General Gardening Discussion

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  1. moyra


    I am sorry I think I have put this thread in the wrong place - better go transfer it to where it should be.
    I am sorry I think I have put this thread in the wrong place - better go transfer it to where it should be.
    I am sorry I think I have put this thread in the wrong place - better go transfer it to where it should be.
    I am sorry I think I have put this thread in the wrong place - better go transfer it to where it should be.
  2. Liz

    Strange clematis

    No info on Salvias, but the Clematis green flower thing is well documented in Chrisopher Lloyds books amongst others. There is a Virus which has a similar effect, but then the flower is badly...
    No info on Salvias, but the Clematis green flower thing is well documented in Chrisopher Lloyds books amongst others. There is a Virus which has a similar effect, but then the flower is badly distorted as well and is obviously sick!
    No info on Salvias, but the Clematis green flower thing is well documented in Chrisopher Lloyds books amongst others. There is a Virus which has a similar effect, but then the flower is badly distorted as well and is obviously sick!
    No info on Salvias, but the Clematis green flower thing is well documented in Chrisopher Lloyds books amongst others. There is a Virus which has a similar effect, but then the flower is badly...
  3. honeytone


    Is it possible that they don't like chalky soil? My friends live near Portsmouth and they have great difficulty in growing them.
    Is it possible that they don't like chalky soil? My friends live near Portsmouth and they have great difficulty in growing them.
    Is it possible that they don't like chalky soil? My friends live near Portsmouth and they have great difficulty in growing them.
    Is it possible that they don't like chalky soil? My friends live near Portsmouth and they have great difficulty in growing them.
  4. hammer

    blossom drop.

    Probably just a couple that had not been pollinated. A truss is as your say a group of yellow flowers on your tomato plants. Botanically a compact cluster of flowers at the end of a...
    Probably just a couple that had not been pollinated. A truss is as your say a group of yellow flowers on your tomato plants. Botanically a compact cluster of flowers at the end of a stalk. Twice a day for maturing tomato plants is not excessive. Regarding quantity, that can only come by...
    Probably just a couple that had not been pollinated. A truss is as your say a group of yellow flowers on your tomato plants. Botanically a compact cluster of flowers at the end of a stalk. Twice a day for maturing tomato plants is not...
    Probably just a couple that had not been pollinated. A truss is as your say a group of yellow flowers on your tomato plants. Botanically a compact cluster of flowers at the end of a...
  5. glenw

    springwatch gardens

    Kate Hume was sorely missed.................................................
    Kate Hume was sorely missed.................................................
    Kate Hume was sorely missed.................................................
    Kate Hume was sorely missed.................................................
  6. SpringsHere

    Perpetually Yours question - do I prune?

    Thanks Liz, much appreciated.Springy x
    Thanks Liz, much appreciated.Springy x
    Thanks Liz, much appreciated.Springy x
    Thanks Liz, much appreciated.Springy x
  7. Layla 2

    Gardens to Visit in Norfolk

    Thank you Bob and Gaz,they look very interesting places to visit
    Thank you Bob and Gaz,they look very interesting places to visit
    Thank you Bob and Gaz,they look very interesting places to visit
    Thank you Bob and Gaz,they look very interesting places to visit
  8. Loofah

    water butts

    Here is a good company local to me who do them and virtually every other sort of plastic drum. They deliver all over:
    Here is a good company local to me who do them and virtually every other sort of plastic drum. They deliver all over:
    Here is a good company local to me who do them and virtually every other sort of plastic drum. They deliver all over:
    Here is a good company local to me who do them and virtually every other sort of plastic drum. They deliver all over:
  9. tweaky


    Lol, I am sorry, I manage to reason in foot and feet (if it is only a few) but inches are too complicated. ;)
    Lol, I am sorry, I manage to reason in foot and feet (if it is only a few) but inches are too complicated. ;)
    Lol, I am sorry, I manage to reason in foot and feet (if it is only a few) but inches are too complicated. ;)
    Lol, I am sorry, I manage to reason in foot and feet (if it is only a few) but inches are too complicated. ;)
  10. nelly
  11. accidentalgardener

    Hosta's which and where?

