General Gardening Discussion

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  1. vikpole


    Mine always die too, I have had three in the past 18 months, but now at least next time I get tempted to try again I'll know how to take care of it.
    Mine always die too, I have had three in the past 18 months, but now at least next time I get tempted to try again I'll know how to take care of it.
    Mine always die too, I have had three in the past 18 months, but now at least next time I get tempted to try again I'll know how to take care of it.
    Mine always die too, I have had three in the past 18 months, but now at least next time I get tempted to try again I'll know how to take care of it.
  2. Slinky


    As requested
    As requested
    As requested
    As requested
  3. men8ifr

    Best places to get plants on a budget?

    Standard practise to charge sellers a pitch fee I thought ? Also look out for summer fetes and village open days. Have a bash at seeds too:)
    Standard practise to charge sellers a pitch fee I thought ? Also look out for summer fetes and village open days. Have a bash at seeds too:)
    Standard practise to charge sellers a pitch fee I thought ? Also look out for summer fetes and village open days. Have a bash at seeds too:)
    Standard practise to charge sellers a pitch fee I thought ? Also look out for summer fetes and village open days. Have a bash at seeds too:)
  4. borrowers

    Cerinthe & Mirabilis

    Thanks for replies everyone. will remember to not feed nasts. - they're getting enormous! Will only put a couple of each cerinthe's & mirabilis in the big pots then - looks like I'm going to...
    Thanks for replies everyone. will remember to not feed nasts. - they're getting enormous! Will only put a couple of each cerinthe's & mirabilis in the big pots then - looks like I'm going to have to ask hubby for some more big ones:) cheers
    Thanks for replies everyone. will remember to not feed nasts. - they're getting enormous! Will only put a couple of each cerinthe's & mirabilis in the big pots then - looks like I'm going to have to ask hubby for some more big ones:) cheers
    Thanks for replies everyone. will remember to not feed nasts. - they're getting enormous! Will only put a couple of each cerinthe's & mirabilis in the big pots then - looks like I'm going to...
  5. Rosiemongrel

    What to feed flowering climbers with?

    Thanks for the reply. I see what you mean about using different fertilisers for different types of plant & veg. I have some chicken pellets, so I'll use those on the veg patch then. I also have...
    Thanks for the reply. I see what you mean about using different fertilisers for different types of plant & veg. I have some chicken pellets, so I'll use those on the veg patch then. I also have some bone meal, is that the same as Fish Blood & Bone?
    Thanks for the reply. I see what you mean about using different fertilisers for different types of plant & veg. I have some chicken pellets, so I'll use those on the veg patch then. I also have some bone meal, is that the same as Fish Blood & Bone?
    Thanks for the reply. I see what you mean about using different fertilisers for different types of plant & veg. I have some chicken pellets, so I'll use those on the veg patch then. I also have...
  6. Scotkat


    Thanks May, I'll give it a try.:thumb:
    Thanks May, I'll give it a try.:thumb:
    Thanks May, I'll give it a try.:thumb:
    Thanks May, I'll give it a try.:thumb:
  7. compwinner

    Patio pots

    Thank you for your reply! I've got some broken pots that I could put in. I'm loving this forum - getting loads of ideas. Thanks x
    Thank you for your reply! I've got some broken pots that I could put in. I'm loving this forum - getting loads of ideas. Thanks x
    Thank you for your reply! I've got some broken pots that I could put in. I'm loving this forum - getting loads of ideas. Thanks x
    Thank you for your reply! I've got some broken pots that I could put in. I'm loving this forum - getting loads of ideas. Thanks x
  8. Bashy

    My Garden - Photo's

    Looks great Bashy!
    Looks great Bashy!
    Looks great Bashy!
    Looks great Bashy!
  9. men8ifr

    Automatic watering system - recommendations?

