General Gardening Discussion

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  1. gardenlearner

    some questions on bulbs

    Hi, If you take a look at Parkers bulbs` website -there is a store in Flixton-you should find hundreds of options there. And the planting depends on which look you are going for-I like a...
    Hi, If you take a look at Parkers bulbs` website -there is a store in Flixton-you should find hundreds of options there. And the planting depends on which look you are going for-I like a natural and almost tumbly look to gardens and to help acheive this I plant in clumps and drifts, so I put...
    Hi, If you take a look at Parkers bulbs` website -there is a store in Flixton-you should find hundreds of options there. And the planting depends on which look you are going for-I like a natural and almost tumbly look to gardens and to help...
    Hi, If you take a look at Parkers bulbs` website -there is a store in Flixton-you should find hundreds of options there. And the planting depends on which look you are going for-I like a...
  2. australis

    Hoya Help!!

    I agree, Hoyas like it dry. they may look like trailing ivy, but they are succulent plants.
    I agree, Hoyas like it dry. they may look like trailing ivy, but they are succulent plants.
    I agree, Hoyas like it dry. they may look like trailing ivy, but they are succulent plants.
    I agree, Hoyas like it dry. they may look like trailing ivy, but they are succulent plants.
  3. Sticky Beak

    Oriental Poppy allegro advice please

    Keep it around in some shady corner when the pot will never go totally dry, and next string you will know.
    Keep it around in some shady corner when the pot will never go totally dry, and next string you will know.
    Keep it around in some shady corner when the pot will never go totally dry, and next string you will know.
    Keep it around in some shady corner when the pot will never go totally dry, and next string you will know.
  4. just_another_manic_newbie

    Indoor gardening!?

    A friend of mine is growing a living canopy over her bed
    A friend of mine is growing a living canopy over her bed
    A friend of mine is growing a living canopy over her bed
    A friend of mine is growing a living canopy over her bed
  5. anakat

    Smoke bush how to prune

    :) Thank you
    :) Thank you
    :) Thank you
    :) Thank you
  6. Pro Gard

    Any contractors going to Saltex?

    As above, if anyones going pm me nearer the time and we can meet for a pint. Im thinking of heading up on the wensday.
    As above, if anyones going pm me nearer the time and we can meet for a pint. Im thinking of heading up on the wensday.
    As above, if anyones going pm me nearer the time and we can meet for a pint. Im thinking of heading up on the wensday.
    As above, if anyones going pm me nearer the time and we can meet for a pint. Im thinking of heading up on the wensday.
  7. capney

    Hydrangea hang up

    I prefer to do renovation pruning in the spring, I find i get farr better results even when taking a risk and removing a substantial portion of old wood eg 2/3rds.
    I prefer to do renovation pruning in the spring, I find i get farr better results even when taking a risk and removing a substantial portion of old wood eg 2/3rds.
    I prefer to do renovation pruning in the spring, I find i get farr better results even when taking a risk and removing a substantial portion of old wood eg 2/3rds.
    I prefer to do renovation pruning in the spring, I find i get farr better results even when taking a risk and removing a substantial portion of old wood eg 2/3rds.
  8. Clematis

    Help Please!

    :thumb: I think roses are such beautiful flowers, yet so hard to produce that perfect bloom.... Seems we all struggle in one way or another..! :) I know roses were introduced into Europe in the...
    :thumb: I think roses are such beautiful flowers, yet so hard to produce that perfect bloom.... Seems we all struggle in one way or another..! :) I know roses were introduced into Europe in the 17th century from China where they had been growing them for nearly 5000 years..! So, however did they...
    :thumb: I think roses are such beautiful flowers, yet so hard to produce that perfect bloom.... Seems we all struggle in one way or another..! :) I know roses were introduced into Europe in the 17th century from China where they had been growing...
    :thumb: I think roses are such beautiful flowers, yet so hard to produce that perfect bloom.... Seems we all struggle in one way or another..! :) I know roses were introduced into Europe in the...
  9. She_Is_Me

