General Gardening Discussion

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  1. daisybelle


    By the by, does anyone know if retrospective application of mycorrhiza / mycorrhizal fungi is possible - e.g. to the shrubs I planted in the spring when I didn't know about this stuff. Thanks
    By the by, does anyone know if retrospective application of mycorrhiza / mycorrhizal fungi is possible - e.g. to the shrubs I planted in the spring when I didn't know about this stuff. Thanks
    By the by, does anyone know if retrospective application of mycorrhiza / mycorrhizal fungi is possible - e.g. to the shrubs I planted in the spring when I didn't know about this stuff. Thanks
    By the by, does anyone know if retrospective application of mycorrhiza / mycorrhizal fungi is possible - e.g. to the shrubs I planted in the spring when I didn't know about this stuff. Thanks
  2. Veg-and-flower-man

    Advice on Planting...

    I have a mature (18 years old) hedging of conifer around my background about 10 ft high. I was wondering if there is any plants i could plant underneath it to add interest. By underneath i mean to...
    I have a mature (18 years old) hedging of conifer around my background about 10 ft high. I was wondering if there is any plants i could plant underneath it to add interest. By underneath i mean to fill the ga between the ground and the bottom of the hedge??help appreciatedthanks
    I have a mature (18 years old) hedging of conifer around my background about 10 ft high. I was wondering if there is any plants i could plant underneath it to add interest. By underneath i mean to fill the ga between the ground and the bottom of...
    I have a mature (18 years old) hedging of conifer around my background about 10 ft high. I was wondering if there is any plants i could plant underneath it to add interest. By underneath i mean to...
  3. scooby-mas

    Sand & Cement Advise Needed

    Pro Guard is right, once opened, a bag of cement should be stored in an airtight container. I used to work on an Estate in Cambs. and we often stored opened cement bags for months in old plastic...
    Pro Guard is right, once opened, a bag of cement should be stored in an airtight container. I used to work on an Estate in Cambs. and we often stored opened cement bags for months in old plastic fertiliser (plastic) cwt bags. We put the opened bag into one plastic bag and then put another bag...
    Pro Guard is right, once opened, a bag of cement should be stored in an airtight container. I used to work on an Estate in Cambs. and we often stored opened cement bags for months in old plastic fertiliser (plastic) cwt bags. We put the opened...
    Pro Guard is right, once opened, a bag of cement should be stored in an airtight container. I used to work on an Estate in Cambs. and we often stored opened cement bags for months in old plastic...
  4. daisybelle

    Staking-what works best?

    "I bought some rings from wilkos that slide onto a cane. But the canes/sticks they sell in wilkos are either too big or too small. So they're not working too well"I would venture to suggest that...
    "I bought some rings from wilkos that slide onto a cane. But the canes/sticks they sell in wilkos are either too big or too small. So they're not working too well"I would venture to suggest that the trick is in the tying-to-the-cane method.Forget the rings, they will be hard to get "just the...
    "I bought some rings from wilkos that slide onto a cane. But the canes/sticks they sell in wilkos are either too big or too small. So they're not working too well"I would venture to suggest that the trick is in the tying-to-the-cane...
    "I bought some rings from wilkos that slide onto a cane. But the canes/sticks they sell in wilkos are either too big or too small. So they're not working too well"I would venture to suggest that...
  5. Arun

    Derris withdrawn from sale

    "personally i've never found it to be much use anyway"Me too ...
    "personally i've never found it to be much use anyway"Me too ...
    "personally i've never found it to be much use anyway"Me too ...
    "personally i've never found it to be much use anyway"Me too ...
  6. Fox

    Why is gardening so addictive?

    Fact is, gardening rules ! Nothing I`ve experienced comes close to this (and is great but when it`s over, it`s over hehe). Gardening represents all our hopes and fears, the trials and...
    Fact is, gardening rules ! Nothing I`ve experienced comes close to this (and is great but when it`s over, it`s over hehe). Gardening represents all our hopes and fears, the trials and tribulations, the successes and the failures, need I go on ? I`ve been away from gardening for some...
    Fact is, gardening rules ! Nothing I`ve experienced comes close to this (and is great but when it`s over, it`s over hehe). Gardening represents all our hopes and fears, the trials and tribulations, the successes and the failures, need...
    Fact is, gardening rules ! Nothing I`ve experienced comes close to this (and is great but when it`s over, it`s over hehe). Gardening represents all our hopes and fears, the trials and...
  7. misterroy

    increasing soil acidity with grass clippings?

