General Gardening Discussion

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  1. whis4ey

    In the evening air

    looks fantastic!!!!!!
    looks fantastic!!!!!!
    looks fantastic!!!!!!
    looks fantastic!!!!!!
  2. Gwen Bragg

    Crown imperials and pyracantha

    :) Hi Gwen, sorry to hear the Crown Imp's didn't flower again.. I found this RHS pamphlet, maybe some suggestions there as to why..
    :) Hi Gwen, sorry to hear the Crown Imp's didn't flower again.. I found this RHS pamphlet, maybe some suggestions there as to why..
    :) Hi Gwen, sorry to hear the Crown Imp's didn't flower again.. I found this RHS pamphlet, maybe some suggestions there as to why..
    :) Hi Gwen, sorry to hear the Crown Imp's didn't flower again.. I found this RHS pamphlet, maybe some suggestions there as to why..
  3. Philsy

    Have I killed this Gleditsia?

    Thanks, David. We'll do that.Phil
    Thanks, David. We'll do that.Phil
    Thanks, David. We'll do that.Phil
    Thanks, David. We'll do that.Phil
  4. men8ifr

    What makes the perfect soil?

    PeterS,Thanks for your advice, especially the link to the other thread of your front garden.The subsoil is yellow clay, so I guess I'm pretty stuck. I might try with a small sample to try...
    PeterS,Thanks for your advice, especially the link to the other thread of your front garden.The subsoil is yellow clay, so I guess I'm pretty stuck. I might try with a small sample to try and improve it, maybe a wheelbarrow full. I have some sharp sand and 10mm gravel spare as well as...
    PeterS,Thanks for your advice, especially the link to the other thread of your front garden.The subsoil is yellow clay, so I guess I'm pretty stuck. I might try with a small sample to try and improve it, maybe a wheelbarrow full. I have...
    PeterS,Thanks for your advice, especially the link to the other thread of your front garden.The subsoil is yellow clay, so I guess I'm pretty stuck. I might try with a small sample to try...
  5. golcarlilly

    Late development?

    For some reason my runners and peas to an extent haven't done so well this year. Perhaps it's time for rotation again.
    For some reason my runners and peas to an extent haven't done so well this year. Perhaps it's time for rotation again.
    For some reason my runners and peas to an extent haven't done so well this year. Perhaps it's time for rotation again.
    For some reason my runners and peas to an extent haven't done so well this year. Perhaps it's time for rotation again.
  6. FANCY


    Thank you Guys
    Thank you Guys
    Thank you Guys
    Thank you Guys
  7. men8ifr

    Stony and clay soil - what to do...will it be OK?

    Essex is notouriose for clay,and boy is there a lot of it men8ifr.The only way that I got over it was to put raised beds in,its hard work but its worth it believe me.
    Essex is notouriose for clay,and boy is there a lot of it men8ifr.The only way that I got over it was to put raised beds in,its hard work but its worth it believe me.
    Essex is notouriose for clay,and boy is there a lot of it men8ifr.The only way that I got over it was to put raised beds in,its hard work but its worth it believe me.
    Essex is notouriose for clay,and boy is there a lot of it men8ifr.The only way that I got over it was to put raised beds in,its hard work but its worth it believe me.
  8. dasarp

    Help with Gift!!

    I think the aerogarden Dasarp as it is something that would fit almost anywhere and your girlfriend could wathch her herbs germinate and grow its something she would injoy,and after all thats the...
    I think the aerogarden Dasarp as it is something that would fit almost anywhere and your girlfriend could wathch her herbs germinate and grow its something she would injoy,and after all thats the art of it to keep them happy isnt it Dasarp.
    I think the aerogarden Dasarp as it is something that would fit almost anywhere and your girlfriend could wathch her herbs germinate and grow its something she would injoy,and after all thats the art of it to keep them happy isnt it Dasarp.
    I think the aerogarden Dasarp as it is something that would fit almost anywhere and your girlfriend could wathch her herbs germinate and grow its something she would injoy,and after all thats the...
  9. VenusFlyTrap

    Storing Plants for later use

    good luck :thumb:
    good luck :thumb:
    good luck :thumb:
    good luck :thumb:
  10. Slinky


    Used to have one of these myself! Very nice plants but mine got a bit too big for my garden (like the picture above of the really big one hehe) got a new one now though :)
    Used to have one of these myself! Very nice plants but mine got a bit too big for my garden (like the picture above of the really big one hehe) got a new one now though :)
    Used to have one of these myself! Very nice plants but mine got a bit too big for my garden (like the picture above of the really big one hehe) got a new one now though :)
    Used to have one of these myself! Very nice plants but mine got a bit too big for my garden (like the picture above of the really big one hehe) got a new one now though :)
  11. ray.finch


