General Gardening Discussion

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  1. golfer


    Just testing my details should be Golfer had a few problems should be resolved now.
    Just testing my details should be Golfer had a few problems should be resolved now.
    Just testing my details should be Golfer had a few problems should be resolved now.
    Just testing my details should be Golfer had a few problems should be resolved now.
  2. whis4ey

    Hosta 'Loyalist' and an unknown

    Some hostas are more slug resistant than others Some areas I plant the hostas are more slug resistant areas than others It might be a help where I have laid wood bark chippings :) Sometimes wifey...
    Some hostas are more slug resistant than others Some areas I plant the hostas are more slug resistant areas than others It might be a help where I have laid wood bark chippings :) Sometimes wifey lays slug pellets :(
    Some hostas are more slug resistant than others Some areas I plant the hostas are more slug resistant areas than others It might be a help where I have laid wood bark chippings :) Sometimes wifey lays slug pellets :(
    Some hostas are more slug resistant than others Some areas I plant the hostas are more slug resistant areas than others It might be a help where I have laid wood bark chippings :) Sometimes wifey...
  3. Ivory

    Exotic seeds

    Init, they are fine in pots and should fruit but they are rampant and need growing up/under/around /along canes and wires or keep them in check by pinching the odd growing tips out. I have gown...
    Init, they are fine in pots and should fruit but they are rampant and need growing up/under/around /along canes and wires or keep them in check by pinching the odd growing tips out. I have gown them around large wire hoops inserted in the pots similar to the way indoor Jasmines are sold.:). When...
    Init, they are fine in pots and should fruit but they are rampant and need growing up/under/around /along canes and wires or keep them in check by pinching the odd growing tips out. I have gown them around large wire hoops inserted in the pots...
    Init, they are fine in pots and should fruit but they are rampant and need growing up/under/around /along canes and wires or keep them in check by pinching the odd growing tips out. I have gown...
  4. jayboi2005

    What plant to use?

    Could try Pyracantha from a nursery, one's that are reasonably tall. Either buy a few plants, or fan them out. Berries for the birds and evergreen as well.:thumb:
    Could try Pyracantha from a nursery, one's that are reasonably tall. Either buy a few plants, or fan them out. Berries for the birds and evergreen as well.:thumb:
    Could try Pyracantha from a nursery, one's that are reasonably tall. Either buy a few plants, or fan them out. Berries for the birds and evergreen as well.:thumb:
    Could try Pyracantha from a nursery, one's that are reasonably tall. Either buy a few plants, or fan them out. Berries for the birds and evergreen as well.:thumb:
  5. Liz


    The two best Geraniums I have are called 'Patricia' and 'Rosanne'. There is a specialist Geranium forum in the US and they always come out top on that. They both flower for a very long period,...
    The two best Geraniums I have are called 'Patricia' and 'Rosanne'. There is a specialist Geranium forum in the US and they always come out top on that. They both flower for a very long period, partly because they are sterile hybrids - consequently there is no need to deadhead.Like many, they...
    The two best Geraniums I have are called 'Patricia' and 'Rosanne'. There is a specialist Geranium forum in the US and they always come out top on that. They both flower for a very long period, partly because they are sterile hybrids -...
    The two best Geraniums I have are called 'Patricia' and 'Rosanne'. There is a specialist Geranium forum in the US and they always come out top on that. They both flower for a very long period,...
  6. cg360

    How to clean up garden chips?

    Beware! I washed through (with water) a pile of red chips that I was given - barrowed from a neighbours driveway. The water ran into a flower bed and nothing grew there last year at all.
    Beware! I washed through (with water) a pile of red chips that I was given - barrowed from a neighbours driveway. The water ran into a flower bed and nothing grew there last year at all.
    Beware! I washed through (with water) a pile of red chips that I was given - barrowed from a neighbours driveway. The water ran into a flower bed and nothing grew there last year at all.
    Beware! I washed through (with water) a pile of red chips that I was given - barrowed from a neighbours driveway. The water ran into a flower bed and nothing grew there last year at all.
  7. Tim D