    Do you leave it watering all through the summer i.e. when it's raining as well I can imagine it's a pain to turn it off when it rains and remember (or forget) to turn it on again when it stops?
    Do you leave it watering all through the summer i.e. when it's raining as well I can imagine it's a pain to turn it off when it rains and remember (or forget) to turn it on again when it stops?
    Do you leave it watering all through the summer i.e. when it's raining as well I can imagine it's a pain to turn it off when it rains and remember (or forget) to turn it on again when it stops?
    Do you leave it watering all through the summer i.e. when it's raining as well I can imagine it's a pain to turn it off when it rains and remember (or forget) to turn it on again when it stops?
  10. spudbristol

    What would you do with this fence?

    Ah that ull do me then :thumb: ill prob do as you say for now as its not the whole length of the gap more or less just what you see in the pic is what will be under the soil a meater max :D
    Ah that ull do me then :thumb: ill prob do as you say for now as its not the whole length of the gap more or less just what you see in the pic is what will be under the soil a meater max :D
    Ah that ull do me then :thumb: ill prob do as you say for now as its not the whole length of the gap more or less just what you see in the pic is what will be under the soil a meater max :D
    Ah that ull do me then :thumb: ill prob do as you say for now as its not the whole length of the gap more or less just what you see in the pic is what will be under the soil a meater max :D
  11. SpringsHere

    Lupins - when do I remove the flower spikes please?

    I tend to leave mine til most of the flowers are faded. It does mean that it takes longer for the new shoots to appear, but I like to enjoy the flowers for as long as I can. Who knows - the slugs...
    I tend to leave mine til most of the flowers are faded. It does mean that it takes longer for the new shoots to appear, but I like to enjoy the flowers for as long as I can. Who knows - the slugs may spoil the new shoots :-)
    I tend to leave mine til most of the flowers are faded. It does mean that it takes longer for the new shoots to appear, but I like to enjoy the flowers for as long as I can. Who knows - the slugs may spoil the new shoots :-)
    I tend to leave mine til most of the flowers are faded. It does mean that it takes longer for the new shoots to appear, but I like to enjoy the flowers for as long as I can. Who knows - the slugs...
  12. elliegreenwellie


    I use some pet friendly pellets (at least that is what is says on the packet) there is also a gel which can be spread around individual plants. other possibilities are: sauces of beer (they go for...
    I use some pet friendly pellets (at least that is what is says on the packet) there is also a gel which can be spread around individual plants. other possibilities are: sauces of beer (they go for a drink and drown- honest!) copper wire hedgehogs
    I use some pet friendly pellets (at least that is what is says on the packet) there is also a gel which can be spread around individual plants. other possibilities are: sauces of beer (they go for a drink and drown- honest!) copper wire hedgehogs
    I use some pet friendly pellets (at least that is what is says on the packet) there is also a gel which can be spread around individual plants. other possibilities are: sauces of beer (they go for...
  13. SpringsHere

    'Perpetually Yours' - Climber question please,

    Thanks Mike, appreciated. There is no way I'm gonna dig up 'Perpetually', even if it isn't exactly what I wanted. It's soooo healthy and happy looking, that would be criminal! At the end of...
    Thanks Mike, appreciated. There is no way I'm gonna dig up 'Perpetually', even if it isn't exactly what I wanted. It's soooo healthy and happy looking, that would be criminal! At the end of summer/autumn, I'm re-hashing the back garden - bringing an edge border forward onto the laen area and...
    Thanks Mike, appreciated. There is no way I'm gonna dig up 'Perpetually', even if it isn't exactly what I wanted. It's soooo healthy and happy looking, that would be criminal! At the end of summer/autumn, I'm re-hashing the back garden -...
    Thanks Mike, appreciated. There is no way I'm gonna dig up 'Perpetually', even if it isn't exactly what I wanted. It's soooo healthy and happy looking, that would be criminal! At the end of...
  14. celt40

    Non stop begonias

    I missed this celt, seeing as non stop Begonias are upright in habit perhaps something trailing would go with it (depending how high the containers are) such as Bacopa, trailing Alyssum or even...
    I missed this celt, seeing as non stop Begonias are upright in habit perhaps something trailing would go with it (depending how high the containers are) such as Bacopa, trailing Alyssum or even edging Lobelia. There are many plants you can mix with Begonias, Salvias, impatiens or even Geraniums....
    I missed this celt, seeing as non stop Begonias are upright in habit perhaps something trailing would go with it (depending how high the containers are) such as Bacopa, trailing Alyssum or even edging Lobelia. There are many plants you can mix...
    I missed this celt, seeing as non stop Begonias are upright in habit perhaps something trailing would go with it (depending how high the containers are) such as Bacopa, trailing Alyssum or even...
  15. Tropical_Gaz