    so Far, So Good

    Laura looking really good girl I always think it's a brilliant idea to have touchy feely plants close at hand more so if young children visit or live with you as they really do love picking and...
    Laura looking really good girl I always think it's a brilliant idea to have touchy feely plants close at hand more so if young children visit or live with you as they really do love picking and smelling both flowers and leaves. Most of my herbs are along our front path so you brush against...
    Laura looking really good girl I always think it's a brilliant idea to have touchy feely plants close at hand more so if young children visit or live with you as they really do love picking and smelling both flowers and leaves. Most of my...
    Laura looking really good girl I always think it's a brilliant idea to have touchy feely plants close at hand more so if young children visit or live with you as they really do love picking and...
  10. nobby


    I can only tell you how I got on a few years back. I bought a flowering plant and thinking that I'd had sucsess with gingers this would be the same. I dont think it is, I think it needs more heat,...
    I can only tell you how I got on a few years back. I bought a flowering plant and thinking that I'd had sucsess with gingers this would be the same. I dont think it is, I think it needs more heat, and for longer, in order to flower. All I could manage the following year was a mass of...
    I can only tell you how I got on a few years back. I bought a flowering plant and thinking that I'd had sucsess with gingers this would be the same. I dont think it is, I think it needs more heat, and for longer, in order to flower. All I could...
    I can only tell you how I got on a few years back. I bought a flowering plant and thinking that I'd had sucsess with gingers this would be the same. I dont think it is, I think it needs more heat,...
  11. Laurie

    Ideas, please?

    That's it, LOL - spot on! Many thanks. Laurie.
    That's it, LOL - spot on! Many thanks. Laurie.
    That's it, LOL - spot on! Many thanks. Laurie.
    That's it, LOL - spot on! Many thanks. Laurie.
  12. Man Of Leisure MOL

    Amazing Lavatera

    I grew a few trays of Lavatera from shop bought seed. I potted on then we planted out into the beds. How then is every one of the 4 blocks of 5 individual plants the same colour within the...
    I grew a few trays of Lavatera from shop bought seed. I potted on then we planted out into the beds. How then is every one of the 4 blocks of 5 individual plants the same colour within the block(ie red, white or pink) ? Luck ?
    I grew a few trays of Lavatera from shop bought seed. I potted on then we planted out into the beds. How then is every one of the 4 blocks of 5 individual plants the same colour within the block(ie red, white or pink) ? Luck ?
    I grew a few trays of Lavatera from shop bought seed. I potted on then we planted out into the beds. How then is every one of the 4 blocks of 5 individual plants the same colour within the...
  13. Whiley

    Whiley finally has a garden in the making!

    Eee thank you lovely Hel!Yeah we're hoping to get some nice reclining garden chairs to keep inside and take out [so i dont panic about spiders] so i can relax out there, really have my heart...
    Eee thank you lovely Hel!Yeah we're hoping to get some nice reclining garden chairs to keep inside and take out [so i dont panic about spiders] so i can relax out there, really have my heart set on having a colourful sea of pots by next year, though i'm really worried about looking after...
    Eee thank you lovely Hel!Yeah we're hoping to get some nice reclining garden chairs to keep inside and take out [so i dont panic about spiders] so i can relax out there, really have my heart set on having a colourful sea of pots by next...
    Eee thank you lovely Hel!Yeah we're hoping to get some nice reclining garden chairs to keep inside and take out [so i dont panic about spiders] so i can relax out there, really have my heart...
  14. Slinky

    Fat Stains

    Thats strange, I associate coke with getting fat not removing it! ;)
    Thats strange, I associate coke with getting fat not removing it! ;)
    Thats strange, I associate coke with getting fat not removing it! ;)
    Thats strange, I associate coke with getting fat not removing it! ;)
  15. sianb

    Help! what now?

