General Gardening Discussion

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  1. men8ifr

    How well does bamboo spread out?

    Thanx for that Bluedun I must admit I haven't had the heart to dig up the old bamboo fingers crossed I'll get lucky just like you
    Thanx for that Bluedun I must admit I haven't had the heart to dig up the old bamboo fingers crossed I'll get lucky just like you
    Thanx for that Bluedun I must admit I haven't had the heart to dig up the old bamboo fingers crossed I'll get lucky just like you
    Thanx for that Bluedun I must admit I haven't had the heart to dig up the old bamboo fingers crossed I'll get lucky just like you
  2. Tim D

    Bamboo query

    :thumb: Hi Bluedun, yes I chop mine with a spade with no problem, but as I have done this since the 2nd year I planted the clump.. and now I do it monthly I don't have a problem....:thumb:
    :thumb: Hi Bluedun, yes I chop mine with a spade with no problem, but as I have done this since the 2nd year I planted the clump.. and now I do it monthly I don't have a problem....:thumb:
    :thumb: Hi Bluedun, yes I chop mine with a spade with no problem, but as I have done this since the 2nd year I planted the clump.. and now I do it monthly I don't have a problem....:thumb:
    :thumb: Hi Bluedun, yes I chop mine with a spade with no problem, but as I have done this since the 2nd year I planted the clump.. and now I do it monthly I don't have a problem....:thumb:
  3. The Lost Antheus


    some good advice there which I will be putting into practice
    some good advice there which I will be putting into practice
    some good advice there which I will be putting into practice
    some good advice there which I will be putting into practice
  4. The Lost Antheus

    The good, the bad and the indifferent

    The good: campanulas (just stunning), aquilegias (gorgeous), New Dawn roses, Salvias, hollyhocks The bad: cosmos (tiny compared to last year), zantadeschia (disappointing), malva (too...
    The good: campanulas (just stunning), aquilegias (gorgeous), New Dawn roses, Salvias, hollyhocks The bad: cosmos (tiny compared to last year), zantadeschia (disappointing), malva (too thuggy) The indifferent: penstemons and dahlias (not as good as usual) I don't know why!!!
    The good: campanulas (just stunning), aquilegias (gorgeous), New Dawn roses, Salvias, hollyhocks The bad: cosmos (tiny compared to last year), zantadeschia (disappointing), malva (too thuggy) The indifferent: penstemons and dahlias (not as...
    The good: campanulas (just stunning), aquilegias (gorgeous), New Dawn roses, Salvias, hollyhocks The bad: cosmos (tiny compared to last year), zantadeschia (disappointing), malva (too...
  5. spudbristol

    My shame .........

    tut tut! you need to pay a profeshional lol!!!!!!Actualy i know what its like trying to find the time.
    tut tut! you need to pay a profeshional lol!!!!!!Actualy i know what its like trying to find the time.
    tut tut! you need to pay a profeshional lol!!!!!!Actualy i know what its like trying to find the time.
    tut tut! you need to pay a profeshional lol!!!!!!Actualy i know what its like trying to find the time.
  6. She_Is_Me

    Ideas Of What To Grow August/September

    You could sow some stump rooted carrots and Early Onward peas. You would normally plant potatoes from the end of February ( weather permitting ) through March/April time. However, you could try...
    You could sow some stump rooted carrots and Early Onward peas. You would normally plant potatoes from the end of February ( weather permitting ) through March/April time. However, you could try growing them in pots now, for harvesting around October time.
    You could sow some stump rooted carrots and Early Onward peas. You would normally plant potatoes from the end of February ( weather permitting ) through March/April time. However, you could try growing them in pots now, for harvesting around...
    You could sow some stump rooted carrots and Early Onward peas. You would normally plant potatoes from the end of February ( weather permitting ) through March/April time. However, you could try...
  7. daisybelle

    Training ceanothus against a wall?

