General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Dave W

    What's eating my sunflower stems?

    CutwormCutworms are the caterpillars of various noctuid moths. They feed at night on the stems of young plants at ground level. Lettuce and brassica plants are particularly susceptible, along...
    CutwormCutworms are the caterpillars of various noctuid moths. They feed at night on the stems of young plants at ground level. Lettuce and brassica plants are particularly susceptible, along with carrots, celery, beetroot, strawberries and potatoes. Many ornamental plants suffer too, and...
    CutwormCutworms are the caterpillars of various noctuid moths. They feed at night on the stems of young plants at ground level. Lettuce and brassica plants are particularly susceptible, along with carrots, celery, beetroot, strawberries and...
    CutwormCutworms are the caterpillars of various noctuid moths. They feed at night on the stems of young plants at ground level. Lettuce and brassica plants are particularly susceptible, along...
  2. Alasdair

    Raised Beds

    Hey Alasdair dont knock 'em, they're great. If they grow you lovely veggies, what more could you want.:thumb: 02
    Hey Alasdair dont knock 'em, they're great. If they grow you lovely veggies, what more could you want.:thumb: 02
    Hey Alasdair dont knock 'em, they're great. If they grow you lovely veggies, what more could you want.:thumb: 02
    Hey Alasdair dont knock 'em, they're great. If they grow you lovely veggies, what more could you want.:thumb: 02
  3. ~Jen~

    purple-flowered plant

    Not sure it will like being outside as it is classed as a cool conservatory/houseplant, might still be too warm, it's worth a try though.
    Not sure it will like being outside as it is classed as a cool conservatory/houseplant, might still be too warm, it's worth a try though.
    Not sure it will like being outside as it is classed as a cool conservatory/houseplant, might still be too warm, it's worth a try though.
    Not sure it will like being outside as it is classed as a cool conservatory/houseplant, might still be too warm, it's worth a try though.
  4. strongylodon


    I have a small Catopsis just come into flower, greeny yellow, nothing special so I am not sure whether to try it outside, I haven't had one before. I might be tempted with Usneoides, it might look...
    I have a small Catopsis just come into flower, greeny yellow, nothing special so I am not sure whether to try it outside, I haven't had one before. I might be tempted with Usneoides, it might look good on my Callistemon Viminalis which is a 8/9 ft tree.
    I have a small Catopsis just come into flower, greeny yellow, nothing special so I am not sure whether to try it outside, I haven't had one before. I might be tempted with Usneoides, it might look good on my Callistemon Viminalis which is a 8/9...
    I have a small Catopsis just come into flower, greeny yellow, nothing special so I am not sure whether to try it outside, I haven't had one before. I might be tempted with Usneoides, it might look...
  5. bizzybee22

    Box Hedging

    I would go for a higher nitrogen number as they are greens, although you can't go far wrong with growmore.....could try a foliar feed for a few weeks, see if they pick up on that:thumb:Regarding...
    I would go for a higher nitrogen number as they are greens, although you can't go far wrong with growmore.....could try a foliar feed for a few weeks, see if they pick up on that:thumb:Regarding John Innes I would agree with that completely.
    I would go for a higher nitrogen number as they are greens, although you can't go far wrong with growmore.....could try a foliar feed for a few weeks, see if they pick up on that:thumb:Regarding John Innes I would agree with that completely.
    I would go for a higher nitrogen number as they are greens, although you can't go far wrong with growmore.....could try a foliar feed for a few weeks, see if they pick up on that:thumb:Regarding...
  6. Shazzyfromozzy

    Question about fuchsias

    shazzy, i have some fuchsia i want to over winter and im not sure how hardy they are. i am going away for 3 months dec - march, so i will plant them in a frost free part of the garden,and cover...
    shazzy, i have some fuchsia i want to over winter and im not sure how hardy they are. i am going away for 3 months dec - march, so i will plant them in a frost free part of the garden,and cover them with a cut off clear plastic bottle pushed into the soil,so they will get moisture and hopefully...
    shazzy, i have some fuchsia i want to over winter and im not sure how hardy they are. i am going away for 3 months dec - march, so i will plant them in a frost free part of the garden,and cover them with a cut off clear plastic bottle pushed...
    shazzy, i have some fuchsia i want to over winter and im not sure how hardy they are. i am going away for 3 months dec - march, so i will plant them in a frost free part of the garden,and cover...
  7. men8ifr

    Sow Direct seeds Vs Potting and potting on

    You would need to look it up my friend, it was a few years ago. As regards seed mixes, I know you can purchase wild flower mixes, but I haven't looked for any others to be honest.:thumb:Here are...
    You would need to look it up my friend, it was a few years ago. As regards seed mixes, I know you can purchase wild flower mixes, but I haven't looked for any others to be honest.:thumb:Here are two examples though
    You would need to look it up my friend, it was a few years ago. As regards seed mixes, I know you can purchase wild flower mixes, but I haven't looked for any others to be honest.:thumb:Here are two examples though
    You would need to look it up my friend, it was a few years ago. As regards seed mixes, I know you can purchase wild flower mixes, but I haven't looked for any others to be honest.:thumb:Here are...
  8. men8ifr

    My Garden

    I'm sure it's Hazel. I would remove all but one stem and let it develop into a nice tree and have nuts for xmas in time1:)
    I'm sure it's Hazel. I would remove all but one stem and let it develop into a nice tree and have nuts for xmas in time1:)
    I'm sure it's Hazel. I would remove all but one stem and let it develop into a nice tree and have nuts for xmas in time1:)
    I'm sure it's Hazel. I would remove all but one stem and let it develop into a nice tree and have nuts for xmas in time1:)
  9. Loofah