    The advice I was given years ago was to put fresh grass cuttings in the drills when I sowed the seed. Quite apart from the slight acid boost, the cuttings help conserve moisture during the...
    The advice I was given years ago was to put fresh grass cuttings in the drills when I sowed the seed. Quite apart from the slight acid boost, the cuttings help conserve moisture during the critical first few weeks of development.
    The advice I was given years ago was to put fresh grass cuttings in the drills when I sowed the seed. Quite apart from the slight acid boost, the cuttings help conserve moisture during the critical first few weeks of development.
    The advice I was given years ago was to put fresh grass cuttings in the drills when I sowed the seed. Quite apart from the slight acid boost, the cuttings help conserve moisture during the...
  8. daisybelle

    Indoor chrysanthemum cuttings?

    You probably can if there are none flowering shoots with a growing point below those flowers. But don't expect the same form of plant. Those types of chrysanthemums are grown under controlled...
    You probably can if there are none flowering shoots with a growing point below those flowers. But don't expect the same form of plant. Those types of chrysanthemums are grown under controlled conditions and probably dwarfed by the use of chemicals.
    You probably can if there are none flowering shoots with a growing point below those flowers. But don't expect the same form of plant. Those types of chrysanthemums are grown under controlled conditions and probably dwarfed by the use of...
    You probably can if there are none flowering shoots with a growing point below those flowers. But don't expect the same form of plant. Those types of chrysanthemums are grown under controlled...
  9. Fox

    Plant in garden or let them grow indoors to begin with?

    "Ah Arigatoh, thank you, merci..."Blimey, its all getting a bit multi-lingual. Doitashimashte, don't mention it, c'est rien!
    "Ah Arigatoh, thank you, merci..."Blimey, its all getting a bit multi-lingual. Doitashimashte, don't mention it, c'est rien!
    "Ah Arigatoh, thank you, merci..."Blimey, its all getting a bit multi-lingual. Doitashimashte, don't mention it, c'est rien!
    "Ah Arigatoh, thank you, merci..."Blimey, its all getting a bit multi-lingual. Doitashimashte, don't mention it, c'est rien!
  10. Flinty

    Your gardens are all looking wonderful!

    Just got back to the Deep South after a week in Edinburgh and a week in Lancashire.I know the weather this year has been a bit, er, "challenging" for us gardeners but every garden I peered...
    Just got back to the Deep South after a week in Edinburgh and a week in Lancashire.I know the weather this year has been a bit, er, "challenging" for us gardeners but every garden I peered into (and the countryside in general) was looking pretty damn good. And the herbacious border in the...
    Just got back to the Deep South after a week in Edinburgh and a week in Lancashire.I know the weather this year has been a bit, er, "challenging" for us gardeners but every garden I peered into (and the countryside in general) was looking...
    Just got back to the Deep South after a week in Edinburgh and a week in Lancashire.I know the weather this year has been a bit, er, "challenging" for us gardeners but every garden I peered...
  11. romneya

    maybe a wee geranium?

    Claire, they are the ONLY Geraniums. The bedding plants we call Geraniums are really Pelargoniums.:thumb:
    Claire, they are the ONLY Geraniums. The bedding plants we call Geraniums are really Pelargoniums.:thumb:
    Claire, they are the ONLY Geraniums. The bedding plants we call Geraniums are really Pelargoniums.:thumb:
    Claire, they are the ONLY Geraniums. The bedding plants we call Geraniums are really Pelargoniums.:thumb:
  12. Veg-and-flower-man

    Sweet Pea sowing

  13. Chrysocolla

    High water table

    Anything else you try is a waste of time and effort :)
    Anything else you try is a waste of time and effort :)
    Anything else you try is a waste of time and effort :)
    Anything else you try is a waste of time and effort :)
  14. Fox

