General Gardening Discussion

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  1. mztrouble


    will sort some out this weekend :-)
    will sort some out this weekend :-)
    will sort some out this weekend :-)
    will sort some out this weekend :-)
  2. Paul West Sussex

    To Late to sow seeds this year?

    just sown my cornflowers straight into the ground last weekend. Cross with myself as I should have done it a month ago but I guess it just means I'll get a later display.
    just sown my cornflowers straight into the ground last weekend. Cross with myself as I should have done it a month ago but I guess it just means I'll get a later display.
    just sown my cornflowers straight into the ground last weekend. Cross with myself as I should have done it a month ago but I guess it just means I'll get a later display.
    just sown my cornflowers straight into the ground last weekend. Cross with myself as I should have done it a month ago but I guess it just means I'll get a later display.
  3. elliegreenwellie

    What is happening to my lovely Spirea?

    Hi Celia, thank you very much for your reply. on closer inspection there was quite a lot of infected brances - I have cut most out. From what I have read it was quite dense with a lot of new...
    Hi Celia, thank you very much for your reply. on closer inspection there was quite a lot of infected brances - I have cut most out. From what I have read it was quite dense with a lot of new growth (serves me right for feeding it - never bothered before) so I think this is the cause. I have...
    Hi Celia, thank you very much for your reply. on closer inspection there was quite a lot of infected brances - I have cut most out. From what I have read it was quite dense with a lot of new growth (serves me right for feeding it - never bothered...
    Hi Celia, thank you very much for your reply. on closer inspection there was quite a lot of infected brances - I have cut most out. From what I have read it was quite dense with a lot of new...
  4. acerhead

    Acer Palmatum Mikawa Yatsabusa

    I bought a very small acer mikawa yatsabusa (about 4 ins high) about 3 years ago. I had it in a pot for 2 years & it didnt grow very well, so last year I transferred into the garden, in a well...
    I bought a very small acer mikawa yatsabusa (about 4 ins high) about 3 years ago. I had it in a pot for 2 years & it didnt grow very well, so last year I transferred into the garden, in a well sheltered shady spot, but it just put on a few leaves & then shed them early. It seems to be doing the...
    I bought a very small acer mikawa yatsabusa (about 4 ins high) about 3 years ago. I had it in a pot for 2 years & it didnt grow very well, so last year I transferred into the garden, in a well sheltered shady spot, but it just put on a few leaves...
    I bought a very small acer mikawa yatsabusa (about 4 ins high) about 3 years ago. I had it in a pot for 2 years & it didnt grow very well, so last year I transferred into the garden, in a well...
  5. Alasdair

    what do i do?

    I would put up the other greenhouse next to the one already there. Presumably you have no other space available for veg? You can still use the greenhouse cold for veg and if necessary put...
    I would put up the other greenhouse next to the one already there. Presumably you have no other space available for veg? You can still use the greenhouse cold for veg and if necessary put shading on it if it gets too warm in there. Then you have space to work in the winter without being...
    I would put up the other greenhouse next to the one already there. Presumably you have no other space available for veg? You can still use the greenhouse cold for veg and if necessary put shading on it if it gets too warm in there. Then you...
    I would put up the other greenhouse next to the one already there. Presumably you have no other space available for veg? You can still use the greenhouse cold for veg and if necessary put...
  6. winkey

    Vibernum Tinus

    Thanks Flinty
    Thanks Flinty
    Thanks Flinty
    Thanks Flinty
  7. JarBax


    The first photo I put on (white and purple) is Adelaide Addison which is a short plant and the flowers look upwards. Can't remember what the second one is. When I get a chance I shall take...
    The first photo I put on (white and purple) is Adelaide Addison which is a short plant and the flowers look upwards. Can't remember what the second one is. When I get a chance I shall take photos of some of the others. Mrs shiney says that we also have some varieties that bloom later. The...
    The first photo I put on (white and purple) is Adelaide Addison which is a short plant and the flowers look upwards. Can't remember what the second one is. When I get a chance I shall take photos of some of the others. Mrs shiney says that we...
    The first photo I put on (white and purple) is Adelaide Addison which is a short plant and the flowers look upwards. Can't remember what the second one is. When I get a chance I shall take...
  8. deb63

    My garden

    Cheers Daz! I have seen your garden, i envy yours, having a natural stream. i watched your video and its looking really lovely. Deb
    Cheers Daz! I have seen your garden, i envy yours, having a natural stream. i watched your video and its looking really lovely. Deb
    Cheers Daz! I have seen your garden, i envy yours, having a natural stream. i watched your video and its looking really lovely. Deb
    Cheers Daz! I have seen your garden, i envy yours, having a natural stream. i watched your video and its looking really lovely. Deb
  9. Liz

    tulips are not my favourite flower...

