General Gardening Discussion

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  1. vegpatch

    natural path

    Lol Dizi isn't that just how things go never mind it's a thought for next time if you ever need to do something else along the same line
    Lol Dizi isn't that just how things go never mind it's a thought for next time if you ever need to do something else along the same line
    Lol Dizi isn't that just how things go never mind it's a thought for next time if you ever need to do something else along the same line
    Lol Dizi isn't that just how things go never mind it's a thought for next time if you ever need to do something else along the same line
  2. wilroda

    Hedychium Garderarium no show yet!

    Wouldn't like to say really. I suppose if they still look healthy, then there is no harm in continuing, but its getting a bit late for a flowering plant this year. Not sure that they can go a...
    Wouldn't like to say really. I suppose if they still look healthy, then there is no harm in continuing, but its getting a bit late for a flowering plant this year. Not sure that they can go a complete season dormant, and then grow the following year.
    Wouldn't like to say really. I suppose if they still look healthy, then there is no harm in continuing, but its getting a bit late for a flowering plant this year. Not sure that they can go a complete season dormant, and then grow the following...
    Wouldn't like to say really. I suppose if they still look healthy, then there is no harm in continuing, but its getting a bit late for a flowering plant this year. Not sure that they can go a...
  3. Paladin

    Acacia normal?

    Thank you, PAL.:D
    Thank you, PAL.:D
    Thank you, PAL.:D
    Thank you, PAL.:D
  4. Aspley

    Fresh Wood Chippings-Are they OK as a mulch??

    "could you give me an example of a 'high nitrogen' fertilise"Sulphate of ammonia. Look at the "NPK" rating; the first is "Nitrogen". So something which isbig-number - tiny-number -...
    "could you give me an example of a 'high nitrogen' fertilise"Sulphate of ammonia. Look at the "NPK" rating; the first is "Nitrogen". So something which isbig-number - tiny-number - tiny-numberwill do the trick. There are seaweed products (like Maxicrop) which I think are high in...
    "could you give me an example of a 'high nitrogen' fertilise"Sulphate of ammonia. Look at the "NPK" rating; the first is "Nitrogen". So something which isbig-number - tiny-number - tiny-numberwill do the trick. There are seaweed products...
    "could you give me an example of a 'high nitrogen' fertilise"Sulphate of ammonia. Look at the "NPK" rating; the first is "Nitrogen". So something which isbig-number - tiny-number -...
  5. biker

    Batten down the hatches oop North

    Sunny up there? That can't be right! ;)
    Sunny up there? That can't be right! ;)
    Sunny up there? That can't be right! ;)
    Sunny up there? That can't be right! ;)
  6. walnut


    Found it - thanks Walnut I'll give 'em a ring and see if they got any left.
    Found it - thanks Walnut I'll give 'em a ring and see if they got any left.
    Found it - thanks Walnut I'll give 'em a ring and see if they got any left.
    Found it - thanks Walnut I'll give 'em a ring and see if they got any left.
  7. borrowers


    Oh, that does look lovely, borrowers, and I love the blue and white, looks so refreshing. Well done! :thumb: I bet it looks pretty in the evening with the lights on too. Daisees, I didn't know...
    Oh, that does look lovely, borrowers, and I love the blue and white, looks so refreshing. Well done! :thumb: I bet it looks pretty in the evening with the lights on too. Daisees, I didn't know that! Thanks for the tip.
    Oh, that does look lovely, borrowers, and I love the blue and white, looks so refreshing. Well done! :thumb: I bet it looks pretty in the evening with the lights on too. Daisees, I didn't know that! Thanks for the tip.
    Oh, that does look lovely, borrowers, and I love the blue and white, looks so refreshing. Well done! :thumb: I bet it looks pretty in the evening with the lights on too. Daisees, I didn't know...
  8. bellapinkpink

    what plants would you recommend ...

    Hi Bella if it's year round colour you're after you could try putting some heathers in just as long as you don't plant any of those funny coloured ones i.e. the fake colours that you will see...
    Hi Bella if it's year round colour you're after you could try putting some heathers in just as long as you don't plant any of those funny coloured ones i.e. the fake colours that you will see knocking around like the bright blue and red ones because not only do they not look 'right' but they do...
    Hi Bella if it's year round colour you're after you could try putting some heathers in just as long as you don't plant any of those funny coloured ones i.e. the fake colours that you will see knocking around like the bright blue and red ones...
    Hi Bella if it's year round colour you're after you could try putting some heathers in just as long as you don't plant any of those funny coloured ones i.e. the fake colours that you will see...
  9. honeytone


    In a perfect world there'd be no humans, but as this is not a perfect world we just have to learn to live with nature. If you don't want mice in your compost bin, just bang it with a stick a few...
    In a perfect world there'd be no humans, but as this is not a perfect world we just have to learn to live with nature. If you don't want mice in your compost bin, just bang it with a stick a few times as you go past, the mice will move on. Live and let live :)
    In a perfect world there'd be no humans, but as this is not a perfect world we just have to learn to live with nature. If you don't want mice in your compost bin, just bang it with a stick a few times as you go past, the mice will move on. Live...
    In a perfect world there'd be no humans, but as this is not a perfect world we just have to learn to live with nature. If you don't want mice in your compost bin, just bang it with a stick a few...
  10. miraflores

    white hydrangea...