    You will need to keep trimming it back to give you the new leaves that are red and to allow the bush to thicken up or it will become very leggy. Not sure when is the best time to do this but i...
    You will need to keep trimming it back to give you the new leaves that are red and to allow the bush to thicken up or it will become very leggy. Not sure when is the best time to do this but i tend to tidy my Red Robin bushes when they start to get out of shape which is quite often as they do...
    You will need to keep trimming it back to give you the new leaves that are red and to allow the bush to thicken up or it will become very leggy. Not sure when is the best time to do this but i tend to tidy my Red Robin bushes when they start to...
    You will need to keep trimming it back to give you the new leaves that are red and to allow the bush to thicken up or it will become very leggy. Not sure when is the best time to do this but i...
  12. Larkshall

    Sprayers at ALDI

    That's just what I need - now I just need to find an Aldi, the nearest to us is 25 miles in a direction that I rarely go ;)
    That's just what I need - now I just need to find an Aldi, the nearest to us is 25 miles in a direction that I rarely go ;)
    That's just what I need - now I just need to find an Aldi, the nearest to us is 25 miles in a direction that I rarely go ;)
    That's just what I need - now I just need to find an Aldi, the nearest to us is 25 miles in a direction that I rarely go ;)
  13. whis4ey


    Mine are a lot paler than that, although they are deeper before they open.
    Mine are a lot paler than that, although they are deeper before they open.
    Mine are a lot paler than that, although they are deeper before they open.
    Mine are a lot paler than that, although they are deeper before they open.
  14. cookie73

    Help need a Sweet Cicely Specimen

    HiI need a decent size Sweet Cicely for a show, I need it by Wednesday 11th June, Next week!!I am based in South Lincolnshire but would willing to travelAny help or hints very much...
    HiI need a decent size Sweet Cicely for a show, I need it by Wednesday 11th June, Next week!!I am based in South Lincolnshire but would willing to travelAny help or hints very much appreciated.ThanksDarren
    HiI need a decent size Sweet Cicely for a show, I need it by Wednesday 11th June, Next week!!I am based in South Lincolnshire but would willing to travelAny help or hints very much appreciated.ThanksDarren
    HiI need a decent size Sweet Cicely for a show, I need it by Wednesday 11th June, Next week!!I am based in South Lincolnshire but would willing to travelAny help or hints very much...
  15. vikpole


    Mine always die too, I have had three in the past 18 months, but now at least next time I get tempted to try again I'll know how to take care of it.
    Mine always die too, I have had three in the past 18 months, but now at least next time I get tempted to try again I'll know how to take care of it.
    Mine always die too, I have had three in the past 18 months, but now at least next time I get tempted to try again I'll know how to take care of it.
    Mine always die too, I have had three in the past 18 months, but now at least next time I get tempted to try again I'll know how to take care of it.
  16. Slinky


    As requested
    As requested
    As requested
    As requested
  17. men8ifr

    Best places to get plants on a budget?

    Standard practise to charge sellers a pitch fee I thought ? Also look out for summer fetes and village open days. Have a bash at seeds too:)
    Standard practise to charge sellers a pitch fee I thought ? Also look out for summer fetes and village open days. Have a bash at seeds too:)
    Standard practise to charge sellers a pitch fee I thought ? Also look out for summer fetes and village open days. Have a bash at seeds too:)
    Standard practise to charge sellers a pitch fee I thought ? Also look out for summer fetes and village open days. Have a bash at seeds too:)
  18. borrowers

    Cerinthe & Mirabilis

    Thanks for replies everyone. will remember to not feed nasts. - they're getting enormous! Will only put a couple of each cerinthe's & mirabilis in the big pots then - looks like I'm going to...
    Thanks for replies everyone. will remember to not feed nasts. - they're getting enormous! Will only put a couple of each cerinthe's & mirabilis in the big pots then - looks like I'm going to have to ask hubby for some more big ones:) cheers
    Thanks for replies everyone. will remember to not feed nasts. - they're getting enormous! Will only put a couple of each cerinthe's & mirabilis in the big pots then - looks like I'm going to have to ask hubby for some more big ones:) cheers
    Thanks for replies everyone. will remember to not feed nasts. - they're getting enormous! Will only put a couple of each cerinthe's & mirabilis in the big pots then - looks like I'm going to...
  19. Rosiemongrel

    What to feed flowering climbers with?

    Thanks for the reply. I see what you mean about using different fertilisers for different types of plant & veg. I have some chicken pellets, so I'll use those on the veg patch then. I also have...
    Thanks for the reply. I see what you mean about using different fertilisers for different types of plant & veg. I have some chicken pellets, so I'll use those on the veg patch then. I also have some bone meal, is that the same as Fish Blood & Bone?
    Thanks for the reply. I see what you mean about using different fertilisers for different types of plant & veg. I have some chicken pellets, so I'll use those on the veg patch then. I also have some bone meal, is that the same as Fish Blood & Bone?
    Thanks for the reply. I see what you mean about using different fertilisers for different types of plant & veg. I have some chicken pellets, so I'll use those on the veg patch then. I also have...
  20. Scotkat


    Thanks May, I'll give it a try.:thumb:
    Thanks May, I'll give it a try.:thumb:
    Thanks May, I'll give it a try.:thumb:
    Thanks May, I'll give it a try.:thumb:

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