General Gardening Discussion

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  1. John78

    Worms - where do I get them from?

    You can also buy worns online. Wiggly Wigglers, and others sell them online - not just the composting ones either. It will make a huge difference to you raised beds. As everyone has said, the...
    You can also buy worns online. Wiggly Wigglers, and others sell them online - not just the composting ones either. It will make a huge difference to you raised beds. As everyone has said, the worms will find it - but this would certainly be a good boost to get your beds started.
    You can also buy worns online. Wiggly Wigglers, and others sell them online - not just the composting ones either. It will make a huge difference to you raised beds. As everyone has said, the worms will find it - but this would certainly be a...
    You can also buy worns online. Wiggly Wigglers, and others sell them online - not just the composting ones either. It will make a huge difference to you raised beds. As everyone has said, the...
  2. scooby-mas

    Help with this plant (picture)

    thanks cookie im going to try and take a cutting soon as the rain stops lol been raining for 2 days now....
    thanks cookie im going to try and take a cutting soon as the rain stops lol been raining for 2 days now....
    thanks cookie im going to try and take a cutting soon as the rain stops lol been raining for 2 days now....
    thanks cookie im going to try and take a cutting soon as the rain stops lol been raining for 2 days now....
  3. malcolmathenian

    More Seeds

    Description Spilanthes oleracea is known as Peek -A- Boo Plant because the flowers are round yellow balls with a red â??eyeâ? on top. In addition to the unique flowers, â??Peek-A-Booâ?? has...
    Description Spilanthes oleracea is known as Peek -A- Boo Plant because the flowers are round yellow balls with a red â??eyeâ? on top. In addition to the unique flowers, â??Peek-A-Booâ?? has attractive bronzy, dark green foliage which is edible. This annual is used in salads because of...
    Description Spilanthes oleracea is known as Peek -A- Boo Plant because the flowers are round yellow balls with a red â??eyeâ? on top. In addition to the unique flowers, â??Peek-A-Booâ?? has attractive bronzy, dark green foliage which is edible....
    Description Spilanthes oleracea is known as Peek -A- Boo Plant because the flowers are round yellow balls with a red â??eyeâ? on top. In addition to the unique flowers, â??Peek-A-Booâ?? has...
  4. humulus

    primula perpetuating ???

    They certainly will not keep dried off. What I do is to split them up into smaller plants now and pot them up in decent potting compost and keep them somewhere shady. Feed with liquid feed every...
    They certainly will not keep dried off. What I do is to split them up into smaller plants now and pot them up in decent potting compost and keep them somewhere shady. Feed with liquid feed every now and then. Then you can plant them out again in autumn.
    They certainly will not keep dried off. What I do is to split them up into smaller plants now and pot them up in decent potting compost and keep them somewhere shady. Feed with liquid feed every now and then. Then you can plant them out again in...
    They certainly will not keep dried off. What I do is to split them up into smaller plants now and pot them up in decent potting compost and keep them somewhere shady. Feed with liquid feed every...
  5. malcolmathenian

    spanish giant!!

    I have now put my plant outside ast the back of the border stil;l in it's pot as it is a bit big for my conservatory now - will have to cut it down in autumn before i bring it back inside .Have...
    I have now put my plant outside ast the back of the border stil;l in it's pot as it is a bit big for my conservatory now - will have to cut it down in autumn before i bring it back inside .Have taken a cutting just in case - anyone had any luck outside with this - It is in a sheltered corner...
    I have now put my plant outside ast the back of the border stil;l in it's pot as it is a bit big for my conservatory now - will have to cut it down in autumn before i bring it back inside .Have taken a cutting just in case - anyone had any...
    I have now put my plant outside ast the back of the border stil;l in it's pot as it is a bit big for my conservatory now - will have to cut it down in autumn before i bring it back inside .Have...
  6. gardenlearner

    where to get autumn bulbs

    Avon Bulbs Autumn catalogue arrived yesterday, oooh, I wish I was rich! But, as Helen said, delivery not till August/September.
    Avon Bulbs Autumn catalogue arrived yesterday, oooh, I wish I was rich! But, as Helen said, delivery not till August/September.
    Avon Bulbs Autumn catalogue arrived yesterday, oooh, I wish I was rich! But, as Helen said, delivery not till August/September.
    Avon Bulbs Autumn catalogue arrived yesterday, oooh, I wish I was rich! But, as Helen said, delivery not till August/September.
  7. Slinky

