General Gardening Discussion

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  1. davedavedave

    Killer Vine

    hi thanks for the quick replies, at least i know what i'm dealing with now, shall have a good read up on it and try and get to the root of the problem (no pun intended)
    hi thanks for the quick replies, at least i know what i'm dealing with now, shall have a good read up on it and try and get to the root of the problem (no pun intended)
    hi thanks for the quick replies, at least i know what i'm dealing with now, shall have a good read up on it and try and get to the root of the problem (no pun intended)
    hi thanks for the quick replies, at least i know what i'm dealing with now, shall have a good read up on it and try and get to the root of the problem (no pun intended)
  2. men8ifr

    Little seedlings like water cress

    We probably won't be able to comment until we Know what the seedlings are my friend.
    We probably won't be able to comment until we Know what the seedlings are my friend.
    We probably won't be able to comment until we Know what the seedlings are my friend.
    We probably won't be able to comment until we Know what the seedlings are my friend.
  3. martd77

    Azalea flowering problems?

    cheers will look into that,i know plants only flower for a certain time of the year i was just disappointed,ill make sure i read the blooming labels properly! this one does say "flowers june"
    cheers will look into that,i know plants only flower for a certain time of the year i was just disappointed,ill make sure i read the blooming labels properly! this one does say "flowers june"
    cheers will look into that,i know plants only flower for a certain time of the year i was just disappointed,ill make sure i read the blooming labels properly! this one does say "flowers june"
    cheers will look into that,i know plants only flower for a certain time of the year i was just disappointed,ill make sure i read the blooming labels properly! this one does say "flowers june"
  4. Fran

    Standard Wisteria question

    Thanks Pete - I'll let it settle for a week and then prune the leader back and see what happens. Gonna be an interesting few years - if I get it right I'm gonna have a border feature dripping in...
    Thanks Pete - I'll let it settle for a week and then prune the leader back and see what happens. Gonna be an interesting few years - if I get it right I'm gonna have a border feature dripping in racemes in spring, and a real splash of colour at autumn. If I get it wrong - a mess as you say. ...
    Thanks Pete - I'll let it settle for a week and then prune the leader back and see what happens. Gonna be an interesting few years - if I get it right I'm gonna have a border feature dripping in racemes in spring, and a real splash of colour at...
    Thanks Pete - I'll let it settle for a week and then prune the leader back and see what happens. Gonna be an interesting few years - if I get it right I'm gonna have a border feature dripping in...
  5. Veg-and-flower-man

    Where have all the bees gone?

    loads of bees in my garden today. They are obviously enjoying the lupins and lobelia!
    loads of bees in my garden today. They are obviously enjoying the lupins and lobelia!
    loads of bees in my garden today. They are obviously enjoying the lupins and lobelia!
    loads of bees in my garden today. They are obviously enjoying the lupins and lobelia!
  6. Aster


    What a great idea. I don't get much problem with cats anymore , my garden is a cat no go zone. ;) :DBut my Dad does, and my husband just happens to be a carpet fitter. We have a shed full...
    What a great idea. I don't get much problem with cats anymore , my garden is a cat no go zone. ;) :DBut my Dad does, and my husband just happens to be a carpet fitter. We have a shed full of gripper rods and metal door strips. :D :thumb:
    What a great idea. I don't get much problem with cats anymore , my garden is a cat no go zone. ;) :DBut my Dad does, and my husband just happens to be a carpet fitter. We have a shed full of gripper rods and metal door strips. :D :thumb:
    What a great idea. I don't get much problem with cats anymore , my garden is a cat no go zone. ;) :DBut my Dad does, and my husband just happens to be a carpet fitter. We have a shed full...
  7. fmay


    Round here the goose grass (sticky weed) is just coming in to flower, so it will be dropping seed in a few weeks. So I'm keeping and eye out for it at the moment. If you can get it all out this...
    Round here the goose grass (sticky weed) is just coming in to flower, so it will be dropping seed in a few weeks. So I'm keeping and eye out for it at the moment. If you can get it all out this year before it starts seeding then there shouldn't be much next year. It can be tricky to find it all...
    Round here the goose grass (sticky weed) is just coming in to flower, so it will be dropping seed in a few weeks. So I'm keeping and eye out for it at the moment. If you can get it all out this year before it starts seeding then there shouldn't...
    Round here the goose grass (sticky weed) is just coming in to flower, so it will be dropping seed in a few weeks. So I'm keeping and eye out for it at the moment. If you can get it all out this...
  8. spudbristol

    Anyone ever done this ?

    Well used it today and the good news is i didnt damage the engine :D
    Well used it today and the good news is i didnt damage the engine :D
    Well used it today and the good news is i didnt damage the engine :D
    Well used it today and the good news is i didnt damage the engine :D
  9. cymro

    lady boothby fuchsia

    "climbing fuchsia" Really disappointing - though as a fuchsia grower I should not have surprised. Fuchsia's don't twine or self cling, so the only other way for it to climb is to have strong...
    "climbing fuchsia" Really disappointing - though as a fuchsia grower I should not have surprised. Fuchsia's don't twine or self cling, so the only other way for it to climb is to have strong sturdy shoots that can get into companion planting. But I found the growth the first year, weak and...
    "climbing fuchsia" Really disappointing - though as a fuchsia grower I should not have surprised. Fuchsia's don't twine or self cling, so the only other way for it to climb is to have strong sturdy shoots that can get into companion planting. ...
    "climbing fuchsia" Really disappointing - though as a fuchsia grower I should not have surprised. Fuchsia's don't twine or self cling, so the only other way for it to climb is to have strong...
  10. scooby-mas

