General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Old Dan

    Old Dan

    I want to grow perennial Phlox in the garden. When is the best time to plant the seeds or should I start them off in a propagator
    I want to grow perennial Phlox in the garden. When is the best time to plant the seeds or should I start them off in a propagator
    I want to grow perennial Phlox in the garden. When is the best time to plant the seeds or should I start them off in a propagator
    I want to grow perennial Phlox in the garden. When is the best time to plant the seeds or should I start them off in a propagator
  2. Dorsetmike

    Wanted: plant suggestions

    For a small ish plant that flowers for months right through to autumn, self seeds and flowers in the first season. Grows to about 9" high ish. How about the wild wall flower. I scattered some...
    For a small ish plant that flowers for months right through to autumn, self seeds and flowers in the first season. Grows to about 9" high ish. How about the wild wall flower. I scattered some seed last October/November. They germinated and started flowering in April and are still going strong....
    For a small ish plant that flowers for months right through to autumn, self seeds and flowers in the first season. Grows to about 9" high ish. How about the wild wall flower. I scattered some seed last October/November. They germinated and...
    For a small ish plant that flowers for months right through to autumn, self seeds and flowers in the first season. Grows to about 9" high ish. How about the wild wall flower. I scattered some...
  3. biker

    Fuchsia Thalia rescue plan

    Couldn't get F. Magellanica variegata to do well - wherever I grew it. Same with Ricarttonii - dunno why. They just didn't grow very big. Maybe I need to try again with the variegata - its a...
    Couldn't get F. Magellanica variegata to do well - wherever I grew it. Same with Ricarttonii - dunno why. They just didn't grow very big. Maybe I need to try again with the variegata - its a pretty plant.
    Couldn't get F. Magellanica variegata to do well - wherever I grew it. Same with Ricarttonii - dunno why. They just didn't grow very big. Maybe I need to try again with the variegata - its a pretty plant.
    Couldn't get F. Magellanica variegata to do well - wherever I grew it. Same with Ricarttonii - dunno why. They just didn't grow very big. Maybe I need to try again with the variegata - its a...
  4. Ivory

    "Natural" hedge.

    berberis stenophulous or however you say it
    berberis stenophulous or however you say it
    berberis stenophulous or however you say it
    berberis stenophulous or however you say it
  5. PeterS

    Mine's gone all floppy

    Virtually the same Liz. According to my book:- Hemp Agrimony is Eupatorium cannabinum the British native wild flower, which I think has smaller flower heads and the book says grows to about 5...
    Virtually the same Liz. According to my book:- Hemp Agrimony is Eupatorium cannabinum the British native wild flower, which I think has smaller flower heads and the book says grows to about 5 feet. Mine is Eupatorium purpureum (Joe Pye Weed from the USA). Which has huge flower heads and the book...
    Virtually the same Liz. According to my book:- Hemp Agrimony is Eupatorium cannabinum the British native wild flower, which I think has smaller flower heads and the book says grows to about 5 feet. Mine is Eupatorium purpureum (Joe Pye Weed from...
    Virtually the same Liz. According to my book:- Hemp Agrimony is Eupatorium cannabinum the British native wild flower, which I think has smaller flower heads and the book says grows to about 5...
  6. Veg-and-flower-man

    Advice please!

    Here's Carol Klein's advice:Of these I have succesfully tried Japanese anemones, and Brunnera 'Jack Frost'. My shade, being under a large yew, is almost constant.
    Here's Carol Klein's advice:Of these I have succesfully tried Japanese anemones, and Brunnera 'Jack Frost'. My shade, being under a large yew, is almost constant.
    Here's Carol Klein's advice:Of these I have succesfully tried Japanese anemones, and Brunnera 'Jack Frost'. My shade, being under a large yew, is almost constant.
    Here's Carol Klein's advice:Of these I have succesfully tried Japanese anemones, and Brunnera 'Jack Frost'. My shade, being under a large yew, is almost constant.
  7. Stingo


