General Gardening Discussion

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  1. ray.finch

    Slow Release Plant Food

    I know what you mean R.F its an expensive do. miracale grows slow release is a fiver for 1 litre. I always intend to by at the end of the season (coz a lot cheaper) but always seem to get there to...
    I know what you mean R.F its an expensive do. miracale grows slow release is a fiver for 1 litre. I always intend to by at the end of the season (coz a lot cheaper) but always seem to get there to late. I'm a terrible shopper for a woman.:confused::thumb::D
    I know what you mean R.F its an expensive do. miracale grows slow release is a fiver for 1 litre. I always intend to by at the end of the season (coz a lot cheaper) but always seem to get there to late. I'm a terrible shopper for a...
    I know what you mean R.F its an expensive do. miracale grows slow release is a fiver for 1 litre. I always intend to by at the end of the season (coz a lot cheaper) but always seem to get there to...
  2. Liz

    tuylips are not my favourite flower...

    Aren't there just some stunning tulips! 02
    Aren't there just some stunning tulips! 02
    Aren't there just some stunning tulips! 02
    Aren't there just some stunning tulips! 02
  3. scooby-mas

    stone or masonry bbq`s

    Got it from Ebay, seller has shown good communications so far, paid lot less than RRP too :D I think Lady of Leisure has a point regarding size, but mines not too cumbersome and also its size...
    Got it from Ebay, seller has shown good communications so far, paid lot less than RRP too :D I think Lady of Leisure has a point regarding size, but mines not too cumbersome and also its size might be irrelevant depending on the size of your garden and how much use you make of it.
    Got it from Ebay, seller has shown good communications so far, paid lot less than RRP too :D I think Lady of Leisure has a point regarding size, but mines not too cumbersome and also its size might be irrelevant depending on the size of your...
    Got it from Ebay, seller has shown good communications so far, paid lot less than RRP too :D I think Lady of Leisure has a point regarding size, but mines not too cumbersome and also its size...
  4. Shaun

    Who Sells These Hanging Basket Brackets?

    Thanks all, I've sent some enquires off to both Homebase and Pounstretcher - let's see what happens
    Thanks all, I've sent some enquires off to both Homebase and Pounstretcher - let's see what happens
    Thanks all, I've sent some enquires off to both Homebase and Pounstretcher - let's see what happens
    Thanks all, I've sent some enquires off to both Homebase and Pounstretcher - let's see what happens
  5. linlin

    How to minimise work in the garden......

    In general planting plugs rarely works, to start a true wildflower meadow you need to plough up and seed drill with wildflower mix but this is a extremly expensive.If you simply leave...
    In general planting plugs rarely works, to start a true wildflower meadow you need to plough up and seed drill with wildflower mix but this is a extremly expensive.If you simply leave theexising grass to grow long you will get butter cups, ozeye daisys and dandelions and will have and...
    In general planting plugs rarely works, to start a true wildflower meadow you need to plough up and seed drill with wildflower mix but this is a extremly expensive.If you simply leave theexising grass to grow long you will get butter cups,...
    In general planting plugs rarely works, to start a true wildflower meadow you need to plough up and seed drill with wildflower mix but this is a extremly expensive.If you simply leave...
  6. scooby-mas

    More Help With These Pictures!!

    Scooby, if it`s in a pot it should be alright, but feed regularly with something like Miracid. Which is especially formulated for ericaceous plants.:thumb:
    Scooby, if it`s in a pot it should be alright, but feed regularly with something like Miracid. Which is especially formulated for ericaceous plants.:thumb:
    Scooby, if it`s in a pot it should be alright, but feed regularly with something like Miracid. Which is especially formulated for ericaceous plants.:thumb:
    Scooby, if it`s in a pot it should be alright, but feed regularly with something like Miracid. Which is especially formulated for ericaceous plants.:thumb:
  7. chobart