    Was just wondering on the best soil / compost for hostas? I'm going to be potting some soon...
    Was just wondering on the best soil / compost for hostas? I'm going to be potting some soon...
    Was just wondering on the best soil / compost for hostas? I'm going to be potting some soon...
    Was just wondering on the best soil / compost for hostas? I'm going to be potting some soon...
  12. daisybelle

    Great pot company

    :D Hey Daisybelle, have you seen these..??:D Play the video as well..:D
    :D Hey Daisybelle, have you seen these..??:D Play the video as well..:D
    :D Hey Daisybelle, have you seen these..??:D Play the video as well..:D
    :D Hey Daisybelle, have you seen these..??:D Play the video as well..:D
  13. Loofah

    Likes pots and shade

    How about a Heuchera see There are other leaf colours, and as evergreen foliage plants they will give interest all year round.
    How about a Heuchera see There are other leaf colours, and as evergreen foliage plants they will give interest all year round.
    How about a Heuchera see There are other leaf colours, and as evergreen foliage plants they will give interest all year round.
    How about a Heuchera see There are other leaf colours, and as evergreen foliage plants they will give interest all year round.
  14. emmawhite

    Green Roofs and Facades - What Do You Think?

    Thanks guys, I really appreciate the help!PS. fmay - what was your dissertation on?
    Thanks guys, I really appreciate the help!PS. fmay - what was your dissertation on?
    Thanks guys, I really appreciate the help!PS. fmay - what was your dissertation on?
    Thanks guys, I really appreciate the help!PS. fmay - what was your dissertation on?
  15. Kathy3

    water sprayer

    go for it gizmo aunty says its ok :thumb: :D :D
    go for it gizmo aunty says its ok :thumb: :D :D
    go for it gizmo aunty says its ok :thumb: :D :D
    go for it gizmo aunty says its ok :thumb: :D :D
  16. Scotkat


    Hi.This year I planted Anya, Charlotte and Juliette spuds in old compost sacks and 3 large plastic tubs. The others are doing fine, but the Anyas are suffering, as the I think the roots got...
    Hi.This year I planted Anya, Charlotte and Juliette spuds in old compost sacks and 3 large plastic tubs. The others are doing fine, but the Anyas are suffering, as the I think the roots got damaged when I moved the bags to a sunnier location. It seems they don't like this. Anyas are tiny...
    Hi.This year I planted Anya, Charlotte and Juliette spuds in old compost sacks and 3 large plastic tubs. The others are doing fine, but the Anyas are suffering, as the I think the roots got damaged when I moved the bags to a sunnier location....
    Hi.This year I planted Anya, Charlotte and Juliette spuds in old compost sacks and 3 large plastic tubs. The others are doing fine, but the Anyas are suffering, as the I think the roots got...
  17. Feline


    Thanks everyone. I have just been out to check and I can't see that it's a graft, so it must be grown from seed.I think it came from M&S when they were doing 3 for 2 on shrubs. Don't laugh - I...
    Thanks everyone. I have just been out to check and I can't see that it's a graft, so it must be grown from seed.I think it came from M&S when they were doing 3 for 2 on shrubs. Don't laugh - I was new to gardening then!!!I do prune it every year - I think what I do it OK.Our garden...
    Thanks everyone. I have just been out to check and I can't see that it's a graft, so it must be grown from seed.I think it came from M&S when they were doing 3 for 2 on shrubs. Don't laugh - I was new to gardening then!!!I do prune it...
    Thanks everyone. I have just been out to check and I can't see that it's a graft, so it must be grown from seed.I think it came from M&S when they were doing 3 for 2 on shrubs. Don't laugh - I...
  18. fmay

    A little beauty

    You could get a glass of wine out of that! :)
    You could get a glass of wine out of that! :)
    You could get a glass of wine out of that! :)
    You could get a glass of wine out of that! :)
  19. Animal Mother

    Redbush (Rooibos) and/or Honeybush

    I'm trying to find somewhere/someone who sells these plants in the UK. Preferably already to a reasonable size. Can anybody help?:thumb:
    I'm trying to find somewhere/someone who sells these plants in the UK. Preferably already to a reasonable size. Can anybody help?:thumb:
    I'm trying to find somewhere/someone who sells these plants in the UK. Preferably already to a reasonable size. Can anybody help?:thumb:
    I'm trying to find somewhere/someone who sells these plants in the UK. Preferably already to a reasonable size. Can anybody help?:thumb:
  20. scooby-mas

    Dumb Question

    Scooby by organic soil improver, as david says it means to add something like bone-meal of fish blood and bone as opposed to chemical cocktail used as a liquid feed or a diluted granular feed,they...
    Scooby by organic soil improver, as david says it means to add something like bone-meal of fish blood and bone as opposed to chemical cocktail used as a liquid feed or a diluted granular feed,they are looking at a slow release fertilizer.
    Scooby by organic soil improver, as david says it means to add something like bone-meal of fish blood and bone as opposed to chemical cocktail used as a liquid feed or a diluted granular feed,they are looking at a slow release fertilizer.
    Scooby by organic soil improver, as david says it means to add something like bone-meal of fish blood and bone as opposed to chemical cocktail used as a liquid feed or a diluted granular feed,they...

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