    Need colour in dry shady area

    Sounds like we have consensus! Now I just have to decide on the particular type...Thanks all, a help as always!
    Sounds like we have consensus! Now I just have to decide on the particular type...Thanks all, a help as always!
    Sounds like we have consensus! Now I just have to decide on the particular type...Thanks all, a help as always!
    Sounds like we have consensus! Now I just have to decide on the particular type...Thanks all, a help as always!
  10. maltaron

    Irrigation Pump

    I agree that Karcher is a reliabe make
    I agree that Karcher is a reliabe make
    I agree that Karcher is a reliabe make
    I agree that Karcher is a reliabe make
  11. MPLB

    Bag opener

    Or you could make your own from a suitable sized piece of plastic floor covering (Recycling?).
    Or you could make your own from a suitable sized piece of plastic floor covering (Recycling?).
    Or you could make your own from a suitable sized piece of plastic floor covering (Recycling?).
    Or you could make your own from a suitable sized piece of plastic floor covering (Recycling?).
  12. diving_moose

    Gazebo roof

    For shingles Ive used this company before, not sure how competetive hey are but on the particular job i was buying them for cost wasnt a big issue:
    For shingles Ive used this company before, not sure how competetive hey are but on the particular job i was buying them for cost wasnt a big issue:
    For shingles Ive used this company before, not sure how competetive hey are but on the particular job i was buying them for cost wasnt a big issue:
    For shingles Ive used this company before, not sure how competetive hey are but on the particular job i was buying them for cost wasnt a big issue:
  13. fmay


    :thumb:My daughter's favourite flower...they featured a lot in her wedding displays:)
    :thumb:My daughter's favourite flower...they featured a lot in her wedding displays:)
    :thumb:My daughter's favourite flower...they featured a lot in her wedding displays:)
    :thumb:My daughter's favourite flower...they featured a lot in her wedding displays:)
  14. elliegreenwellie


    Other halfs step dad has been using them for approx 15 years and his lawn is always perfect!
    Other halfs step dad has been using them for approx 15 years and his lawn is always perfect!
    Other halfs step dad has been using them for approx 15 years and his lawn is always perfect!
    Other halfs step dad has been using them for approx 15 years and his lawn is always perfect!
  15. shiney


    ;):D cheers
    ;):D cheers
    ;):D cheers
    ;):D cheers
  16. nobby


    I bought 3 Curcuma rhizones from "Gardeners World Live" at the NEC in June this year. I have put the 3 in one large pot and would like some information on how to care for them. There is one...
    I bought 3 Curcuma rhizones from "Gardeners World Live" at the NEC in June this year. I have put the 3 in one large pot and would like some information on how to care for them. There is one shoot already and that is about 8in. high. I have it inside the house in a sunny position. Any advise...
    I bought 3 Curcuma rhizones from "Gardeners World Live" at the NEC in June this year. I have put the 3 in one large pot and would like some information on how to care for them. There is one shoot already and that is about 8in. high. I have it...
    I bought 3 Curcuma rhizones from "Gardeners World Live" at the NEC in June this year. I have put the 3 in one large pot and would like some information on how to care for them. There is one...
  17. walnut

    recent additions

    Wow, I was given a tacca bulb (?) once as a gift, but after making a sickly looking leaf it petered out and died. Yours look glorious. What an unusual and splendid flower!
    Wow, I was given a tacca bulb (?) once as a gift, but after making a sickly looking leaf it petered out and died. Yours look glorious. What an unusual and splendid flower!
    Wow, I was given a tacca bulb (?) once as a gift, but after making a sickly looking leaf it petered out and died. Yours look glorious. What an unusual and splendid flower!
    Wow, I was given a tacca bulb (?) once as a gift, but after making a sickly looking leaf it petered out and died. Yours look glorious. What an unusual and splendid flower!
  18. shiney

    This popped in for a drink!

    Thanks, Kandy and walnut for the I.D. :thumb: I thought he had flown in and landed in the glass. Mrs shiney told me later that he had been brought in by Oscar so she put it in the glass until...
    Thanks, Kandy and walnut for the I.D. :thumb: I thought he had flown in and landed in the glass. Mrs shiney told me later that he had been brought in by Oscar so she put it in the glass until it had recovered. As she didn't know what to do she gave it a half of a cherry with some water on...
    Thanks, Kandy and walnut for the I.D. :thumb: I thought he had flown in and landed in the glass. Mrs shiney told me later that he had been brought in by Oscar so she put it in the glass until it had recovered. As she didn't know what to do...
    Thanks, Kandy and walnut for the I.D. :thumb: I thought he had flown in and landed in the glass. Mrs shiney told me later that he had been brought in by Oscar so she put it in the glass until...
  19. silver1


    My bamboos (the black one) have all got brown leaves on them that are falling off. I water it every evening and they haven't grown much so not sure what's happening.
    My bamboos (the black one) have all got brown leaves on them that are falling off. I water it every evening and they haven't grown much so not sure what's happening.
    My bamboos (the black one) have all got brown leaves on them that are falling off. I water it every evening and they haven't grown much so not sure what's happening.
    My bamboos (the black one) have all got brown leaves on them that are falling off. I water it every evening and they haven't grown much so not sure what's happening.
  20. Muddy14

    Bench Picture

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