    I did think of removing the offsets but I didn't want to disturb things too much, might even remove another paving slab and give it more space. I like the natural look with most things. Know...
    I did think of removing the offsets but I didn't want to disturb things too much, might even remove another paving slab and give it more space. I like the natural look with most things. Know what you mean about the snails, they tend to leave their mark on my aloes, just enough damage to ruin...
    I did think of removing the offsets but I didn't want to disturb things too much, might even remove another paving slab and give it more space. I like the natural look with most things. Know what you mean about the snails, they tend to leave...
    I did think of removing the offsets but I didn't want to disturb things too much, might even remove another paving slab and give it more space. I like the natural look with most things. Know...
  8. Paul West Sussex

    Oleander - Dangerous?

    I,ll second that Paul,there was a small article in the National paper today.:( As for getting rid,dont bother keep it........:thumb:
    I,ll second that Paul,there was a small article in the National paper today.:( As for getting rid,dont bother keep it........:thumb:
    I,ll second that Paul,there was a small article in the National paper today.:( As for getting rid,dont bother keep it........:thumb:
    I,ll second that Paul,there was a small article in the National paper today.:( As for getting rid,dont bother keep it........:thumb:
  9. Steve R

    Plant databases

    Try this website
    Try this website
    Try this website
    Try this website
  10. lelly


    We were told to put fuchias in the shed for the winter, this we did, admittedly forgot all about it and took it out in the spring to find it completely brown and it never recovered. Is it OK to...
    We were told to put fuchias in the shed for the winter, this we did, admittedly forgot all about it and took it out in the spring to find it completely brown and it never recovered. Is it OK to leave them out?
    We were told to put fuchias in the shed for the winter, this we did, admittedly forgot all about it and took it out in the spring to find it completely brown and it never recovered. Is it OK to leave them out?
    We were told to put fuchias in the shed for the winter, this we did, admittedly forgot all about it and took it out in the spring to find it completely brown and it never recovered. Is it OK to...
  11. Aesculus

    Spacing plants before planting?

    As well as horticultural and aesthetic reasons for spacing. Don't forget cost. A farmers primary consideration is his return, even if that means the plants are so close together that individually...
    As well as horticultural and aesthetic reasons for spacing. Don't forget cost. A farmers primary consideration is his return, even if that means the plants are so close together that individually they suffer.SpudBristol - I am amazed at that piece of information, I will happily wait for...
    As well as horticultural and aesthetic reasons for spacing. Don't forget cost. A farmers primary consideration is his return, even if that means the plants are so close together that individually they suffer.SpudBristol - I am amazed at that...
    As well as horticultural and aesthetic reasons for spacing. Don't forget cost. A farmers primary consideration is his return, even if that means the plants are so close together that individually...
  12. lelly

    Bush Fuchsia "Charming"

    I have just bought this from a nursery after asking the lady for a Hardy fuchsia which will stay year after year. Can you tell me the best way to plant and look after to ensure this?Thanks
    I have just bought this from a nursery after asking the lady for a Hardy fuchsia which will stay year after year. Can you tell me the best way to plant and look after to ensure this?Thanks
    I have just bought this from a nursery after asking the lady for a Hardy fuchsia which will stay year after year. Can you tell me the best way to plant and look after to ensure this?Thanks
    I have just bought this from a nursery after asking the lady for a Hardy fuchsia which will stay year after year. Can you tell me the best way to plant and look after to ensure this?Thanks
  13. vegmandan

    "Organics" is a con

    Welcome Rajesh :thumb: :) Jatropha sounds an interesting plant. Are you involved in growing it? Is it also suitable as a garden plant in our British climate?
    Welcome Rajesh :thumb: :) Jatropha sounds an interesting plant. Are you involved in growing it? Is it also suitable as a garden plant in our British climate?
    Welcome Rajesh :thumb: :) Jatropha sounds an interesting plant. Are you involved in growing it? Is it also suitable as a garden plant in our British climate?
    Welcome Rajesh :thumb: :) Jatropha sounds an interesting plant. Are you involved in growing it? Is it also suitable as a garden plant in our British climate?
  14. Slinky