    Hi Sian if the area is quite shady do you think you could use it to maybe build a shed or have it as a storage area? We have a row of trees that divide our plots down the middle but we intend to...
    Hi Sian if the area is quite shady do you think you could use it to maybe build a shed or have it as a storage area? We have a row of trees that divide our plots down the middle but we intend to build storage crates for cabbage collars, wire, membrane etc. to be stored in when not is use so...
    Hi Sian if the area is quite shady do you think you could use it to maybe build a shed or have it as a storage area? We have a row of trees that divide our plots down the middle but we intend to build storage crates for cabbage collars, wire,...
    Hi Sian if the area is quite shady do you think you could use it to maybe build a shed or have it as a storage area? We have a row of trees that divide our plots down the middle but we intend to...
  16. DaveP

    'Lady of the Night'

    Hi Dave. Yeah, I agree. I don't usually bother with the latin names but it sure is useful when plants have the same "nickname":)
    Hi Dave. Yeah, I agree. I don't usually bother with the latin names but it sure is useful when plants have the same "nickname":)
    Hi Dave. Yeah, I agree. I don't usually bother with the latin names but it sure is useful when plants have the same "nickname":)
    Hi Dave. Yeah, I agree. I don't usually bother with the latin names but it sure is useful when plants have the same "nickname":)
  17. elliegreenwellie

    Lifting, diving and moving plants

    Hi Rose, these are the hardy perennial geraniums you have in borders as opposed to the bedding plants - I am pretty sure you can divide them but may be wrong?
    Hi Rose, these are the hardy perennial geraniums you have in borders as opposed to the bedding plants - I am pretty sure you can divide them but may be wrong?
    Hi Rose, these are the hardy perennial geraniums you have in borders as opposed to the bedding plants - I am pretty sure you can divide them but may be wrong?
    Hi Rose, these are the hardy perennial geraniums you have in borders as opposed to the bedding plants - I am pretty sure you can divide them but may be wrong?
  18. Shobhna

    Murraya koenigii

    Thank you.... I found the link for Poyntzfield Nursery last week and have sent an e-mail to them, waiting for a reply though. and have just sent an e-mail to Old Hall Plants.
    Thank you.... I found the link for Poyntzfield Nursery last week and have sent an e-mail to them, waiting for a reply though. and have just sent an e-mail to Old Hall Plants.
    Thank you.... I found the link for Poyntzfield Nursery last week and have sent an e-mail to them, waiting for a reply though. and have just sent an e-mail to Old Hall Plants.
    Thank you.... I found the link for Poyntzfield Nursery last week and have sent an e-mail to them, waiting for a reply though. and have just sent an e-mail to Old Hall Plants.
  19. Labrador

    Echium Pininana - what chance?

    Well I won't get more than five now, got home yesterday and found one al shrivelled. Must have been pulled up by a bird, I had put them outside as the heat in the greenhouse was drying out the...
    Well I won't get more than five now, got home yesterday and found one al shrivelled. Must have been pulled up by a bird, I had put them outside as the heat in the greenhouse was drying out the pots too quickly.
    Well I won't get more than five now, got home yesterday and found one al shrivelled. Must have been pulled up by a bird, I had put them outside as the heat in the greenhouse was drying out the pots too quickly.
    Well I won't get more than five now, got home yesterday and found one al shrivelled. Must have been pulled up by a bird, I had put them outside as the heat in the greenhouse was drying out the...
  20. whis4ey

    Asahi zuru

    Thank you Sam hope it is that one yours is lovely, I'm going to have to learn to put photos on here again, then obviously I can show you a picture.
    Thank you Sam hope it is that one yours is lovely, I'm going to have to learn to put photos on here again, then obviously I can show you a picture.
    Thank you Sam hope it is that one yours is lovely, I'm going to have to learn to put photos on here again, then obviously I can show you a picture.
    Thank you Sam hope it is that one yours is lovely, I'm going to have to learn to put photos on here again, then obviously I can show you a picture.

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