    Thanks Woo They are above the bud union so must be new growth, thank you I will take your advice on the pruning also.
    Thanks Woo They are above the bud union so must be new growth, thank you I will take your advice on the pruning also.
    Thanks Woo They are above the bud union so must be new growth, thank you I will take your advice on the pruning also.
    Thanks Woo They are above the bud union so must be new growth, thank you I will take your advice on the pruning also.
  8. mojo


    Hi Mojo, Jusr read your post properly and thats something we both have in common. Mr Pop doesn`t even come in through the front door anymore-he checks the garden first, even found my hidey hole...
    Hi Mojo, Jusr read your post properly and thats something we both have in common. Mr Pop doesn`t even come in through the front door anymore-he checks the garden first, even found my hidey hole between our fence and the fence from next door.
    Hi Mojo, Jusr read your post properly and thats something we both have in common. Mr Pop doesn`t even come in through the front door anymore-he checks the garden first, even found my hidey hole between our fence and the fence from next door.
    Hi Mojo, Jusr read your post properly and thats something we both have in common. Mr Pop doesn`t even come in through the front door anymore-he checks the garden first, even found my hidey hole...
  9. daisybelle

    Gardening for the future/drought tolerant etc

    Sniney you are absolutely right. I think if one grows a bit of this and a bit of that there is never a "bad" year. SOmething is bound to be good any year ;)
    Sniney you are absolutely right. I think if one grows a bit of this and a bit of that there is never a "bad" year. SOmething is bound to be good any year ;)
    Sniney you are absolutely right. I think if one grows a bit of this and a bit of that there is never a "bad" year. SOmething is bound to be good any year ;)
    Sniney you are absolutely right. I think if one grows a bit of this and a bit of that there is never a "bad" year. SOmething is bound to be good any year ;)
  10. jennihunt

    Locking up the shed

    :thumb: Hi Jenni & Welcome, What my friend & allot of others on her allotment have done, because the level of break ins was so high. This was approved by the police, even they though it worth...
    :thumb: Hi Jenni & Welcome, What my friend & allot of others on her allotment have done, because the level of break ins was so high. This was approved by the police, even they though it worth trying.!! As it isn't always possible to carry ones tools back & forth..!!:thumb: They all lifted a...
    :thumb: Hi Jenni & Welcome, What my friend & allot of others on her allotment have done, because the level of break ins was so high. This was approved by the police, even they though it worth trying.!! As it isn't always possible to carry ones...
    :thumb: Hi Jenni & Welcome, What my friend & allot of others on her allotment have done, because the level of break ins was so high. This was approved by the police, even they though it worth...
  11. Soup

    Indoor Rectangular Window Pots

    I am trying to find some attractive indoor window pots approx 8" x 8" x 24" or 36" wide.Something that has a glazed finish ie (fired clay), with a pale green / brown or cream colour. (A water...
    I am trying to find some attractive indoor window pots approx 8" x 8" x 24" or 36" wide.Something that has a glazed finish ie (fired clay), with a pale green / brown or cream colour. (A water tray would also be necessary.)Like this but 2 or 3 feet wide;I've looked around several...
    I am trying to find some attractive indoor window pots approx 8" x 8" x 24" or 36" wide.Something that has a glazed finish ie (fired clay), with a pale green / brown or cream colour. (A water tray would also be necessary.)Like this but 2 or...
    I am trying to find some attractive indoor window pots approx 8" x 8" x 24" or 36" wide.Something that has a glazed finish ie (fired clay), with a pale green / brown or cream colour. (A water...
  12. Liz