    Finished BBQ

    No, Tweaky, but that would do the job.:thumb:
    No, Tweaky, but that would do the job.:thumb:
    No, Tweaky, but that would do the job.:thumb:
    No, Tweaky, but that would do the job.:thumb:
  11. Slinky

    leylandii hedge

    It should be ok, perhaps bind some insulation tape over the lost bark area.
    It should be ok, perhaps bind some insulation tape over the lost bark area.
    It should be ok, perhaps bind some insulation tape over the lost bark area.
    It should be ok, perhaps bind some insulation tape over the lost bark area.
  12. biker

    Total garden renovation

    What a difference biker! Looks great - love your wall too. look forward to more pictures soon!
    What a difference biker! Looks great - love your wall too. look forward to more pictures soon!
    What a difference biker! Looks great - love your wall too. look forward to more pictures soon!
    What a difference biker! Looks great - love your wall too. look forward to more pictures soon!
  13. J.R.P.


    John,please explain why I should delete my post.You are the one who has blackened the name of your church not me.Freedom of speech and all that:thumb: Also can you let me into the secret as to...
    John,please explain why I should delete my post.You are the one who has blackened the name of your church not me.Freedom of speech and all that:thumb: Also can you let me into the secret as to how you manage to type out all that information which I find too much for my blonde brain,without...
    John,please explain why I should delete my post.You are the one who has blackened the name of your church not me.Freedom of speech and all that:thumb: Also can you let me into the secret as to how you manage to type out all that information...
    John,please explain why I should delete my post.You are the one who has blackened the name of your church not me.Freedom of speech and all that:thumb: Also can you let me into the secret as to...
  14. fmay

    An ex-water feature

    Probably LOL - my memory is going:) I saw the water garden section, had just mended the water feature for the nth time and thought I'd share the piccies.Grace is full of mischief - I won't be...
    Probably LOL - my memory is going:) I saw the water garden section, had just mended the water feature for the nth time and thought I'd share the piccies.Grace is full of mischief - I won't be able to have many flowers this year because she pulls the heads off :rolleyes:Just ignore me and...
    Probably LOL - my memory is going:) I saw the water garden section, had just mended the water feature for the nth time and thought I'd share the piccies.Grace is full of mischief - I won't be able to have many flowers this year because she...
    Probably LOL - my memory is going:) I saw the water garden section, had just mended the water feature for the nth time and thought I'd share the piccies.Grace is full of mischief - I won't be...
  15. flowerpotty

    problem with my callistemon

    Thankyou for the advice, i don't think it has put on any new growth since last year, maybe the cold has got it or the soil is too dry.
    Thankyou for the advice, i don't think it has put on any new growth since last year, maybe the cold has got it or the soil is too dry.
    Thankyou for the advice, i don't think it has put on any new growth since last year, maybe the cold has got it or the soil is too dry.
    Thankyou for the advice, i don't think it has put on any new growth since last year, maybe the cold has got it or the soil is too dry.
  16. Stingo

    Helleborous Experts

    Me to same as Paul and so like to see even just the foilage without flowers .I only ever take the dead foliage off.
    Me to same as Paul and so like to see even just the foilage without flowers .I only ever take the dead foliage off.
    Me to same as Paul and so like to see even just the foilage without flowers .I only ever take the dead foliage off.
    Me to same as Paul and so like to see even just the foilage without flowers .I only ever take the dead foliage off.
  17. fmay

    I've started.

    im no softy i put my kids to work im a dad with a difference i dont take **** but i give loads of love be strong teach your children no matter how old they are :thumb:
    im no softy i put my kids to work im a dad with a difference i dont take **** but i give loads of love be strong teach your children no matter how old they are :thumb:
    im no softy i put my kids to work im a dad with a difference i dont take **** but i give loads of love be strong teach your children no matter how old they are :thumb:
    im no softy i put my kids to work im a dad with a difference i dont take **** but i give loads of love be strong teach your children no matter how old they are :thumb:
  18. scooby-mas

    Brick Bbq

    Finished it today i have started a new thread in the genral disscusion with a picture and a new question for advise :thumb:
    Finished it today i have started a new thread in the genral disscusion with a picture and a new question for advise :thumb:
    Finished it today i have started a new thread in the genral disscusion with a picture and a new question for advise :thumb:
    Finished it today i have started a new thread in the genral disscusion with a picture and a new question for advise :thumb:
  19. accidentalgardener

    Which fern and where?

    thanks Flinty, i see your soil is very well..........err.......flinty :D
    thanks Flinty, i see your soil is very well..........err.......flinty :D
    thanks Flinty, i see your soil is very well..........err.......flinty :D
    thanks Flinty, i see your soil is very well..........err.......flinty :D
  20. ConfusedCalla

    Calla Lily

    I have had some Zantedeschia (should be the plant you mean if it comes in so many colours) for several years now. Idon't try to have them blooming all the time though. They are in 30 cm pots, and...
    I have had some Zantedeschia (should be the plant you mean if it comes in so many colours) for several years now. Idon't try to have them blooming all the time though. They are in 30 cm pots, and I have divided them, they increase a lot, and the tubers grow huge. I have them outside in summer...
    I have had some Zantedeschia (should be the plant you mean if it comes in so many colours) for several years now. Idon't try to have them blooming all the time though. They are in 30 cm pots, and I have divided them, they increase a lot, and the...
    I have had some Zantedeschia (should be the plant you mean if it comes in so many colours) for several years now. Idon't try to have them blooming all the time though. They are in 30 cm pots, and...

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