General Gardening Discussion

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  1. freengringers

    Horny Goat Weed

    "According to legend, this property was discovered by a Chinese goat herder who noticed sexual activity in his flock after they ate the weed." - Taken from Wikipedia
    "According to legend, this property was discovered by a Chinese goat herder who noticed sexual activity in his flock after they ate the weed." - Taken from Wikipedia
    "According to legend, this property was discovered by a Chinese goat herder who noticed sexual activity in his flock after they ate the weed." - Taken from Wikipedia
    "According to legend, this property was discovered by a Chinese goat herder who noticed sexual activity in his flock after they ate the weed." - Taken from Wikipedia
  2. anton002


    Anton, have gone through them and I could help with some as identified. I really think you would be better trying to get them local though - because I have sent rooted cuttings through the post...
    Anton, have gone through them and I could help with some as identified. I really think you would be better trying to get them local though - because I have sent rooted cuttings through the post before and they are really hit and miss. Without roots I do not fancy their chances as they would...
    Anton, have gone through them and I could help with some as identified. I really think you would be better trying to get them local though - because I have sent rooted cuttings through the post before and they are really hit and miss. Without...
    Anton, have gone through them and I could help with some as identified. I really think you would be better trying to get them local though - because I have sent rooted cuttings through the post...
  3. Helofadigger

    It's up & running!

    Lol Shiney it's getting better since I ask Bob not to water too much now he asks me if I would like to accompany him to the greenhouse kinda like a date isn't it?:D
    Lol Shiney it's getting better since I ask Bob not to water too much now he asks me if I would like to accompany him to the greenhouse kinda like a date isn't it?:D
    Lol Shiney it's getting better since I ask Bob not to water too much now he asks me if I would like to accompany him to the greenhouse kinda like a date isn't it?:D
    Lol Shiney it's getting better since I ask Bob not to water too much now he asks me if I would like to accompany him to the greenhouse kinda like a date isn't it?:D
  4. anton002


    Hi Anton have you thought of starting any of your list from seed?
    Hi Anton have you thought of starting any of your list from seed?
    Hi Anton have you thought of starting any of your list from seed?
    Hi Anton have you thought of starting any of your list from seed?
  5. scooby-mas

    Bridgemere Gardens Near stoke

    Pal I wonder where they all went to.... maybe the big bog garden in the sky? :D
    Pal I wonder where they all went to.... maybe the big bog garden in the sky? :D
    Pal I wonder where they all went to.... maybe the big bog garden in the sky? :D
    Pal I wonder where they all went to.... maybe the big bog garden in the sky? :D
  6. daisybelle

    Several Qs with pictures

    Some Agapanthus are deciduous, some evergreen, mine is evergreen and dosen't have any flower buds and I wouldn't expect it to yet. Just check now and then for snails resting in the leaves I...
    Some Agapanthus are deciduous, some evergreen, mine is evergreen and dosen't have any flower buds and I wouldn't expect it to yet. Just check now and then for snails resting in the leaves I removed six yesterday. They dislike being disturbed so do not repot annually, they flower best when...
    Some Agapanthus are deciduous, some evergreen, mine is evergreen and dosen't have any flower buds and I wouldn't expect it to yet. Just check now and then for snails resting in the leaves I removed six yesterday. They dislike being disturbed so...
    Some Agapanthus are deciduous, some evergreen, mine is evergreen and dosen't have any flower buds and I wouldn't expect it to yet. Just check now and then for snails resting in the leaves I...
  7. Victoria

    Coffea Arabica

    Well done Mira.:thumb:
    Well done Mira.:thumb:
    Well done Mira.:thumb:
    Well done Mira.:thumb:
  8. carnut

    Russian ( Rushing!!?) Vine

    I agree with Beechleaf. I've used it and it really is effective on everything
    I agree with Beechleaf. I've used it and it really is effective on everything
    I agree with Beechleaf. I've used it and it really is effective on everything
    I agree with Beechleaf. I've used it and it really is effective on everything
  9. Grassy

    Professional gardeners?

    Hi, Being honest its a very physically demanding job, I have a perfect weightlifters physice yet never use the gym! Reliying on hand tools would seriusly limit the work you could undertake and not...
    Hi, Being honest its a very physically demanding job, I have a perfect weightlifters physice yet never use the gym! Reliying on hand tools would seriusly limit the work you could undertake and not be practical.I sudgest you go for desighn, I also recomend you also take a surveing...
    Hi, Being honest its a very physically demanding job, I have a perfect weightlifters physice yet never use the gym! Reliying on hand tools would seriusly limit the work you could undertake and not be practical.I sudgest you go for desighn, I...
    Hi, Being honest its a very physically demanding job, I have a perfect weightlifters physice yet never use the gym! Reliying on hand tools would seriusly limit the work you could undertake and not...
  10. Pernalla

    Fuschia problems :(

    Thanks, will check it out, fingers crossed!P
    Thanks, will check it out, fingers crossed!P
    Thanks, will check it out, fingers crossed!P
    Thanks, will check it out, fingers crossed!P
  11. Jack by the hedge


    No it grows well anywhere I think. I had a large bush in my front garden for years, it grows pretty fast though, and needs clipping, not a nice job. Hence, its not there now. Can be a fire risk,...
    No it grows well anywhere I think. I had a large bush in my front garden for years, it grows pretty fast though, and needs clipping, not a nice job. Hence, its not there now. Can be a fire risk, it burns well. I like Dungy.:thumb:
    No it grows well anywhere I think. I had a large bush in my front garden for years, it grows pretty fast though, and needs clipping, not a nice job. Hence, its not there now. Can be a fire risk, it burns well. I like Dungy.:thumb:
    No it grows well anywhere I think. I had a large bush in my front garden for years, it grows pretty fast though, and needs clipping, not a nice job. Hence, its not there now. Can be a fire risk,...
  12. craig