    Daisybelle, Ceanothus are what`s known as wall shrubs. This means they are quite happy growing against walls,using them as supports. I wouldn`t worry about tying in every branch. For pruning, just...
    Daisybelle, Ceanothus are what`s known as wall shrubs. This means they are quite happy growing against walls,using them as supports. I wouldn`t worry about tying in every branch. For pruning, just keep the shrub tidy but basically let it do it`s own thing. As for the flowers falling off when you...
    Daisybelle, Ceanothus are what`s known as wall shrubs. This means they are quite happy growing against walls,using them as supports. I wouldn`t worry about tying in every branch. For pruning, just keep the shrub tidy but basically let it do it`s...
    Daisybelle, Ceanothus are what`s known as wall shrubs. This means they are quite happy growing against walls,using them as supports. I wouldn`t worry about tying in every branch. For pruning, just...
  8. Kedi-Gato

    Elephant Ear

    Yes, Dee. It was a great bulb, about the size of a saucer. I bought it on holiday in Florida and since it had a few shoots on it, I carefully wrapped it up and put it in my handluggage. Guess...
    Yes, Dee. It was a great bulb, about the size of a saucer. I bought it on holiday in Florida and since it had a few shoots on it, I carefully wrapped it up and put it in my handluggage. Guess what? when my things were scanned at the airport, they thought it might be a bomb and I had to unpack...
    Yes, Dee. It was a great bulb, about the size of a saucer. I bought it on holiday in Florida and since it had a few shoots on it, I carefully wrapped it up and put it in my handluggage. Guess what? when my things were scanned at the airport,...
    Yes, Dee. It was a great bulb, about the size of a saucer. I bought it on holiday in Florida and since it had a few shoots on it, I carefully wrapped it up and put it in my handluggage. Guess...
  9. mjfanatic

    Help please with citrus plants

    HiI was wondering if anyone knows much about citrus plants.I just bought one and its growing fast but im not sure if i should cut the leaves that are at the bottom and it seems to be...
    HiI was wondering if anyone knows much about citrus plants.I just bought one and its growing fast but im not sure if i should cut the leaves that are at the bottom and it seems to be getting tall and leggy should i cut it right down?
    HiI was wondering if anyone knows much about citrus plants.I just bought one and its growing fast but im not sure if i should cut the leaves that are at the bottom and it seems to be getting tall and leggy should i cut it right down?
    HiI was wondering if anyone knows much about citrus plants.I just bought one and its growing fast but im not sure if i should cut the leaves that are at the bottom and it seems to be...
  10. Little Miss Road Rage

    My Ladybird house

    It didn't cost me anything. The wood box is old pallets we had lying around and the bamboo and the wood was all given to me or came with plants I've bought. There's often old pallets on freecycle...
    It didn't cost me anything. The wood box is old pallets we had lying around and the bamboo and the wood was all given to me or came with plants I've bought. There's often old pallets on freecycle and the bamboo canes.Thanks everyone. I hope I get lots of garden friendly bugs move in...
    It didn't cost me anything. The wood box is old pallets we had lying around and the bamboo and the wood was all given to me or came with plants I've bought. There's often old pallets on freecycle and the bamboo canes.Thanks everyone. I hope I...
    It didn't cost me anything. The wood box is old pallets we had lying around and the bamboo and the wood was all given to me or came with plants I've bought. There's often old pallets on freecycle...
  11. louis

    Privet Propagation Puzzle?

    That's an excellent tutorial on taking semi-ripe cuttings Sid well found.:thumb:
    That's an excellent tutorial on taking semi-ripe cuttings Sid well found.:thumb:
    That's an excellent tutorial on taking semi-ripe cuttings Sid well found.:thumb:
    That's an excellent tutorial on taking semi-ripe cuttings Sid well found.:thumb:
  12. Slinky

    Sweet Pea Pods

    How do I save the seeds and do they come after the flowers ? never grown them before . TY ! EDITED --sorry I just found page 1 !! :)
    How do I save the seeds and do they come after the flowers ? never grown them before . TY ! EDITED --sorry I just found page 1 !! :)
    How do I save the seeds and do they come after the flowers ? never grown them before . TY ! EDITED --sorry I just found page 1 !! :)
    How do I save the seeds and do they come after the flowers ? never grown them before . TY ! EDITED --sorry I just found page 1 !! :)
  13. She_Is_Me

    Collecting seeds

    hi laura try "" they tell you all about seeds,when to harvest ,sow,and care .
    hi laura try "" they tell you all about seeds,when to harvest ,sow,and care .
    hi laura try "" they tell you all about seeds,when to harvest ,sow,and care .
    hi laura try "" they tell you all about seeds,when to harvest ,sow,and care .
  14. Rosiemongrel

    Hardy Geranium recommendation?

