General Gardening Discussion

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  1. water-garden


    He'll be back :thumb: I love to watch the birds having a bath. I have an aviary with canaries and they are queuing up for me to put fresh water in their bath. :)
    He'll be back :thumb: I love to watch the birds having a bath. I have an aviary with canaries and they are queuing up for me to put fresh water in their bath. :)
    He'll be back :thumb: I love to watch the birds having a bath. I have an aviary with canaries and they are queuing up for me to put fresh water in their bath. :)
    He'll be back :thumb: I love to watch the birds having a bath. I have an aviary with canaries and they are queuing up for me to put fresh water in their bath. :)
  2. pip

    Campanula companion

    Hello, I have two of differing heights and if its the tall one (acout 2ft ) then the white verbascums should reach the same height and flower at the same time. I accompany mine with...
    Hello, I have two of differing heights and if its the tall one (acout 2ft ) then the white verbascums should reach the same height and flower at the same time. I accompany mine with verbascum-gainsborough bought for garden centre and easily propogated. Thats a blue and yellow scheme.
    Hello, I have two of differing heights and if its the tall one (acout 2ft ) then the white verbascums should reach the same height and flower at the same time. I accompany mine with verbascum-gainsborough bought for garden centre and easily...
    Hello, I have two of differing heights and if its the tall one (acout 2ft ) then the white verbascums should reach the same height and flower at the same time. I accompany mine with...
  3. mybrainhurts

    Planting a cordyline

    Just make sure the soil is moist, but free draining, as they don't like there feet wet. Have got one myself and it was about three feet high when bought and is about seven feet tall now. When I...
    Just make sure the soil is moist, but free draining, as they don't like there feet wet. Have got one myself and it was about three feet high when bought and is about seven feet tall now. When I planted it, I put horticultural grit in the planting hole to aid drainage.
    Just make sure the soil is moist, but free draining, as they don't like there feet wet. Have got one myself and it was about three feet high when bought and is about seven feet tall now. When I planted it, I put horticultural grit in the...
    Just make sure the soil is moist, but free draining, as they don't like there feet wet. Have got one myself and it was about three feet high when bought and is about seven feet tall now. When I...
  4. kerryshome

    Just new to it all!

    Hi Kerryshome and welcome to the world of allotmenteering.You will enjoy the trials and tribulations of owning your own piece of land and I am sure that by this time next year you will have it...
    Hi Kerryshome and welcome to the world of allotmenteering.You will enjoy the trials and tribulations of owning your own piece of land and I am sure that by this time next year you will have it full of many different fruits and vegetables and also it will keep you fit with all the work plus you...
    Hi Kerryshome and welcome to the world of allotmenteering.You will enjoy the trials and tribulations of owning your own piece of land and I am sure that by this time next year you will have it full of many different fruits and vegetables and also...
    Hi Kerryshome and welcome to the world of allotmenteering.You will enjoy the trials and tribulations of owning your own piece of land and I am sure that by this time next year you will have it...
  5. Rosiemongrel

    Hard landscaping questions - with pictures

    Hello Rosie, I see you again! :) Garden looking great RM, the grass is growing well!
    Hello Rosie, I see you again! :) Garden looking great RM, the grass is growing well!
    Hello Rosie, I see you again! :) Garden looking great RM, the grass is growing well!
    Hello Rosie, I see you again! :) Garden looking great RM, the grass is growing well!
  6. kerryshome


    Great idea, not tried growing mushrooms yet, think I'll give it a go. 02
    Great idea, not tried growing mushrooms yet, think I'll give it a go. 02
    Great idea, not tried growing mushrooms yet, think I'll give it a go. 02
    Great idea, not tried growing mushrooms yet, think I'll give it a go. 02
  7. flowerpotty

    mares tail growing in paths

    That what burns, never returns!
    That what burns, never returns!
    That what burns, never returns!
    That what burns, never returns!
  8. pompeyexile

    I'm thinking of using gabions

    I would sit them on a concrete foundation or at the very least compacted type one, otherwise if youve a soft spot then theyl sink.Personaly I use normal A1 sleapers for this sort of job and...
    I would sit them on a concrete foundation or at the very least compacted type one, otherwise if youve a soft spot then theyl sink.Personaly I use normal A1 sleapers for this sort of job and line them with membrane to stop leaching, If the budget allows then Azobe West african sleapers,...
    I would sit them on a concrete foundation or at the very least compacted type one, otherwise if youve a soft spot then theyl sink.Personaly I use normal A1 sleapers for this sort of job and line them with membrane to stop leaching, If the...
    I would sit them on a concrete foundation or at the very least compacted type one, otherwise if youve a soft spot then theyl sink.Personaly I use normal A1 sleapers for this sort of job and...
  9. JarBax

    Mutant Osteospernum?

    You don`t want the flower on there ( the cuttings ) anyway Jarbax. You want the slips to create roots quickly, not have to maintain flowers. :thumb:
    You don`t want the flower on there ( the cuttings ) anyway Jarbax. You want the slips to create roots quickly, not have to maintain flowers. :thumb:
    You don`t want the flower on there ( the cuttings ) anyway Jarbax. You want the slips to create roots quickly, not have to maintain flowers. :thumb:
    You don`t want the flower on there ( the cuttings ) anyway Jarbax. You want the slips to create roots quickly, not have to maintain flowers. :thumb:
  10. mikeyjm26

    How do I do this?