    Strange Plant/Weird Plants recommendations

    Right away without looking at books, I could think of:Hardy: Arum dracunculus. Rosa pteracantha. Sedum telephium "purple emperor" and "Linda and Rodney". Hydrangea aspera subsp....
    Right away without looking at books, I could think of:Hardy: Arum dracunculus. Rosa pteracantha. Sedum telephium "purple emperor" and "Linda and Rodney". Hydrangea aspera subsp. sargentiana.Corylus avellana "contorta". All the so called "black"flowers, but they need to be seen up close, and...
    Right away without looking at books, I could think of:Hardy: Arum dracunculus. Rosa pteracantha. Sedum telephium "purple emperor" and "Linda and Rodney". Hydrangea aspera subsp. sargentiana.Corylus avellana "contorta". All the so called...
    Right away without looking at books, I could think of:Hardy: Arum dracunculus. Rosa pteracantha. Sedum telephium "purple emperor" and "Linda and Rodney". Hydrangea aspera subsp....
  15. Kathy3

    epsom salts

    thanks PeterS, havent been on for a while ,sorry I didnt reply before now :o
    thanks PeterS, havent been on for a while ,sorry I didnt reply before now :o
    thanks PeterS, havent been on for a while ,sorry I didnt reply before now :o
    thanks PeterS, havent been on for a while ,sorry I didnt reply before now :o
  16. Diziblonde

    Should be growing under glass!!!!

    Ooh what does it taste like?
    Ooh what does it taste like?
    Ooh what does it taste like?
    Ooh what does it taste like?

    Need Help Please

    the mares ... well on the packet it say smoking will harm you AND OTHERS AROUND YOU . GET THE MESSAGE Devil weed . THE MASTER is SMOKING dug out a few more today , but i tell you if I see any more...
    the mares ... well on the packet it say smoking will harm you AND OTHERS AROUND YOU . GET THE MESSAGE Devil weed . THE MASTER is SMOKING dug out a few more today , but i tell you if I see any more sprigs comming up the power spade is comming out (very sharpe stainles steel jobbie) this is like...
    the mares ... well on the packet it say smoking will harm you AND OTHERS AROUND YOU . GET THE MESSAGE Devil weed . THE MASTER is SMOKING dug out a few more today , but i tell you if I see any more sprigs comming up the power spade is comming out...
    the mares ... well on the packet it say smoking will harm you AND OTHERS AROUND YOU . GET THE MESSAGE Devil weed . THE MASTER is SMOKING dug out a few more today , but i tell you if I see any more...
  18. spudbristol

    Not a project as such but...........

    That is one ugly front garden. I think anything u do will improve it lol
    That is one ugly front garden. I think anything u do will improve it lol
    That is one ugly front garden. I think anything u do will improve it lol
    That is one ugly front garden. I think anything u do will improve it lol
  19. SpringsHere

    Seed Collecting - But when and how???

    Sorry forgot to say, I came across this site accidently earlier today. I haven't had a proper look at it yet but it seems to have a lot of info. Can you let me know if any of you 'proper'...
    Sorry forgot to say, I came across this site accidently earlier today. I haven't had a proper look at it yet but it seems to have a lot of info. Can you let me know if any of you 'proper' gardeners have a look and think it's good. cheers
    Sorry forgot to say, I came across this site accidently earlier today. I haven't had a proper look at it yet but it seems to have a lot of info. Can you let me know if any of you 'proper' gardeners have a look and think it's good. ...
    Sorry forgot to say, I came across this site accidently earlier today. I haven't had a proper look at it yet but it seems to have a lot of info. Can you let me know if any of you 'proper'...
  20. tweaky

    Piris Pruning.

    Hi Paul.Yea, secateurs of course. Ok, will prune it this weekend.:thumb:
    Hi Paul.Yea, secateurs of course. Ok, will prune it this weekend.:thumb:
    Hi Paul.Yea, secateurs of course. Ok, will prune it this weekend.:thumb:
    Hi Paul.Yea, secateurs of course. Ok, will prune it this weekend.:thumb:

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