    I grow g canariensis which has proved to be hardy for me, its probably a more borderline species than the ones above but is easy from seed and rather nice.
    I grow g canariensis which has proved to be hardy for me, its probably a more borderline species than the ones above but is easy from seed and rather nice.
    I grow g canariensis which has proved to be hardy for me, its probably a more borderline species than the ones above but is easy from seed and rather nice.
    I grow g canariensis which has proved to be hardy for me, its probably a more borderline species than the ones above but is easy from seed and rather nice.
  15. hmallettuk

    Garden like a building site

    Just to bring back this thread from 5 months ago... All the comments above were about the back garden, which still is quite poor, but at least has less weeds in now. I referred in the first post...
    Just to bring back this thread from 5 months ago... All the comments above were about the back garden, which still is quite poor, but at least has less weeds in now. I referred in the first post to a large stone I removed from the back lawn. After I'd removed it, I filled in the hole with...
    Just to bring back this thread from 5 months ago... All the comments above were about the back garden, which still is quite poor, but at least has less weeds in now. I referred in the first post to a large stone I removed from the back lawn....
    Just to bring back this thread from 5 months ago... All the comments above were about the back garden, which still is quite poor, but at least has less weeds in now. I referred in the first post...
  16. hmallett

    How long for Verdone to do its stuff?

    As a follow-up, I mowed the lawn today, and my side of the lawn still looks thin and pale, but only about 3 dandelions were starting to come through, so I weeded them out. My neighbours side has...
    As a follow-up, I mowed the lawn today, and my side of the lawn still looks thin and pale, but only about 3 dandelions were starting to come through, so I weeded them out. My neighbours side has grass that looks a nice deep green... but it only covers about 50% of his lawn! It looks more like a...
    As a follow-up, I mowed the lawn today, and my side of the lawn still looks thin and pale, but only about 3 dandelions were starting to come through, so I weeded them out. My neighbours side has grass that looks a nice deep green... but it only...
    As a follow-up, I mowed the lawn today, and my side of the lawn still looks thin and pale, but only about 3 dandelions were starting to come through, so I weeded them out. My neighbours side has...
  17. lindyco

    Not A Happy Camp(sis)er!

    Hi, guys! The label says Campsis radicans - "Flava" - and the saga goes on! We have had rain off & on for the last few days, so the (well-drained)container hasn't had a chance to dry out but the...
    Hi, guys! The label says Campsis radicans - "Flava" - and the saga goes on! We have had rain off & on for the last few days, so the (well-drained)container hasn't had a chance to dry out but the flower buds too have now begun to shrivel. The few remaining leaves have blackened and curled in on...
    Hi, guys! The label says Campsis radicans - "Flava" - and the saga goes on! We have had rain off & on for the last few days, so the (well-drained)container hasn't had a chance to dry out but the flower buds too have now begun to shrivel. The few...
    Hi, guys! The label says Campsis radicans - "Flava" - and the saga goes on! We have had rain off & on for the last few days, so the (well-drained)container hasn't had a chance to dry out but the...
  18. Kedi-Gato

    Passion Flowers

    Beautiful pic Sis ... mine is still driving me mad and is now taking over the pergola and I'm uprooting a dozen a day strays in the cracks of the paving and in the border nearby ..... :eek:On...
    Beautiful pic Sis ... mine is still driving me mad and is now taking over the pergola and I'm uprooting a dozen a day strays in the cracks of the paving and in the border nearby ..... :eek:On the possible positive side, my namesake has somehow shot two new shoots up out of the concrete pot all...
    Beautiful pic Sis ... mine is still driving me mad and is now taking over the pergola and I'm uprooting a dozen a day strays in the cracks of the paving and in the border nearby ..... :eek:On the possible positive side, my namesake has somehow...
    Beautiful pic Sis ... mine is still driving me mad and is now taking over the pergola and I'm uprooting a dozen a day strays in the cracks of the paving and in the border nearby ..... :eek:On...
  19. Whiley

    A yummy selection of annoying questions - like the left over nutty Roses

    Hi Whiley Just couldn't resist editing your 'numero uno' pic - honeysuckle :D
    Hi Whiley Just couldn't resist editing your 'numero uno' pic - honeysuckle :D
    Hi Whiley Just couldn't resist editing your 'numero uno' pic - honeysuckle :D
    Hi Whiley Just couldn't resist editing your 'numero uno' pic - honeysuckle :D
  20. gsmilingfish

    Clematis discoloured leaves?

    That's great. Will leave it alone then. thanks David.
    That's great. Will leave it alone then. thanks David.
    That's great. Will leave it alone then. thanks David.
    That's great. Will leave it alone then. thanks David.

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