    Mikey, rotovate the area, rake it level and reseed.:thumb:
    Mikey, rotovate the area, rake it level and reseed.:thumb:
    Mikey, rotovate the area, rake it level and reseed.:thumb:
    Mikey, rotovate the area, rake it level and reseed.:thumb:
  11. Little Miss Road Rage

    How Can I get rid of mile a minute?

    Thanks for that cause I can kill plants anyway without having help
    Thanks for that cause I can kill plants anyway without having help
    Thanks for that cause I can kill plants anyway without having help
    Thanks for that cause I can kill plants anyway without having help
  12. elliegreenwellie

    Cast Iron doormat on stone - will it stain?

    Cheaper for sure,I got one for 5 euros, but that was a special offer and it is not one of the most convincing. Still nice though :D
    Cheaper for sure,I got one for 5 euros, but that was a special offer and it is not one of the most convincing. Still nice though :D
    Cheaper for sure,I got one for 5 euros, but that was a special offer and it is not one of the most convincing. Still nice though :D
    Cheaper for sure,I got one for 5 euros, but that was a special offer and it is not one of the most convincing. Still nice though :D
  13. Man Of Leisure MOL

    Great sunny day splitting Primula

    the weather here was beautiful but clouding over rapidly,have quickly mown lawns
    the weather here was beautiful but clouding over rapidly,have quickly mown lawns
    the weather here was beautiful but clouding over rapidly,have quickly mown lawns
    the weather here was beautiful but clouding over rapidly,have quickly mown lawns
  14. SpringsHere

    Not ONLY halp price seeds....

    The nearest store for me is miles away and parking is a problem so I will have to keep looking out for the special offers on Thompson & Morgans.
    The nearest store for me is miles away and parking is a problem so I will have to keep looking out for the special offers on Thompson & Morgans.
    The nearest store for me is miles away and parking is a problem so I will have to keep looking out for the special offers on Thompson & Morgans.
    The nearest store for me is miles away and parking is a problem so I will have to keep looking out for the special offers on Thompson & Morgans.
  15. Diziblonde


    Thanks Ivory will give it a try
    Thanks Ivory will give it a try
    Thanks Ivory will give it a try
    Thanks Ivory will give it a try
  16. mef750

    Help with lillies

    thanks everyone, "will do" checking every couple of hours to make sure no more get on!
    thanks everyone, "will do" checking every couple of hours to make sure no more get on!
    thanks everyone, "will do" checking every couple of hours to make sure no more get on!
    thanks everyone, "will do" checking every couple of hours to make sure no more get on!
  17. high kype

    rainy flower

    thanks Ivory thought it mite be that a bird must have dropped a seed :thumb:
    thanks Ivory thought it mite be that a bird must have dropped a seed :thumb:
    thanks Ivory thought it mite be that a bird must have dropped a seed :thumb:
    thanks Ivory thought it mite be that a bird must have dropped a seed :thumb:
  18. Horsham Del

    Lavendula stoechas Blue + White

    I've tried a few of the stoechas, but not managed them through the winter, so they've been expensive annuals. I did have a pappilion (not sure the differences), which was hardier, and rather...
    I've tried a few of the stoechas, but not managed them through the winter, so they've been expensive annuals. I did have a pappilion (not sure the differences), which was hardier, and rather lovely (it was the 'common' one with long purple ears) but it got so leggy I had to keep it hacked back...
    I've tried a few of the stoechas, but not managed them through the winter, so they've been expensive annuals. I did have a pappilion (not sure the differences), which was hardier, and rather lovely (it was the 'common' one with long purple ears)...
    I've tried a few of the stoechas, but not managed them through the winter, so they've been expensive annuals. I did have a pappilion (not sure the differences), which was hardier, and rather...
  19. bennylangdale

    wisteria problem

    Benny, it`s suffering from scorch. A type of physiological disease cause by the suns rays ( usually ) being magnified by water droplets. It can also be caused by winds and draughts.:thumb:
    Benny, it`s suffering from scorch. A type of physiological disease cause by the suns rays ( usually ) being magnified by water droplets. It can also be caused by winds and draughts.:thumb:
    Benny, it`s suffering from scorch. A type of physiological disease cause by the suns rays ( usually ) being magnified by water droplets. It can also be caused by winds and draughts.:thumb:
    Benny, it`s suffering from scorch. A type of physiological disease cause by the suns rays ( usually ) being magnified by water droplets. It can also be caused by winds and draughts.:thumb:
  20. gazza

    mushrooms growing at base of strawberry plants

    What kind of mushrooms are they, they may be edible, in which case everything will be fine. Do a google yea.Oh yea, and welcome Gazza.
    What kind of mushrooms are they, they may be edible, in which case everything will be fine. Do a google yea.Oh yea, and welcome Gazza.
    What kind of mushrooms are they, they may be edible, in which case everything will be fine. Do a google yea.Oh yea, and welcome Gazza.
    What kind of mushrooms are they, they may be edible, in which case everything will be fine. Do a google yea.Oh yea, and welcome Gazza.

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