanted a Y.filamentosa a few years ago I now get a constant crop of young Yuccas off the bits of root that were left in this particular type is no problem to divide in fact it's difficult to get rid of.
    I transplanted a Y.filamentosa a few years ago I now get a constant crop of young Yuccas off the bits of root that were left in this particular type is no problem to divide in fact it's difficult to get rid of.
    I transplanted a Y.filamentosa a few years ago I now get a constant crop of young Yuccas off the bits of root that were left in this particular type is no problem to divide in fact it's difficult...
  8. Ivory


    I put my heated propagator inside my light box. The combination works a treat. My propagator looks like it is the same size as yours Ivory - its a decent size, with good headroom.
    I put my heated propagator inside my light box. The combination works a treat. My propagator looks like it is the same size as yours Ivory - its a decent size, with good headroom.
    I put my heated propagator inside my light box. The combination works a treat. My propagator looks like it is the same size as yours Ivory - its a decent size, with good headroom.
    I put my heated propagator inside my light box. The combination works a treat. My propagator looks like it is the same size as yours Ivory - its a decent size, with good headroom.
  9. Johnny

    RHS Horticulture qualification

    Yes were waiting for our oldest to start pre school in September. She's just turned 3 the end of last month and is still going through potty training that was instantly accomplished with the new...
    Yes were waiting for our oldest to start pre school in September. She's just turned 3 the end of last month and is still going through potty training that was instantly accomplished with the new arrival but she's starting to regress now as she wants to act like her baby sister!!!! I can't even...
    Yes were waiting for our oldest to start pre school in September. She's just turned 3 the end of last month and is still going through potty training that was instantly accomplished with the new arrival but she's starting to regress now as she...
    Yes were waiting for our oldest to start pre school in September. She's just turned 3 the end of last month and is still going through potty training that was instantly accomplished with the new...
  10. Adam Moran

    New patch

    :thumb:Well done Adam!Looks kike you definitely have green fingers (and a strong back). All the folk at our gardens are praising these black bags in which to grow spuds.Saves loads on space, no...
    :thumb:Well done Adam!Looks kike you definitely have green fingers (and a strong back). All the folk at our gardens are praising these black bags in which to grow spuds.Saves loads on space, no digging-you just empty the bag at around 12 weeks and you have about a dozen spuds!I havn`t tried...
    :thumb:Well done Adam!Looks kike you definitely have green fingers (and a strong back). All the folk at our gardens are praising these black bags in which to grow spuds.Saves loads on space, no digging-you just empty the bag at around 12 weeks...
    :thumb:Well done Adam!Looks kike you definitely have green fingers (and a strong back). All the folk at our gardens are praising these black bags in which to grow spuds.Saves loads on space, no...
  11. Adam Moran

    Best price sheds??

    I got mine earlier this year from here - Just make sure you get the preservative to paint on and its worth while (at least for the one I got) doubling up on the floor joists
    I got mine earlier this year from here - Just make sure you get the preservative to paint on and its worth while (at least for the one I got) doubling up on the floor joists
    I got mine earlier this year from here - Just make sure you get the preservative to paint on and its worth while (at least for the one I got) doubling up on the floor joists
    I got mine earlier this year from here - Just make sure you get the preservative to paint on and its worth while (at least for the one I got) doubling up on the floor joists
  12. Little Miss Road Rage

    Just had a delivery

    Being nosey: are you going to plant the potatoes for Xmas?What about the seeds - are you going to sow them all? I think there is still time for carrot, radish & lettuce seed, but I'm not sure...
    Being nosey: are you going to plant the potatoes for Xmas?What about the seeds - are you going to sow them all? I think there is still time for carrot, radish & lettuce seed, but I'm not sure about the rest.
    Being nosey: are you going to plant the potatoes for Xmas?What about the seeds - are you going to sow them all? I think there is still time for carrot, radish & lettuce seed, but I'm not sure about the rest.
    Being nosey: are you going to plant the potatoes for Xmas?What about the seeds - are you going to sow them all? I think there is still time for carrot, radish & lettuce seed, but I'm not sure...
  13. lindyco

    What Is This Perennial?

    Poppy power! :D
    Poppy power! :D
    Poppy power! :D
    Poppy power! :D
  14. ming


    Plenty of good advice here. The only thing to add is that if you try and take a short cut by putting unrotted material into the ground, it might make matters worse. The process of decomposition...
    Plenty of good advice here. The only thing to add is that if you try and take a short cut by putting unrotted material into the ground, it might make matters worse. The process of decomposition is likely to take what little nitrogen you have out of the soil.
    Plenty of good advice here. The only thing to add is that if you try and take a short cut by putting unrotted material into the ground, it might make matters worse. The process of decomposition is likely to take what little nitrogen you have...
    Plenty of good advice here. The only thing to add is that if you try and take a short cut by putting unrotted material into the ground, it might make matters worse. The process of decomposition...
  15. aldhouse

    What's this blue flowered crop, please?

    That's a beautiful sight.
    That's a beautiful sight.
    That's a beautiful sight.
    That's a beautiful sight.
  16. cr1tical

    Agapanthus - feeding?

    My Agapanthus are just going over - should they be fed now and if so with what? I am a fan of liquid seeweed!
    My Agapanthus are just going over - should they be fed now and if so with what? I am a fan of liquid seeweed!
    My Agapanthus are just going over - should they be fed now and if so with what? I am a fan of liquid seeweed!
    My Agapanthus are just going over - should they be fed now and if so with what? I am a fan of liquid seeweed!
  17. nickp


    We have one of those, which never flowered. Last September I pruned it fairly hard, it flowered in April and I have just noticed it is about to flower again.
    We have one of those, which never flowered. Last September I pruned it fairly hard, it flowered in April and I have just noticed it is about to flower again.
    We have one of those, which never flowered. Last September I pruned it fairly hard, it flowered in April and I have just noticed it is about to flower again.
    We have one of those, which never flowered. Last September I pruned it fairly hard, it flowered in April and I have just noticed it is about to flower again.
  18. Marley Farley

    Jesus-era seed is the oldest to germinate...!!!!

    In David Attenborough's "The private life of plants" series he mentions something similar about a few magnolia seeds found in the bottom of an ancient rice pit in japan which scientists got to...
    In David Attenborough's "The private life of plants" series he mentions something similar about a few magnolia seeds found in the bottom of an ancient rice pit in japan which scientists got to germinate and it turned out to be a similar form of magnolia to the more modern plant growing in the...
    In David Attenborough's "The private life of plants" series he mentions something similar about a few magnolia seeds found in the bottom of an ancient rice pit in japan which scientists got to germinate and it turned out to be a similar form of ...
    In David Attenborough's "The private life of plants" series he mentions something similar about a few magnolia seeds found in the bottom of an ancient rice pit in japan which scientists got to...
  19. pip

    New plant

    Dipladenia sanderi, me thinks.
    Dipladenia sanderi, me thinks.
    Dipladenia sanderi, me thinks.
    Dipladenia sanderi, me thinks.
  20. She_Is_Me

    Did I Do The Right Thing - Please reply

    Thank You :)
    Thank You :)
    Thank You :)
    Thank You :)

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