    Flower Show Sell Offs

    Last day is the best bet. You can haggle the price down cos nobody wants to have to take them all back home. Good luck;)
    Last day is the best bet. You can haggle the price down cos nobody wants to have to take them all back home. Good luck;)
    Last day is the best bet. You can haggle the price down cos nobody wants to have to take them all back home. Good luck;)
    Last day is the best bet. You can haggle the price down cos nobody wants to have to take them all back home. Good luck;)
  13. Aster


    Oh, pete, I am SO JEALOUS. I bought one last year (three stems at 2 metres plus) at a so-so cost and planted it to climb through the Miroporo and then Bob & Co arrived and it got lost and it...
    Oh, pete, I am SO JEALOUS. I bought one last year (three stems at 2 metres plus) at a so-so cost and planted it to climb through the Miroporo and then Bob & Co arrived and it got lost and it was lost .... very sad .... haven't seen it since and we want it because it grows through trees. :)
    Oh, pete, I am SO JEALOUS. I bought one last year (three stems at 2 metres plus) at a so-so cost and planted it to climb through the Miroporo and then Bob & Co arrived and it got lost and it was lost .... very sad .... haven't seen it since...
    Oh, pete, I am SO JEALOUS. I bought one last year (three stems at 2 metres plus) at a so-so cost and planted it to climb through the Miroporo and then Bob & Co arrived and it got lost and it...
  14. Anthony

    Book recommendations.

    Hi everyone.Thanks for the help and recommendations, in particular to Cookie for the link. I got some book deliveries today so my gardening library now looks like ...Garden Plants and...
    Hi everyone.Thanks for the help and recommendations, in particular to Cookie for the link. I got some book deliveries today so my gardening library now looks like ...Garden Plants and Flowers Through The Year. (RHS) What Plant Where. (Roy Lancaster) The Complete How To Be A Gardener....
    Hi everyone.Thanks for the help and recommendations, in particular to Cookie for the link. I got some book deliveries today so my gardening library now looks like ...Garden Plants and Flowers Through The Year. (RHS) What Plant Where....
    Hi everyone.Thanks for the help and recommendations, in particular to Cookie for the link. I got some book deliveries today so my gardening library now looks like ...Garden Plants and...
  15. Tracy Pearman

    Delphiniums anyone?

    I had a few in the garden, but they disappeared. I've grown from seed the first time this year too, thought they were all going to die at one point, it's been touch and go! But they've picked up a...
    I had a few in the garden, but they disappeared. I've grown from seed the first time this year too, thought they were all going to die at one point, it's been touch and go! But they've picked up a bit now. Still too tiny to go in the garden. Beki
    I had a few in the garden, but they disappeared. I've grown from seed the first time this year too, thought they were all going to die at one point, it's been touch and go! But they've picked up a bit now. Still too tiny to go in the garden. Beki
    I had a few in the garden, but they disappeared. I've grown from seed the first time this year too, thought they were all going to die at one point, it's been touch and go! But they've picked up a...
  16. Claire75

    Seed pods (?) on day lily

    We are still working on the photos but Dad's struggling a bit with the technology (he downloaded them, tried to attach them to an email and apparently they'd vanished!).However, he says these...
    We are still working on the photos but Dad's struggling a bit with the technology (he downloaded them, tried to attach them to an email and apparently they'd vanished!).However, he says these "seedheads" (for want of a better term) look a bit like sweetcorn "flowers" or grass seeds.... ...
    We are still working on the photos but Dad's struggling a bit with the technology (he downloaded them, tried to attach them to an email and apparently they'd vanished!).However, he says these "seedheads" (for want of a better term) look a bit...
    We are still working on the photos but Dad's struggling a bit with the technology (he downloaded them, tried to attach them to an email and apparently they'd vanished!).However, he says these...
  17. Tracy Pearman

    Do you have any special favourites?

    i love most perenials but I would really love to grow as many cultivars of delphiniums as possible. (this is a dream though as I'm still only an amateur.)I know Peter loves his Salvias, but...
    i love most perenials but I would really love to grow as many cultivars of delphiniums as possible. (this is a dream though as I'm still only an amateur.)I know Peter loves his Salvias, but are there any other members who have collections of their favourites?
    i love most perenials but I would really love to grow as many cultivars of delphiniums as possible. (this is a dream though as I'm still only an amateur.)I know Peter loves his Salvias, but are there any other members who have collections of...
    i love most perenials but I would really love to grow as many cultivars of delphiniums as possible. (this is a dream though as I'm still only an amateur.)I know Peter loves his Salvias, but...
  18. midge13

    hare proof ?

    My experience is protect the plants trees well. Remember to inspect regularly to make sure plant not being strangled by what ever you use. Cats also help
    My experience is protect the plants trees well. Remember to inspect regularly to make sure plant not being strangled by what ever you use. Cats also help
    My experience is protect the plants trees well. Remember to inspect regularly to make sure plant not being strangled by what ever you use. Cats also help
    My experience is protect the plants trees well. Remember to inspect regularly to make sure plant not being strangled by what ever you use. Cats also help
  19. water-garden

    yard art

    thanks for that, i could not find it
    thanks for that, i could not find it
    thanks for that, i could not find it
    thanks for that, i could not find it
  20. Lyn

    Can anyone tell me what this bug is .

    My cat brings them in regularly at the moment. They seem to facinate him.
    My cat brings them in regularly at the moment. They seem to facinate him.
    My cat brings them in regularly at the moment. They seem to facinate him.
    My cat brings them in regularly at the moment. They seem to facinate him.

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