General Gardening Discussion

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  1. spudbristol

    What do you think to this ??

    Good point lol
    Good point lol
    Good point lol
    Good point lol
  2. Victoria

    Delonix regia

    The Erythrina, still not sure what kind it is.
    The Erythrina, still not sure what kind it is.
    The Erythrina, still not sure what kind it is.
    The Erythrina, still not sure what kind it is.
  3. Steve R

    Practical and Inventive use of hessian?

    Well its not inventive but I use Hessian to protect my less hardy plants in the winter,ohhh and not forgetting i do use them for sack races:)
    Well its not inventive but I use Hessian to protect my less hardy plants in the winter,ohhh and not forgetting i do use them for sack races:)
    Well its not inventive but I use Hessian to protect my less hardy plants in the winter,ohhh and not forgetting i do use them for sack races:)
    Well its not inventive but I use Hessian to protect my less hardy plants in the winter,ohhh and not forgetting i do use them for sack races:)
  4. Helofadigger

    Following in Master's foot steps!

    Apparently the young tops make a very tasty soup - fry chopped onions gently in butter for a few minutes until soft, then add a few chopped-up boiled potatoes, a small amount of vegetable stock...
    Apparently the young tops make a very tasty soup - fry chopped onions gently in butter for a few minutes until soft, then add a few chopped-up boiled potatoes, a small amount of vegetable stock and the nettles, just enough stock so they can simmer 'til soft. Cool for 10 mins, add cream, ground...
    Apparently the young tops make a very tasty soup - fry chopped onions gently in butter for a few minutes until soft, then add a few chopped-up boiled potatoes, a small amount of vegetable stock and the nettles, just enough stock so they can...
    Apparently the young tops make a very tasty soup - fry chopped onions gently in butter for a few minutes until soft, then add a few chopped-up boiled potatoes, a small amount of vegetable stock...
  5. Vicki

    Clematis Montana

    I have several Clematis Montana ranging from 4 to 14 years old. The oldest one started the Spring well, produced a few flowers but is now wilting (leaf tips going black). One other started to...
    I have several Clematis Montana ranging from 4 to 14 years old. The oldest one started the Spring well, produced a few flowers but is now wilting (leaf tips going black). One other started to produce leaves but they wilted, but the others have produced no leaves at all. Would this be Wilt ? They...
    I have several Clematis Montana ranging from 4 to 14 years old. The oldest one started the Spring well, produced a few flowers but is now wilting (leaf tips going black). One other started to produce leaves but they wilted, but the others have...
    I have several Clematis Montana ranging from 4 to 14 years old. The oldest one started the Spring well, produced a few flowers but is now wilting (leaf tips going black). One other started to...
  6. Victoria

    Pretty in Purple

    I think the seeds I sent must have been jinxed. :eek: I'll collect more this year and hope that they do better.
    I think the seeds I sent must have been jinxed. :eek: I'll collect more this year and hope that they do better.
    I think the seeds I sent must have been jinxed. :eek: I'll collect more this year and hope that they do better.
    I think the seeds I sent must have been jinxed. :eek: I'll collect more this year and hope that they do better.
  7. Canucksintheuk

    Father's Day Project

    Well, the kids and I wanted to get OH a swing seat for Father's Day - some great deals on right now. But....the big problem here is wind - and we know that it wouldn't likely make it through the...
    Well, the kids and I wanted to get OH a swing seat for Father's Day - some great deals on right now. But....the big problem here is wind - and we know that it wouldn't likely make it through the wind we get up here unless we tucked it away in a corner somewhere. We wanted it down by the pool,...
    Well, the kids and I wanted to get OH a swing seat for Father's Day - some great deals on right now. But....the big problem here is wind - and we know that it wouldn't likely make it through the wind we get up here unless we tucked it away in a...
    Well, the kids and I wanted to get OH a swing seat for Father's Day - some great deals on right now. But....the big problem here is wind - and we know that it wouldn't likely make it through the...
  8. ming

    awful --please help !

    Yea, sorry forgot to mention that Paul.I strung wires up behind them, attached to the fence. As they started branching out I tied them in along the wires whilst they were still soft and...
    Yea, sorry forgot to mention that Paul.I strung wires up behind them, attached to the fence. As they started branching out I tied them in along the wires whilst they were still soft and pliable..loosely of course, just to get them used to going in a sideways direction.New shoots from the...
    Yea, sorry forgot to mention that Paul.I strung wires up behind them, attached to the fence. As they started branching out I tied them in along the wires whilst they were still soft and pliable..loosely of course, just to get them used to going...
    Yea, sorry forgot to mention that Paul.I strung wires up behind them, attached to the fence. As they started branching out I tied them in along the wires whilst they were still soft and...
  9. whis4ey

    A few lupins

    Not in my experience,like Hellebores they are promiscuous, and seedlings come up every colour under the sun.But I love to be surprised what they throw up as seedlings. But there can be some...
    Not in my experience,like Hellebores they are promiscuous, and seedlings come up every colour under the sun.But I love to be surprised what they throw up as seedlings. But there can be some horrible colours! Nice colours I take cuttings off ( though they don't always root) that way I get to...
    Not in my experience,like Hellebores they are promiscuous, and seedlings come up every colour under the sun.But I love to be surprised what they throw up as seedlings. But there can be some horrible colours! Nice colours I take cuttings off...
    Not in my experience,like Hellebores they are promiscuous, and seedlings come up every colour under the sun.But I love to be surprised what they throw up as seedlings. But there can be some...
  10. Freddy