    For winter its best to bring it inside as its not hardy, although I know of one which made it through winter in Devon in a sheltered garden.There are a couple of ways of storeage, if you have...
    For winter its best to bring it inside as its not hardy, although I know of one which made it through winter in Devon in a sheltered garden.There are a couple of ways of storeage, if you have a heated greenhouse or conservatory then you can try and keep it going over winter, which can work...
    For winter its best to bring it inside as its not hardy, although I know of one which made it through winter in Devon in a sheltered garden.There are a couple of ways of storeage, if you have a heated greenhouse or conservatory then you can...
    For winter its best to bring it inside as its not hardy, although I know of one which made it through winter in Devon in a sheltered garden.There are a couple of ways of storeage, if you have...
  15. mztrouble

    Front garden, south west facing boarder plants

    A herb border is really wonderful to have along a garden path it was one of the first things I planted in our present garden when we first moved in although I just planted all the herbs into the...
    A herb border is really wonderful to have along a garden path it was one of the first things I planted in our present garden when we first moved in although I just planted all the herbs into the ground and let them wander where ever they liked and this worked out wonderfully well as the border...
    A herb border is really wonderful to have along a garden path it was one of the first things I planted in our present garden when we first moved in although I just planted all the herbs into the ground and let them wander where ever they liked...
    A herb border is really wonderful to have along a garden path it was one of the first things I planted in our present garden when we first moved in although I just planted all the herbs into the...
  16. malcolmathenian

    ginger lily

    I'ts a Hedychium - I think it has yellow/orange flowers and the flowers are very strongly scented - afraid I don't know any more - as it hasn't flowered for me yet!!
    I'ts a Hedychium - I think it has yellow/orange flowers and the flowers are very strongly scented - afraid I don't know any more - as it hasn't flowered for me yet!!
    I'ts a Hedychium - I think it has yellow/orange flowers and the flowers are very strongly scented - afraid I don't know any more - as it hasn't flowered for me yet!!
    I'ts a Hedychium - I think it has yellow/orange flowers and the flowers are very strongly scented - afraid I don't know any more - as it hasn't flowered for me yet!!
  17. pazZie

    landscaping your garden

    Is this an advertisement Pazzie?
    Is this an advertisement Pazzie?
    Is this an advertisement Pazzie?
    Is this an advertisement Pazzie?
  18. Pro Gard


    Both David Austin and Peter Beales list Banksia Lutea, not a cheapy though £15-£16.50 ish. Very early flowering, and only the one flush.
    Both David Austin and Peter Beales list Banksia Lutea, not a cheapy though £15-£16.50 ish. Very early flowering, and only the one flush.
    Both David Austin and Peter Beales list Banksia Lutea, not a cheapy though £15-£16.50 ish. Very early flowering, and only the one flush.
    Both David Austin and Peter Beales list Banksia Lutea, not a cheapy though £15-£16.50 ish. Very early flowering, and only the one flush.
  19. SpringsHere

    Not happy with 'Ena Harkness' !

    Beautiful Rose though, Mike...
    Beautiful Rose though, Mike...
    Beautiful Rose though, Mike...
    Beautiful Rose though, Mike...
  20. John78

    Worms - where do I get them from?

    You can also buy worns online. Wiggly Wigglers, and others sell them online - not just the composting ones either. It will make a huge difference to you raised beds. As everyone has said, the...
    You can also buy worns online. Wiggly Wigglers, and others sell them online - not just the composting ones either. It will make a huge difference to you raised beds. As everyone has said, the worms will find it - but this would certainly be a good boost to get your beds started.
    You can also buy worns online. Wiggly Wigglers, and others sell them online - not just the composting ones either. It will make a huge difference to you raised beds. As everyone has said, the worms will find it - but this would certainly be a...
    You can also buy worns online. Wiggly Wigglers, and others sell them online - not just the composting ones either. It will make a huge difference to you raised beds. As everyone has said, the...

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