    Finally a chance to do the back garden

    Tim Sunflower Cottage is so enchanting what a wonderful paint job both you and Emily did on it and the lovely flower is a delight no wonder Emily is so pleased. One idea that might go well is...
    Tim Sunflower Cottage is so enchanting what a wonderful paint job both you and Emily did on it and the lovely flower is a delight no wonder Emily is so pleased. One idea that might go well is giving little Emily a couple of containers to grow herbs in around the decking or maybe a wall basket...
    Tim Sunflower Cottage is so enchanting what a wonderful paint job both you and Emily did on it and the lovely flower is a delight no wonder Emily is so pleased. One idea that might go well is giving little Emily a couple of containers to grow...
    Tim Sunflower Cottage is so enchanting what a wonderful paint job both you and Emily did on it and the lovely flower is a delight no wonder Emily is so pleased. One idea that might go well is...
  8. crofthouse

    Our garden then and now

    Thanks all... and, Cookie Monster, the guesthouse is now well and truly open, after a couple of false stars, so you would be more than welcome to be one of our first guests. We certainly do have...
    Thanks all... and, Cookie Monster, the guesthouse is now well and truly open, after a couple of false stars, so you would be more than welcome to be one of our first guests. We certainly do have a lovely location, surrounded by sheep cows and the occasional deer - and hundreds of rabbits...
    Thanks all... and, Cookie Monster, the guesthouse is now well and truly open, after a couple of false stars, so you would be more than welcome to be one of our first guests. We certainly do have a lovely location, surrounded by sheep cows and...
    Thanks all... and, Cookie Monster, the guesthouse is now well and truly open, after a couple of false stars, so you would be more than welcome to be one of our first guests. We certainly do have...
  9. miraflores

    different types of soil

    Thanks Miraflores - thats a good site. I recognise my soil there - Clay - "cracks 2 inches wide and 3 foot deep". But as it points out there are always some benefits as well.
    Thanks Miraflores - thats a good site. I recognise my soil there - Clay - "cracks 2 inches wide and 3 foot deep". But as it points out there are always some benefits as well.
    Thanks Miraflores - thats a good site. I recognise my soil there - Clay - "cracks 2 inches wide and 3 foot deep". But as it points out there are always some benefits as well.
    Thanks Miraflores - thats a good site. I recognise my soil there - Clay - "cracks 2 inches wide and 3 foot deep". But as it points out there are always some benefits as well.
  10. martandmichelle

    Do We Have Any Bonsai Experts on GC.

    Hi martin You may want to look at thease sitesOr google it to see what else it shows.Jimbo
    Hi martin You may want to look at thease sitesOr google it to see what else it shows.Jimbo
    Hi martin You may want to look at thease sitesOr google it to see what else it shows.Jimbo
    Hi martin You may want to look at thease sitesOr google it to see what else it shows.Jimbo
  11. Small flower

    Auto water system - not enough pressure?

    and put this product code in the Search box1198-20and its six channels, not four :thumb: and each can be garden hose or irrigation pipe - so you could run some larger pipe on your...
    and put this product code in the Search box1198-20and its six channels, not four :thumb: and each can be garden hose or irrigation pipe - so you could run some larger pipe on your mini-sprinkler circuit.They probably cost an arm-and-a-leg though :confused:
    and put this product code in the Search box1198-20and its six channels, not four :thumb: and each can be garden hose or irrigation pipe - so you could run some larger pipe on your mini-sprinkler circuit.They probably cost an...
    and put this product code in the Search box1198-20and its six channels, not four :thumb: and each can be garden hose or irrigation pipe - so you could run some larger pipe on your...
  12. David G

    Why is a bee doing this??