    Small plastic hanging baskets

    Many thanks - ordered them!!!:thumb::thumb:
    Many thanks - ordered them!!!:thumb::thumb:
    Many thanks - ordered them!!!:thumb::thumb:
    Many thanks - ordered them!!!:thumb::thumb:
  16. Sezzle

    plant survivor!

    We have a bedding geranium from last year that survived the winter and is now producing lots of new leaves.It doesn't match the new ones I got for this year but I didn't have the heart to move it.
    We have a bedding geranium from last year that survived the winter and is now producing lots of new leaves.It doesn't match the new ones I got for this year but I didn't have the heart to move it.
    We have a bedding geranium from last year that survived the winter and is now producing lots of new leaves.It doesn't match the new ones I got for this year but I didn't have the heart to move it.
    We have a bedding geranium from last year that survived the winter and is now producing lots of new leaves.It doesn't match the new ones I got for this year but I didn't have the heart to move it.
  17. Paul West Sussex


    You can buy all manner of wildflower meadow seed mixes, but these are for areas where the grass will grow long - not a lawn. I reckon your best bet would be to dig up some daisies from a...
    You can buy all manner of wildflower meadow seed mixes, but these are for areas where the grass will grow long - not a lawn. I reckon your best bet would be to dig up some daisies from a friend/neighbours lawn, as most flok try to get rid of them! I personally like them, and brought a small...
    You can buy all manner of wildflower meadow seed mixes, but these are for areas where the grass will grow long - not a lawn. I reckon your best bet would be to dig up some daisies from a friend/neighbours lawn, as most flok try to get rid of...
    You can buy all manner of wildflower meadow seed mixes, but these are for areas where the grass will grow long - not a lawn. I reckon your best bet would be to dig up some daisies from a...
  18. nickp

    It's taken one long year ....

    We:1. Cleared the ground of all debris 2. Added 3 ton of pea shingle 3. Laid down heavy duty black mebrane 4. Laid the frame ontop and then filled the gaps with in the frame with more...
    We:1. Cleared the ground of all debris 2. Added 3 ton of pea shingle 3. Laid down heavy duty black mebrane 4. Laid the frame ontop and then filled the gaps with in the frame with more shingle and cement 5. Topped it up with some nice stones.Plus - weedkiller is being put down every 2...
    We:1. Cleared the ground of all debris 2. Added 3 ton of pea shingle 3. Laid down heavy duty black mebrane 4. Laid the frame ontop and then filled the gaps with in the frame with more shingle and cement 5. Topped it up with some nice...
    We:1. Cleared the ground of all debris 2. Added 3 ton of pea shingle 3. Laid down heavy duty black mebrane 4. Laid the frame ontop and then filled the gaps with in the frame with more...
  19. newfiejeff

    Golden Chain

    I am pretty sure it's not grafted, but give me a couple of days and I will send a picture.Thanks again.Jeff :)
    I am pretty sure it's not grafted, but give me a couple of days and I will send a picture.Thanks again.Jeff :)
    I am pretty sure it's not grafted, but give me a couple of days and I will send a picture.Thanks again.Jeff :)
    I am pretty sure it's not grafted, but give me a couple of days and I will send a picture.Thanks again.Jeff :)
  20. Lisa+Jon

    Are our plants doing ok?

    Thankyou for all your comments, one more question do we need to nip out the sideshoots on our peppers??Many Thanks
    Thankyou for all your comments, one more question do we need to nip out the sideshoots on our peppers??Many Thanks
    Thankyou for all your comments, one more question do we need to nip out the sideshoots on our peppers??Many Thanks
    Thankyou for all your comments, one more question do we need to nip out the sideshoots on our peppers??Many Thanks

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