    Yep, I have a little seemannii, which has not flowered yet. There also others even rarer, but tender. Very tender. I saw a complete darling called Hydrangea lobbii last year, more scandent than...
    Yep, I have a little seemannii, which has not flowered yet. There also others even rarer, but tender. Very tender. I saw a complete darling called Hydrangea lobbii last year, more scandent than climbing actually. I wanted one, but it was not for sale, I was tempted to steal my way in the...
    Yep, I have a little seemannii, which has not flowered yet. There also others even rarer, but tender. Very tender. I saw a complete darling called Hydrangea lobbii last year, more scandent than climbing actually. I wanted one, but it was not for...
    Yep, I have a little seemannii, which has not flowered yet. There also others even rarer, but tender. Very tender. I saw a complete darling called Hydrangea lobbii last year, more scandent than...
  11. nickp

    When should I prune these shrubs?

    Erm, I can't see any following?
    Erm, I can't see any following?
    Erm, I can't see any following?
    Erm, I can't see any following?
  12. The Nut

    Winter interest

    :D :D :D
    :D :D :D
    :D :D :D
    :D :D :D
  13. lollipop

    pruned my huge laurel-what can i do with the thicker branches now

    Laurel contains a bit of cyanide, but as far as I know it won't leach out in to the surroundings, and it will gradually decompose. So I would just go ahead and use the wood. The leaves if you...
    Laurel contains a bit of cyanide, but as far as I know it won't leach out in to the surroundings, and it will gradually decompose. So I would just go ahead and use the wood. The leaves if you have any, can be put in the compost heap. They are best shredded first otherwise they are slow to decompose
    Laurel contains a bit of cyanide, but as far as I know it won't leach out in to the surroundings, and it will gradually decompose. So I would just go ahead and use the wood. The leaves if you have any, can be put in the compost heap. They are...
    Laurel contains a bit of cyanide, but as far as I know it won't leach out in to the surroundings, and it will gradually decompose. So I would just go ahead and use the wood. The leaves if you...
  14. Orby1

    Poppy-us giganticus

    If they are the perennial Papaver x hybridus then no they do not repeat flower. We cut ours down to the ground once they have finished flowering and let other things overgrow them to fill the gap....
    If they are the perennial Papaver x hybridus then no they do not repeat flower. We cut ours down to the ground once they have finished flowering and let other things overgrow them to fill the gap. Sometimes they do produce smaller flowers very late on in the season.
    If they are the perennial Papaver x hybridus then no they do not repeat flower. We cut ours down to the ground once they have finished flowering and let other things overgrow them to fill the gap. Sometimes they do produce smaller flowers very...
    If they are the perennial Papaver x hybridus then no they do not repeat flower. We cut ours down to the ground once they have finished flowering and let other things overgrow them to fill the gap....
  15. Kedi-Gato


    Thanks guys! I have passed the info along. Dave, I brought some of that Spanish Moss back from Florida last October. I have it hanging up in our Wintergarten on one of these accordian-type...
    Thanks guys! I have passed the info along. Dave, I brought some of that Spanish Moss back from Florida last October. I have it hanging up in our Wintergarten on one of these accordian-type trellises, tacked to the roof beams. So far, it seems to be doing OK.
    Thanks guys! I have passed the info along. Dave, I brought some of that Spanish Moss back from Florida last October. I have it hanging up in our Wintergarten on one of these accordian-type trellises, tacked to the roof beams. So far, it...
    Thanks guys! I have passed the info along. Dave, I brought some of that Spanish Moss back from Florida last October. I have it hanging up in our Wintergarten on one of these accordian-type...
  16. moyra


    Pleased to say that my friends Vitacelli Polish Spirit is now budding up!
    Pleased to say that my friends Vitacelli Polish Spirit is now budding up!
    Pleased to say that my friends Vitacelli Polish Spirit is now budding up!
    Pleased to say that my friends Vitacelli Polish Spirit is now budding up!
  17. Rosiemongrel

    Penstemon question

    Thank you for all the replies. I will do as you suggest and not worry to much about their floppyness! I have more pots than I thought I would, so if some of them don't like their final position,...
    Thank you for all the replies. I will do as you suggest and not worry to much about their floppyness! I have more pots than I thought I would, so if some of them don't like their final position, it won't be the end of the world. I have hundreds of Aquilegias everywhere, and although I like them...
    Thank you for all the replies. I will do as you suggest and not worry to much about their floppyness! I have more pots than I thought I would, so if some of them don't like their final position, it won't be the end of the world. I have hundreds...
    Thank you for all the replies. I will do as you suggest and not worry to much about their floppyness! I have more pots than I thought I would, so if some of them don't like their final position,...
  18. BekiMac


    i would go along with Yucca, there are a lot of variegated Cordylines but as far as I know not with pink in the leaf yet, (plant breeders may change that).
    i would go along with Yucca, there are a lot of variegated Cordylines but as far as I know not with pink in the leaf yet, (plant breeders may change that).
    i would go along with Yucca, there are a lot of variegated Cordylines but as far as I know not with pink in the leaf yet, (plant breeders may change that).
    i would go along with Yucca, there are a lot of variegated Cordylines but as far as I know not with pink in the leaf yet, (plant breeders may change that).
  19. borrowers

    My garden

    Looks great borrowers, nice and tidy, minimal maintenance for you, some colour and interest also.And somewhere for the doggie to run round too !Steve...:)
    Looks great borrowers, nice and tidy, minimal maintenance for you, some colour and interest also.And somewhere for the doggie to run round too !Steve...:)
    Looks great borrowers, nice and tidy, minimal maintenance for you, some colour and interest also.And somewhere for the doggie to run round too !Steve...:)
    Looks great borrowers, nice and tidy, minimal maintenance for you, some colour and interest also.And somewhere for the doggie to run round too !Steve...:)
  20. Julie C

    What use are teabags?!

    Bit like me then.:D
    Bit like me then.:D
    Bit like me then.:D
    Bit like me then.:D

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