    Hi guys. I take on board what you say about `dappled` Dai ;) Hopefully in the non too distant future I can give it such a spot. As for watering PeterS, I`m pretty sure it`s been looked after in that...
    Hi guys. I take on board what you say about `dappled` Dai ;) Hopefully in the non too distant future I can give it such a spot. As for watering PeterS, I`m pretty sure it`s been looked after in that respect (by us), but it WAS bought from B&Q ! :( Thanks for the replies btw. Cheers...freddy.
    Hi guys. I take on board what you say about `dappled` Dai ;) Hopefully in the non too distant future I can give it such a spot. As for watering PeterS, I`m pretty sure it`s been looked after in that respect (by us), but it WAS bought from B&Q ! :(...
    Hi guys. I take on board what you say about `dappled` Dai ;) Hopefully in the non too distant future I can give it such a spot. As for watering PeterS, I`m pretty sure it`s been looked after in that...
  11. martd77

    Japonica castor oil plant

    After only a week of using this spray on the "fatsia" its sprung to life! praying to the sun again! Thanks all
    After only a week of using this spray on the "fatsia" its sprung to life! praying to the sun again! Thanks all
    After only a week of using this spray on the "fatsia" its sprung to life! praying to the sun again! Thanks all
    After only a week of using this spray on the "fatsia" its sprung to life! praying to the sun again! Thanks all
  12. Scotkat

    Yellow poppies seeding

    Lovely pics Kandy - lvoe those big seedheads! Reminded me to go and see if I can capture some of my own! ...
    Lovely pics Kandy - lvoe those big seedheads! Reminded me to go and see if I can capture some of my own! ...
    Lovely pics Kandy - lvoe those big seedheads! Reminded me to go and see if I can capture some of my own! ...
    Lovely pics Kandy - lvoe those big seedheads! Reminded me to go and see if I can capture some of my own! ...
  13. The Lost Antheus

    Aquilegia not flowering

    Two have the white and the violet but the blue and the alpine haven't flowered at all yet. Don't know why.
    Two have the white and the violet but the blue and the alpine haven't flowered at all yet. Don't know why.
    Two have the white and the violet but the blue and the alpine haven't flowered at all yet. Don't know why.
    Two have the white and the violet but the blue and the alpine haven't flowered at all yet. Don't know why.
  14. borrowers

    May have got us another member.

    Now that's just wonderful Sandra I'm sure the lady will get plenty of helpful advice here and be hooked in no time at all if she joins. I do hope she's brave and informs us (if and when she...
    Now that's just wonderful Sandra I'm sure the lady will get plenty of helpful advice here and be hooked in no time at all if she joins. I do hope she's brave and informs us (if and when she joins) of the lovely chat she had with you because it would be so nice to follow the trail of how she...
    Now that's just wonderful Sandra I'm sure the lady will get plenty of helpful advice here and be hooked in no time at all if she joins. I do hope she's brave and informs us (if and when she joins) of the lovely chat she had with you because it...
    Now that's just wonderful Sandra I'm sure the lady will get plenty of helpful advice here and be hooked in no time at all if she joins. I do hope she's brave and informs us (if and when she...
  15. men8ifr

    What can I plant in my borders?

    I would agree with Pam and Ivory. Its a bit late to sow seeds for things to flower this year but you might like to try some annuals. Annuals are the sprinters of the plant world. They germinate...
    I would agree with Pam and Ivory. Its a bit late to sow seeds for things to flower this year but you might like to try some annuals. Annuals are the sprinters of the plant world. They germinate quickly, and often grow and flower quite quickly, and then set a lot of seed. They have to because...
    I would agree with Pam and Ivory. Its a bit late to sow seeds for things to flower this year but you might like to try some annuals. Annuals are the sprinters of the plant world. They germinate quickly, and often grow and flower quite quickly,...
    I would agree with Pam and Ivory. Its a bit late to sow seeds for things to flower this year but you might like to try some annuals. Annuals are the sprinters of the plant world. They germinate...
  16. greengiant

    I'm in a purple haze

    I hate that stuff its everywhere round here .....
    I hate that stuff its everywhere round here .....
    I hate that stuff its everywhere round here .....
    I hate that stuff its everywhere round here .....
  17. Slinky

    arum lily tubers

    You are very welcome.:D
    You are very welcome.:D
    You are very welcome.:D
    You are very welcome.:D
  18. PeterS


    Not put off at all, experience is what I asked for!! :-)I love my auricula way too much, I will divide the clump, and put into *2* pots, either that or plant it in the bathing tub, lol. Thanks!
    Not put off at all, experience is what I asked for!! :-)I love my auricula way too much, I will divide the clump, and put into *2* pots, either that or plant it in the bathing tub, lol. Thanks!
    Not put off at all, experience is what I asked for!! :-)I love my auricula way too much, I will divide the clump, and put into *2* pots, either that or plant it in the bathing tub, lol. Thanks!
    Not put off at all, experience is what I asked for!! :-)I love my auricula way too much, I will divide the clump, and put into *2* pots, either that or plant it in the bathing tub, lol. Thanks!
  19. pamsdish

    Discount Codes

    Nice one:thumb:
    Nice one:thumb:
    Nice one:thumb:
    Nice one:thumb:
  20. Hyla arborea


    Never heard of this one! Masks for handling compost? Ooer!
    Never heard of this one! Masks for handling compost? Ooer!
    Never heard of this one! Masks for handling compost? Ooer!
    Never heard of this one! Masks for handling compost? Ooer!

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