    Yes, know what you mean Liz, they do tend to look almost dead when the suns not out.
    Yes, know what you mean Liz, they do tend to look almost dead when the suns not out.
    Yes, know what you mean Liz, they do tend to look almost dead when the suns not out.
    Yes, know what you mean Liz, they do tend to look almost dead when the suns not out.
  13. vivienne

    growing problems

    Vivienne, I would say it`s earwigs, keel slugs or snails. I would say, smear the stems with Vaseline, that should do the trick.
    Vivienne, I would say it`s earwigs, keel slugs or snails. I would say, smear the stems with Vaseline, that should do the trick.
    Vivienne, I would say it`s earwigs, keel slugs or snails. I would say, smear the stems with Vaseline, that should do the trick.
    Vivienne, I would say it`s earwigs, keel slugs or snails. I would say, smear the stems with Vaseline, that should do the trick.
  14. Veg-and-flower-man

    Advice please

    I see this thread twice more, so no need to repost, me thinks!Yopu got some replies here:
    I see this thread twice more, so no need to repost, me thinks!Yopu got some replies here:
    I see this thread twice more, so no need to repost, me thinks!Yopu got some replies here:
    I see this thread twice more, so no need to repost, me thinks!Yopu got some replies here:
  15. Diziblonde


    Have heard that nematodes are meant to work wonders, but if they only work on slugs, not snails as well, then they sound like they might be an expensive gimmick to me; Afterall even if a got some...
    Have heard that nematodes are meant to work wonders, but if they only work on slugs, not snails as well, then they sound like they might be an expensive gimmick to me; Afterall even if a got some to deal with my slugs I'd still have to find a way of keeping the snails off as well *sigh*That...
    Have heard that nematodes are meant to work wonders, but if they only work on slugs, not snails as well, then they sound like they might be an expensive gimmick to me; Afterall even if a got some to deal with my slugs I'd still have to find a way...
    Have heard that nematodes are meant to work wonders, but if they only work on slugs, not snails as well, then they sound like they might be an expensive gimmick to me; Afterall even if a got some...
  16. Cookie Monster

    New Slug on the Block!

    :eek: Just when you thought slugs couldn't get any grosser! Hopefully the Bristol Channel will keep my worms safe, at least for now...
    :eek: Just when you thought slugs couldn't get any grosser! Hopefully the Bristol Channel will keep my worms safe, at least for now...
    :eek: Just when you thought slugs couldn't get any grosser! Hopefully the Bristol Channel will keep my worms safe, at least for now...
    :eek: Just when you thought slugs couldn't get any grosser! Hopefully the Bristol Channel will keep my worms safe, at least for now...
  17. Veg-and-flower-man

    Advice please

    I have a large (10ft) conifer hedging around my back garden. the space betwen the bottom of the hedge and the ground looks a bit bear. is there anything (considering big roots of conifers) i could...
    I have a large (10ft) conifer hedging around my back garden. the space betwen the bottom of the hedge and the ground looks a bit bear. is there anything (considering big roots of conifers) i could grow here??Also, i have a space next to it in partial shade i would like to fil with plants ?...
    I have a large (10ft) conifer hedging around my back garden. the space betwen the bottom of the hedge and the ground looks a bit bear. is there anything (considering big roots of conifers) i could grow here??Also, i have a space next to it...
    I have a large (10ft) conifer hedging around my back garden. the space betwen the bottom of the hedge and the ground looks a bit bear. is there anything (considering big roots of conifers) i could...
  18. fmay


    Thanks, I'll let you know how I get on.
    Thanks, I'll let you know how I get on.
    Thanks, I'll let you know how I get on.
    Thanks, I'll let you know how I get on.
  19. Aesculus

    Whats the one plant you cant stick?

    Horse tails and this:
    Horse tails and this:
    Horse tails and this:
    Horse tails and this:
  20. Ivory

    Could it be true?

    It's a good idea. I would be interested to see if it really works or not.
    It's a good idea. I would be interested to see if it really works or not.
    It's a good idea. I would be interested to see if it really works or not.
    It's a good idea. I would be interested to see if it really works or not.

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