    ... but I like this one. Came with a special offer [very cheap] of 25 tulips, mostly these parrot tulips. I planted in early March!
    ... but I like this one. Came with a special offer [very cheap] of 25 tulips, mostly these parrot tulips. I planted in early March!
    ... but I like this one. Came with a special offer [very cheap] of 25 tulips, mostly these parrot tulips. I planted in early March!
    ... but I like this one. Came with a special offer [very cheap] of 25 tulips, mostly these parrot tulips. I planted in early March!
  10. trying hard

    Yard Art and Mirrors

    Those are a good idea. Brings a little sunshine to the British summer!
    Those are a good idea. Brings a little sunshine to the British summer!
    Those are a good idea. Brings a little sunshine to the British summer!
    Those are a good idea. Brings a little sunshine to the British summer!
  11. dandilion


    Keep some seeds just in case!
    Keep some seeds just in case!
    Keep some seeds just in case!
    Keep some seeds just in case!
  12. wiseowl

    Out today

    What a lovely photo of a classic rose. It reminded me of an old song I love the lyrics to. I'm just an old fashioned girl at heart. I dedicate this to anyone in love, young or old.Anniversary...
    What a lovely photo of a classic rose. It reminded me of an old song I love the lyrics to. I'm just an old fashioned girl at heart. I dedicate this to anyone in love, young or old.Anniversary WaltzOh, how we danced on the night we were wed we vowed our true love though a word wasn't...
    What a lovely photo of a classic rose. It reminded me of an old song I love the lyrics to. I'm just an old fashioned girl at heart. I dedicate this to anyone in love, young or old.Anniversary WaltzOh, how we danced on the night we were...
    What a lovely photo of a classic rose. It reminded me of an old song I love the lyrics to. I'm just an old fashioned girl at heart. I dedicate this to anyone in love, young or old.Anniversary...
  13. Veg-and-flower-man


    I tend to do most of my cuttings in Autumn, round about September time. They all overwinter in the greenhouse just fine.
    I tend to do most of my cuttings in Autumn, round about September time. They all overwinter in the greenhouse just fine.
    I tend to do most of my cuttings in Autumn, round about September time. They all overwinter in the greenhouse just fine.
    I tend to do most of my cuttings in Autumn, round about September time. They all overwinter in the greenhouse just fine.
  14. pete

    Trachy wagnerianus

    Thank you for this useful post
    Thank you for this useful post
    Thank you for this useful post
    Thank you for this useful post
  15. SpringsHere

    Advice re. ASTILBES please,

    'Ello wilroda, yep - I've got just the place. I have Hostas, Ferns and other shade-lovers in a spot just outside my backdoor. These will add a lovely splash of colour - IF they grow.... They...
    'Ello wilroda, yep - I've got just the place. I have Hostas, Ferns and other shade-lovers in a spot just outside my backdoor. These will add a lovely splash of colour - IF they grow.... They are from Woolies - from £2.99 to £1.00. They look alright though,
    'Ello wilroda, yep - I've got just the place. I have Hostas, Ferns and other shade-lovers in a spot just outside my backdoor. These will add a lovely splash of colour - IF they grow.... They are from Woolies - from £2.99 to £1.00. They look...
    'Ello wilroda, yep - I've got just the place. I have Hostas, Ferns and other shade-lovers in a spot just outside my backdoor. These will add a lovely splash of colour - IF they grow.... They...
  16. wilroda

    Recommended sprinkler please

    Thanks for that - looks interesting but have had problems with Hozelock before and OH says never again!! - has anyone used another make that can recommend?
    Thanks for that - looks interesting but have had problems with Hozelock before and OH says never again!! - has anyone used another make that can recommend?
    Thanks for that - looks interesting but have had problems with Hozelock before and OH says never again!! - has anyone used another make that can recommend?
    Thanks for that - looks interesting but have had problems with Hozelock before and OH says never again!! - has anyone used another make that can recommend?
  17. AnnaF

    Planting out

    AnnaF dont know where you live but we are still getting frost here in Aberdeen cold afternoons, and very cold nights,and I also face the sea so beware:(
    AnnaF dont know where you live but we are still getting frost here in Aberdeen cold afternoons, and very cold nights,and I also face the sea so beware:(
    AnnaF dont know where you live but we are still getting frost here in Aberdeen cold afternoons, and very cold nights,and I also face the sea so beware:(
    AnnaF dont know where you live but we are still getting frost here in Aberdeen cold afternoons, and very cold nights,and I also face the sea so beware:(
  18. returnmack

    Lilac in a shady spot

    Thanks Wilroda - you get these advice symbols saying where plants grow best (ie full sun for a lilac), but the plants don't know that, do they? Sometimes they just thrive wherever...
    Thanks Wilroda - you get these advice symbols saying where plants grow best (ie full sun for a lilac), but the plants don't know that, do they? Sometimes they just thrive wherever...
    Thanks Wilroda - you get these advice symbols saying where plants grow best (ie full sun for a lilac), but the plants don't know that, do they? Sometimes they just thrive wherever...
    Thanks Wilroda - you get these advice symbols saying where plants grow best (ie full sun for a lilac), but the plants don't know that, do they? Sometimes they just thrive wherever...
  19. Dover Dave

    If seeds are so small....

    Its a matter of control!,trying to keep a steady hand while scattering the little things
    Its a matter of control!,trying to keep a steady hand while scattering the little things
    Its a matter of control!,trying to keep a steady hand while scattering the little things
    Its a matter of control!,trying to keep a steady hand while scattering the little things
  20. nickp

    What to plant in between paving gaps?

    Hi all - I've purchased 1000 seeds of creeping thyme - should I put some compost in the cracks and seed them directly?
    Hi all - I've purchased 1000 seeds of creeping thyme - should I put some compost in the cracks and seed them directly?
    Hi all - I've purchased 1000 seeds of creeping thyme - should I put some compost in the cracks and seed them directly?
    Hi all - I've purchased 1000 seeds of creeping thyme - should I put some compost in the cracks and seed them directly?

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