    Shobna The size of them usually, they can be 2 inches long so you'll know one when you see it. leave them alone and they will do the same. Normal wasps are pollinators so they are not entirely bad.
    Shobna The size of them usually, they can be 2 inches long so you'll know one when you see it. leave them alone and they will do the same. Normal wasps are pollinators so they are not entirely bad.
    Shobna The size of them usually, they can be 2 inches long so you'll know one when you see it. leave them alone and they will do the same. Normal wasps are pollinators so they are not entirely bad.
    Shobna The size of them usually, they can be 2 inches long so you'll know one when you see it. leave them alone and they will do the same. Normal wasps are pollinators so they are not entirely bad.
  13. Dorsetmike

    Strange bud

    Where has my link gone? Bah! Try this:and scroll down for the Rosa Gallica Agatha Prolifera.
    Where has my link gone? Bah! Try this:and scroll down for the Rosa Gallica Agatha Prolifera.
    Where has my link gone? Bah! Try this:and scroll down for the Rosa Gallica Agatha Prolifera.
    Where has my link gone? Bah! Try this:and scroll down for the Rosa Gallica Agatha Prolifera.
  14. Lidia

    Some photos

    Thanks Rouxbee :D
    Thanks Rouxbee :D
    Thanks Rouxbee :D
    Thanks Rouxbee :D
  15. wilroda

    its flowered!!

  16. Bashy

    Advice on Begonia's

    Jee, luckily I never knew that begonias were such a sexy and complicated plant,so I was able to just plant them and let themn do their thing without any further worry! :D
    Jee, luckily I never knew that begonias were such a sexy and complicated plant,so I was able to just plant them and let themn do their thing without any further worry! :D
    Jee, luckily I never knew that begonias were such a sexy and complicated plant,so I was able to just plant them and let themn do their thing without any further worry! :D
    Jee, luckily I never knew that begonias were such a sexy and complicated plant,so I was able to just plant them and let themn do their thing without any further worry! :D
  17. Rouxbee

    Who or what?

    I must be honest Gaz when I got to the photo of 'how it used to be', I liked that anyway. But what an improvement you have made. And to get the plants in you really wanted is great. Lovely...
    I must be honest Gaz when I got to the photo of 'how it used to be', I liked that anyway. But what an improvement you have made. And to get the plants in you really wanted is great. Lovely garden. You'll definately have to post some pics. cheers
    I must be honest Gaz when I got to the photo of 'how it used to be', I liked that anyway. But what an improvement you have made. And to get the plants in you really wanted is great. Lovely garden. You'll definately have to post some pics. ...
    I must be honest Gaz when I got to the photo of 'how it used to be', I liked that anyway. But what an improvement you have made. And to get the plants in you really wanted is great. Lovely...
  18. daisybelle

    Is this clematis wilt?

    How often were you watering it, Daisy?
    How often were you watering it, Daisy?
    How often were you watering it, Daisy?
    How often were you watering it, Daisy?
  19. Loofah

    Raised bed planks

    I used gravel boards too. Timber is treated and lasts ages. I used a bit of untreated timber at the back of one of mine and 3 years later it has rotted through, whereas the main part is fine. I...
    I used gravel boards too. Timber is treated and lasts ages. I used a bit of untreated timber at the back of one of mine and 3 years later it has rotted through, whereas the main part is fine. I haven't noticed any strange effects that could come from leaching either.
    I used gravel boards too. Timber is treated and lasts ages. I used a bit of untreated timber at the back of one of mine and 3 years later it has rotted through, whereas the main part is fine. I haven't noticed any strange effects that could come...
    I used gravel boards too. Timber is treated and lasts ages. I used a bit of untreated timber at the back of one of mine and 3 years later it has rotted through, whereas the main part is fine. I...
  20. emmawhite

    Green Roofs and Facades - Experiments in Public Perceptions

    Hi Everyone,I need at least 12 more people to fill out my Master's dissertation questionnaire, so if you could spare 10 mins I would be very grateful!It's fairly straightforward to fill...
    Hi Everyone,I need at least 12 more people to fill out my Master's dissertation questionnaire, so if you could spare 10 mins I would be very grateful!It's fairly straightforward to fill out, and gets more fun in the second half!Go to:Thank you again to all those who have helped...
    Hi Everyone,I need at least 12 more people to fill out my Master's dissertation questionnaire, so if you could spare 10 mins I would be very grateful!It's fairly straightforward to fill out, and gets more fun in the second half!Go...
    Hi Everyone,I need at least 12 more people to fill out my Master's dissertation questionnaire, so if you could spare 10 mins I would be very grateful!It's fairly straightforward to fill...

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