    Plant/Flower & Shrub Tags

    I have created a spreadsheet on Excel too, with hyperlinks to photographs. My Mum says I'm "anal" lol, but I love it. It's something to do when it's too dark to go out gardening! It mostly...
    I have created a spreadsheet on Excel too, with hyperlinks to photographs. My Mum says I'm "anal" lol, but I love it. It's something to do when it's too dark to go out gardening! It mostly consists of names & colours, then like PeterS said I can look up any further info as when using other...
    I have created a spreadsheet on Excel too, with hyperlinks to photographs. My Mum says I'm "anal" lol, but I love it. It's something to do when it's too dark to go out gardening! It mostly consists of names & colours, then like PeterS said I can...
    I have created a spreadsheet on Excel too, with hyperlinks to photographs. My Mum says I'm "anal" lol, but I love it. It's something to do when it's too dark to go out gardening! It mostly...
  8. Shelby

    Type of Fern (Please Help)

    i didnt think it looked like a boston fern either...
    i didnt think it looked like a boston fern either...
    i didnt think it looked like a boston fern either...
    i didnt think it looked like a boston fern either...
  9. PeterS

    More seeds sown

    Thanks for your plant list Peter - especially the perennials - this will take me some time to look them all up ! I have grown salvia splendens for the last three years so I will try some of the...
    Thanks for your plant list Peter - especially the perennials - this will take me some time to look them all up ! I have grown salvia splendens for the last three years so I will try some of the other varieties you suggested. Thanks again for your help and advice .
    Thanks for your plant list Peter - especially the perennials - this will take me some time to look them all up ! I have grown salvia splendens for the last three years so I will try some of the other varieties you suggested. Thanks again for...
    Thanks for your plant list Peter - especially the perennials - this will take me some time to look them all up ! I have grown salvia splendens for the last three years so I will try some of the...
  10. The Lost Antheus


    I had a young hellebore that struggled last year, had just started to put out new leaves and the whole thing broke off from the roots! Boo hoo! Will stick it in the ground and hope it thinks...
    I had a young hellebore that struggled last year, had just started to put out new leaves and the whole thing broke off from the roots! Boo hoo! Will stick it in the ground and hope it thinks it's a cutting... We have a wind turbine so there are some benefits from all this wind...!
    I had a young hellebore that struggled last year, had just started to put out new leaves and the whole thing broke off from the roots! Boo hoo! Will stick it in the ground and hope it thinks it's a cutting... We have a wind turbine so there...
    I had a young hellebore that struggled last year, had just started to put out new leaves and the whole thing broke off from the roots! Boo hoo! Will stick it in the ground and hope it thinks...
  11. golfer

    winter planting

    Hi Golfer,I usually plant spinach, mustard greens, pak choi and winter radishes outside in september all are fast growing so are usually available to eat over winter.Garlic is also usually...
    Hi Golfer,I usually plant spinach, mustard greens, pak choi and winter radishes outside in september all are fast growing so are usually available to eat over winter.Garlic is also usually planted just before winter for harvest the following year.You can also try cauli and brocolli...
    Hi Golfer,I usually plant spinach, mustard greens, pak choi and winter radishes outside in september all are fast growing so are usually available to eat over winter.Garlic is also usually planted just before winter for harvest the...
    Hi Golfer,I usually plant spinach, mustard greens, pak choi and winter radishes outside in september all are fast growing so are usually available to eat over winter.Garlic is also usually...
  12. lelly


    so do you mean when the flower starts to die and shrivel up?
    so do you mean when the flower starts to die and shrivel up?
    so do you mean when the flower starts to die and shrivel up?
    so do you mean when the flower starts to die and shrivel up?
  13. Freddy


    You should see my meadow. Its very wild but we "manage" thistles and docks. Everyone picks what they do and dont like and we are all different.
    You should see my meadow. Its very wild but we "manage" thistles and docks. Everyone picks what they do and dont like and we are all different.
    You should see my meadow. Its very wild but we "manage" thistles and docks. Everyone picks what they do and dont like and we are all different.
    You should see my meadow. Its very wild but we "manage" thistles and docks. Everyone picks what they do and dont like and we are all different.
  14. Loofah

    Fern seed

    Now that sounds like an effort! OK, best patience & determination head on... Will let you know how it all turns out :)
    Now that sounds like an effort! OK, best patience & determination head on... Will let you know how it all turns out :)
    Now that sounds like an effort! OK, best patience & determination head on... Will let you know how it all turns out :)
    Now that sounds like an effort! OK, best patience & determination head on... Will let you know how it all turns out :)
  15. Loofah

    A trip to the market later...

    Weeeeelll, I'm erring toward Delosperma for the red one now after a quick check of all the suggestions (thanks again). Given its v low maintenance requirements I think I'll stick it in a pot on...
    Weeeeelll, I'm erring toward Delosperma for the red one now after a quick check of all the suggestions (thanks again). Given its v low maintenance requirements I think I'll stick it in a pot on the patio or make it a part of my new stone wall...
    Weeeeelll, I'm erring toward Delosperma for the red one now after a quick check of all the suggestions (thanks again). Given its v low maintenance requirements I think I'll stick it in a pot on the patio or make it a part of my new stone wall...
    Weeeeelll, I'm erring toward Delosperma for the red one now after a quick check of all the suggestions (thanks again). Given its v low maintenance requirements I think I'll stick it in a pot on...
  16. Winnie

    Arum Lillies

    Thank you for your replies! OK Slinky I'll cut them back then. And dear Cookie Monster .. I'll have to look up aliums .... go back to sleep now ;-) zzzz .. zzz ..
    Thank you for your replies! OK Slinky I'll cut them back then. And dear Cookie Monster .. I'll have to look up aliums .... go back to sleep now ;-) zzzz .. zzz ..
    Thank you for your replies! OK Slinky I'll cut them back then. And dear Cookie Monster .. I'll have to look up aliums .... go back to sleep now ;-) zzzz .. zzz ..
    Thank you for your replies! OK Slinky I'll cut them back then. And dear Cookie Monster .. I'll have to look up aliums .... go back to sleep now ;-) zzzz .. zzz ..
  17. Scotkat


    I've reached for the RHS propagation book again and it says there are a couple of options -"cuttings - once new foliage loses its red tinge, take thin nodal greenwood cuttings up to 8cm long....
    I've reached for the RHS propagation book again and it says there are a couple of options -"cuttings - once new foliage loses its red tinge, take thin nodal greenwood cuttings up to 8cm long. Remove tips and retain 4-5 leaves. Reduce larger leaves by half. With hormone rooting compound,...
    I've reached for the RHS propagation book again and it says there are a couple of options -"cuttings - once new foliage loses its red tinge, take thin nodal greenwood cuttings up to 8cm long. Remove tips and retain 4-5 leaves. Reduce larger...
    I've reached for the RHS propagation book again and it says there are a couple of options -"cuttings - once new foliage loses its red tinge, take thin nodal greenwood cuttings up to 8cm long....
  18. Rosiemongrel

    Lots of photos - lots of questions

    Hi David, we can't remember what it is :o. It came from Spinners unusual plants in Boldre near Lymington, Hampshire many years ago. it is definitely not Fiona Sunrise because that has gold...
    Hi David, we can't remember what it is :o. It came from Spinners unusual plants in Boldre near Lymington, Hampshire many years ago. it is definitely not Fiona Sunrise because that has gold leaves. Our one has pink leaves as they open and then they become gold with pink. Once the leaves are...
    Hi David, we can't remember what it is :o. It came from Spinners unusual plants in Boldre near Lymington, Hampshire many years ago. it is definitely not Fiona Sunrise because that has gold leaves. Our one has pink leaves as they open and then...
    Hi David, we can't remember what it is :o. It came from Spinners unusual plants in Boldre near Lymington, Hampshire many years ago. it is definitely not Fiona Sunrise because that has gold...
  19. John78

    Hemerocallis (daylily) - what can I plant with them?

    Thanks, Peter :thumb: Lot's there to consider.
    Thanks, Peter :thumb: Lot's there to consider.
    Thanks, Peter :thumb: Lot's there to consider.
    Thanks, Peter :thumb: Lot's there to consider.
  20. craig

    Front Garden Fencing

    Thanks guys.Very much appreciate your help. It seems going local would be the best option. I'll check the local yellow pages when we move in.craig
    Thanks guys.Very much appreciate your help. It seems going local would be the best option. I'll check the local yellow pages when we move in.craig
    Thanks guys.Very much appreciate your help. It seems going local would be the best option. I'll check the local yellow pages when we move in.craig
    Thanks guys.Very much appreciate your help. It seems going local would be the best option. I'll check the local yellow pages when we move in.craig

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